Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 102 The Meaning of Salvation

Chapter 102 The Meaning of Salvation

Consciousness falls into nothingness.

It's an indescribable feeling.

A man doesn't know how to tell, or it should be said that the thoughts he tells are nothingness.

Everything is "nothing" here.

He, an existence from the realm of "existence", keeps falling here.

In the endless fall, his essence, memory, spirit...everything is being reduced to debris and peeled off continuously.

The memory of saving the world by sacrificing himself twice gradually blurred in the process.

Entities, emotions, and even spirituality, everything is assimilated, consumed, and stripped away in this zone of nothingness, where time has no meaning.

Beside him is the power at the entrance of the abyss, which is also falling into nothingness.

In this regard, he smiled gratifiedly.It's really interesting to think about being able to successfully pull this part of the abyss power to accompany him into nothingness again.

in a trance.

When he looked up he saw a hand.

Using "seeing" to describe it is because he thought that he, who was constantly stripping away his existence, still had vision, but in fact he no longer had vision.

He is not watching, but his intuition that has not completely fallen into nothingness is describing a picture.

It was a delicate hand, it didn't look rough or weather-beaten, but it gave off an unusually strong sense of firmness.

This hand was chasing after him as he fell towards the endless void.

The surroundings are endless nothingness that is somewhat superficial to describe it as darkness, but this hand has not been wiped out even by the surrounding "nothingness".

It was surrounded by brilliant lights, and it followed closely behind him without wavering.

until the next moment.

The hand grabbed his shoulder.

A strong sense of weightlessness filled his whole body. Although he should no longer have a body now, as a mass of constantly worn out spirit, he still felt this feeling.

After the feeling of weightlessness, there is a feeling of being lifted up suddenly.

The man can't tell what it feels like, he only knows that he is "rising" at an extremely fast speed at this moment, constantly moving away from this nowhere.

The man who was supposed to fall and wear away endlessly with that group of abyssal power was now "rising" up by this hand.

Just like the feeling of being hit by a strong wind when running at a high speed, the man also has this feeling in a trance at this moment.

But he knew it wasn't a strong wind.

This is a part of myself that should have fallen into nothingness around me: physical body, spiritual power, memory, merit...

Everything should have been completely returned to nothing, and there is no way to recover it.

But while the man is being pulled by this hand, a time-traveling spectacle is happening in this place where time has no meaning.

Belonging to a part of a man, it is constantly coming back into the face.

All of this was like a strong wind, and the man who "slapped" became more and more sober.

His will continues to be whole and lucid.

Until I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be the next moment, and it seems to be hundreds of years later.

A feeling of being filled with "being" lingers around me.

Air, moisture, spiritual power, matter...

Everything is so full and full.

The surrounding area is no longer a zone of "nothingness", but a rich and wonderful material universe.

The man took a deep breath, feeling unprecedented relaxation, and the feeling of the rest of his life filled his heart.

He looked up to the side.

I saw that I was being carried by a handsome man, and my whole person was in a suspended state, surrounded by the vast and boundless Mount Tai.

The man understood that he was dragged back from the land of nowhere by this man's hand.

Such ability is unheard of.

Even the former lord...wait!
Your Majesty? !
The man suddenly realized something.

"The time for farewell has not yet come."

"Please forgive me, as the leader of the fourth generation, for pulling you back to continue dedicating to mankind."

Chen Sheng looked at the bewildered man, and a mass of pure and stalwart spiritual power emerged from his palm, showing and proving his identity.


There was a questioning expression on the man's face.

"Yes, they are all called leaders now."

"Being a good person, setting an example for others. Walking ahead of everyone like a collar and a sleeve."

As Chen Sheng said, he stroked his collar and sleeves at the man.

Then, both of them fell into silence.

The man is feeling that he will not fall into the indescribable nothingness this time, and he is also feeling the boundless power of the current leader.

The fourth-generation organization has grown even stronger.

At the same time, he is also sorting out his state, feeling whether there is a certain degree of lack and incompleteness in the process of returning from the zone of nothingness in the spirit, memory, and body.

As for Chen Sheng, he looked far away.

At this moment, he stayed within the range of Mount Tai with the man in his arms and did not go far, but the two of them shrouded in special spells would not be discovered.

Looking at the members of the Xunzhou Bureau who were investigating and cleaning up the mess, Chen Sheng fell into deep thought.

Chen Sheng had previously upgraded to level 5 spiritual power and received a lot of good things as rewards.

Among them, the blueprint for making the Abyss Fissure Stabilizer made him decide to use the more secret realm and ruins directly on Mount Tai.

Then, he chose "A Choice Without Regrets: The Time to Say Goodbye" as the background story of the ruins.

But this time, it was obviously different.

It is different from the background story simply told by murals in "Then Become a Spark·We Live To Death".

This time, a person who had sacrificed for the organization appeared.

The man who once bid farewell to the world with the power of "Nothing" and solved the entrance to the abyss reappeared after the ruins of the secret realm were placed.

This time, it was the scene replaying.

There is no fixed scene for this ruin, it just brings back the people who fell into nothingness in the setting.

The entrance to the abyss brought by the man to fall into nothingness returned again, and the man also inexplicably returned to reality together.

This time, the man still made a choice without regrets.

Even though he finally returned to the world of "being" and escaped from the "nothing" zone that was even hellier than hell, he still chose to go back with the entrance of the abyss without hesitation.

Although in fact this man is fictional, his experience is also systematically set based on the background story fabricated by Chen Sheng.

But Chen Sheng, who watched the whole process, was unwilling to think that this man was a fake.

If the man who bid farewell to the world twice is false, then everything else need not be true.

Like Erlang, he is the heroic spirit of Yongzhou and a member of Yongzhou's members.

Silently, thinking of Chen Sheng, who he once crossed the timeline, he vaguely had a bolder idea...

Perhaps, the so-called history of the organization can also be true!

There is undoubtedly one more reason why I want to make the organization practice fakes come true.

Not just trying to protect myself from the doomed abyss, nor just trying to save the world.

Now he still wants these people by his side to truly have the meaning of existence!


In this way, the two people who each had their own concerns were silent for a long time.

It wasn't until the man suddenly opened his mouth that Chen Sheng suddenly came back to his senses.

"Leader, can you let me go?"

The man scratched his head in embarrassment.

At this moment, he was still held by Chen Sheng, looking a little embarrassed.

"Do you remember your name?"

Hearing this, Chen Sheng put the man down, and while staring at Director Zhang Shouju who was undergoing a physical examination in the distance with his hands behind his back, he asked the man beside him.

"This time, the leader's powerful force made a timely move, and my state is not much different from the state before I fell into nothingness."

"However, when I returned to this reality, my remnant soul had been wiped away by nothingness for countless years, leaving only a little essence and memory."

"Even if everything is restored, there is not much left."

The man smiled helplessly.

The meaning in his words is very simple, he has forgotten his name.

As early as when he bid farewell to the world for the first time, his existence has been worn away too much.

This time when he returned, he still had the energy to take the entrance of the abyss with him, thanks to the fact that the entrance of the abyss had been worn down just like him.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Hearing this, Chen Sheng nodded seriously to the man in front of him.

He looked at the records and compilations of the man's avatar in the secret realm and ruins in the system panel.

I was planning to tell him the man's original name.

However, it was interrupted by the man's sudden opening.

"Since you have been reborn, you don't have to miss the past long ago."

"This time I met a man whose heart is full of guarding the lights of thousands of families, so..."

"From today on, I'll simply be called Shoumin."

The man smiled slightly, and gave himself such a name at will.

Hearing this, Chen Sheng was taken aback.

Immediately, he smiled at the guard.

Good keeper.

Not just good meaning.

Even better, it is the kind of doomed in the dark.

Chen Sheng was sure that Shoumin had indeed forgotten most of his past, and he did not remember his name.

But looking at the coincidentally consistent names on the system panel, a feeling of doom came to mind.

Some people are destined to protect the people.

Some people are also destined to become the savior.


Shrugging helplessly, Zhang Shouquan walked out of the temporary medical center.

Although I kept emphasizing that nothing happened, I didn't suffer any injuries at all.

But he still had to undergo a series of various inspections, which included all possible aspects, and took him more than three hours.

Now that the examination was finally completed, he sat at the door of the medical center and read a series of reports sent to him by his subordinates.

First of all, regarding the evacuation of the people, the preliminary preparations have been quietly withdrawn, and everything has been restored to a nonchalant appearance.

As for the black cracks that covered a large area in the boundary of Mount Tai, it has now returned to normal.

After a preliminary inspection by a team of experts, the geological and soil environment here is exactly the same as that of Mount Tai, as if the new flowers, plants and trees here are all native to Mount Tai.

Especially the tree that used to be only half left, now that it is lush and complete, it can't see what it used to be like at all.

But the officials who witnessed everything with their own eyes obviously don't think so. They are collecting samples everywhere, and they are going to send them back to the laboratory for deeper analysis.

Zhang Shouquan had taken samples from that special tree when there was no change, and the expert team flocked to snatch and distribute them.

As for the mysterious man from Yongzhou in the center, Zhang Shouquan has already reported and recorded all the information he knows.

For the first time, the Xunzhou Bureau knew that Yongzhou was probably fighting against something.It's just that just knowing the name Abyss is not detailed enough.

The Day-Xun Bureau also knew for the first time that the Eternal Day, which secretly hides behind human history and protects human beings, may have existed for thousands of years.

This information is all from that man.

Because the mysterious man Shoumin fell into nothingness, Zhang Shouquan should have forgotten all of this, and shouldn't still remember the mysterious man from Yongzhou.

But Zhang Shouquan had a vague impression of everything just now.

A memory of someone racing through his mind.For some reason, it freezes the trend of its passing at this moment.

Although most of the details have been forgotten.

But he understands that everything here is inseparable from that mysterious man.

The situation that was suspected to be the end of the world was reversed in an instant because of that man.

All of this made people feel shocked by Yong Zhou's power.

At the same time, it once again verified the real existence of Yongri. This ancient extraordinary mysterious organization that has existed for an unknown number of years seems to be still operating stably.

Without the official knowledge of the major powers, they are active behind the scenes of human history.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Shouquan couldn't help but fall into deep thought as he looked at the military personnel and Xunday Bureau personnel who were everywhere dealing with follow-up matters.

Next, the situation here basically cannot be hidden from other major countries.

After that, the Xunzhou Bureau was not worried about being degraded. Yong Zhou, who was once again verified as real, made the status and resources of the Xunday Bureau naturally rise with the tide.

It's just that the Day-Xun Bureau is going to be busy again like never before.

The process of dealing with major countries needs to be gone through, and the blockade of the Taishan area by various departments must be implemented immediately.

Finding Yongzhou is not the only purpose of the Day Searching Bureau, they are also responsible for maintaining the stability of everything amidst the possible impact of extraordinary events.

"Eternal day..."

Standing up slowly, Zhang Shouquan looked at the distant Mount Tai and murmured in a low voice.

He had a hunch.

From now on, perhaps because of the so-called abyss, Yongri will become more and more active.

Even one day it will be fully displayed in front of the world.

At that time, what identity should everyone in the whole world have in front of Yongri?
The more he meditated, the more and more thoughts he had in his mind.

The idea in his heart is no longer to simply figure out everything about Yong Zhou.

But gradually I couldn't help but think: If there is such a big enemy as the abyss, how should the whole human beings deal with it?

Zhang Shouquan felt that in the face of the crisis of annihilation, modern humans may need to unite.

And when the time comes, the most suitable organization to lead this community of shared future for mankind will undoubtedly be the eternal day that may become famous all over the world in the future.

Although such a future is still far away, it is still far from the unity of nations.

 Sorry readers, I revised the paper for a day today, and I was really exhausted, so the update is relatively late.

(End of this chapter)

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