Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 154 Reappearance of the Eternal Day Symbol

Chapter 154 Reappearance of the Eternal Day Symbol

This is an amazing country.

This can be regarded as the country with the strongest religious belief atmosphere in the world.Because of the great advocacy of spiritual liberation, there are still hundreds of religions
Buddhism, one of the three major religions in the world, originated from this.

From the 6th century BC to the 5th century BC, Sakyamuni founded Buddhism in ancient India.Afterwards, Buddhism spread widely in Asia and around the world, and had a great impact on the social, political and cultural life of many countries.

And Nalanda Temple is the holy land of Buddhism.

It used to be the highest institution and academic center of Buddhism in ancient India. It once attracted thousands of scholars from all over the world to study. Xuanzang, the eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty in Huaguo, was one of them.

It's a pity that in the 12th century, Nalanda Temple was destroyed by the invasion of Muslims.

Today, only an abandoned ruin remains.

At this moment, because of the incident related to Master Xuanzang, the investigation team sent by the Xunzhou Bureau is in the city near the ruins of the Nalanda Temple, conducting investigation, research and analysis according to the requirements of the superior.

In an ordinary small room, various documents and electronic equipment are everywhere.

Three members of the investigation team were frowning beside various documents, while the rest of the members had their own tasks and were not here.

"This complicated history really gives me a headache. Even if it is uploaded to the headquarters simultaneously and a bunch of experts are called to help, it is still not easy."

As Huang Meilin spoke, she couldn't help stretching.

The orange-red sunlight highlighted her graceful body curves.

Sitting at the desk near the window for a whole day made her feel extremely tired.

Looking through the window at the already drooping sunset outside, Huang Meilin curled her lips, and the whole day passed like this.

"Hey, want to go out for dinner?"

Huang Meilin asked the colleague lying on the ground next to him to compare the two paper documents.

Although most of the food here in India is really hard for her to compliment, but when she is really hungry, she doesn't care about 21.

A full day's work left her feeling empty.

"The field team has been sent to buy vegetables. They should be back soon. Let's continue to complete the task at hand."

The man lying on the ground pushed his glasses and declined Huang Meilin.

He almost collapsed last night because of the Indian food, and today no one wants him to eat a meal cooked by someone other than the field team.

It was said that Huang Meilin was about to ask other colleagues.

But found that the colleague who was studying the pictures of cultural relics unearthed from Nalanda Temple on another table waved at her without looking up.

Obviously, this also meant to decline.

"Hey, when will the task at hand be the end."

"When will the field team come back?"

Seeing this, Huang Meilin wailed and lay helplessly on the chair.

They are the investigation team sent to India by the Day-Xun Bureau. The specific task is to investigate a series of suspicious historical records centered on the Nalanda Temple.

Because Master Xuanzang was confirmed to have extraordinary power, so their investigation team was sent here to investigate the Nalanda Temple, which is very important in Master Xuanzang's life, and try to cooperate with the diplomatic team to enshrine the temple here. The relics of Xuanzang's body were asked for back.

But this task is really too difficult.

The history of this place in India is really too chaotic and vague. The entire Indian subcontinent used to have hundreds of ethnic groups, and later experienced the rule of various feudal dynasties and colonial empires.

India has never had a unified territory in history, and its history is basically a history of competition between foreign invaders.

They don't have a unified culture, and they don't have a clear historical inheritance.

It can even be said that the "Da Tang Western Regions" written by Master Xuanzang back then has become the main basis and material for India to organize its own history.

Therefore, the historical investigation here almost made the investigation team feel scalp tingling.The record of a hammer in the east and a stick in the west makes it impossible to start.

Fortunately, because of its special status, Nalanda Temple has a large number of cultural relics and research materials of scholars from various countries.

Combining these viewpoints analyzed from cultural relics with fragmentary historical records can barely carry out investigation and analysis work.

But even so, this job does have some torture.

"Xiao Huang, your task is already considered easy."

"Among the people who are traveling with you, whether it is the diplomats responsible for negotiating for the recovery of Xuanzang's body relics, or the archaeologists who applied to participate in the excavation work at the Nalanda Temple site, they are all easier than you."

"Young people nowadays... As long as I am stronger, I don't need this little guy to join the investigation team."

Such a voice suddenly came from the computer on Huang Meilin's desk.

She followed the reputation.

On the computer screen was just a large conference room, where many gray-haired old men bowed their heads and browsed something.

Obviously, this is an expert team arranged by the Day-Xun Bureau in China.

In addition to studying the historical records and cultural relics related to Xuanzang, these experts will also help the investigation team in India to conduct investigation and analysis work.

Among them was an old man with all white hair, who was leaning in front of the screen, criticizing and educating Huang Meilin who was far away in India with a serious look: "Work hard first, if you really feel hungry, the compressed dry food you brought over is not unhealthy. "

Huang Meilin looked at the big face approaching on the computer screen, and pouted helplessly: "I see, teacher, let's continue working."

This is the leader in the study of Indian history and Buddhist history in China.

For her own teacher, she dared not disobey in the slightest.

As soon as she finished speaking, she continued to honestly look at the copy of the paper document in her hand.

[In 1890, the site of Nalanda Temple, southwest corner, No. 3 area, No.20 first excavation and follow-up investigation and research. 】

[During the excavation of No. 3 building complex in the southwest corner of Nalanda Temple, it can be found that it occupies the largest area and is the most majestic. It should undoubtedly be the most important core building in the ruins of this temple complex...]

[The relevant cultural relics that I participated in the excavation are: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Standing Statue (gilt copper), Sakyamuni Standing Statue (alloy copper), Dainichi Tathagata Seated Statue (silver embedded)...]

[The facial features of these statues are clear, the eye bubbles are slightly bulging, the bridge of the nose is straight, the lips are tightly closed, the lower lip is slightly thick, and there is a mysterious smile at the corner of the mouth, which is a typical appearance of South Asians.Its production spanned more than 5 years from the 11th to the 700th century, and its style can be roughly divided into three periods: budding, maturity and decline...]

This is a conclusion drawn by a British scholar after personally participating in the excavation of the Nalanda Temple site in 1890, based on a series of murals and texts in the unearthed cultural relics, combined with some fragmentary Indian history.

Because the scholar later died young and did not make any breakthrough discoveries in the translation of pictorial characters, this report was not widely included.

This document, which can be said to be out of print, was found in the corner of the room where the archaeological department of India stored the relevant materials of Nalanda Temple.

This kind of information that cannot be found on the Internet is also one of the reasons why they came to India to investigate in person.

The first half of the article describes the process of the British scholar participating in the archaeological excavation, while the second half focuses on the meaning of the symbols, characters, and images found in various statues and murals.

After browsing these texts roughly, Huang Meilin can confirm that there is no problem with the professionalism in it, and the arguments of various quotations seem to have basically no problems.

According to the analysis of this British scholar, the meanings of most of the words, symbols, and images are basically full of religious meaning, and the translations are generally scriptures of various ancient Buddhist scriptures.

This is basically the same as most of the research conducted at the Nalanda Temple site, and there is nothing special about it.

But some of the words, symbols, and images were difficult for the British scholar to understand.

On the surface of several cultural relics, he found a decoration that often appeared. It was a cuboid of unknown origin, and a pattern similar to the pattern of the sun was engraved on this cuboid.

The British scholar found such decorations in only a few unearthed cultural relics.

According to his speculation and research, this cuboid that has appeared several times is a box, but he is completely confused about the sun pattern on the box.

He searched for a long time among the many cultural relics unearthed in Nalanda Temple, but he did not find a similar box.

Later, because there were too few box pattern decorations depicting sun patterns, and all of them oxidized and lost their patterns shortly after unearthed.

And he couldn't think of any special explanation for these patterns.

Therefore, the scholar did not study this pattern further in the end, and this inconspicuous discovery was left unresolved.

But for Huang Meilin, the record in this document is undoubtedly a major discovery.

It was so heavy that she couldn't help breathing quickly.

Looking carefully at the hand-painted cultural relic patterns attached to the back of the document, Huang Meilin swallowed subconsciously.

Such a pattern...

Such a sun pattern!
That's right!This is the symbol of Yongri!
The British scholar more than 100 years ago didn't know what the pattern meant, but as a member of the Day-seeking Bureau, she knew it all too well.

The box has the Eternal Day logo.

Then that box should have been left by Yong Zhou in Nalanda Temple.The existence of this box was recorded by some people in a few mural patterns, and then discovered by the British scholar.

This is undoubtedly an important discovery.

Apart from the jade tablet that was once discovered in Fu Chiu Valley in Shudi, this is the second time that the Xunzhou Bureau has actually found traces of Yongri in history.

This also proves that their direction of investigating Xuanzang, Chaofan, and Yongri is not wrong.

This Nalanda Temple used to have some connection with Yong Zhou.

So at present, the investigation of Nalanda Temple will continue.

At the same time, looking for a box with the eternal day logo should also be included in the planning schedule.

Thinking of this, Huang Meilin was a little excited and reported this discovery to his colleagues around him and the team of experts across the computer screen.

For this discovery, everyone attaches great importance to it.

On the opposite side of the computer screen, Director Zhang Shouju even rushed over in a hurry.

According to the director's order, all members of their investigation team in India must always pay attention to the news of the box with the Yongri logo.

At the same time, the Xunzhou Bureau will also mobilize forces to start investigating various cultural relics around the world, especially those related to Huaguo and India.

If that box has been wiped out in the passage of history, or if it has been recovered by Yongri, then let's not mention it.

If the box became a cultural relic and passed down, then the Xunzhou Bureau must find it.

This rare item that can be clearly related to Yong Zhou, the Xun Zhou Bureau naturally has the determination to obtain it.

This is not just to further understand Yongri through the box, but also to be able to touch a higher level of power through the box.

Zhang Shouquan can still remember clearly.

On the island of Mui Ne, the Extraordinary Research Alliance has a transcendent with bottomless strength just because he picked up a hammer left by Yong Zhou.

Zhang Shouquan was lying if he said he wasn't jealous.

Although they already have a clear and clear transcendental practice system that can be cultivated, no one has too many high-end combat powers.

Maybe after finding that box, they can also have a higher level of extraordinary power in the Day Searching Bureau.


At this time, at the entrance of the Nalanda Memorial Hall, a member of the investigation team of the Sun-Xun Bureau was discussing and exchanging with the security guard at the entrance.

He is a member of the field team. He wanted to enter the Nalanda Memorial Hall as he did a few days ago and continue to study various ancient cultural relics unearthed from the Nalanda Temple, but he was suddenly told that the museum is temporarily closed today.

Even the door was cordoned off.

Soon, the negotiator returned the same way and came to the car to join his colleagues in the field team.

"Those security guards are not professionals, so I probably know what happened here from the sidelines."

"The relic of Xuanzang's body enshrined here suddenly disappeared out of thin air more than ten minutes ago. They have already reported it to their superiors."

"Because there were no witnesses or surveillance, they didn't do much. They were waiting for someone from the upper echelon to come over."

The man who had just returned to the car quickly reported what he knew.

This made the field team leader sitting in the co-pilot couldn't help but frown and said: "Sheli suddenly disappeared?!"

"The diplomatic team and us are in trouble!"

As soon as the diplomatic team arrived in India, they went straight to the Indian Parliament building non-stop, discussing with President Draupadi Murmu about returning the body relic to China every day.

In the current process of negotiating conditions, the corpse relic suddenly disappeared.

It is impossible not to suspect them.

The relic of Xuanzang's body was presented to India in order to express the friendship between the two countries, which is of great significance.

Moreover, in this country where Buddhism is prosperous, the relic of Xuanzang's body also has an unusual status.

At this moment, they suddenly became the first suspects in the disappearance of Xuanzang's body relic.

Even if India won't do much due to the strength of China, but looking at India's rogue nature of directly harvesting foreign-funded enterprises in the past, they, the members of the investigation team of the Day-seeking Bureau, will at least be put under house arrest.

"Drive back immediately to ensure that before the news of the disappearance of Xuanzang's body relic is leaked, protect the comrades in charge of researching documents from being harmed by those fanatics among the Indian people."

The leader of the field team said so with a sharp expression on his face.

In any case, just prepare for the worst.

(End of this chapter)

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