Chapter 18 Caliber is Justice

At five o'clock in the afternoon, in the coniferous forest near the manor.

The soldiers got together for dinner in rotation.

Andrew, on the other hand, was sitting alone in the black bulletproof car he was riding in when he came here, looking at the pile of documents beside him and fell into deep thought.

"Is it some kind of monster? Or some kind of special technology?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes, and while there was seriousness in his eyes, there was also a hint of disbelief.

All kinds of traces and evidence add up to a very clear and clear picture.

A huge thing more than ten meters long suddenly attacked here.

Houses were knocked down, dungeons were trampled down.

Countless bullets and rpg counterattacks could not even destroy the skin of that huge thing.

Then, the huge thing chased and killed all the way into the dense forest, crashing into countless trees and at the same time killing those who escaped.

Thinking of this, Andrew couldn't help being silent for a long time.

A thing that is not afraid of bullets and rpg?
Instead of believing that it was a monster of more than ten meters, Andrew would rather believe that it was some kind of machine developed by that big country in the east.

Could it be that the red team really has Gundam?

After all, his common sense tells him that it is impossible for any carbon-based creature to resist the power of modern weapons.

After pondering for a long time, he pointed to the document in his hand.

[It was found that there was a huge circular high-temperature burn mark on the ground of the manor]

Andrew looked at the information stated on the document and felt that this might be the key to understanding the truth.

While thinking, someone knocked on the window.

Andrew followed the reputation, and it was Major General Chris holding a tablet.

"Top-secret information, transmitted from the testing agency, and you and I are designated to review it."

Major General Chris handed over the tablet.

"you have seen?"

Andrew took the tablet and subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Various samples were taken at the manor today, and were quickly sent to the secret testing agency by helicopter.

The information sent back now is actually top-secret.


Major General Chris nodded, an indescribably complex look flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Andrew took a deep breath, and after verifying a series of biological information and passwords, he slowly clicked on the details of the top-secret information.

[After testing, the soil, warheads, flesh, and tree fibers all contain a certain kind of special biological cells, which do not conform to any currently known species, and their specificity needs further research. 】

Seeing this message, Andrew fell into silence.

The biological cells showed that Andrew's hope that it was a machine was shattered. There was indeed a huge unkillable creature rampaging here last night.

As for not matching any known species...

This information is also outrageous.

In theory, there are still many creatures that have not been discovered in this world.

But this does not include this giant beast of more than ten meters that lives on land. It is impossible for humans to discover this kind of creature.

In other words, the manor may have experienced an extraordinary event last night, being slaughtered by an alien creature with a size of more than ten meters, or it may have experienced an alien event from an alien visitor.

But in this case, a new question arises.

"Where is that monster now?"

Andrew murmured.

Where did the monster go after killing people in a crushing manner?No evidence of the monster's whereabouts was found at the scene.The potholes that are suspected to be footprints are only part of the dense forest.

And, are there any other similar monsters in this world?Is the United States capable of violently solving this monster?

These are undoubtedly headaches for their national security agencies.

"The San Cristobal Mountains next to this manor, as well as the town of Taos not far away, need to be investigated carefully."

Andrew frowned and whispered.

"This is the problem we have to deal with next." Major General Chris said from the side.


Andrew raised his eyebrows, with some doubts.

"The higher-ups feel that you may need the support of the army when necessary, so let you be responsible for finding and solving various problems with peace of mind, and I will be on call to help you fight the little monsters."

Chris pointed to the tank behind him, showing a confident smile.

There haven't been many wars to fight recently, and he used this confidential and important mission as an excuse to pull all the main battle tanks over for fun.

Chris didn't think there would be any monsters that could stand up to a 12.7mm machine gun and a 120mm smoothbore gun.

Caliber is justice.


Taos Town.

This is a small town at the foot of the San Cristobal Mountains.

Half of the complex here is one of the oldest, most beautiful, and best-preserved examples of Indian architecture in the American Southwest.It is adjacent to the San Cristobal Mountains and is an adventurer's dream.There are more than 80 galleries in its territory.

Therefore, it is a resting place for countless archaeologists, tourists, adventurers and artists.

In a small villa in a small town, Russell sat on the balcony on the second floor, looking into the distance against the gradually setting sun.

This is the stronghold that their team rented nearby.

After escaping from the spider monster, he was brought back by the team members who realized something was wrong.

After half a day of recuperation, he has already recovered to life and vitality.

After all, he was just swept across the air by the legs of the spider monster on his back, and a burning wound was wiped out by the air wave, but it was not serious.

After the medicine was applied, it was bandaged up.

In addition, there are residual anesthesia effects and psychological pressure, which are also good in half a day.

On the contrary, Romero is more serious, and he has just been rescued by busy team members.

Still in a coma.

Sitting on a chair on the balcony, Russell looked at the pedestrians coming and going in the town and fell into deep thought.

This time, a source of buying slaves from Southeast Asia was wiped out from the source, but they didn't try to destroy it.

Instead, he encountered a spider monster.

According to several members of the team who responded to him, they observed something from a distance with a telescope: the giant spider monster chasing him was directly roasted by the man who fell from the sky with the dawn with a beam of light penetrating the sky.

Russell didn't see that scene before he fell into a coma, but he could imagine that the scream of the monster at that time was probably the cry of dying.

"It took so many years to find out."

"There are supernatural monsters in this world, as well as extraordinary humans."

"It's almost like living in an adventure novel."

Russell sighed a little, and couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

The world view that has been stable for 32 years has collapsed in an instant today, and the cognition of the world that I believed in in the past is now also shaken.

Is all the history and knowledge we know really what we think it is?

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Russell understood that those on the team who also witnessed the extraordinary were also shocked.

It's just that everyone's thoughts have been on the seriously injured Romero since the dawn.

It wasn't until Romero's half-day treatment was finally finished that everyone had the time to think about the meaning of what they encountered at dawn.

In the world, there is extraordinaryness!

(End of this chapter)

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