A little ease can make people relax.

Shiyan has never been that kind of greedy person.

After replenishing her strength briefly, she found two kitchen knives in the room.

The kitchen knife was a bit rough, but there was a whetstone next to the cutting board. Shi Yan sharpened it, then picked up the shovel, broke off the connection between the shovel and the wooden stick, and tied the kitchen knife with the wire found in the box under the bed go up.

The other was tied to the other end of the wooden stick by the girl, and Shi Yan held the middle position. The weapon was a bit heavier, but it was still extremely light for her.

During the half an hour of staying, some zombies that smelled the smell were slowly approaching.

After fleeing for this period of time, Shi Yan roughly grasped the changes of these zombies.

When they don't see humans, their movements are still slow, but after confirming the existence of humans, their physical strength and speed will become faster.

Shi Yan left the house in the alley and continued to follow the direction marked on the map.

Without the means of transportation, the speed has dropped by several percent, but she is still No.1, and she will probably be able to reach the Siam Gulf Bridge at dawn the day after tomorrow.

Shi Jin looked at the others, An Suyu was about a day and a half away from his destination, stuck in the dead line of bombing the city and escaped, and he didn't know if he could successfully cross the sea.

Xie Yinci and Ling Shuang supported each other, and the journey went relatively smoothly. Shi Jie rested all night and was full of energy. He pushed his glasses, looked at the map in his hand, and continued on the road.

Overall, the first stage of the game was not difficult for them, except that four of them were slightly mentally ill.

There was a lot of voices in the square, and some students also had a strong interest in this map, clamoring and hoping that the owner of the house would make the map public, even if there was a fee, they also wanted to go in and play.

When Shi Jin saw this barrage, his eyes lit up.

If it is really public, and she uses the charging model to play for others, maybe she can make a lot of money directly from this picture.

After graduating from college, she will go on a trip, and the expenses will definitely be quite a lot, so there is nothing wrong with accumulating a little wealth for herself now.

Thanks buddy.

She sincerely thanked that barrage, which gave her a way to make a fortune.

Another day ends.

The travel speed of interstellar people is much faster than that of earth people.

In order to pilot the mechs, they started physical fitness training from an early age, so even if they were busy all day, their bodies would not be panting at night.

It's been windy tonight.

The wind was howling, and there was a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come.

Thick black clouds covered the sky, layers of collision and friction made bursts of thunder.

There is no peace before the storm, or the human heart is not calm.

At present, everything is going smoothly, Shi Yan intentionally controls the loss of physical strength, she is already hungry and thirsty, unable to continue her journey, so she finds a hidden alley, sits down against the wall in the corner, and rests temporarily.

The walls of the alley were not high, so if a zombie approached, she could climb up and escape in two or three steps.

There is a canopy on the window on the wall, which can just keep out the rain, but the wind is so strong that it can't cover the wind. The cold wind blows on Shi Yan's face. This is the first time he has faced escape since he was a child, even in the game. Never been so embarrassed.

Shi Yan didn't understand what Shi Jin did at first.

An escape game, how to train mecha pilot?
Now she probably understands a little bit.

You can only fight with zombies at close range. In the absence of hot weapons such as laser guns, cold weapons have become the only tool to survive.

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