Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 101 The Time to Say Goodbye Has Come

Chapter 101 The Time to Say Goodbye Has Come

The roar of the helicopter echoed in my ears.

Zhang Shouquan sat on the helicopter, watching the scene passing by below in silence for a long time.

It can be clearly seen that batches of troops have assembled quickly, set up a series of defense lines along the way, and are ready to decide whether to carry out fire bombing or other tasks according to the instructions of their superiors.

He was on the same helicopter as ten other professionals wearing chemical protective suits, and they also made up their minds to explore that unknown place.

This is a necessary investigation.

No one knows what will happen.

But looking at the non-stop devouring of the black crack, one can understand that there are actually too many hidden dangers and unknowns in this matter.

Therefore, before they left, they all left their last words to avoid such misfortunes as sacrifices.

"The incident of the ax digging into the valley before could still be concealed from the outside world, but now the black cracks in Mount Tai may not be concealed at all."

Zhang Shouquan murmured in a low voice.

Even though he was on the way to the black crack in a helicopter, he couldn't help but think about the series of possible impacts of this incident from the perspective of the head of the Day Searching Bureau and the National Security Bureau.

The first is the eye from heaven.

The movement of their use of the army is so big, the satellites of the countries that pay attention to them should basically pay attention to it, and it will be impossible to hide the black crack in Mount Tai by then.

The second is the need to consider the possible evacuation of the people. If the spread of the black crack cannot be stopped, then the next step is the survival of the surrounding cities and even the entire planet.

After pondering, the helicopter stopped in mid-air.

It is 1.8 kilometers away from the black crack, and it takes half an hour to spread the black crack.

Zhang Shouquan stopped to think, and ordered some people to start rappelling in the name of the captain.

When some people landed with equipment.

These people began to control the equipment, and carried out a series of data monitoring at this distance.

The helicopter, on the other hand, carried the rest of the people forward until it was level with the black crack.

After seeing it with my own eyes and arriving in person, the feeling it brings is completely different.

Zhang Shouquan stared at the black crack, and could feel endless malice approaching, which was stronger than when he just looked at the photos before.

It seems that there is a whole dark and evil world coveting on the other side of the black crack.

In the black crack, nothing can be seen clearly, and those things that are swallowed seem to have entered another world.

The black crack has no suction, and things that touch it will collapse and merge into the black crack.

Trees will turn into debris the moment they are touched, and earth and rocks will turn into dust the moment they are touched.Everything seems to have gone through countless years at the moment of touching the black crack.

Fortunately, the pilot of this helicopter is relatively experienced, and the people in the team are also real elites with tenacious will.

They were only in a trance for a moment amidst the endless malice, and then they all came back to their senses immediately.

After shaking for a moment, the helicopter returned to its normal state.

It took a plane of people across the dark cracks, toward the center of this diffusion, trying to find something.

Maliciousness is shrouded here, and every second of staying will make everyone feel full of pressure, but everyone is gritting their teeth and persevering.

until reaching the center of the black crack.

There are indeed some differences here.

The surrounding area is full of dark cracks that cannot be seen to the bottom, but the center is a piece of intact land.

Vertical half-cut trees stood at the edge of the intact land, and a patch of fresh green grass and moist soil lay within.

Although this intact place only has a space of about ten square meters, it is as dazzling as the only isolated island in the endless dark ocean.

While full of vitality, it is incompatible with the endless darkness of the outside world.

"Reporting to the headquarters, there is a special spot that is not shown in the satellite monitoring. It is located in the center of the dark crack but has not been affected in any way."

"Ask for instructions."

Zhang Shouquan immediately reported.

But there was only a rustle on the communication channel, and they were disconnected from the command room.

Obviously not long ago, the communication channel they regularly reported every 1 minute had no abnormality, but at this moment it suddenly had no effect.

Contemplating, Zhang Shouquan made preparations for the downhill.

The people around were stunned when they saw this: "Captain, don't you need to wait for the command room's order?"

"Time waits for no one, I'll go down and have a look first."

After Zhang Shouquan finished speaking, he decisively jumped down along the rope.

It can be seen from his skillful movements that these years have obviously not been wasted, and he will practice his body and basic skills from time to time.

The random deputy captain didn't say much when he saw this, but silently stopped other members who wanted to keep up.

Although the area below looks easier to approach than the area where the black cracks spread, it is not certain whether it is safe or not.

What's more, in the area of ​​less than ten square meters, there are still half a tree occupying part of it, and only one person is needed to descend quickly for the time being.

If captain Zhang Shouquan takes the lead in everything, then he, the vice captain, has to make calm decisions.

They stayed on top and took out their instruments for detection, and were ready to support Zhang Shouquan at any time. This was the best decision.


After coming down, Zhang Shouquan skillfully took out his pistol, and checked the area less than ten square meters.

A piece of moist soil and fresh grass, half a tree stuck on the edge of this intact land.

Everything here is unobstructed.

Zhang Shouquan did not relax his vigilance, but while looking around from time to time, he squatted down and put on his gloves, then collected some soil and grass and put them into the bag.

Then, he put away the bag and came to the half tree.

If there is anything special and conspicuous about this place, it must be the vertically cut tree in half.

After looking at it with a pistol for a while, Zhang Shouquan took out a new bag, preparing to continue collecting some of the substances on the tree.

But the sudden voice behind him made his movements pause.

"You're not like me at all, but in a way you're the same."

A gentle male voice echoed in his ears.

Zhang Shouquan's eyes also suddenly widened.

He turned around slowly, aiming his gun at the man who made the sound, with a serious face.

The man in front of him had silver hair, and the clothes on his body were not gorgeous, but there was an unexpected sense of nobility when he wore them.

And on the man's chest, there was a symbol that impressed Zhang Shouquan very deeply.

That familiar sun pattern!

It's Yong Zhou!
Zhang Shouquan raised his head quickly, only to see that the helicopter in the sky stopped at an unknown time, and the spinning propeller remained motionless.

The expressions on everyone's faces froze. I don't know if his time has accelerated, or the time of everyone outside has been suspended.

But in short, the support he expected would not come.

After almost a moment of shock, Zhang Shouquan slowly looked away.

Looking at the man with the pattern of eternal day in front of him, there is no surprise on his face, only endless warmth and gentleness.

He understood that the seemingly static world around him was caused by this man.

Therefore, he resolutely put down the meaningless muzzle, and cooperated with the man's previous words: "Am I completely different from you?"

Seeing Zhang Shouquan's reply, the man also slowly opened his mouth to respond.

"I'm a realist and a pessimist."

"Once in a difficult situation, there will be a bad habit of choosing to retreat."

"Keep your strength, retreat again and again. The strength of the organization is preserved because of me, but human beings have suffered pain and suffering because of me."

The man said and shook his head.

His face was full of emotion and embarrassment.

"But you are different."

Then, the man looked at Zhang Shouquan with relief, his eyes full of appreciation.

Hearing this, Zhang Shouquan was silent for a long time.

He probably understood what the man meant by being different.

If it were him, although he would judge the situation, he would not retreat again and again.

He can't think rationally about whether the existence of human beings is more important than everything else, he will only do what he thinks he should do.

Seeing that Zhang Shouquan was silent, the man approached slowly.

While Zhang Shouquan tensed his muscles vigilantly, the man slowly passed by him.

The man looked up at the half tree.

"But fortunately, I still remember the original intention of joining the organization."

"I said why the organization has not fired or punished me who has been retreating and retreating."

"It turns out that the organization knows me better than I do."

The man's words were vague, and Zhang Shouquan frowned, obviously not understanding: "What do you mean?"

The man said without turning his head when he heard the words: "That day, a crack in the abyss reached its limit, forming an ever-expanding entrance to the abyss."

"I thought I would still retreat."

"But this time, I didn't choose to quit."

"After all, if I retreat this time, there is really no way to retreat."

"I used the power of nothing that I just realized to turn the fact that the entrance of the abyss appeared into nothing."

"The price is that I myself fall into nothingness."

The man's tone was understated.

But Zhang Shouquan's pupils widened, shocked by the large amount of information he suddenly learned.

Abyss crack?The entrance to the abyss?
Does the monster that Yong Zhou has been fighting against come from the so-called abyss?
Will the entrance to the abyss continue to expand?Isn't that the black crack that appears now?

What is the power of nothing?Is it a synonym for some kind of extraordinary power?

Too many doubts flashed in his mind, Zhang Shouquan wanted to ask too many things at this moment, but he didn't know how to talk to this man.

There really is a mysterious, ancient, and extraordinary salvation organization that has been dedicated to the world behind the scenes of human history!

a long time.

Zhang Shouquan said in silence: "Excuse me, Yongzhou to the end..."

"What do you think is the meaning of life?"

The man changed from standing facing half a tree to looking back at Zhang Shouquan, interrupting what Zhang Shouquan was about to ask.

Zhang Shouquan was stunned, not knowing what to say.

This question has been discussed by too many people throughout the ages, and there are too many answers.

So he didn't know what to say at the moment.

He wanted to ask more about Yong Zhou.

"I think the meaning of life is to exist."

"As long as it still exists, it must have the meaning of its existence."

"So, I don't want this world that has been guarded by Eternal Day for thousands of years to come to naught."

The man looked away as he spoke, and raised a hand to press on the half tree in front of him.

Suddenly, Zhang Shouquan noticed that the figure of the man seemed to become transparent at some point.

This kind of transparency has been like this since it appeared, but because of some hidden influence, he never noticed it.

"Although I don't know why my dead soul, who has fallen into nothingness for thousands of years, returned, but..."

"I didn't hesitate last time, and I won't this time. This is a choice I have no regrets."

"The time for farewell has come!"

The man's firm words fell slowly.

In the next moment, even though Zhang Shouquan had no spiritual perception ability, he could still feel a soft and silent power slowly radiating out.

This is powerless.

Facts that you don't want to admit can be denied.

In order to erase this entrance to the abyss that was somehow forming, he abandoned all his existence as he did thousands of years ago.

In the past, he abandoned his body, life, creations, achievements, great achievements, and even the traces and memories he left in history to reach the "nothingness" that human beings have never reached.

Today, he throws away the remnant body that returned from nothingness for some reason, and plunges into nothingness with the entrance of the abyss that also returns for some reason.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The half of the tree grew the other half almost instantly, and the vigorous vitality spread out from this intact land.

The cracks around it were so dark that they couldn't be seen clearly, covered by the spreading tender grass and soil, as if it was there in the first place.

The blackened land began to restore vibrant colors in large areas.

The existence like an isolated island in the dark crack is constantly spreading out at this moment.

Devouring the waves of darkness that continued to spread, it was quickly overtaken by this vibrant color.

Everything returns to its original state at this moment, just like it was a thousand years ago.

Everything seemed to be just a dream.

This great dream of the entrance to the abyss taking shape is denied by the man.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the weather is calm.

All the outsiders who resumed their actions stared blankly at the large dark crack that disappeared in an instant and fell into deep thought, not knowing what happened.

On the other hand, Zhang Shouquan stood in front of the complete tree, stroking its rough and dry skin, and sadness welled up in his heart again.

This sadness, as always, welled up in the hearts of everyone around.

Others don't know what's going on.

But Zhang Shouquan, who vaguely understood what Wuzhili meant, knew it.

This is the last thing left by that man in this world.

The sorrow of human beings is seeing off.

Everything else is constantly passing and disappearing.

As the only witness, Zhang Shouquan desperately wanted to leave some traces.

However, the information input into the device is like the memory in his mind, which is constantly blurred with the passage of time.

Zhang Shouquan pressed his fingers on the keyboard, and the input speed gradually slowed down until it stopped.

He forgot what he was doing.

Looking at the blank screen, he was a little confused.

Everything about that man who is like a passerby.

It is gradually falling into nothingness, which is the "nothing" zone that human beings have never reached.

Not long after, Zhang Shouquan raised his head and stared blankly at the helicopter that was slowly landing to pick him up.

Touching the tears in the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.


Did he cry?

(End of this chapter)

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