Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 109 Raise it up and become Thor!

Chapter 109 Raise it up and become Thor!

This farm in the small town of Reine.

The original owners of Germanic origin have already been invited away, and most of the onlookers were evacuated and monitored after signing the confidentiality agreement.

The entire small town of Reine has suspended its opening to the outside world for tourism, and a large area around the farm has been put under martial law, and people from the Extraordinary Research Alliance have deployed layers of surveillance.

Philip, who didn't belong to the Extraordinary Research Alliance, should have left, but driven by his curiosity about the hammer, he didn't move.

It just so happened that Hansen didn't mean to drive him away.

Philip simply stayed here, standing beside Hansen.

"Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, is burly and powerful. He has a pair of leopard eyes and a red beard."

"Defend against the invasion of the frost giant and the giant python Jormungandr in the east all the year round, and defend the homeland of the gods."

Hansen flipped through the Norse mythology storybook that he asked his subordinates to find, and chatted with Philip beside him.

Philip, who is also from Europa, nodded, and he is naturally familiar with the relevant settings in these Nordic myths.

"Do you think this hammer has something to do with Nordic mythology? If there is a relationship, then are the so-called myths in human history and legends actually not simple."

Hansen put down the storybook, with a hint of meaning in his tone.

He started thinking about this problem when he was solving the monster incident in the small town of Tromso.

If an organization with mysterious and supernatural power has been hiding behind the history of mankind, silently fighting against the same superhuman monsters.

So the so-called myths and legends, could it be just a record of the stories of those people?

The masters in the east subdue the demons, the elegant kings in the west pull out the sword in the stone, the hidden continents and legends of monsters in the ocean...

These legends from all over the world may be reflections of real stories, vague records of the so-called truth.

After all, with everything he has encountered so far, it is hard not to let Hansen think in this direction.

"I only know that if it is really related to Norse mythology, it may not be a good thing."

"Thor, God of War, is the image of God of War wherever he goes, and unknown disasters may follow behind him."

Philip frowned and said.

As a member of Eternal Day, Philip understood that what Hansen was thinking about was actually the truth, and behind those myths and legends there was undoubtedly the background of the activities of the members of Eternal Day.

He was thinking more from the perspective of a member of Yongzhou, the threat that this hammer, which is likely to be related to the extraordinary, might bring.

Perhaps, there will be danger soon?
"Indeed, like Odin, Thor is also a god of war."

"The God of War who fights wherever he goes."

Hansen said, turning over the fairy tale book in his hand.

On top of the new two sides are two illustrations.

On the left is Thor holding his hammer high.

On the right is Odin holding a spear.

The father and son, who play a pivotal role in Norse mythology, have a large number of illustrations in this Norse mythology storybook.

When Philip looked at the painting, he couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly.

From Sol's seemingly unusually strong muscle mass, it can be seen that he is brave and combative.

But compared to Sol's illustration, that Odin's illustration caught his attention even more, so much so that his gaze stayed on it all the time.

"What? Have you never seen this illustration?"

"This is the appearance of Odin based on various records in myths and legends."

"The supreme god in Norse mythology, the god king of the Aesir clan. The personification of the sky, the ruler of the world, known as the father of the gods. He is in charge of war, power, wisdom, magic and death."

Hansen explained to Philip.

Philip, on the other hand, was lost in thought while looking at the illustration.

A long white beard, a golden helmet with wings, a black blindfold covering one eye, and a gun Gungnir...

It's all classic Odin imagery.


Looking at the two ravens next to Odin in the illustration, Philip couldn't help thinking about it.

According to rumors, there are two divine crows perched on Odin's shoulders, which symbolize "thought" and "memory" respectively.

They fly all over the world every morning and report back to Odin what they have seen.

He used to not think much about such legends.

But today is different.

Thinking that behind the myths and stories all over the world, there may be Yongzhang's activities, he can't help thinking about the image of such a raven.

You know, as a reserve member of Yongzhou, he also has a raven on his shoulder at the moment, standing there gracefully.

The two ravens that symbolized "thought" and "memory" were actually the ravens allocated by Yong Zhou at that time?

Could it be that... Odin was also a member of a certain generation of Eternal Day?
Or it should be said that members of a certain generation of Yongri were worshiped as god-kings in a myth for a long time.

When Philip couldn't help but keep brainstorming, a burst of bright light brought him back to his senses.

He and Hansen turned their attention to Hammer.

I saw a burst of bright lights of seven colors flickering in front of me, making the people around me unable to open their eyes.

Then, there was thunder just like in the ear.

Philip squinted his eyes, concentrating his spiritual power in them, trying to see something from the strong light.

He could barely see that the strong light came from above the sky, like a rainbow of seven colors falling vertically, shining on everyone.

The next moment, a surge of spiritual power emanated from the hammer and rushed to his face, blowing away the spiritual power in Philip's eyes.

Philip became blind again.

This spiritual power is terrifyingly vast to an outrageous extent.

Philip could only feel this level of outrageous spiritual power from the towering hibiscus tree when he crossed the gate of the secret realm occasionally to deliver materials to the cave of the headquarters.

Although the people around couldn't feel it, Philip was so surprised that he couldn't speak at all.

Because I didn't notice the spiritual power before, I didn't conclude that it was related to the extraordinary.

But now there is no doubt that this is a very serious extraordinary event.

Before he could think about anything, a slight dizziness flashed by, just like Philip felt when he crossed the gate of a secret realm.

Don't wait for him to understand it carefully.

I saw the rainbow-colored glare and thunder dissipate, and the deprived vision and hearing of the surrounding people slowly became clear from the blur.

However, everything nearby has changed drastically.

Philip looked up.

I saw that the farm was no longer around, but a boundless sea and a huge island.

He, Hansen, and several staff members of the Transcendent Research Alliance are currently on a rainbow-colored transparent platform outside the big island.

There are lofty mountains on the island, as well as extremely beautiful lakes and forests.

A tall tree seems to go straight to the sky, and you can't see the end of it even if you look up.

Many small floating islands are located on the big island, beside the giant tree, and there are waterfalls hanging down.

Except that the hammer is still at his feet, everything has changed drastically.

For a moment, Philip didn't know what words to use to describe such a scene.Although it is not as spectacular as Yongri's cave, such a scenery can already be said to be a fairyland on earth.

"The Shaky Way to Heaven!"

Hansen lowered his head a little excitedly, looking at the rainbow-colored transparent platform under his feet and whispering.

This is the name for the rainbow bridge that can teleport across space in Norse mythology.

The researchers who were transported into this magical place together knelt on the ground excitedly and stroked it carefully with their hands.

This is a scene with a strong visual sense.

It was no different from the Rainbow Bridge connecting the nine worlds in Norse mythology. They undoubtedly took the Rainbow Bridge to other places at this moment.

Looking at the excited crowd, Philip seemed calmer.After looking around, he showed a puzzled look.

"We seem to be trapped on this colorful transparent platform. We can't get through the large island in the distance, and there seems to be no way to go back to the real world."

Philip walked around and found that the size of the platform under his feet was limited, so he couldn't help but whispered to the people around him.

After the words fell, the surrounding atmosphere that was excited by witnessing the myth immediately fell silent.

Hansen calmed down first.

Like Philip, he measured the range of the platform, looked at the height of the platform from the sea under his feet, and came to the same conclusion as Philip:

They seem to be stuck here.

If you jump, falling into the sea from this height is no different from falling from the tenth floor onto the concrete flat ground, which is completely tantamount to courting death.

And all kinds of communication equipment, there is no signal at all.

This made Hansen's expression freeze.

Philip, on the other hand, sensed it secretly, and confirmed that Raven's information sharing ability is still behind, and he is frantically asking for help from the organization.

At this time, Hansen looked at the hammer in the middle of the rainbow-colored transparent platform.

The hammer arrived here with them.

"Obviously, judging from the combination of the hammer and the Rainbow Bridge, we should have encountered a mysterious event related to Norse mythology."

"And this hammer is probably Thor's hammer that can open the Rainbow Bridge—Mjolnir."

"Whether we can get out of trouble now will most likely depend on this hammer."

Hansen looked around at the five people who came in together, and couldn't help frowning deeply.

Including him, there are six people around.

If someone can lift this immovable hammer, maybe they can inherit Thor's power and control the rainbow bridge under their feet to get them out of trouble.


Can they?
After pondering for a long time, Hansen motioned to the four members of the Extraordinary Research Alliance who came in together to try to lift Mjölnir, the hammer of Thor.

The results are obvious.

They cannot lift a hammer.

According to Norse mythology, they are not qualified.

Looking at Philip aside, Hansen stepped forward in silence and tried to lift Mjolnir.

But even if he exerted himself until the veins became prominent, even if all his muscles were tense, he still couldn't move the hammer.

After a long silence, he let go unwillingly.

Looking at Philip, Hansen's eyes were full of dignity and seriousness.

"come on."

Hansen wanted to say a lot.

But when it came to his mouth, it became a short sentence.

If Philip could lift the hammer, they might still have hope of being rescued.

If Philip couldn't lift the hammer, they would be trapped on this high-altitude rainbow bridge, and either choose to starve to death or fall to death.

Watching Philip approach the hammer slowly.

Everyone held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

They weren't sure if Philip could lift the hammer, or if he could actually control the Rainbow Bridge.

But now, there is only one hope.

The next moment, Philip walked up to the hammer.

Compared with the nervousness of other people around him, Philip would not be nervous because he was stuck here.After all, he absolutely trusts Yong Zhou behind him to have the ability to rescue him.

However, he still felt the pressure.

This was the pressure brought to him by the hammer that no longer concealed the fluctuation of spiritual power in front of him.

He felt as if he was facing Tianwei directly.

It was similar to the feeling when I saw the leader at the opening ceremony of Dawn Academy that day.

So unattainable, so stalwart.

Every step closer, Philip felt as if he was training under the body training tower.

Under the nervous eyes of everyone, Philip slowly held the hammer.

The next moment, he froze there.

Just at the moment of contact, the surging spiritual power of the hammer suddenly softened, as gentle as if he was a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Gentle spiritual power continuously surged from the hammer, intertwined and fused with some kind of power in his body, and engraved the familiar symbol of eternal day, the pattern of the sun, in Philip's body.

Then, Philip felt a sense of intimacy from the hammer.

Philip couldn't help but be a little shocked by this process, which was like a friend's verification process.

This hammer belongs to Yong Zhou? !

His pupils dilated unbelievably.

But soon, he regained his composure with relief.

He had already guessed and mentally prepared for all this, so he calmed down very quickly.

However, after actually witnessing that this is what the organization used to be, he still couldn't help being surprised for a moment.

All the myths in the world come out forever!

Yong Zhou is stronger than he imagined.

Feeling the hammer in silence, Philip didn't know what to do for a while.

Now, do you want to lift it up?
He has some hesitation.

But suddenly there was a voice in my ear: "Raise it and become Thor."

Philip was excited in his heart, but he tried not to show it on the surface.

He is familiar with this voice.

Even if it was only a few times at the opening ceremony and when I went to the headquarters to submit materials in Dongtian.

But he can be sure!
This is the leader!

The leader is watching him!
The next moment, Philip made a decisive decision.

The leader is the helm of the fourth generation of Eternal Day, and he must know the legacy of these organizations here.

The leader is the supreme leader of Yongzhou, his highest-ranking boss.

If Yongri is the lighthouse of mankind, then the leader is undoubtedly the lighthouse of Yongri.

So listen to the leader at this moment, you must be right!
In the eyes of several people around.

The hammer Mjolnir was lifted up by Philip as if it was nothing.

At this moment, the peaceful weather suddenly changed suddenly.

 Ask for a reward~Ask for a monthly ticket~
  I was busy with graduation defense and graduation materials before, so I took a leave of absence for a while.

  Now that the update is back to normal, I hope everyone can support it.

(End of this chapter)

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