Four viewing angles have been newly added to the big screen in the square.

Including Shiyan, there are five in total.

Only then did someone finally react——

"Wait! So it's that A-level boss who is giving special training to Kervey members?!"

"Ah, is this the case?? When did they hook up with the boss, do the four people from the Rainforest Exploration Department know?"

"Boss: 'Your Rainforest Exploration Department don't send any more communications, I'm afraid Kervey will misunderstand'."


All five Kerveys have entered this map, but each of them has a different birth point.

Shi Jin is the owner of the house, and she is not on the map. She temporarily stays in the observation room where the team PVP members were sent to after being eliminated.

She doesn't plan to participate in this game mission. After all, it was just to help Xiaoyan train at first, so anything that happens on this map has to be resolved by the girl herself, unless it is some crisis beyond control, but in Xingwang In the virtual environment of the training ground, that probability seems to be zero.

The blue-ray electronic screen is divided into five parts, and everyone can see it from a third-person perspective, including the barrage in the lower left corner.

So when the phrase "So that A-level boss is giving special training to Kervey?" appeared in Shi Jin's field of vision, Shi Jin suddenly showed a disgusted expression, as if he had eaten a fly.

Special training? ? ?

——Don't come to rub, don't get involved.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't kick people after the game started, she would have kicked those four guys out a long time ago!
Unable to use mechs, fighting is purely based on physical ability.

— just a novel rule.

Although it's not like they haven't fought each other before, it's the first time that they have fought purely physically against monsters.

At first, the students watching the battle in the square were excited and looking forward to the application of the new rules.

However, it wasn't until he saw the real and exact appearance of the monster named "Zombie" in An Suyu's perspective.

All the excitement and anticipation were instantly replaced by horror.


"That a zombie?"

"The corpse can still stand up after death?! What kind of monster is this?! Immortal body??"

"No, look carefully. After An Suyu knocked off that guy's head, it couldn't stand up anymore. It seems that the weak point is the head!"

"This monster is too disgusting... I can smell the rotten smell from the dead body through the screen."

The barrage chat was hot.

An Suyu couldn't see it.

After escaping from the apartment, there are also zombies walking on the street.

However, the movements of these guys are not sensitive, walking wobbly, as if the bones are struggling to support the movement of the body.

Their speed is also very slow, and it is difficult for the fastest one to catch up with An Suyu.

The boy's initial fear of seeing such monsters for the first time began to gradually dissipate after gradually discovering their weaknesses and characteristics.

An Suyu turned his wrist, and returned to his original flamboyant expression, as if the person who was scared pale in the corridor just now was not him at all.

The young man looked around, and after finishing off those zombies who wanted to get close to him, he pondered: "How about... go meet up with your friends first?"

In this deserted city where no one lives, it is better to act as a team.

This idea seems to coincide with the other person.

Shi Zhu pushed his glasses, even though several zombies whose heads had been cut off fell down in front of him, his uniform was still clean and tidy, without any trace of mess.

The boy was holding a wooden stick, and a sharp dagger was tightly tied to the front end with a steel wire.

His birth point is a grocery store, the shutter door is half open, and there are occasional zombies walking around outside.

At the time, the panel was opened, but even if it was opened, it was in a red state, which meant that the panel was locked and could not be used.

His eyes remained unchanged, his pupils were dark and calm.

It seems that the rules must be followed.

There are also many gadgets in the grocery store, those you have seen and haven't seen, and those you can only guess the purpose of.

These things are exquisitely crafted, and they look backward, but they always give people a very ingenious feeling.

After all, he couldn't take these things away, so he could only pick some that seemed useful.

The boy collected a lighter, took another rubber cord, tied up the ends of his hair, and made a small knot.

There is also an old-fashioned radio here, and some signals can be vaguely caught after the antenna is pulled out.

After all, he had never seen such a thing, but his intuition told himself that it might be useful in the future.

Newspapers piled up outside the grocery store, most stained with blood and some tattered.

After searching for a few minutes, he finally found a relatively complete map.

This newspaper seems to have been dropped over the city by someone from a spaceship, so it is everywhere and extremely messy.

After roughly looking at the map, Shi Jing was not in a hurry to rush towards the direction of the bridge.

——You have to meet up with your companions first.

The birth point of the abandoned city is actually not completely random, but randomized by players at several inherent points.

According to the map, Shi Zhu determined his location and the birth point of his closest companion.

It's just that I don't know if the companions there will leave before him.

If you leave, it is very likely that you will walk towards the direction of the Siam Gulf Bridge.

The young man lowered his eyes and analyzed the map. According to calculations, he finally determined a certain point——the determined point was the only way for the companion to go to the bridge.

If you walk there now, at a slightly faster speed, then there is an 80.00% chance of meeting that partner.

The remaining 20.00% is due to the other party changing the alleyway midway, intersecting with him, or encountering some minor troubles and delaying.

But Shi Jing is not worried, if he fails to meet within the calculated time, he will leave and never stay too long.

The thinking was clear and clear. After completing the analysis, the boy turned around and moved towards the determined direction.

"...Why did Shi go this way? Obviously, according to the map, it would be faster to go southeast."

In the square, there were endless discussions.

"Another way of thinking, when looking at this kind of data analysis emperor, he will always weigh the pros and cons. He must have his own reasons for going there!"

At that time, An Suyu was already on his way.

Shi Jin turned his head, and his eyes fell on Shi Yan's spectator screen.

The girl hadn't found the weapon in her hand, and the two corpses in the vehicle had slowly stood up behind her.

When Shi Yan heard the movement, she looked back vigilantly.

She turned pale for a moment, as if she was shocked by the zombie she saw for the first time.

But Shi Yan was not as shocked as An Suyu for a long time, she quickly reacted, narrowed her eyes slightly, rushed forward with a cold and serious expression, and kicked one of the zombies to the ground with a roundabout kick!
However, the felled guy stood up quickly, and the two monsters roared and approached Shi Yan again.

They staggered and walked crookedly, Shi Yan stood in place, a few gleams of light flashed in his eyes.

——It seems that this thing has no fighting ability.

But even if they are knocked down again and again, they will still stand up.

Gradually, Shi Yan lost his patience.

She suddenly kicked one of them's head off with a ruthless hand.

The head rolled to the ground, and the guy finally fell down completely, and there was no more movement.

Shi Yan was taken aback, and suddenly understood—their weakness turned out to be in the head.

Shi Jin: This is Xiaoyan's training match, unless it is some crisis beyond control, otherwise I will not enter.

But if there are no accidents, there will be accidents.

——Well, give Interstellar a little unarmed zombie shock.

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