Chapter 159


Refers to the cry of animals, refers to the sound of mourning by objects, and refers to crying in grief and anger.

Generally speaking, it was something, expressing his grief and indignation hoarsely.

So, what is the mourning of the universe?

Is the star's nuclear fusion runaway to form a supernova?

Most or almost all matter is thrown outward at speeds as high as one-tenth of the speed of light, and the burst of electromagnetic radiation during the explosion can illuminate the entire galaxy in which it is located.

Is it a black hole created by the collapse of a massive celestial body?
As a result, the time and space in a certain place are directly distorted to the point where even light cannot escape, swallowing up all surrounding matter including light.

Is it an over-exploitation of the universe by an overly advanced civilization?
As a result, the entire universe is riddled with holes, and there are domains that have been reduced in dimension everywhere.

No, none of these.

In this huge material universe whose mass is incalculable.

A supernova explosion is just an insignificant flicker, not a spectacular one.

The birth of a black hole only distorts a part of space-time, and has no effect on the universe as a whole.

There is no advanced civilization, and there are not many creatures that can be called intelligent races, let alone over-exploitation of the universe.

For this universe, the real mourning is the distortion produced by the constant coveting, squeezing, and erosion of the underlying realm of the rules.

Although it has been said that in the material universe with huge volume, stalwart rules, and obscure spiritual power, there is a strong suppressive force and stable space to restrain the power of the abyss from coming.

But after all, the opponent is an abyss that spans the infinite dimensional world, and the progress of erosion is still advancing a little bit.

Although the erosion of the abyss for a long time has not had much effect, it has only had some impact on the rule field of this huge material universe. Before that, because I wanted to send an abyss apostle, I had to give up a large part of the erosion. field of.

However, this is after all the influence of the regulatory field.

It is an act that is tantamount to tampering at the bottom of the material universe, and it is an act of trying to erode and destroy the material universe from the root.

Even if it is only a small change, it is far beyond the impact of the supernova explosion.

Even if all the stars in the universe explode together, the impact on the material universe itself is far less than the disturbance and erosion at the regular level.

The influence of this rule level is enough to make this material universe scream subconsciously.

And the manifestation of this mournful cry is a slight change in the rules of the material universe.

Such a change is a subconscious choice made by the material universe in order to protect itself.

Under such a change, a meteorite of unknown material in the universe was affected, and its overall material changed strangely.

Its physical and chemical properties, under the influence of the changing rules, produced extremely magical and special changes.

That is a special property that is enough to make modern science enter the cross-age field, enough to cause earth-shaking changes in the material science of the entire earth, and enough to make some top powers try to drive Gundam...

This kind of change is caused by the help of the material universe.

I vaguely understand that there is a material universe on the earth that resists the main force of the abyss, and it is sending cheats to human beings.

I saw that after the meteorite changed, it seemed to be drawn by some special force, and it came straight towards the direction of the earth.

Previously, Chen Sheng thought that the new extraordinary era had just begun to officially kick off, and this curtain might start from this moment.


Under the hibiscus tree.

Most of the core people of the entire Eternal Day gathered here.

Everyone was dressed in black, quietly looking at the leader who was reciting the eulogy.

The big furniture is silent and expressionless.

The ravens standing on everyone's shoulders, no matter how messy their costumes were before, have all returned to a simple bright black solid color at this moment.

This is a memorial and commendation meeting, held for those victims of Yongri.

Unlike most memorial services, there is not just one person mourning here, and there is no mourning, no wreaths, no crying.

In some cases, more than a thousand people gathered under the hibiscus tree, quietly listening to the leaders recite the eulogy and the experience of the victims in the breeze blowing in their ears.

The yellow-brown bark of the hibiscus tree is slightly rough, and the branches are winding and intricate.

The fist-shaped leaves and red mulberry fruits rustled in the breeze blowing from nowhere, making those who heard it feel peaceful.

But at the same time, there is also a different kind of heaviness weighing on everyone's hearts.

It's not just feeling for the sacrifice of comrades, but also feeling heavier about the responsibilities on my shoulders.

Standing in the crowd, Marlowe was in a daze.

Even though he knew that there was a memorial service, he still couldn't help feeling complicated when he actually received the letter.

The day before yesterday, he was chatting with his goddaughter he just met, and received a message through Raven.

Just like when you first joined Yongzhou, the raven turned into the appearance of the invitation letter for admission.

His raven turned into a letter inlaid with pure white flowers in front of him, the content of which was to attend the memorial service.

The years will preserve Mu Hao's spirit, and the soul will guard the soil and cherish it.

Even if he was standing under the hibiscus tree at this moment, he still couldn't be calm for a long time.

Now the memorial and commendation meeting seems to be drawing to a close.

All the victims of Yongzhou have received a higher level of welfare treatment than before, and their relatives will receive it for life.

Looking at the leader who had begun to recite the past experience of the deceased, Marlowe was looking forward to it.

Looking forward to the "surprise" that the leader promised him before.

Soon, Chen Sheng's words came to an end.

"Sacrifice will always be with us."

"But all the victims will become the pioneers of the spiritual will of all members of Yongri in this world without reincarnation."

"They will always be there!"

Chen Sheng looked at all the members with serious faces in the audience, and concluded with these words.

But obviously everyone was a little confused by such words, and didn't know what Chen Sheng meant.

Looking at the confused crowd, Chen Sheng raised it with one hand.

A cluster of starlight emerged in his hands.

Every point of light in that starlight, just touch it with your eyes, you can feel an extremely strong feedback of emotion and belief.

Chen Sheng didn't explain much, he just looked up at the sky which had become a starry sky since he upgraded.

The next moment, I saw a light point in the light group suddenly break away from the light group and fly into the sky.

Chen Sheng then said in a low voice: "Han Wenhu, 35 years old, a peripheral member of the fifth-level authority, died in the Mui Ne Island incident."

Accompanied by Chen Sheng's murmur, this spot of light rose to the high sky and merged with the boundless starry sky of the headquarter cave.

Vaguely, everyone felt as if they saw a new star dotted in the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, another light spot broke away from the light group.

Chen Sheng was still whispering silently: "Meng Yiyan, 27 years old, a preparatory member of Chenxi College, died in the Mui Ne Island incident."

Amidst the whispers, there was another bright star in the starry sky.

Just looking at the two newly born stars, everyone felt as if they felt strong emotions and beliefs in a trance.

It's like...they're still alive?

At this moment, everyone understood what the procedure of "integrating into the Spark" written on the invitation letter of the memorial service meant.

Everyone also immediately understood what the light ball in the leader's hand was.

This is what the leader just said: They, always? !

Everyone was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Under the illumination of the endless starry sky above the cave sky of the headquarters, everyone could only feel an inexplicable shock and heaviness.

Such mixed feelings are not simply a realization of the victim's spirit guiding them in Skyrim.

It is also because of the large expanse of starry sky that already exists around it.

If the stars in the sky were the victims.

Then the boundless starry sky above the headquarter's cave, and the innumerable stars, contain too much meaning.


Those are the countless pioneers and victims of the Everlasting Organization, who hung above the boundless starry sky and have been guiding the latecomers!

This inadvertently displayed is a corner of the organization's heavy and tragic history.The boundless starry sky is the witness of the development history of Yongri Blood and Tears.

When everyone realized that this starry sky might be the Tomb of Heroes of Yongzhou, they couldn't help raising such a shocking and curious question: How much has Yongzhou experienced since its establishment?What happened to each generation of Yong Zhou, which created this boundless starry sky.

They are not clear about this period of history that may not be known to many people, but they can clearly understand what it means.

While everyone was thinking deeply, Chen Sheng's chanting here did not stop.

"Su Wenliang, 21 years old, a peripheral member of the fourth-level authority, died in the Mui Ne Island incident."

"Ding Jianqin, 29 years old, a peripheral member of the fourth-level authority, died in the Mui Ne Island incident."

"Guo Huachang, 34 years old, a peripheral member of the fifth-level authority, died in the Mui Ne Island incident."

"Cao Chengtong, 25 years old, a preparatory member of Chenxi College, died in the Mui Ne Island incident."


Chen Sheng's voice was continuous and steady, every sentence seemed to hit the hearts of all the people attending the memorial service.

Every name can't help but feel a heavy heart, and let everyone end the memory of the blood-smeared history of the organization.

They watched countless points of light continuously rising from the palm of the leader, and then became hanging stars in the sky.

A feeling rose in everyone's heart.

This feeling is called responsibility.

In many cases, only when people have a sense of responsibility, can they have the inexhaustible motivation to drive themselves forward courageously throughout their lives, can they feel that many meaningful things need to be done by themselves, can they feel the value and meaning of self-existence, and can truly get people's support. trust and respect.

Those present are all members of Yongzhou from Chenxi Academy, and they have never lacked a sense of responsibility after going through many tests.

But at this moment, the sense of responsibility in their hearts has been replenished.

More beliefs and missions make the brilliance more dazzling in everyone's eyes.

And Chen Sheng, while chanting the name of the victim, sent his spirituality to the sky to merge into the sparks.

While silently looking at the many members with serious and firm eyes in the audience.

At this moment, he felt as if he saw the scene in Xinghuo's system introduction: this is the condensation of legends and the inheritance of beliefs.May everyone become sparks under the leadership of pioneers.

The scene at this moment seems to be no different from such words.

Just as he was thinking, Chen Sheng's eyes suddenly froze.

Then, through the barrier of the cave space, one can look beyond the earth at a glance.

The infinite distance and space could not block Chen Sheng's perception of trying to see through everything.

Not far from the earth, within the range of the earth-moon system.

he saw...

A special meteorite is coming towards the earth.

It does not know when it has arrived in the Earth-Moon system. Although it is closer to the moon, it can be regarded as close to the earth from the perspective of the universe.

Meteorites are not big, but there are some special substances in them.He can feel that the laws of the spiritual and the laws of the physical universe merge.

Just a simple in-depth perception, he understands that the substance in it is not simple, and there is a high probability that it can help today's human beings soar along the road of today's technology.

With it, today's human beings will also change from useless ants in the face of the abyss to rookie chickens who can not hold back forever.

Obviously, this is the beginning of the new era mentioned earlier, the beginning of the era in which the material universe helps to open up.

The beginning of the era happens to happen at this very moment.

In this new era where the rules of the material universe are changing, the eternal day is constantly accelerating, and the abyss invasion continues to intensify.

Perhaps it also makes sense to start with a memorial service.

Thinking of the official member conferring ceremony that will be held together next, Chen Sheng felt that these two ceremonies could be bound and held together in the future.

Every year before the official member conferring ceremony, a memorial service is held for the victims as usual.

In a sense, this can be said to be a kind of inheritance of belief.

The beginning and end of eras.

The death and rebirth of life.

All important nodes meet at this moment.

After Chen Sheng thought for a while, he stopped thinking about it.

In the future, we will not mention the matter of binding the official member awarding ceremony with the memorial service for the time being.

The most important thing right now is naturally to deal with this meteorite.

It looks unattractive and appears to be on the verge of being captured by the moon's gravity because it is so close to the moon.

Institutions responsible for cosmic affairs in various countries will not care about it, because in their calculation results, the moon will most likely perform its mission for countless years, attracting and blocking this meteorite for the earth.

And Chen Sheng, who understands that this is a cheat given to human beings by the material universe, naturally decided to play a little bit of help in it.

This cheat for humans must at least be sent to human territory.

If it is sent to the moon, human beings want to make good use of the material inside to take off the material science, but it will take a long time to discover its magical effect.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng said a few more words before turning and leaving the headquarters.

He needs to go to the plug-in that sent the material universe to the wrong address for human beings, and change the delivery address a little bit.

As for the next official member conferring ceremony, Bai Yu and the others have experienced it once, and have discussed the relevant procedures before, so let Bai Yu and the others be responsible for it for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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