Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 153 Yongri Anti-Human Behavior Investigation Team

Chapter 153 Eternal Day·Anti-Human Behavior Investigation Team
"Xiaobai, take back your killing intent a little bit."

Responding to the violently fluctuating spiritual power, Chen Sheng glanced at Bai Jingjing and said.

Hearing this, Bai Jingjing curled her lips, and obediently put away her spiritual power response.

This made Bai Yu, who felt full of pressure, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Fortunately, the leader stopped it, otherwise I'm afraid there will be blood flowing here soon.

However, Bai Jingjing's quiet and well-behaved appearance still made Bai Yu dumbfounded, it was completely different from the previous murderous appearance.

There's nothing cryptic about the transition between calm and fury.

This is because Bai Jingjing has always obeyed Master's words.

But she still looked at Chen Sheng with some doubts.

This is obviously asking what's wrong with wanting to kill someone.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng patiently withdrew his gaze from Xuanzang Pagoda, and explained to Bai Jingjing in front of him: "It's normal for you to want to do something."

"I'm not against you to deal with bad people, but I want to remind you to distinguish between good people and bad people."

It might seem a bit general to describe it as a good person or a bad person, but Chen Sheng knew that it would be easier for Bai Jingjing, an apprentice who was born out of an abyss monster, to understand.

Protecting good people and targeting bad people is one of Yongzhou's basic principles of conduct, and Bai Jingjing must follow this principle in whatever she wants to do.

While silently protecting the independence and security of human beings in the face of various threats.

Yong Zhou never ignored the darkness in front of him.

In addition to the abyss that is about to invade, Yongri will not ignore the "abyss" inside human beings, which is often more terrifying than the erosion of the abyss from outside.

Just as Chen Sheng once supported Russell and the others in their fight against human trafficking, an extreme anti-human organization, while Yong Zhou guarded human beings in front of the abyss, he also hated all anti-human behaviors.

Those who violate human rights or people's normal right to life, cancel or deprive people of the rights they should enjoy, dissect murder, humiliation, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, rape that occurred during war, and based on interests, political class, clan, ethnicity, etc. persecution or other inhumane acts committed for any reason.

They are all the enemies of Eternal Day!
They are all "abysses" that cannot be ignored in human beings!
The abyss that Yongzhou regards as the enemy has never been just the threat of another dimension corroded outside the material universe.

"I am going to set up an anti-human behavior investigation team, and you will be the leader of it."

"This department not only monitors the problems that exist within Yongzhou, but also monitors and deals with anti-humanity personnel and organizations that exist in all mankind."

"At that time, we will first conduct a large-scale survey on this land, and then execute the dregs in it."

"You can do something in line with the charter."

Chen Sheng spoke calmly.

As the leader of a salvation organization, he easily decided on such a plan that would easily affect countless people.

Yongri is not going to interfere in the internal political power of human beings, but Yongri, whose status can be said to be high to some extent, will execute some dregs, and he does not intend to obtain the consent of any official organization.

This is a self-purification program for the entire human race.

This is raising the potential of the entire human race.

It just so happened that Russell and his team had all gone to serve as branch ministers, and their original anti-trafficking actions were naturally shelved.

But regarding this aspect, Yong Zhou does not intend to put it aside, there are more darkness waiting for Yong Zhou to solve.

So, taking advantage of Bai Jingjing's return, the anti-human behavior investigation team came into being.

Chen Sheng will confirm this matter at the internal meeting of the organization later, and then wait for the second batch of students joining Chenxi Academy to supplement the manpower of this new department. After all, Yongzhou's manpower is relatively tight now.

This department will not only take over the previous anti-trafficking operations, but also take over the work of studying at Yongzhou University. In the end, its business will expand to target the "abyss" within the entire human race, and even include the internal discipline of Yongzhou itself. monitor.

Yongzhou will not ask everyone to be impartial, but all those organizations and individuals who are against humanity cannot escape the investigation and trial of the Yongzhou Anti-human Behavior Investigation Team.

This department is like a sword of Damocles, which will always hang over the heads of mankind.

While playing a supervisory role for human beings, it also ensures that Yongri will not catch fire in the backyard when he is fighting against the abyss on the front line.

This is the internal anti-virus and self-purification program that belongs to human beings and Eternal Day.

Bai Yu's eyes widened when he heard this, and he understood that the power and rank of this department would be quite high.

After all, this supervisory function is doomed to the independence and high authority of this department.

Just thinking about it, she can roughly guess what this department will do in the future.

Internally, it will be responsible for supervising and inspecting the performance of official and peripheral members of Yongzhang, inspecting the implementation of decisions and policies, preventing and correcting corruption, and maintaining the discipline and image of Yongzhang.

Investigate violations of the discipline of Yongzhou, collect evidence, make disciplinary decisions or hand over to leaders for personal handling.

Through the development of Yongzhou's characteristic cultural education, we will strengthen measures to prevent corruption, strengthen system construction, cultivate a culture of dedication, and curb the occurrence of internal harm.

Externally, it will also be responsible for monitoring the human beings as a whole, monitoring, judging, and executing all anti-human behaviors.Assist the local branch to deal with the abyss believers.

The positioning of this department itself is estimated to be at the same level as Chenxi College and the major branches, and then it should be directly under the command of the leader.

But Bai Jingjing's eyes lit up when she heard the words.

She doesn't care much about the power and level of this department.

She only cares about one thing...

That is what Master meant very clearly: revenge is fine, but innocent people cannot be killed indiscriminately.

She will lead a special investigation department to investigate whether various high-ranking human officials can be said to be scum, and if so, they can make drastic rectifications!
For her, there is only one point of attention.

That is the people who are identified as problematic after the investigation and analysis by the people below, then the good days of those people will come to an end.

Bai Jingjing nodded in satisfaction.


After seeing Bai Jingjing calm down, Chen Sheng walked slowly towards the Temple of Mercy.

Because of the technique that reduces the sense of presence.

The monks in the temple didn't notice the combination of the two men and the demon, and let them enter the temple at will and approach the Xuanzang Pagoda.

Until several people stood in front of Xuanzang Pagoda, no one stepped forward to stop them.

Looking at this tower.

At this moment, Bai Jingjing could only vaguely detect the breath of her senior brother by intuition, but this breath was so vague and dreamy.

Like a flower in a mirror or a moon in water.

If she wanted to investigate carefully, she could only find nothingness, as if the familiar aura was just her illusion.

As for Bai Yu, who was sitting in a wheelchair, she didn't feel anything at all. She was at the late stage of the first level of spiritual power and couldn't find anything strange from the Xuanzang Pagoda.

What's more, her current state is that she has just finished experimenting with the new function of the hibiscus tree in the headquarters, and she can't mobilize much spiritual power when she is exhausted.

Let alone feel the existence of Xuanzang.

Only Chen Sheng could perceive something clearly at this moment.

After all, in terms of spiritual power practice system, he has reached the fifth level of spiritual power.In terms of the spiritual cultivation system, he has also reached the peak of the seventh consciousness.

He is more powerful than anyone in the world, and his perception is clearer than anyone in the world.

In the extraordinary field, he is the well-deserved No.1.

So in his field of vision, his eyes can directly see the chaotic ocean of spiritual rules.

In this level at the bottom of the world rules, a special and immature spirituality is mixed in it.

That is Xuanzang who has realized part of his immortality. After his physical body passed away, his spirituality can still exist forever in the ocean of spiritual rules.

At this moment, relying on the relic of Xuanzang's body buried in the base of the Xuanzang Pagoda as a medium, Chen Sheng successfully connected with the spirituality of Xuanzang in the ocean of spiritual rules.

"Sinister, it seems that you are not dead yet."

Chen Sheng smiled and whispered softly.

Under the operation of his spiritual perception, which can shuttle through the ocean of spiritual rules, this voice conveyed to Xuanzang's spirituality that was silent in the ocean of spiritual rules.

The next moment, this incomplete and silent spirituality suddenly seemed to regain consciousness.

Suddenly awakened from a slumber of more than 1000 years.

Xuanzang, who has just reached the demigod level, has only touched part of his immortality, and barely entrusted part of his spirituality in the ocean of spiritual rules.

So Xuanzang's spiritual response was very difficult, and he answered almost word for word:

"Master... respect!"

Chen Sheng could clearly perceive the voice that was difficult for outsiders to hear through the sea of ​​spiritual rules.

From it, he could detect complex emotions.

In this regard, he couldn't help showing a smile.

Now that Xuanzang's spirituality has been found through the body relic, the next thing is to use his transcendent power to retrieve Xuanzang and shape his body with boundless power!
In the next moment, Chen Sheng thought about it.

Invisible power instantly poured into the sea of ​​spiritual rules, and Chen Sheng's power, which had reached the fifth level of spiritual power, swayed wantonly in it.

These powers are inconspicuous in the ocean of spiritual rules that are equal in size and even exceed the size of the material universe, but they are definitely majestic beyond the galaxy level.

Chen Sheng's power that was suppressed and could not be fully released in the material universe was released in this ocean of spiritual rules.

Majestic power surrounded Xuanzang's incomplete spirituality, and then an unbelievable miracle appeared.

That touch of spirituality quickly repaired the incomplete.

Xuanzang's consciousness was also continuously restored to integrity and clarity during this process.

The obscurity that had been silent for more than 1000 years was instantly dispelled at this moment.

Those memories of getting along with the master and junior sister, the memory of studying with the second master at Nalanda Temple, the experience of finally touching the eighth consciousness before passing away in order to wipe out the monster's vitality...

Everything is back.

Even in the reality of the material universe, in front of Chen Sheng, Bai Jingjing, and Bai Yu, Xuanzang himself is slowly returning.

It was a phantom of Xuanzang.

Constantly absorbing the power of Chen Sheng's empowerment, it gradually solidified in front of the two people and the demon.

until a certain limit is reached.

The sound echoed between the sky and the earth, as if there was a bang when the cork was pulled out.

At this moment, the relics of Xuanzang's body scattered all over the world have undergone changes.

Xuanzang Temple in Jinling, Linggu Temple in Jinling, Jianchu Temple in Jinling, Wenshu Monastery in Tianfu, Daci'en Temple in Xi'an, Xuanzang Temple in Taiwan, Xuanzang University in Taiwan, Xuanzang Memorial Hall in Nalanda, India, Ci'en Temple in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, Torii Avalokitesvara in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, the three colleges in Saitama County, Japan, Kumeta Temple in HT City, Japan, Kobayashi Temple in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and Yakushiji Temple in Nara, Japan...

The corpse relics enshrined in these places, as well as several corpse relics that have disappeared, are slowly turning into light spots and dissipating in the air at this moment.

Then, the phantom in front of Chen Sheng turned into reality.

Chen Sheng's villain, spanning more than a thousand years of time and space, actually met again.

At this moment, standing in front of...

It is a messenger of world peace, the backbone of the Chinese nation, and an outstanding messenger of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries!
He is a person with lofty beliefs who is not afraid of life and death, travels west to learn scriptures, and saves all living beings!
They are members of Eternal Day who have exterminated demons and endured suffering for all mankind for more than ten years!

"Xuanzang, welcome back."

Looking at this familiar villain, Chen Sheng couldn't help but smile and said.

Now, his villain returns.

At the same time, the organization finally ushered in the first member other than him to touch immortality.

The high-end combat power of the organization is generally at the strength of the third-level spiritual power level, and Xuanzang is the first demigod-level powerhouse who has surpassed the third level and has not reached the fourth level.

The arrival of this handsome man also means that the average appearance of the organization that he alone took care of has risen again.

It was what Xuanzang should do that made Chen Sheng fall into deep thought.

Erlang is the captain of the 1st team of the quick reaction force, Shoumin is the captain of the 2nd team of the quick reaction force, Aya is the captain of the 3rd team of the quick reaction force, Kun is the enemy's general who will not be reused for the time being, and Bai Jingjing will be the investigation team for anti-human behavior The group leader... and the seven members that Chen Sheng recruited in the first batch were also assigned important positions such as branch minister, vice president of Chenxi College, and chief of internal affairs.

As for how to arrange Xuanzang who just came back, Chen Sheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Is there anything the organization lacks now?

"Master... junior sister..."

Xuanzang's gaze was a little confused at first, and then a complex light flashed.

As the pinnacle of the seventh consciousness of the spiritual practice system, he barely touches the powerhouse of the eighth consciousness.

With just a slight movement of his mind, he roughly obtained some information about this era from the scattered emotions and thoughts of countless people in the surrounding towns.

He didn't need a teacher's introduction, he already knew that nearly 400 years had passed.

It's hard not to feel a sense of trance.

Although he has realized a little bit of immortality, he is already considered a half-longevity species, so he should not be so emotional about the passage of time,

But for this millennium-scale time passage, he still has a sense of trance.

After all, although he once touched the eighth consciousness, even though he can be called a demigod-level powerhouse.But he has been entangled and tortured by the monster's vitality, in fact, he doesn't have many opportunities to exert his power in his life.

There was only time to barely touch the eighth consciousness before passing away, and then hastily wiped out the vitality of the monster and ended his life.

So he said it was a long-lived species, but in fact, he didn't exert his power much at all, and he didn't live for a long time, so naturally he lacked the long-lived species' attitude towards the passage of time.

Looking at the familiar master and junior sister in front of him.

Xuanzang felt that his memory seemed to return to the plain noodle stall in Chang'an City.

There, Master said that he wanted to leave.

He promised to wipe out the monster's vitality for his master and for all mankind.

It has been more than a thousand years since we met again now.

"Master, I'm back."

"Those monsters are alive, I have solved them all!"

Xuanzang looked at Chen Sheng seriously.

Master entrusted him, he did everything!
 Babies, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~

  Babies, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~
  Babies, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~
  Babies, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~
(End of this chapter)

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