Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 181 When Abyss Believers Become Awakened Ones

Chapter 181 When Abyss Believers Become Awakened Ones

[According to the results of the psychological assessment test and extraordinary power detection, the girl Lin Miao has a certain degree of secrecy ability and sufficiently rational thinking. 】

[After discussion and decision by the superiors, Lin Miao's memory is allowed to be preserved, but Ying Zhongtang will be responsible for the supervision of Lin Miao for a long time. 】

[The awakened hamster, code-named Xiaomiao, will undergo professional data testing and life recovery experiments in the cave of the headquarters, and will be allowed to return to Linjiang City every month to reunite with Lin Miao. 】

On the way to Linjiang City Hospital, Ying Zhongtang couldn't help showing a smile.

The superior finally responded to the question about the little girl and the mutated hamster.

As he expected, the organization is indeed quite human in many cases. Faced with the special situation of this awakened creature who can protect the master, and the fact that the person involved basically does not pose any threat to society, the master is specially allowed to keep it. memory.

This is not only out of humanitarian care, but also takes into account the possible feelings between pets, and does not rigidly and stubbornly follow the dead rules.

In fact, it also secretly reflects Yong Zhou's confidence in his own strength, allowing special handling of this special situation.

In addition, the organization also tortured Huang Changliang without hesitation and used various extraordinary methods to squeeze out the last trace of his value.

According to the information, Yongzhou conducted an extended investigation of the many criminal networks that Huang Changliang explained,
Then came a series of multi-province simultaneous raids, and within a few days, a large area of ​​criminal networks related to human trafficking was uprooted.

Yong Zhou may feel like using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer when dealing with this kind of person, but it has to be said that the sledgehammer is really sharp enough to kill a chicken.

Thinking about it, Ying Zhongtang couldn't help showing a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at the late afternoon sun, Ying Zhongtang smiled and walked into the Linjiang City Hospital in front of him.

After going around a few times, he walked into a certain ward on the second floor of the inpatient department.

After opening the door, Lin Miao was lying on the hospital bed alone, drinking a can of milk.

His whole person seemed to have lost the confusion and fear he had when he was curled up in the corner of the alley a few days ago.

"Uncle Ying!"

Lin Miao also saw Ying Zhongtang walking in, and was a little happy to get out of bed.

However, he was pushed back by Ying Zhongtang who approached a few steps away.

"Okay, you little girl, don't be so energetic."

"Forgot the rules you agreed to abide by?"

Ying Zhongtang smiled helplessly, and then sat down on the accompanying chair beside him.

After a series of tests, Lin Miao was identified as a near-mature personality with independent judgment, and did not have a dark personality tendency to maliciously hurt others.

Therefore, Yong Zhou signed a confidentiality clause with him.

Regarding this incident, Yong Zhou took the little girl to the hospital for psychological comfort treatment and at the same time covered up the incident as the girl fell and injured while walking on the road.

"Don't worry, I'm absolutely impeccable in front of my father."

Lin Miao arched her nose, and her face was full of expressions of coming to praise me.

"Okay, okay, awesome."

Ying Zhongtang looked at the cute girl and smiled.

In fact, if it weren't for the organization's easy way to make all kinds of medical equipment and staff in the hospital "cooperate" to give a report of a real injury.

Lin Miao's father, who was a policeman, would most likely not be fooled by the girl's clumsy performance.

Ying Zhongtang clearly remembered that Lin Miao's father was different from Lin Miao's mother who was crying eagerly. He frowned after getting the inspection report.

This is obviously a disbelief that the daughter who is alive and kicking has actually broken bones.

If it wasn't for Yong Zhou, who played a full set of plays, to complete all the procedures too well, Lin Miao's upright father would have immediately investigated whether there was any random diagnosis and blind collection of money in this hospital.

"By the way, let's take a look at this thing while your father and the others are away?"

Ying Zhongtang suddenly smiled and adjusted the watch on his wrist, and then emitted a beam of light from it to form a projection image on the wall.

Seeing the little meow in the projected video, Lin Miao sat down excitedly.

Since she was taken to the hospital by Uncle Ying for recuperation a few days ago, she has never seen Xiao Miao who was taken away by Uncle Ying again.

I saw that the little meow in the video was no longer in a coma.

Apparently, Yong Si, who promised her to help cure the hamster, did.

In the picture, Xiao Miao was staying on a vast plain, jumping around with a group of black ravens that landed on the ground.

In addition, there are pictures of Xiao Miao being well-behaved and being injected and blood drawn by some white coats, and some scenes of feeding Xiao Miao with good-looking food.

Most of them are pictures of little cats running on the plains having fun.

Just by looking at it like this, Lin Miao could feel Xiao Miao's happiness at the moment, but it was a pity that he couldn't be by her side now.

Not long after, the projection dissipated.

Ying Zhongtang looked at Lin Miao, who had become a little disappointed, and comforted him: "From now on, you will have the opportunity to see it again with your own eyes every month."

"After all, after signing the contract, you should understand that Xiaomiao is special now, and we can settle it better."

Hearing this, Lin Miao nodded.

She understands the truth, otherwise Yong Zhou would not have signed a confidentiality clause with her, but would have just given her a memory eraser.

It's just that the subconscious loss is still somewhat unavoidable.

Seeing this, Ying Zhongtang didn't say anything more, he understood that the girl didn't need comfort at this moment.

The two fell silent together in this quiet afternoon.

A ray of sunlight poured in through the window, the Tyndall effect illuminating the dust floating in the air.

The hospital's unique smell of disinfectant mixed with the smell of sun-killed mites permeates the air, giving people a different sense of tranquility and far-reaching.

After a moment of silence, Lin Miao continued to sip the unfinished milk.

But Ying Zhongtang's gaze subconsciously looked into the distance through the window.

Looking at it from this height.

You can vaguely see that the largest port in Linjiang City is handling goods non-stop, bringing economic benefits to the city.

As the name suggests, Linjiang City is close to Dajiang.

In fact, Linjiang City is located at the estuary of this great river, so it would be fine to call it Linhai City.

The sea area near Linjiang City is the largest inland sea in China.

With Ying Zhongtang's extraordinary eyesight, he could even vaguely see the cruise ship passing Linjiang City on the inland sea not far from the mouth of the sea.

Ying Zhongtang knew that it was the "Fengchun" super cruise ship that planned to circle the inner sea, and there had been a lot of news about it recently.

Because the fare of this super cruise is very cheap and affordable, each person can take it to circle the largest inland sea in Huaguo by paying [-] yuan, and visit the scenery of various coastal cities along the way.


There seems to be a fire on Fengchun?

Ying Zhongtang narrowed his eyes, wondering if he was wrong.

But when he let the raven on his shoulder bless his sight with a spiritual power technique, he realized that he was not mistaken.

The intense flames had already covered most of the area of ​​the super cruise ship Fengchun.

This made Ying Zhongtang's eyes widen suddenly.

If I remember correctly...

There should be close to 7000 people on board, right? !

At the same time, Raven 4399 on his shoulder suddenly said: "The latest news from the monitoring of the spiritual network shows that there is a spiritual fluctuation in the port of Linjiang City. It has an abyssal atmosphere, and it is suspected to be a disciple of the abyss."

"The members of the organizations that are closer to the surrounding area have started to act, and it's time for you to set off immediately."

Hearing this, Ying Zhongtang's eyes froze.

Whether it was for the lives of those 7000 people or for the fluctuation of spiritual power with the breath of the abyss, he had to set off now.

Before he could say anything more, Ying Zhongtang simply said goodbye to Lin Miao.

Then let Raven 4399 turn into golden energy wings, and lead him to jump down from the high building of the hospital while turning on the cognitive interference.


Sea area near the port.

The cruise ship Fengchun was full of monstrous flames.

The extremely high temperature twisted the scorching air around it.

People in the distant port had nothing to do with the flames that enveloped the entire ship within 2 minutes.

First of all, the fire started too fast. Before they could react, they found that the super cruise ship Fengchun had become a big fireball.

Secondly, there was no response to various radio communications, as if there were no survivors inside.

In the end, the fire was too strong, like a protective layer covering the entire super cruise ship Fengchun, and the small rescue ships standing in the port could not approach.

Therefore, other than waiting for the professional rescue team sent by the superior, the people in the port can only watch here at the moment.

In addition, there are many people holding up their mobile phones to take pictures of everything here.

Even if there are police and rescue personnel arriving one after another, they will drive away irrelevant people.

But it can't stop everyone completely.

You must know that there are still a few tall buildings nearby where you can see the super cruise ship on fire.

Therefore, in this era of information technology and short videos, the news that the super cruise ship Fengchun was on fire began to spread rapidly across the Internet.

Although the official forces quickly started to guide public opinion.

However, the pictures of the huge fireball captured from various angles still caused an uproar on the Internet immediately.

This is [-] lives!

Undoubtedly, the level of attention is not inferior to that of the last super typhoon on Mui Ne Island.

What's more, this time it happened in China, and its real attention is far higher than that of Mui Ne Island.

Some people say that it is fortunate that they did not board this cruise ship for cheap.

Some people say that such a fast fire rate is definitely not an accident, and there may be some hidden reason.

And the relatives of these 7000 people, after getting such news on the Internet, all rushed towards Linjiang City in disbelief.

Leaving aside all kinds of discussions about this on the Internet, the rescue teams who had arrived at the scene as quickly as possible were at a loss what to do.

To put it bluntly, although they were as fast as possible, in the 10 minutes since they rushed over, I am afraid that there were no living people in the big fireball.

This kind of super fireball whose temperature is so high that you can’t get close to tens of meters around it has been burning for 10 minutes. It is hard to imagine that the 7000 people in it are still alive.

However, even with this thought, the rescue team quickly formulated a series of plans on the premise that the person was still alive.

The professional rescue fleet has already headed towards the super cruise ship Fengchun, all of them are equipped with powerful suction water spray guns, which can continuously collect local materials from the nearby sea water.

Helicopters equipped with a large amount of fire-fighting materials are also rapidly approaching from the air, ready to carry out simultaneous fire-fighting with the fireboats on the sea.

And the rescue captain who was in charge of the rescue arrangement, while he was devastated to arrange the countermeasures, suddenly seemed to see a golden light flashing across the sky and falling into the burning fireball.

"Is it a hallucination?"

The captain murmured, and before he had time to think about it, he was interrupted by his subordinates who came to report on their work.

"Captain, here are the messages from the working groups of the nearby municipal and provincial committees. I hope we can try our best to keep everyone alive."

The subordinate saluted and reported seriously.

The captain couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the words.

He is just the captain of the rescue force at sea, not a living god who saves the suffering.

Under this kind of fire, it won't be long before the entire super cruise ship "Fengchun" will be directly melted.

All he could do was try to douse the fire before it could explode, and prepare for possible survivors by the way.

It is too difficult to ensure that the people above are still alive.

But he couldn't say that.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at the rescue team gradually approaching the super cruise ship Fengchun in the distance, with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

Although he understands that there may be no survivors.


He still hoped for a miracle to appear in his heart.


Inside the super cruise ship Fengchun.

In a huge hall, nearly [-] survivors lay intact on the ground.

Although they all fell into a coma, none of them showed signs of burns.

The super cruise ship surrounded by endless flames is not too hot inside at the moment.

Among the comatose crowd, a man wrapped in a black robe stood there, drawing a huge circle with charcoal on the ground.

This is a huge magic circle enough to accommodate all 7000 people who are in a coma.

Not long after, the magic circle was drawn.

The man in black robe threw away the charcoal pencil in his hand excitedly.

"Hiding breath? Acting quietly? My lord is still too cautious."

"I have this kind of terrifying power. I have already wrapped the cruise ship with fire to keep people from approaching. Isn't it cautious enough to do this?"

"What eternal day? It's all rubbish!"

"If you do this, wouldn't the sacrifice be enough at once!"

The man in black robe whispered excitedly while biting his fingers slowly.

The blood dripping from the fingertips fell on the magic circle and immediately made the whole magic circle glow.

In order to sacrifice enough people to summon the power of the abyss, as a follower of the abyss, he hid for a long time according to the instructions of the Lord who came every once in a while.

It's different now.

Magical power suddenly appeared on him.

Although it's not yet time to contact the Lord again, he can't know what this power is from the Lord's oracle.

But he understands that this force is strong enough.

It also gave him great confidence!
Everlasting?But it's nothing more than a chicken and a dog!
Not to mention that he has never seen the eternal day that the Lord's will has been making him pay attention to avoid.

He firmly believes that even if he has seen Yong Zhou, he will still be as confident as he is now.

Therefore, without hesitation, he made his own claim and used his own powerful strength to start looking for a sacrifice.

"This power..."

"It is to welcome the coming of the Lord!"

The black-robed man half-kneeled respectfully.

Although he is impulsive and has a bad brain, there is no doubt about his piety and fanaticism.

 Has the plot been a little dull recently?The main reason is that it is about to enter a new stage, and the things and movements of Yong Zhou will gradually become bigger, so there are some things and changes that need to be explained, and there will be new plots in the near future.

  In addition, a friend's new book recommendation is attached.


(End of this chapter)

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