[New participants have entered the venue. 】

The system's electronic announcement suddenly sounded in Shi Jin's ear.

As the homeowner, of course she could hear it.

Shi Jin frowned, a little confused, what new participants?

In this game, only myself and Shi Yan should be facing each other.

Shi Jin called up the control panel and checked the number of participants on the abandoned city map, only to see that the number in the column that should have been 2 turned into 6.

How did you do it? ?

When she opened the application column, she realized that when Shi Yan agreed to watch the match just now, she didn't pay attention, and even the people who applied for participation agreed, so the system sent them in.

Shi Jin "..." 6
The game has already started, no more kicks can be made.

She could only keep a sullen face and add the four newcomers to the map profile.


Shi Jin raised his eyebrows, whether Jin can come in, or whether he can escape successfully, is uncertain.

The map of the abandoned city is very familiar to An Suyu.

However, although the layout and positioning are the original map, it has been changed a lot, and many criss-crossing lanes and paths have been added on the basis of the original ruins.

The red-haired boy looked flamboyant and reckless. His starting place was an apartment, which was messy and smelled of mold.

An Suyu frowned, and opened the window in disgust, but when he looked down, his eyes widened.

In the narrow alley below the apartment, there were many dead bodies densely piled up.


The abandoned city in the past was just an empty and desolate city, how could it be full of bloody smell like this time.

An Suyu had never seen so many corpses before. Even the battlefield videos only showed the broken limbs of those instruments.

The strong smell of blood invaded his nostrils, causing the innocent boy to quickly close the window, squatting by the wall and retching uncontrollably.

In contrast, the smell of mold is much better than this carrion and blood.

After a little getting used to the musty smell, An Suyu stood up slowly, rubbed his nose, and began to search for substances in the house.

After entering the game map, the rules will automatically pop up into their panel. After reading, the panel will be automatically locked, making it impossible to view the map or other means of information inquiry.

An Suyu's train of thought was the same as Shi Yan's, first look for the map.

Single apartment, things are messed up.

The red-haired boy searched the room for a long time, and finally found a news report.

An Suyu browsed through it briefly. It said that the whole city would be bombed in half a month. Residents were asked to flee to the Siam Bay Bridge as soon as possible.

It just so happens that the rules also require players to flee the city.

He raised his eyebrows, with disdain on his face, and murmured: "It's so simple? Just attach the map to the back?"

An Suyu picked up a broken water pipe in the apartment. It was quite heavy, but with the strength of a young man, it was as light as a feather.

The kitchen knife was broken, chipped and rusty, not as useful as this water pipe.

There is still some moldy food in the room. In the game, the physiological reactions of the characters will be the same as in the real world. An Suyu will feel hungry, but the boy will not eat those things at all. He didn't even look at them and turned around left the apartment.

Blood was also splattered in the corridor, and the disgusting smell was too strong. An Suyu frowned the whole time, his face full of disgust.

The elevator is no longer usable, only the stairs.

The boy stood in front of the elevator and followed the instructions to the innermost safe passage.

Along the way, there were corpses scattered all over the place, with different postures, some piled up, some twisted. What caught An Suyu's attention the most was the strange bite marks on these corpses.

He stood in front of a disfigured corpse that had been bitten, squatted down suspiciously, and took a closer look.

Those bite marks are not like the sharp and sharp teeth of a wolfhound.

Limbs and white bones were exposed, half of the neck was bloody, the clothes were tattered, and there was a stench.

— Has anyone ever eaten a body?

Could it be the monster called a zombie in the game?

While the young man was meditating, the sound of objects moving suddenly came from behind him, as if something was moving slowly.

An Suyu's eyes froze, his eyes vigilant, he clenched the water pipe in his hand, and looked back suddenly!
However, in the next second, the boy's eyes widened in horror!

In the long corridor shrouded in faint blue and dark green.

It kept making bones dislocation and moving, as well as low roars that were almost like monsters.

Those corpses that should have fallen to the ground, in the eyes of the young man, gradually stood up in an extremely distorted and terrifying posture.

The soft body is supported by those thin leg bones, like a shell without a soul.

The closed eyes opened, revealing the pair of cloudy and hideous pupils under the rotten eyelids.

The carrion fell from the corpse to the ground, and rotted instantly when it hit the ground.

After the muddle-headed body stood firm, he slowly turned his head.

The neck was mechanically stiff, and the bones made a cracking sound.

Those corpses that were lying on the ground silently a second ago slowly got up in less than a few seconds, staring at the boy squatting at the entrance of the corridor with their gray and cloudy pupils.

At this moment, everything became gloomy in An Suyu's sight.

The hand he was holding tightly to the water pipe suddenly became weak and weak, as if he couldn't use any strength.

Breathing seemed to stop at this moment.

Even though his brain was cleansing and urging his body to move, he ran for his life, but the boy's legs seemed to be unconscious, out of touch with his body, and he couldn't move an inch no matter what!
It wasn't until the corpse next to him showed faint traces of rising, that An Suyu finally came to his senses, stood up covered in cold sweat and frightened, and hit the corpse hard on the head with a water hose, knocking its head to the ground. separate!

"What is this!!"

He vented his fear with a broken cry.

Pupils shrank sharply, trembling uncontrollably.

Is this the so-called zombie? ! !
It's too infiltrating! !
An Suyu didn't hesitate any longer, just as the zombies were rushing towards him, the boy turned and hid in the corridor, closed the door at the top of the stairs, blocked it with a chain, and then quickly fled downstairs.

The hand holding the water pipe was also covered with sweat and became a little slippery.

Obviously, I have seen all kinds of monsters in the star network illustration book, bloodthirsty vines, long-limbed savages, fangs and corpse pigs...

But it was still not as frightening and shocking as the terrifying zombie transformed from a human being.

Probably the so-called uncanny valley effect.

Once it is similar to human beings, it will produce an absolutely terrifying feeling.

An Suyu fled downstairs, the sky outside was gray for a while, dust and smoke were everywhere, and it was extremely desolate.

The situation outside was not much better than inside the apartment. He swallowed, and the disdain and wantonness he had just entered the game had long since disappeared in his eyes.

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