Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 160 What exactly is the Abnormal Countermeasure Bureau fighting against?

Chapter 160 What exactly is the Abnormal Countermeasure Bureau fighting against?
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

This is an administrative scientific research institution, responsible for formulating and implementing the US space program, and conducting research on aviation science and space science.

It has the most authoritative aerospace scientific research institutions in the world, and shares its research data with many domestic and international scientific research institutions.

And at the moment in a room at NASA,

"Jerry, there is no need to continue the calculation. The data department has already done enough calculations. This meteorite will not fall into the earth."

"It will soon be captured by the moon's gravity, and the moon will block the meteorite for us as always."

A man in blue casual clothes walks into a room with a cup of coffee.

Looking at Jerry who was still trying to calculate based on various observation data, he couldn't help but speak.

This intern Jerry is from Princeton University with a double Ph.D. in mathematics and physics, and his achievements in the academic field have already ranked among the top among young people.

But he is good everywhere, but he is too responsible.

The great enthusiasm for the aviation field made Jerry, an intern, strive to be perfect in every task after entering NASA.

In fact, the two of them assigned to this task can lie down for a few days with peace of mind.

"Before the final result comes out, everything cannot be absolutely certain."

"Since the higher authorities have allocated three days for this mission, it cannot be wasted."

"Senior Tom, please let me count twice before eating."

Jerry heard Tom's complaints, and continued his work without looking back.

Hearing this, Tom also shrugged helplessly.

Then he sat down in his seat with a coffee cup in his hand.

While tasting the coffee in his hand, while looking at the busy Jerry, Tom always felt that he saw his former self in Jerry.

When he first joined NASA, he was also so arrogant, conceited of the arrogance of being born in the Ivy League, thinking that knowledge is everything in this world.

But then everything changed.

Too many people in the world are fooled into thinking that the air in this country is sweet and sweet, and they always think that there is no kind of worldly sophistication where Hawking even got up to drink.

In fact, the turbidity here is no less than anywhere else.

Political donations, nepotism, power and sex transactions...these things are everywhere.

Tom was infected not long after entering NASA. When he was in the dye vat, many things were actually unavoidable.

For example, NASA is very good at defrauding scientific research funds. Tom is already very proficient at it.

Looking at the still innocent Jerry, Tom couldn't help but think about when to take him into the gate of the new world, and cheat some money from his superiors.

Should it be said that the country on the other side of the ocean stole their technology again and needs to increase financial allocations to take measures to maintain network security?

Or is it rumored that there are actually very threatening space-based weapons in the space station launched by the Europa consortium, and it is necessary to increase financial allocations to take a series of countermeasures?

Tom thought carefully, and these plans needed more careful consideration.

After all, due to the sudden establishment of an inexplicable organization recently, excessive financial expenditures naturally caused NASA's funds to be greatly reduced, and cheating funds is no longer as easy as making a ppt like before.

Thinking of this, Tom couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

He didn't know much about that ridiculously high-ranking new department. He only knew that not only did they have no restrictions on funding, but they also gave them whatever they wanted in terms of personnel and equipment.

Even military strength seems to have been mobilized at will by that department, sending a unit to the San Cristobal Mountains for several months.

There is such a department that makes him subconsciously hate it.

When he was taking a big sip of coffee viciously, he suddenly heard Jerry beside him exclaim.

"Oh! God!"

The voice was full of surprise.

Hearing this, Tom subconsciously looked at Jerry, who was staring at the computer screen in front of him with wide-eyed eyes.

The posture of wanting to stuff his head into the computer, and the appearance of staring so wide that his eyes seemed to be popping out, made Tom's heart skip a beat.

What did you find? !

He quickly put down his coffee and ran to Jerry's side in a few steps.

Looking at the data on the computer, he frowned for a while, then said to Jerry, "This is the data of that meteorite?!"

Tom just glanced at the data and understood why Jerry was surprised.

2 minutes ago, the meteorite suddenly changed.

The meteorite, which had been observed by NASA long ago, not only did not follow the trajectory calculated by the computing department, it could even be said to be operating in a way that completely surpassed everyone's astronomical cognition.

According to the data, when it came to the range that was about to be captured by the moon's gravity, it suddenly and strangely stopped in space.

It was as if an invisible hand held it down.

As we all know, if an object is not affected by an external force, it will remain at rest or move in a straight line at a constant speed in space.

The meteorite, which was originally moved by the gravitational force of the earth and the moon, suddenly stopped abruptly as if it had no inertia, which was simply too outrageous.

Then the pause didn't last too long, and most of the data disappeared instantly after three seconds, as if it disappeared in place.

This made the experienced Tom couldn't help frowning.

Such a situation is unheard of.

It doesn't matter if the meteorite suddenly stops traveling in space, and now it even "disappears"?What the hell is going on here?
"How many optical observation instruments can be observed around here?"

Tom subconsciously asked Jerry.

Such an unheard of strange situation is not clear enough to rely on electromagnetic radiation to detect it. He wants to see what happened with his own eyes.

"Huaguo's Queqiao-1 probe and Europa's Mani probe should both be able to observe the corresponding optical images."

"As for our country, the optical observation angle of the Artemis 2 lunar exploration satellite can definitely see the meteorite that was near the moon at that time."

Jerry searched the world and NASA's equipment for a while, compared and calculated whether the viewing angles of each equipment and the trajectory of the meteorite can coincide, and then said to Tom.

While talking, he applied to transfer the optical observation image records of the Artemis 2 lunar exploration satellite.

The next moment, the picture on the screen turned into an optical observation image record of the Artemis 2 lunar exploration satellite.

The empty and dark space and the gray and silent lunar land immediately come into view.

In the sky, there are dots of meteorite fragments falling down like raindrops, which looks extremely spectacular.

Tom and Jerry watched the scene with their mouths open.

They didn't expect that the meteorite that suddenly disappeared in the observation data actually exploded without knowing why? !

After a long silence, Jerry immediately adjusted forward.

This is a real-time live broadcast of the optical observation image of the Artemis 2 lunar exploration satellite, and the signal delay between the Earth and the earth is only about three seconds.

They are eager to know what happened when the meteorite data disappeared 2 minutes ago.

Soon, as the two adjusted, a new picture appeared in front of them.

In the corner of the optical image, a small meteorite occupies a part of the frame, and it is running according to the path originally calculated by NASA.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Until a certain moment, the meteorite stopped abruptly, stopping its movement.

Three seconds later, half of the meteorite exploded instantly into dust, and then was carried towards the earth by the force of the explosion.

The other half of the meteorites were blown into countless larger fragments, captured by the moon's gravity, and a meteorite rain fell on the moon on the spot.

Tom frowned and asked Jerry to adjust the picture again to before the explosion, and to pause at the moment when the meteorite stopped abruptly.

Then he asked Jerry to zoom in on the meteorite as much as possible without compromising clarity.

This move is aided by a variety of powerful features built into NASA's professional equipment.

As the picture continued to zoom in, Tom and Jerry waited, swallowing their saliva.

Finally, in the slightly blurred video, there was a picture that made Tom and Jerry stunned.

Under the powerful camera of the lunar exploration satellite, a tiny figure was vaguely recorded.

Compared with the huge meteorite, this figure is very insignificant.

But just before the trajectory of the meteorite, the figure stretched out a hand.

Then, the meteorite stopped.

Apparently, the stop of the meteorite was held down by the unscientific figure directly reaching out his hand.

Ignoring the huge mass, but also ignoring the pressure.

It was as if he was a superman with a biological standpoint, just stood there and stretched out his hand, and easily stopped the meteorite on the spot.

It is simply unimaginable how much power and technology it contains.

And the explosions that followed were probably also inseparable from that person.

Looking at this scene, Tom and Jerry looked at each other, and both swallowed subconsciously.

Extraterrestrial life?Supernatural power?

Various speculations kept flashing in their minds.

This picture is really outrageous.

The more knowledgeable they are, the more they can understand what this scene means.

"What should we do now?"

"Director Tom, this is the first time I've seen this scene."

Jerry swallowed, and looked at Tom in a daze.

He was just an intern, and this kind of thing happened to him not long after he joined NASA, which really made him a little confused for a while.

Looking at Jerry's eyes, Tom also twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

This is said, as if he can often see this kind of scene.

What should I do...

Naturally, he had to report it quickly. He didn't know what to do about this kind of thing.

It's better to let the above person have a headache, he will honestly wait to sign the non-disclosure agreement, and then "voluntarily" go to a remote area to perform a secret long-term mission.

Of course, I just don't know if the old chief who single-handedly promoted him, the NASA director who likes to take the lead in defrauding funds, will be speechless because of this news.


"Alien hearings are all over."

"It's really good. We NASA is known as the light of mankind, and we dare not cheat money so openly."

The director of NASA watched the live broadcast of the alien hearing held in Congress today, and couldn't help but twitched a little helplessly.

A few days ago, a former Air Force intelligence officer and a number of retired generals jointly raised a public question to the country’s officials. The content of the question was roughly as follows: the country should explain why it has concealed information about aliens for many years.

As soon as this incident happened, the whole country was fried.

After all, several former high-ranking officials stood up and said that aliens really existed, which made people unconsciously feel that they must not be joking.

Most of the people are highly concerned about this matter, so an unprecedented alien hearing was opened in the House of Representatives today.

The director of NASA couldn't help being amazed by such a magical reality.

He doesn't know if there are aliens.

Doing this is nothing more than a game between a bunch of groups for the sake of profit.

It is probably because the newly emerging department has too much power recently that many other interest groups have directed and acted out such a scene, wanting to get back some of the benefits they could have obtained.

He doesn't want to be involved with it.

After all, he is high enough to know some inside information, and he understands what the new department called the Abnormal Investigation Bureau means.

Wanting to fight for power with them is really thinking too much.

After a moment of silence, the director of NASA looked at the computer on his desk.

Compared with watching the magical live broadcast of the alien hearing in the House of Representatives, it is better to continue to look at the recent research progress of NASA in various aspects.

"Huh? The most urgent level of information."

Looking at an encrypted file with a red warning, the director subconsciously frowned.

He opened the file with a serious face.

Inside is a video of a meteorite exploding.

"This is a meteorite that has been observed before and will be captured by the moon's gravity."

"It turned out to be a direct explosion? What happened? Didn't the computing department say that it would be captured by the moon's gravity?"

The director murmured, not yet realizing the seriousness of the problem.

The next moment, until he saw a zoomed-in picture attached to the bottom of the video, he finally realized why this was a red warning level message.


At this moment, the director's expression froze.

What did he see?
A person stopped the meteorite with his hands, and then blew it up?
Such a picture made the chief's mouth wide open.

Is today April Fool's Day?The following people would actually send him such a message?
Or is this a new type of funding fraud project?Can't even think of a reasonable reason?
Looking at the sender named Tom, the director felt that maybe he was really defrauding funds.

But the bright red warning level mark told the director that this information was not a joke or a scam.

All kinds of complicated thoughts kept circulating in my heart.

Suddenly, the director remembered the anomalous countermeasures bureau that was set up against the extraordinary power.

Could it be that the person who stopped and crushed the meteorite had so-called extraordinary power? !
That being said, what exactly is the anomalous countermeasures bureau against Chaofan constantly fighting with? !
Do you usually play against this kind of monster?

It's really a blessing that the world is still safe and sound.

Thinking of this, the chief swallowed subconsciously.

Then decisively encrypted this document and sent it to Andrew of the Abnormality Countermeasures Bureau.

This kind of thing, let others have a headache.

He didn't know anything about this kind of fierce man who looked like a superman, and he didn't want to know anything.

(End of this chapter)

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