Ling Shuang chopped off the head of the nearby zombie with an axe.

After Xie Yinci used an iron rod to finish off the remaining two zombies in front of her, she was temporarily relieved.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked.

Ling Shuang nodded, her voice was a little hoarse: "Yes."

Those broken limbs and putrefaction filled her nasal cavity, but she didn't show much discomfort, only a little bit surprised after seeing the zombie for the first time.

The iron stick in Xie Yinci's hand was stained with blood, and the boy's pupils were pitch black. He raised his hand to wipe off the dark red condensed crystals splashed on his cheeks, without changing his face.

"Tired from walking all the way?" Xie Yinci asked.

Ling Shuang pursed her lips: "It's okay, but I think I'm looking for you, no matter how scared I am, I can persevere."

After the words fell, one hand stroked her head.

Ling Shuang was startled, and looked up.

The young man in front of him had soft eyes, slightly hooked lips, and said apologetically, "Thanks for your hard work."

"..." The girl nodded, and her voice became more muffled: "Although this scene is nothing, it still makes people uncomfortable, even if it's just in the game."

"It's okay." Xie Yinci comforted her: "I've seen many of them before, haven't you all come here?"

The distance between Ling Shuang and Xie Yinci is not far.

They have played the map of the abandoned city no less than a hundred times, so the control of the birth point is very precise, and they can rendezvous with their companions in a short time.

"The mission requirement is to escape from this city." Xie Yinci took out the newspaper hidden in his clothes and said, "On the road ahead, we must be inseparable."

Ling Shuang asked: "Would you like to meet them when you're not with An Suyu?"

Xie Yinci shook his head: "There is no need for this. The current resources cannot support us to find them. Zombies are impossible to be so simple. They may be like aliens. They are fragile in their initial form, but they can evolve into extraordinary abilities in the later stage. , so it's better to leave as soon as possible."

"I understand." Ling Shuang said.

"I'm so addicted to can I watch a live broadcast and get sacked."

The voices of discussions on the big screen in the square are still mixed.

Shi Jin looked at a few of them, and his eyes fell on the live broadcast room of Xie Yinci and Ling Shuang. Without exception, they were all addicted to CP.

After the two meet, the separate live programs will be merged into one until they separate again, so now they are basically in the same frame.

All kinds of CPs are used in the barrage, and the speed of swipe posts is so fast that it is difficult for human eyes to catch them.

Shi Jin felt that the barrage didn't seem to have much nutrition.

But Ling Shuang was really beyond her expectation.

Even Xiao Yan turned pale for a while after seeing that rotten zombie for the first time, but Ling Shuang didn't show much facial reaction from the beginning to the end.

In the pile of corpses, surrounded by flies.

When the stench came, she just frowned slightly, then crawled out from the pile of dead people, and picked up a blood-stained ax and the map marked with the escape point beside a corpse.

Ling Shuang's heart is stronger than what she imagined before.

The girls in the college are like extremely arrogant peacocks, they have contempt and disdain for everyone, including the Jiang brothers and sisters.

Even Shi Jiu Chulian, who is also in the student union, doesn't necessarily have a lot of respect for her, and sometimes she is quite hysterical when insulted.

Shi Jin originally thought that she was just a spoiled and spoiled young lady, but he didn't expect her psychological endurance to be so strong.

Many students couldn't bear the impact of zombies through the screen. Ling Shuang was in the middle of a pile of dead people, and she was extremely calm. She was really different from the arrogant and arrogant young lady in ordinary times.

Xie Yinci's analysis is correct.

Zombies do evolve over time as well.

They have evolved from cannibalism to mutual cannibalism, and their abilities are getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

The entire game lasted for three days, Shi Jin calculated, according to the speed of time loss in the Xingwang training ground, three days, at least until seven o'clock tomorrow morning.

But fortunately, tomorrow is Sunday, so even if it is all night, I can still get back my sleep during the day.

Interstellar people don't have any diurnal effects, their bodies don't care about those things at all.

Shi Jin set three evolutions, one each night tonight, and the final evolution was completed on the third night, and at dawn on the fourth day, it was the duel between the last survivors and the zombie king.

Since it is unarmed, the zombies are not given too special abilities.

The Zombie King on Earth is basically a combination of all abilities, such as electricity, fire, water, etc. Elemental abilities can be used by it, so it is extremely difficult to deal with.

Here, Shi Jin lowered the difficulty and only improved the zombie's physical fitness. After all, Xiaoyan was trained for this.

Her eyes fell back on Shiyan.

The girl has found a working motorcycle.

Shi Yan straddled it, and with a motorcycle, it was much more convenient to travel later.

This is the first time she has seen this kind of transportation, but the system will explain it in due course.

But the motorcycle doesn't have much oil, so Shiyan has to find a gas station.

The sound of the engine was very obvious in this silent abandoned city, Shi Yan frowned slightly, at the moment when the sound sounded, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

Those zombies—can you hear voices?

As if to verify the girl's guess in an instant, the next second she started the motorcycle, scattered zombies poked their heads out from the alleys on both sides of the empty street in front of her, turning the doll's mechanical neck, and using a pair of The muddy and ferocious pupils stared at the girl on the main road.

Shi Yan's hand holding the handle tightly.

It's just a few scattered ones, they can't catch up with the motorcycle at all at their speed.

However, the number of zombies poking out their heads suddenly increased, and even in front of the road, there was a faint body swaying from side to side quickly approaching her.

Shi Yan was taken aback!
Noisy growls fell into both ears.

The sound of chaotic footsteps also came continuously.

The earth seemed to be trembling slightly because of this huge lineup!
She widened her eyes, who would have expected that just the sound of a motorcycle's engine would attract a group of zombies in a short period of time!

Those guys piled on top of each other, as if there was only food in front of them, and no companions. They were crowded together like a group of microorganisms crawling over cetacean carcasses, so dense that the human scalp felt numb.

Isn't Shiyan hesitating now that the motorcycle has started, why not take this opportunity to get rid of these guys first!

She turned around on the motorcycle and rushed towards another direction with fewer zombies.

There is also a small road leading to the cross-sea bridge in that direction, but it is more intertwined and complicated.

The motorcycle was running out of gas, and Shi Yan found the nearest gas station according to the map, but she was very pressed for time and had to finish it before the group of zombies arrived.

Smoke never seen before at an old-fashioned gas station.

She glanced quickly at the manual on the side of the oil machine, then put the grease gun in.

A zombie approached by his side, Shi Yan turned around and kicked his fragile head off his neck!

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