The chase was fierce and tense.

Of course, it is extremely exciting for some people.

An Suyu was woken up by a rustling sound in the middle of the night.

His mind is in a state of doze, and any disturbance can make the boy open his eyes in an instant.

An Suyu held his breath, his eyes were deep and sharp in the night.

The young man leaned against the door panel of the warehouse, quietly listening to the movement from outside the door.

Footsteps mixed with growls.

There should be zombies entering the convenience store.

An Suyu raised his eyebrows, not paying much attention.

Guys like these who look weak and move slowly are not really a threat.

The boy was about to close his eyes when there was a small knocking sound on the door panel behind him.


The voice was sudden and short.

It seemed that something hit it by mistake.

Just for a moment, it doesn't really worry people too much.

But then.

The impact sound became more and more clear!
An Suyu had to be vigilant.


The goal of the monster outside the door seems clear.

The young man gritted his teeth slightly, clenched the water pipe in his hand, and put his hand on the doorknob of the warehouse, ready to open the door in an instant and kill him with one blow!

But just when he was about to strike, a sharp claw pierced through the wooden door faster than him!

That sharp claw was sharp and long, black, like a zombie, An Suyu's eyes widened, his heart seemed to stop beating in an instant, and even his breathing stopped for a moment.

With the gap, the human breath became more obvious, and the zombies rioted more and more, letting out low growls, trying to break through the gate.

Through the hole, An Suyu clearly saw the appearance of the zombies outside.

It was an adult male zombie with a strong body. He might have been a fitness instructor during his lifetime. He was full of tendons and looked very powerful.

His eyeballs were bulging, and half of his face was bitten by something, which caused one eyeball to pop out, and was hung by the side of his cheek by a strip of meat. The other was also like a big-eyed goldfish, bulging, and almost left the eye socket.

The monster's hair was sparse, and it was terrifying. An Suyu had seen many zombies along the way, but he was still so frightened by this guy that his palms were sweating.

The commotion had already been caused, and he knew that he was destined not to sleep tonight.

If you don't leave here quickly, you will soon attract other zombies.

It's just that the young man really couldn't figure it out, how could this group of slow-moving guys with little insight suddenly find someone in the most inconspicuous warehouse of a convenience store? ?

Based on what?
vision?Or hearing?
But even so, neither is possible.

Because he was in an absolutely closed and dark environment, he could not see visually. He closed his eyes and rested, and he didn't even make a sound, so hearing can also be ruled out.

In addition to these two, there are three human beings' five senses. Then, the most likely one is the sense of smell.

An Suyu pursed his lips, his pupils trembled slightly - this guy came from the smell!
The young man concentrated his attention, held the water pipe at the moment the warehouse door was broken by the zombies, and used 100% of his strength to hit the pipe down!

Fortunately, the zombie's head was tilted by him, and the whole body fell backward.

With the sound of landing, the shadows of zombies on the street outside floated closer and closer.

An Suyu knew that he couldn't stay here any longer.

The boy ran out of the convenience store without hesitation.

Sure enough, the scattered zombies on the street began to run towards him, attracted by the sound and smell.

But unlike during the day, their speed has increased.

The street is illuminated by the cold moonlight, which seems to dye everything pale, and the atmosphere is eerie and treacherous, full of dangers.

——It's so fucking exciting.

This was the first sentence An Suyu thought of after he ran out.

The fear is real, and so is the excitement.

This game became more interesting. If the zombies were just slow-moving corpse monsters like in the daytime, then An Suyu might still find it boring.

Interesting, really interesting.

He pursed his lips, and a gleam of interest flashed across his eyes.

Then—run away.

Wrong guess.

There is not a family of three in the house at all, but a family of four.

Shi Jiu looked at the corpse of the zombie he had just killed on the ground, and pushed his glasses expressionlessly.

There was another guy who hid in the closet with his eyes closed until the smell of humans coming in woke him up.

This is an old zombie, the mutation caused by scratching the back of the hand with a sharp claw.

The boy rested his eyes on the beanbag sofa, but was awakened by the sound of the closet opening and closing in the bedroom.

The old zombie was roaring with saliva in its throat, its eyeballs were bloodshot, staring straight at the boy who was beating him on the sofa, and then it rushed over.

But Shi Zhu had already woken up when it made a movement.

As soon as the dagger goes down, it also loses its movement.

There was an unpleasant rancid smell coming from the house. After the closet was opened, the smell continued.

Shi Jue frowned, and directly lifted the beanbag sofa to another bedroom to continue resting.

This night of one evolution, he was probably the only one getting enough sleep.

"I'll go! As expected of time research, you really know how to choose a place!"

The plaza started chattering again.

"Hahaha laughed to death, the other four are running for their lives, only Shi Jue is sleeping!"

"Shi Ju: 'As long as you choose a good place, you can close your eyes and sleep till you're full'!"

"But in this way, is he also the only one who didn't notice the changes in the zombies?"

"What does it matter? When we set off tomorrow morning, if we encounter zombies on the road, we will find them sooner or later!"

This is true.

The evolution of the elderly zombies is not obvious for the time being.

Soon it will be dawn.

The time in the game is inconsistent with the time in the square. The students only watched it for ten minutes, but in the game, one night has passed.

Shi Yan was riding a motorcycle, getting closer to the Siam Bay Bridge. She didn't rest, and was on the road all night. Although the speed of the motorcycle was able to throw off the chasing zombies, it attracted new zombies. cycle.

Therefore, Shiyan could only keep moving forward, and quickly used up all the newly added fuel. In one night, he ran about another [-] kilometers.

The motorcycle was out of gas and couldn't move forward, and there was no gas station nearby, so it was basically scrapped.

Shi Yan decisively abandoned the vehicle, and ran forward with the shovel gripped tightly.

The first light of dawn shines on the high-rise buildings in the abandoned city, and the glass on the exterior of those office buildings shines a light orange.

But one's physical strength will eventually come to an end, and the feeling of hunger and thirst comes one after another. Shi Yan pursed her lips, and after fleeing into an alley and temporarily getting rid of the zombies behind her, she planned to find some food.

The alleys are full of old doors, crooked, and the walls outside are also stained with blood.

Holding a weapon, she quietly entered a house. Fortunately, there was only a single room inside, and the furniture was clearly displayed, and there were no zombies.

There was still some water in the kettle, and although it smelled of damp, it was better now than nothing.

Shi Yan held her breath, raised her head and drank some, the cold water finally relieved her thirst, and she even found some expired biscuits.

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