Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 126 Convergence of National Investigation Bureaus

Chapter 126 Convergence of National Investigation Bureaus (Addition 411)

Since the Taishan incident ended.

Zhang Shouquan of the Xunzhou Bureau has been thinking about a question: if there is such a big enemy as the abyss, how should the entire human race deal with it?

This question has always troubled Zhang Shouquan.

Because he discovered that human beings have nothing to do in the face of such power.

In the entire Taishan incident, there was a dark force that quickly devoured everything, a power that made everything disappear, and a power that casually played with their memories.

They have no ability to resist, just like a group of ants watching gods fight.Not to mention trying to resist, just staying there is easy to be sent away by the aftermath.

Modern humans may need to unite to exert such a small amount of power.

If each country fights alone, it may only be solved by the abyss without any resistance at that time. Human beings must form a community of destiny in the future.

At that time, the most suitable organization to lead this community of shared future for mankind will probably be the eternal day that may become famous all over the world in the future.

And when he was thinking about the future of mankind all day long, the news from Southeast Asia alarmed him, which was a piece of information that made him a little concerned.

[Abnormal seawater fluctuations and vibrations occurred 120 kilometers south of Mui Ne Island.Vietnamese officials speculated that it was a suspected tsunami, and evacuated the people in the nearby area urgently, but the tsunami did not appear in the end. 】

[All the satellites above this place have been mysteriously attacked, and all of them have been confirmed to be invalid.No high-power electromagnetic waves or anti-satellite missiles were detected. 】

Looking at the information in the file, Zhang Shouquan had a strange intuition.

This may be related to extraordinary events.

This is not his random guess.

After all, the distance from the ground of satellites generally ranges from 1000 kilometers to 36000 kilometers. No matter how you look at this height, it cannot be destroyed by normal means.

In the absence of any missiles or electromagnetic waves being detected, a bunch of satellites were suddenly destroyed, which is really not something that modern technology can do.

Apparently, the department that obtained this information also felt that the news was not simple, and suspected that there were supernatural factors involved in it.While giving the information to the national security department, it also gave a copy to the Xunzhou Bureau.

Therefore, this information was finally sent to Zhang Shouquan, waiting for him, the director of the Xunzhou Bureau, to make a final decision.

As for the decision of the national security department, it is left to him to handle temporarily. Anyway, he is the former head of the national security department, and the Xunzhou Bureau now has more talents and resources. Generally speaking, it is capable of handling some matters related to national security. event.

In this regard, Zhang Shouquan had nothing to hesitate.

The Xunzhou Bureau now wants money and people, and will carefully investigate any suspicious information, and strive to find everything related to the Transcendent.

Therefore, he decided to take a look at the intelligence that felt a little questionable about this intuition.

Besides, the damaged satellites are not limited to their Chinese country, and many other countries involved will also send people to investigate. It must be no problem to investigate one step ahead of them.


town of Reine.

Hansen looked at his subordinates, who were busy with the aftermath of the residents, lost in thought.

Since a hammer fell from the sky to a ranch in the small town of Reine two days ago, people from their Extraordinary Research Alliance have come here immediately.

Then a lot happened.

Philip raised his hammer and became a red-haired Thor. The Rainbow Bridge transported them into a different space, where they encountered a big tree that recorded Yongri's past, and then saw the whole different space disintegrate.

All of this happened very quickly, and it took only half a day for everything to end like a dream.

After that, the follow-up work for the small town of Reine began.

The army withdrew, the various buildings erected were demolished, and a new small building was built for future surveillance.

There is also compensation, explanations and confidentiality work for the residents of Reine Town.

Seeing his subordinates evacuating one after another, Hansen looked into the distance helplessly.

"Fortunately, the scenery in this small town of Reine is not bad, and this operation is not a loss."

Hansen looked at the strange landscape of the fjord with emotion.

Beside him, Philip rolled his eyes helplessly at him.

"Old man, at least I still have the hammer in my hand."

Philip shook Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer in his hand, and complained to Hansen.

In general, from having nothing and knowing nothing about Transcendence, he suddenly became a second-level psyker holding Thor's hammer Mjolnir.

No matter how you look at it, it's blood money.

Although he, Philip, belongs to Yong Zhou in essence, but at least this old man Hansen doesn't know.

"Indeed, the hammer is still there."

"It's just too heartbreaking to watch the different space collapse and there is nothing to do."

Hansen touched his chest, feeling distressed from the bottom of his heart.

Even though nearly a day and a half had passed, he still felt distressed.

That is a whole different space.

Leaving aside the fact that it contains transcendence, the large space that is free from reality alone has great strategic significance.

With Thor's Hammer Mjolnir summoning the Rainbow Bridge, they can go directly to that different space.

It can be used for survival, shelter, and storage.

And if you take into account the extraordinary factors in it, it's really heartbreaking to the point where you can't breathe.

"It's okay, think about the amount of funds that can be cheated from the upper echelons of the Europa United system with this harvest, will you be a lot happier all of a sudden."

Philip patted Hansen on the shoulder and comforted him.

Hearing this, Hansen smiled.

Before he could say anything, an orderly rushed over from a distance, and then gave a Europa military salute in front of the two of them.

Seeing this, Hansen and Philip immediately returned the salute.

Then I saw the messenger handing over a stack of papers with both hands.

After Hansen took the paper and smelled the fresh ink on it, he immediately understood that it had just been printed urgently.

Frowning, Hansen began to browse the information above.

The more he looked at it, the more Hansen showed a thoughtful expression.

Soon, after reading it, Hansen put down the document, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

"What's the matter, old man?"

Philip asked from the side, wondering why Hansen suddenly laughed again.

"We are going to the southeast of Asia at once."

"I guess I can meet the old friend of the spy chief in Huaguo."

After Hansen finished these two sentences, he couldn't wait to leave immediately.


San Cristobal Mountains, United States.

There is snow on the mountain and the Gobi at the foot of the mountain.

The peculiar scenery here attracts many people.

But now it is impossible to see tourists riding camels on the Gobi Desert.

Since a cave ruin was discovered on the mountainside of a certain mountain in the San Cristobal Mountains, it has been officially taken over by the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau.

It was established as a military control zone, and tourists have been refused to visit since then.

Although the big liberal countries have always had warriors who hate restraint and bravely break into the restricted area, the control of the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau is even far stronger than that of nuclear weapons silos.

So, when Andrew was walking on the endless Gobi, he couldn't see anyone else.

Looking at the desolate surroundings, Andrew slowly took out a milk candy from his pocket, took off the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth.

With slow chewing, the sweet taste spreads in the mouth.

Andrew's feeling of confusion and anxiety eased slightly.

Unknown monsters killed criminals in manors, huge ape monsters overturned tanks, jade relics were found on the mountainside, and mysterious texts were found in the relics...

At the beginning, these incidents immediately attracted the attention and attention of the top leaders of the United States.

Abnormal Countermeasure Bureau came into being.

But after that, their work began to stall.

Apart from knowing about an organization called Yong Zhou, it seems to know nothing.

The research work on some biological samples collected by the white ape monster was also deadlocked due to the insufficient number of samples.

The current Anomaly Countermeasure Bureau knows that anomalies do exist, but there is nothing to investigate.

Study the monsters, the samples are not enough.

Investigate Yongzhou, this organization that has been hidden for thousands of years is not so easy to investigate, and it is still nothing.

"Director, we have urgent information."

While Andrew was meditating, a voice suddenly sounded from the communicator on Andrew's waist.

Andrew frowned and picked up the communicator: "You explain it to me and the group of elders again, don't worry about how to cover up the vague origin of American civilization and the influence of Huaguo Yinshang civilization, their pig heads can't catch it Clear the point?!"

"This question of who was more advanced thousands of years ago, who led whom thousands of years ago, is simply the most waste of time."

Andrew cursed without hesitation.

He was really tired of those speechless elders these days.

As time passed, the relevant information here inevitably spread to more people.

Then, Andrew was harassed every day by some elders who cared about such things, and they were unwilling to admit that American civilization was deeply influenced by Yin Shang culture.

In this regard, Andrew just felt bored.

His current task is not to accompany the big masters to continue to play this kind of thing of maintaining cultural self-confidence.Most of the people in this country are not natives of America. If you want self-confidence in American culture, you just don't want to be inferior to the country on the other side of the ocean.

"Director, this is not the emergency information this time."

On the other side of the communicator, Andrew's assistant said a little nervously.

Hearing this, Andrew paused.

Then he asked calmly to cover up his embarrassment: "Then what is the urgent information?"

"In the southeastern region of Asia..."

The assistant explained concisely and clearly.

But Andrew's eyes became brighter the more he listened.

"You mean, people from the Day Searching Bureau and the Extraordinary Research Alliance have also gone?"

Andrew's eyes lit up when he heard this.

What he cares about is not only the possible extraordinary events in the southeast of Asia, he also cares about the movements of those two special organizations.

He knew very well that those two organizations must have been formed suddenly because of the existence of Yongri and monsters.

In the previous mutual exploration and communication, everyone refused to say anything more.

Now, he would like to take this opportunity to find a way to try to exchange information on the other side.

He has not gained anything for a long time, and he always feels that the understanding of the two organizations for Yongzhou and Chaofan has already gone ahead of them.

(End of this chapter)

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