The real simulation brings people the most accurate feeling.

Even in the game, when Shi Yan was surrounded by a group of zombies several times, he felt a sense of crisis.

That sense of crisis comes from the fear of death and the desire for life.

So she wants to live, so she must break through the self that she could not break through.

But—can it?

"Sister, in my current state, can I do it?"

Even if he didn't get a response, Shi Yan couldn't help asking Shi Jin.

Sure enough, there was no echo in my ears.

Shi Yan took a deep breath, closed his eyes and took a short rest.

Shi Jin heard her question and said, "Not yet."

time is not up yet.

Before gaining the power, she and her parents struggled in the post-zombie world for nearly a month and a half.

This rule was not imagined, but actually happened.

Since she likes to hoard all kinds of snacks and fast food for supper at home, their family's life was barely okay for the first half month.

Instant noodles, puffed food, dried meat, milk tea, milk, and various beverages refrigerated in the refrigerator.

But as time went by, the food became less and less. Although the family was frugal from the beginning, they still gradually bottomed out after half a month.

At that time, the father said: "It's okay, Xiao Jin, your mother and I can go out and find some food. We have a supermarket downstairs. No matter what you say, you can find something to eat."

Shi Jin refused, she insisted on going out with the whole family.

Her father couldn't hold her back, so the three of them were fully armed and groped their way out of the house one morning at dawn.

There are more zombies wandering in the supermarket downstairs.

Fortunately, the food area was very close to the gate, and the zombies moved relatively slowly, so the three of them could always escape home without any danger.

After half a month of being frightened like this, one morning, they went to the supermarket downstairs to look for food.

However, as soon as they arrived downstairs, large quantities of newspapers were scattered from the sky.

The helicopter passed overhead, and they thought they saw hope, but no matter how much the family called for help, those people never had any intention of stopping or saving people. They just wanted to sprinkle newspapers on the city.

Feeling desperate, Shi Jin picked up one with red eyes, and suddenly saw the news that the military was about to seal the city and lock the bridges in order to prevent the spread of the virus. They even planned to blow up the city in order to eliminate the zombies. The survivors of the city left behind an escape route - the Long Bay Bridge.

Shi Jin felt extremely resentful towards them at that moment.

She resented everyone, was in despair and pain, and her hands shaking while holding the newspaper.

Although there is a passage, everyone understands that they have been abandoned.

"...It's okay." Father hugged her and comforted her mother: "It's okay, we still have a car at home, we'll drive it now, half a month, we can catch up, dad will take Xiaojin and mother to escape go!"

Her father is a university professor, he is humble, and Shi Jin has always loved him very much. To her, the existence of her parents is the pillar of her heart, supporting her to live.

"Put this on," said the father.

He hung a silver necklace around Shi Jin's neck, "I specially asked someone to make this three months ago, and I only got it last month. There are three in total, one for each of us, representing a family of three. Give it out on your birthday, but it might be earlier now. If anything happens to me, I will give the necklace to your mother, and if anything happens to my mother, you take it, with yourself and mother's , struggled to escape, escaped from the city."

After hearing this, Shi Jin said angrily: "What nonsense?! We can all get out!"

Her eyes were red and she refused to accept it.

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