Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 182 Invincibility is a debuff

Chapter 182 Invincibility is a debuff
What happens when an abyss believer becomes an awakened one?

This is a serious question, one that no one has thought about before.

The abyss believer is a disgusting decision made by the abyss on the premise that it cannot be eroded on a large scale.

Bewitched, they will do their best to make things happen in human society.

Originally, the believers in the abyss could only find an opportunity to collect sacrifices and perform rituals under the long-term search of Yongri.

They are only mentally bewitched by the abyss, and there is nothing special about their abilities. They can only gain some power after performing a ceremony with the abyss.

And since the appearance of the spirit net.

Yong Zhou launched a large number of operations, capturing a large number of abyss believers who were immediately caught with spiritual fluctuations as soon as they started offering sacrifices.

Coupled with the fact that Yongri, who is growing in power, is constantly increasing his investment in anti-cult activities.

Most of the abyss believers who are just ordinary people, life suddenly becomes more difficult.


If the believers in the abyss become awakened, then the situation will be different immediately.

This group of lunatics has always been in a state of emotional agitation, and has a certain degree of understanding of the supernatural domain, so after they become awakened, they can realize their abilities almost immediately.

Then, this group of awakened abyss believers who can exchange their lives for powerful abilities is undoubtedly countless times more troublesome than those abyss believers who had to prepare for a long time to do things.

And right now, that's exactly what's going on.

With the help of Raven 4399, Ying Zhongtang could clearly sense the surging spiritual power here after flying all the way to the Fengchun super cruise ship.

And the breath of the abyss in the depths.

There is no doubt that there is a high probability that an abyss believer is doing things right now.

In this regard, he could not delay at all.

The abyss believers will inevitably use these 7000 people as sacrifices, so the lives of these people must still be preserved.

So as long as he is fast enough, he still has a chance to save these people.

And this is not only to save these 7000 people, but also to prevent the abyss believers from doing anything bigger.

Thinking, Ying Zhongtang, who had a cognitive impairment on his body, didn't have time to hesitate, and directly plunged into the fiercely burning fire.

The burning flames were enough to prevent any ship within a radius of dozens of meters from approaching.

When Ying Zhongtang came into close contact, the tongue of flame extended towards him aggressively, displaying its destructive power wantonly.

In response to this, the golden energy wings behind Ying Zhongtang dissipated, turning into a ball of runes shining with golden light densely covering the whole body.

It's like a protective cover.

The flames were isolated, and Ying Zhongtang also fell down without any hindrance.

He easily crossed the outer flames, pierced through the fragile shell burned by the flames, and landed inside the super cruise ship.

And when he came in, he could clearly perceive the abnormality in it.

The interior of the super cruise ship did not have any high temperature, and the flames burning on the outer layer did not spread to the interior of the ship at all.

Clearly, the flames were artificially controlled.

In 2 minutes, the entire super cruise ship will be covered, and it will only burn on the outside and not spread to the inside.

Obviously, this is to block people from the outside and avoid disturbing the things that are done inside.It's also an opening for what it's going to do.

Ying Zhongtang had a sullen face as he headed in the direction where he could feel the strongest spiritual energy fluctuations.

Along the way, he passed directly through the wall.

Soon, we arrived at the huge living room of the Fengchun super cruise ship.

Looking at the past, the densely packed 7000 people were lying peacefully, and the ups and downs of their chests showed that they still had the fluctuation of life breath.

The magic circle was drawn with charcoal on the ground, and the gradually thick abyssal atmosphere permeated it.

In the middle of the crowd, there was a standing man in a black robe, chanting something silently.

In just an instant, the black-robed man's facial information was collected and uploaded to Raven 4399 at the headquarters, and he already knew the identity of the black-robed man in front of him.

The eldest son of a second-generation rich man from a real estate company took a large boat built by his family to carry out a so-called economical and affordable tourism project around the inland sea a few days ago.

Now it seems that this was obviously a long-planned plan to gather a large number of sacrifices.

And the news of Ying Zhongtang's forcible demolition along the way obviously alarmed the man in black robe.

He stopped reciting and turned to look at Ying Zhongtang, who looked alert.

"Eternal day?"

"You're too late."

"All sacrifices have been linked to the magic circle, which is hard to shake. The chanting and ceremony have also been completed, and then the magic circle has entered the state of automatic operation, and you have no way to stop it!"

"Soon, the will of the Lord will come!"

The face of the man in black robe was full of arrogance.

The sound of crackling flames all around made the voice of the black-robed man extra fanatical.

In this regard, Ying Zhongtang frowned.

He believed that the sacrifice and the magic circle were already linked, and he could not move the sacrifice at will to destroy the magic circle.

But he didn't believe there was any way to stop it.

He has some understanding of the sacrificial rituals that these abyss believers can use. In fact, there are a certain number of case records in the organization, and the magic circles of these abyss believers are not so reliable.

After all, they are ordinary people with no abilities.

Although the magic circle on the ground is a new type that has never been seen before, according to some general common sense in the field of spiritual power, Ying Zhongtang can judge it from some runes and status of this magic circle.

This array has not actually officially begun to operate independently.

So after gathering his spiritual power in front of his eyes, he immediately sensed the invisible connection between the black-robed man in front of him and the magic circle.

Obviously, although the black-robed man had finished speaking, he was still needed to maintain the magic circle.

Killing the black-robed man has a high probability of interrupting the sacrificial ceremony.

After being silent for a moment, Ying Zhongtang immediately started to capture the thief first and the king first.

The short-distance instant acceleration technique taught by Dawn Academy was performed instinctively.

The distance between him and the man in black robe also shortened immediately.

During this process, the bracelet that Ying Zhongtang was wearing also instantly liquefied, and then quickly spread from his entire arm to his whole body like poison.

The moment it reached the man in the black robe, the fist that covered the Type II Dawn Warsuit had already slammed into his face fiercely.

In this blow.

He has the physical strength to go back to the academy regularly to be trained by the fitness tower.

It has spiritual power techniques such as amplification and armor-breaking taught by Dawn Academy integrated into it.

It is blessed with the power-boosting effect of Dawn Battlesuit Type II.

At the same time, he also remotely directly borrowed the power increase of the prototype of Yongzhou Headquarters, Xiao Jinwu, making his overall comprehensive strength approach the second level of spiritual power at this moment.

The prototype of the Golden Crow on the hibiscus tree in the cave of the headquarters flickered for a while, and a huge increase in spiritual power descended on Ying Zhongtang out of thin air.

This is the teaching philosophy of Chenxi Academy: the last move is to use it as a killer move, just open it up immediately, without giving the enemy any chance to react.

This punch was about to hit the face of the man in black robe, but he saw that the man in black robe avoided the punch by a hair's breadth.

He grabbed Ying Zhongtang and threw him on his knee.

The powerful force made it difficult for Ying Zhongtang to resist, and he immediately rolled his eyes.

Then it was randomly smashed and inlaid on the deck.

Ying Zhongtang could feel that if it wasn't for the Dawn Battlesuit Type II and the little Golden Crow's boost, it would have boosted him to the peak of the first level of spiritual power, or if it wasn't for the Dawn Battlesuit Type II that had increased his defensive power.

He had to be directly turned into two pieces under the opponent's knee kick.

Obviously, the power of this black-robed man is no longer limited to the first level of spiritual power.

Then Ying Zhongtang, who was lying on the ground with pain all over his body, heard the man in black robe growl:
"Can you find out my connection with the formation?"

"It's a pity that you didn't see that the existence of this formation itself can also bless me. It has absorbed part of the vitality of 7000 people as consumption. This connection is not only for me to maintain the formation, but also for me to come from the abyss. , Blessings from the vitality of 7000 people!"

"I have lost my human body and turned into a dragon!"

Roaring, all the clothes on the black-robed man were taut and torn apart.

His face is aging at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, his sudden increase was not only due to the blessing of the abyss circle, the blessing of the vitality of 7000 people, and the blessing of awakening ability, but also because of his own life.

This is how he suddenly became powerful from an ordinary person to what he is now.

His body began to swell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, crimson scales grew out inch by inch on his body.

The toes swelled and elongated, with nails as sharp as eagle claws.

The breath between his breaths also became visible to the naked eye, as if full of high temperature.

In an instant, the man in black robe had turned into a monster nearly five meters tall.

A pressured aura covered the surroundings, and even Ying Zhongtang, who was amplified by the Dawn Battlesuit II and had a peak spiritual power level of one level, couldn't help but feel the surrounding air suddenly become heavy and oppressive.

In addition, the pain from the knee attack just now has not subsided yet, and Ying Zhongtang only feels that it is difficult to even breathe at this moment.

But even so, he brazenly yelled at the monster in front of him without fear: "Incarnate into a dragon? It's just a reptile."

These words obviously made the proud man in black feel harsh.

The black-robed man who was admiring his new body lowered his head, and grabbed Ying Zhongtang on the ground with his paws that were half the size of a human.

The scorching high temperature was transmitted together when the claws touched it.

Ying Zhongtang's already painful breathing became even more difficult to maintain, as if a pungent sulfur smell kept drilling into his mind in a trance.

However, the increased power from the Golden Crow continued to repair Ying Zhongtang's body, allowing him to gradually adapt to this hot feeling.


"Then what should you be when I hold you in my hand?"

As the man in black robe said, the strength in his hands increased slightly.

Terrifying power was exerted on Ying Zhongtang, but he still gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Even through Liming Suit II, Ying Zhongtang could feel the strong pressure.

Fortunately, the Dawn Suit II was powerful enough, and the guys from the Lunar Research Branch didn't cut any corners.

At this moment, the black-robed man who broke the rules at the first level and half stepped into the second level of spiritual power, unexpectedly found that he seemed unable to crush the Type II Dawn Battlesuit.

"You have something in Yongzhou..."

"It's a pity..."

"Even if I have to bear the consumption of the magic circle, I still need to catch you with one hand. I am invincible in the world!"

There was a hint of arrogance in the laugh of the man in black robe.

Sudden power can always make people swell, making people unable to distinguish between east, west and north.

That's exactly what happened to the man in black.

He laughed wildly.

The extreme high temperature spread out in an instant, blowing a gust of hot wind.

All the approaching rescue ships were stunned.

Most people who hit the hot wind head-on from a distance suffered some degree of burns.

Several helicopters in the sky that were about to spray fire extinguishing materials were also shaken by the hot wind.

The fire group wrapped around the super cruise ship Fengchun immediately began to shake violently, and the surrounding sea water also began to heat up sharply.

Almost just a few seconds.

The shallow sea water around the super cruise ship Fengchun began to bubble and boil, and a large amount of steam formed a white mist all over the sky.

The scene at this moment feels like the end of the world.

For a moment, the high-temperature white fog not only blocked the line of sight, but the high temperature also prevented the rescue team from getting even closer.

The rescue captain at the distant port was silent, feeling a little at a loss for this scene.

An area of ​​the sea was boiled, and rescue forces were temporarily unable to approach.

He had never seen such a scene in his life.

Just as he was thinking about what to do next, a group of people came to the command post to take over his command work.

All kinds of large and endless official documents and certificates made the rescue captain feel like a child who had never seen the world.

Why does this group of people have cooperation documents signed by the central government, major military regions, national security departments and many other departments that communicate with the sky?

At the same time, he found that people in a large area around had been evacuated, seemingly on the grounds that there was a possible explosion hazard.

However, the rescue team leader knew very well that the super cruise ship Fengchun was located on the sea a little farther from the port, even if the fuel exploded due to fire, it would not have much impact on the surrounding area.

All this seems to be getting complicated.

Just as the rescue captain was thinking so distractedly, he noticed a golden light streaking across the water mist in the sky, falling into the raging flames, and making a loud noise that shook the sky.

This movement attracted everyone's attention.

Huairen, who had just taken over the handling of the suspected extraordinary incident here, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because he was practicing nearby, he was directly assigned by the Xunzhou Bureau, and led a group of people to take over and investigate the fire on the super cruise ship Fengchun.

And many members who came with him and practiced spiritual cultivation methods, like him, all experienced a majestic power at this moment.

This power is of the same origin as them!


Inside the super cruise ship Fengchun at the moment.

While the giant claws were grabbing Ying Zhongtang, the black-robed man looked excitedly at the gradually activated magic circle.

As long as the magic circle is fully activated, the flesh and blood of these 7000 people will melt in an instant.

The will of the Lord will also come to the world!
This world will also gradually fall into the hands of the great Lord.

And Ying Zhongtang in his hands wanted to struggle, but it was useless.

This man in black robe is too strong.

The strength has basically reached the second level of spiritual power, so he was killed without much reaction.

He is still alive now because the Dawn Battlesuit Type II and the Golden Crow’s long-range boost are powerful enough. His strong defense and vitality ensured that he was not crushed to death by the black-robed man who turned into a half-dragon.


Now he is powerless to resist.

It can only be said that his appearance was delayed for some time.

Now, we are looking forward to the support of Yong Zhou's strength as soon as possible.

The painful Ying Zhongtang was deep in thought.

The next moment, he raised his head in surprise and excitement.

An unprecedented majestic spiritual force has enveloped the sky at some point.

The black-robed man also sensed a terrifying aura that made him tremble.

I haven't waited for him to respond.

A golden light flashed in front of him.

When I saw clearly again, my right arm had been severed at the root.

Ying Zhongtang, who was grasped tightly, was struggling to get out of the broken arm, looking like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Beside him, a handsome, elegant and handsome bald man stood with his hands behind his back.

On his body was a brand new black suit.

His eyes were full of oppression.

"Just now... you were calling yourself invincible, right?"

The handsome bald man said in a calm tone.

This voice made the man in black swallow his saliva.

The pain of the broken arm came into my mind at this moment like waking up from a dream.

This pain came together with the fear that pressed him to the point where he could hardly breathe.

will die!

Facing this man, he will definitely die!
The black-robed man immediately realized this.

The previous arrogance and arrogance disappeared instantly at this moment, and without hesitation, he wanted to turn his head and use blood to accelerate the formation of the magic circle.

Because he understands that maybe only the Lord's will can save him at this moment.

"Lord, save..."

Before he finished speaking, the black-robed man's head was instantly separated from his body.

With the body separated, he fell straight down.

Just like he killed Ying Zhongtang instantly with a single knee, at this moment he was also instantly killed by the man who suddenly appeared.


Invincibility is a debuff.

(End of this chapter)

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