Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 108 A hammer that fell from the sky?

Chapter 108 A hammer that fell from the sky?
【Opening the secret realm and ruins】

[Please select a place to place it. 】

"The Europa Zone."

Chen Sheng only pondered for a moment, and then quickly decided on a rough location.

In both America and Asia, he has placed a secret site and ruins, and then he plans to place one in the Europa zone.

Hearing this, the system responded quickly.

[The parameters of the secret realm and ruins cannot be adjusted, and we are randomly weaving a feasible background story for you based on the current organizational personality. 】

[Please choose the background story of the ruins: "The Last Guardian This is all my strength! "】

[It has been detected that there is only one background story left in the first batch of random relics, and we are directly selecting "The Last Guardian·This is all my strength!" for you! "】

【Secret Realm·Relic Placed Successfully! 】

As the words on the system panel flashed.

A stream of light appeared out of nowhere in front of Chen Sheng, and then quickly crossed the sky without making a sound, leaving the headquarters cave directly and arriving at the dawn cave through the gate of the secret realm.

Then the streamer came out of the dawn cave and headed straight for the western part of Norway from the small town of Tromso.

"Good guy, he will take a shortcut."

Chen Sheng murmured in a low voice.

He looked at the far away streamer, although he didn't try to stop it, but he had already carefully checked it with spiritual perception.

Within the streamer is a hammer.

A hammer with a tan wooden handle and a silver body.

Obviously, the secret land and ruins this time are neither murals nor scene reenactments.

But a whole new form.

Chen Sheng is looking forward to this time's secret realm and ruins.

"System, if you place the secret realm and ruins next time, will you change to a new batch of background stories?"

Chen Sheng asked the system like this.

[The background story of the secret realm and ruins has been updated: "Eternal day stands here, only the glory of mankind lasts forever!" ", "If you can only cut, then cut off the disaster! ", "We are willing to stop here. Children chasing the stars! "】

Chen Sheng looked at the panel, his eyes flashed with anticipation.


Western Norway.

On the edge of a magnificent fjord.

Philip rubbed his head, dispelling the helplessness and depression in his heart.

This is Reine.

This small Norwegian fishing village on the Lofoten Islands has blue harbors nestled between fjords and mountains, and many fisherman's huts painted bright red are dotted among them.

Steep and steep mountains surround the blue sea, and Reine lies quietly in the fjord.

On one side, the undulating and steep mountain is its natural barrier, and on the other side is the deep blue sea. It is this kind of protection that makes Reine a peerless and quiet town in the fjords.

It is picturesque, which is the best evaluation of this place.

Naturally, Philip didn't come here for vacation.

The temperate maritime climate can give you a comfortable summer and day, but its frequent cold and rain can't give you a comfortable night.

For a vacation, Philip would choose the more comfortable Mediterranean climate.

Philip drove all the way here today for his social practice assessment.

After serving as the head of the anti-cult organization in the northwest region of the Europa United System, Philip is very busy every day.

Especially after hearing in the chat group that Baitao had quietly taken away a group of abyss believers, Philip became even more busy.

It was very rare to be able to spare time to argue with Hansen a few days ago.

After hearing about the cult organization that might appear in the small town of Reine, he just finished investigating the information clues of a cult nearby, and drove over almost non-stop.

Unfortunately, the result is still nothing.

Most of the so-called cult information and clues are not true.

Not to mention true abyss believers.

Even some ordinary cultists, Philip is in charge of the anti-cult organization in the Northwest Region of the Europa United System these days, and he hasn't encountered many.

It's the same this time.

With Philip's excellent ability, he can roughly confirm that the clues he got this time are still false in just half a day of investigation.

Standing on the edge of the fjord.

Philip couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

"It's best if the norm is calm, isn't it?"

Raven stood on Philip's shoulder, muttering philosophical words.

Hearing this, Philip smiled.

He didn't say much.

Yes, it is best for humans when they are never needed, when they are disbanded forever.

Because that means everything is peaceful, and the development of human beings has not been affected by the abyss.

The sea breeze gently blows on the face.

Philip pondered for a while, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

"Then, keep working!"

After moving his shoulders a few times, Philip turned around and went to the hotel he booked in the small town of Reine to rest for a while.

On the way to the hotel, he couldn't help but stop somewhere.

This is a small farm.

Inside there was a family of Germans raising cattle.

When I passed by here in the past, I could often see the owners of the farm feeding cattle, chopping firewood, mowing grass, lighting fires, and repairing farm buildings.

But today is different.

A large group of people gathered on the farm, squeezing the few cows that should have been grazing into a corner.

In addition to the few Germans who were farmers, there were several neighbors from the next door.

In the middle of the crowd, a car could be vaguely seen slowly backing up.

Philip, who was standing in the distance, couldn't see what happened in the middle through the crowd for a while.

He pondered for a while.

Philip walked towards the crowd.

A woman in the crowd smiled and waved to Philip.

"Aren't you going to dig snails in the fjord today?"

Philip asked as he approached the crowd.

This woman is a tourist who came to Reine, and the hotel she booked is next door to him.In the past few days, whenever Philip went out to investigate, this woman would also go out to pick up snails in the beautiful fjord.

So Philip still has some impressions of this woman.

"Digging snails is not as interesting as watching the excitement, you see."

The woman smiled and pointed to the middle.

And Philip, who was already close to the crowd, turned his gaze to the middle of the crowd at this moment.

In addition to a small pickup truck that was seen in the distance just now, there is also a hammer with its handle facing upwards in the area surrounded by the crowd.

The bright silver thick hammer made Philip, who saw this scene, couldn't help being stunned.

Ah? ? ?
How does this scene have such a strong sense of sight? !
"It is said that when those Germans were mowing the grass not long ago, they heard a loud noise in the yard."

"Then they found this small cracked hole with a hammer that probably fell from the sky."

"We've tried it before, and none of us could lift it."

The woman told Philip what she knew.

These words made Philip couldn't help but feel a stronger sense of sight.

A hammer that fell from the sky?
Who can't lift it up?


"Don't you think this scene looks familiar?"


Philip asked to the woman beside him.

"Of course Thor has seen it."

"Look, the picture of paying homage to Thor is here."

The woman smiled and pointed to the front.

Philip heard the reputation and looked around, only to see that the backwards car had stopped not far from the hammer.

Then, from the car that hadn't turned off, an old man came down with a hemp rope.

This old man, Philip recognized, was the owner of the farm, the owner of the Germans.

As for what the old man was going to do next, Philip also vaguely guessed.

The next moment, the old man tied one end of the rope to the hammer, and the other end was tied directly to the back of the pickup.

After pulling a few times to make sure it is tied.

The old man gestured to the crowd around him.

Seeing this, all the onlookers silently retreated a long distance.

Especially in the direction of the front of the small pickup truck, everyone who watched the excitement consciously dodged away.

In response, the old man nodded in satisfaction, then opened the door and returned to the car.

Then there was the roar of slow refueling.

The old man gradually increased the accelerator, and the tires of the pickup truck were rubbing against the ground and smoking.

But even so, the hammer was completely motionless.

The old man poked his head out of the car window and looked back, only to find that the hammer had stopped in place, and the pickup could not shake it at all.

"Old Mike, you're not doing well."

Someone in the crowd let out a laugh.

The old man frowned when he heard the words, retracted his protruding head, wishing he could step on the gas pedal directly into the fuel tank.

But even if you step on the accelerator like this.

The hammer remained motionless.

Seeing such a scene, Philip had complicated emotions flashing through his heart.

His eyes pointed to the raven on his shoulder.

But the answer he got was that there was no spiritual power on the hammer.

It's really strange that it can be so heavy without spiritual power, and it won't oppress the surrounding terrain because of the high density.

Without waiting for him to continue to think deeply.

The sound of a helicopter sounded, and when I looked up, I saw many helicopters circling not far away.

The sound of neat cars sounded not far away.

Philip looked around and saw several black off-road vehicles slowly approaching.

Dozens of burly men got out of the car and surrounded the spectators faintly.

Looking at the logo of the Extraordinary Research Alliance on these people, Philip just frowned and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Soon, many troops of the Europa United System quickly descended from the helicopter, and quickly spread around and became vigilant.

All the people watching the fun here were asked to leave by the men who had just arrived.

Among them was Philip, who was also taken not far away for identity questioning, and Philip was about to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

But the conversation didn't last long.

An old man familiar to Philip came to him.

"Sorry, although you already know some details related to the extraordinary, but the necessary process still has to go through."

"After all, you are not the relevant person in charge of this extremely high-level confidentiality system, so you should pay attention to it no matter how high your level is."

Hansen smiled and took Philip out of the makeshift interrogation tent.

Along the way, these members of the Extraordinary Research Alliance have set up many temporary camps around. It can be seen that more than a dozen professionals in chemical protective suits have been studying the hammer at close range with various instruments.

"It's okay, the things you are responsible for are very important, and this is understandable."

"However, your actions are really fast."

Philip looked around curiously, and a large area around him was under military control.

He, who was in Reine Town, was only one step ahead of the people from the Extraordinary Research Alliance.

"After all, you also know that our headquarters is in the middle of Norway, and it's really not far from here."

"After hearing about the situation here, I directly contacted the nearby personnel and flew over in a helicopter."

Hansen spoke roughly to the acquaintance in front of him.

Hearing this, Philip nodded.

Philip didn't say anything more, he believed that Hansen would not doubt his purpose of appearing here.

Everything I do is based on my ostensible identity—what the person in charge of an anti-cult organization should do, and I haven't deliberately concealed anything.

He believes that Hansen, who has a high level of authority, has already figured out his recent related matters through the information channel of the Extraordinary Research Alliance.

I really came here for business, and just discovered the hammer by coincidence.

"Do you know anything about the situation here?"

Hansen took Philip to the edge of the small farm, watching a group of professionals in chemical protective suits studying hammers from a distance.

"Not very understanding."

"After investigating and confirming that the clues related to the cult here are false, I am ready to leave."

"But just now, I found a bunch of people watching the hammer."

"What is known so far is that this thing seems to be a bit ridiculously heavy, and even a small pickup can't pull it at all."

Philip said, pointing to the small pickup next to the hammer.

"Is that so..."

"I feel a strong sense of sight."

The corner of Hansen's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but make the exact same complaints as Philip did before.

He's not some stubborn old man.

Although he is old, he can also keep up with the trend of things that young people like.

He has never lost a single Marvel series.

For the classic setting in the classic Thor movie-the hammer falling from the sky.

Don't be too familiar with Hansen.


"My suggestion is to invite people from Marvel to come over for tea first."

Philip didn't know what to say about the situation in front of him, so he complained half jokingly.

Of course, even though he said so.

But for this incident that was suspected to be related to the extraordinary, in fact, he had already contacted the members of Yongzhou, waiting for the decision of the upper management.

"Actually, this is also a method."

Hansen echoed this suggestion in a serious manner.

If there is a big man who calls himself Thor wandering around the neighborhood, if there is a big iron monster rampaging through the town.

Then, after the matter is temporarily settled, he will invite the people from Marvel to have a good tea.

After all, at that level, it's really too much of a coincidence.

As for now, naturally, there is no rush to make a decision for the time being, let's wait for a while to see the research results of the researchers.

During this period, just do a good job of keeping secrets and defending against possible monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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