Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 125 Rehabilitation work and authority of non-staff personnel

Chapter 125 Rehabilitation work and authority of non-staff personnel

When the emergency in the southeastern region of Asia was resolved, Martha directed the members of the organization in the nearby area to start the aftermath work.

The first is to give a reasonable explanation for the evacuated crowd.

After learning of the giant beast Kun's appearance, Yong Zhou immediately took action.Members of the Peripheral Peripheral Organization located in the southeast of Asia, under the command of Martha, immediately evacuated the surrounding areas to ensure the safety of the people.

Now that the giant beast is subdued, there is no risk of threatening neighboring areas.Then for this emergency evacuation incident, a reasonable explanation and aftermath work must be needed.

Because the number of people and the scope involved are not small, the Peripheral Peripheral Organization cannot use psychological suggestion and hypnosis techniques to modify the memory of a large group of people this time.

In this regard, Yongju's response was to ask the local government to speak out: it was because they thought a tsunami was about to happen, so they carried out emergency evacuation.

It just so happened that the ocean fluctuation data when the giant beast appeared that day was indeed abnormal, as can be proved by the surrounding scientific hydrological monitoring stations.

In addition, Yongzhou also took advantage of the opportunity to provide a certain degree of humanitarian assistance in this economically underdeveloped area, and cooperated with local and international voluntary organizations to provide medical care and food for those who suffered economic losses due to evacuation. , Economic compensation, successfully distracted everyone's attention.

The second is about the handling of those witnesses.

It only took less than one night for the members of Yongzhou's outlying organization to restore the island where the dozen or so fishermen originally lived to the state it was before the giant beast Kun ravaged.

After all, the giant beast Kun didn't actually do any damage, and the fishermen's houses didn't suffer much damage, so the related restoration work progressed smoothly and quickly.

After everything was restored, Yong Zhou sent the fishermen who had undergone simple psychological suggestion and hypnosis back to the island, as if nothing had happened.

As for the volunteers from the WHO among the witnesses, simple psychological hypnosis and hints are actually not very effective.

These WHO volunteers are not to say that they are elites among human beings. In fact, they can barely be regarded as talents with good psychological quality. They have a certain resistance to simple psychological hypnosis and suggestion.

Therefore, for these witnesses, Yongzhou sent a group of professional psychological surveying and mapping teams to survey and map the psychological quality and mental state of these volunteers, and analyze whether their personality tendencies are worth recruiting.

For the WHO volunteers whose test results did not meet the standards, Yongzhou sent students from Chenxi Academy to perform irresistible memory blur modification by means of spiritual power.

For the WHO volunteers whose test results met the standard, Yongzhou let them decide whether to join Yongzhou after appropriately telling some of the truth.

After a series of procedures, most of the rest of the WHO volunteers were roughly processed.And Nora and Lucas, the captain of the volunteer team, met the evaluation results and chose to become a member of the peripheral organization of Yongzhou.

"The results of the psychological test are up to the standard, the past experience evaluation is up to the standard, and the spiritual power hints that the stability maintenance loyalty spell has been planted... All the results are good, and the two of you are definitely willing to join the organization."

"So, from today onwards, you are Yongzhou's non-staff personnel. The current arrangement for you is to remain as a volunteer and be ready to obey Yongzhou's transfer arrangements at any time."

In the clean and tidy office, the man in a suit said this to the two nervous expressions in front of him.

Hearing this, both Lucas and Nora breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them don't want to have their memories erased, so they would naturally choose to join Yong Zhou if possible.

"Is there no contact information or something?"

Captain Lucas frowned, and asked the man in front of him with some doubts.

It doesn't sound like his life has changed much since becoming a non-staff.

"You have just joined the peripheral organization, and the current level is not enough, so there is no way to take the initiative to contact upwards."

"If there are any specific arrangements in the organization, there will be a way to contact you."

The man in the suit smiled, as if you don't have to worry.

"Then when it comes to levels, can you tell us more about it?"

Nora also raised questions on the side.

"In general, I'm not too clear about the internal division of Yongzhou. I only know that there are titles such as leader, branch chief, official member, and reserve member."

"As for our peripheral organizations, they are roughly divided into five levels. You are the lowest level, and you don't have much information. All work can only be arranged."

"I was specially recruited because of my psychological ability. I belong to the second level of a higher level. I know part of the organization's information, so I barely have the establishment."

The man in the suit gave a general introduction, and then talked about the additional benefits and benefits that he can receive with his current establishment.

As a second-level non-staff, he already has the lowest level of establishment.The benefits paid to him will not be paid directly, but will be used to increase his salary in the place where he works. At the same time, there are a series of benefits that cannot be seen specially for him.

However, when Nora and Lucas were listening intently, the man in the suit looked at the watch on his hand, and then said: "I have to do some work next, and I have sent a high-level commissioner from the headquarters." Take charge of you two, remember to be polite."

After speaking, the man in the suit left in a hurry.

Only Nora and Lucas were left looking at each other.

"Captain, what shall we do next?"

Nora looked at Lucas beside her, a little confused.

Suddenly encountering a monster, suddenly being told to keep it secret, suddenly being dragged by a mysterious organization to join...

Everything these days has been so sudden that Nora always feels a little confused.

"Continue to be a volunteer. That guy said that we are members of a peripheral organization with first-level authority, and we can only obey orders at any time."

Lucas shrugged.

For all of this, his attitude is to go with the flow.

This is not bad, but what he understands.

The giant beast has not made any noise until now, and nothing seems to have happened.

That monster looks like a monster that ordinary troops can't deal with. Even if the strongest country on the other side of the ocean sends an aircraft carrier formation, it may not be able to deal with that monster.

But it has been a day now, and the surrounding area is still calm.

The people who were evacuated on the grounds of the tsunami are returning under the arrangement of a group of people, and it seems that everything has been solved quietly.

What does this mean?
This shows that the mysterious organization currently blocking these witnesses is so powerful that he can hardly imagine it.

The monster has been resolved without a sound.

Lucas, who realized this, understood that maybe joining this mysterious organization might not be a bad thing.

"That's right, let's take a step at a time."

Nora nodded.

She can basically think of anything that Lucas can think of.

She also felt that it was a good idea to join this organization.

After all, this mysterious organization is obviously very powerful, and the purpose of the man in the suit when he introduced it before sounds very decent.

"By the way, I don't know how Gurme is doing now?"

Nora suddenly thought of the little boy who was so calm during the Behemoth incident.

"When the next batch of personnel to support the southeast region of Asia is transferred from the headquarters, he will take advantage of the trend and follow that team."

A familiar male voice sounded outside the house.

Nora and Lucas heard the reputation and saw a familiar man walking in.

"Are you the higher-level commissioner sent by Yongzhou to manage us?"

Lucas' eyes widened in surprise.

The person outside the door was Marlowe, who had been led by witnesses to point guns at him.

It was the man who drove the ship of Yueguo Oil and Gas Group and brought a group of heavily armed personnel.

At this moment, Lucas understood everything.

The best team in the world that Gurme contacted before is precisely this mysterious organization Yong Zhou!
Gulme himself is one of the members who knows the existence of the mysterious organization Eternal Day.

"Did you go to hunt down that giant beast before?"

Nora looked at Marlowe curiously.

This Marlow just happened to go in the direction of the giant beast before, and now Marlow appeared in front of the two of them safe and sound.

The result of this is obvious, the giant beast has been led by this Marlowe to solve it with a high probability.

"Confidential. Wait until you reach the level [-] authority of non-staff personnel, or join Yongzhou."

"You can naturally know part of the information."

Marlowe smiled at the curious Nora, without revealing any information.

Even if the two are friends of Gourmet, they cannot easily disclose too much information.Letting him, a student of Chenxi Academy, come and take the area himself is considered a back door.

With that said, Marlowe sat in front of the two of them.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Marlowe. I am of Chinese-Vietnamese mixed race. I am currently under the command of Martha's branch chief. Because I haven't been officially assigned, I am currently in charge of doing some trivial things in Yueguo and surrounding areas."

"As for my level, I am a member of the Everlasting Reserve, a student of the first batch of Dawn Academy, and a quasi-regular employee of the Southeast Asian Branch."

"Gurme called me before and asked me to help you two. I also applied with Martha's branch manager and became the general person in charge of the aftermath of the giant beast incident."

Marlow introduced himself straight to the point, and said some information that he could probably reveal at the moment.

After all, Gurmet asked him to take care of these two people, so Marlowe didn't treat them as seriously as other newly joined non-staff personnel.

Hearing this, Lucas and Nora looked at each other and said nothing more.

The information that should be known, the two of them have already guessed it, or they have already known it from the information disclosed by Marlowe and other people.

"Next, you follow me to help."

"By the way, let me tell you about the things you need to pay attention to when you are a non-staff member, and then give you some suggestions for future development."

Marlowe smiled slightly, stood up vigorously and left the seat.

Seeing this, Lucas and Nora were silent for a while, and then followed.

 There is one more chapter today, wait a moment.

  In addition, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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