Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 183 Are you Master Xuanzang? !

Chapter 183 You... Are you Master Xuanzang? !

An inconspicuous golden light fell into the mist.

Fell into the burning flames.

Although the movement seemed small, the extremely frightening fluctuations of spiritual power actually filled a large area.

The familiar power fluctuations made Huairen and the members of the Day-seeking Bureau he brought with him all stare wide-eyed.

There is no doubt that this is also a spiritual practice!
The one who comes with the golden light must be a person who has achieved great success in the field of spiritual practice.

It gave everyone present a feeling of being hit by dimensionality reduction.

And this spiritual cultivation method comes from the inheritance of Yongri, and the people who can practice to this level can only come from Yongri!

Where there is a spiritual response, there will inevitably be an eternal day.

It is precisely because the fire is really suspicious, and it is suspected that the people who have awakened superpowers that have appeared frequently recently, that's why they sent a large number of professionals who are nearby to come here.

After coming, it is completely certain that the strong fluctuation of spiritual power undoubtedly shows that this fire is indeed an extraordinary event.

Just when they were worried about how to save the lives of those 7000 people, and when they were worried about how to deal with the superhuman who caused the fire...

Yong Zhou really appeared like a savior.

This made Huairen's heart excited.

Because the appearance of Yong Zhou is undoubtedly a powerful medicine to boost confidence.

This made the kind-hearted Huairen see the hope of saving the 7000 people on board.

It also reminded him of Director Zhang Shouquan's thoughts some time ago - to contact Yong Zhou.

For a long time, all countries have been looking for eternal day and transcendence, and then after the lunar event, they have become far away and dare not take a second look.

Until Zhang Shouquan realized that Yong Zhou had helped stop most of the troubles in the Awakened incident, a bold idea came to him.

Try to establish diplomatic relations with Yongzhou!

Seek cooperation with a humble attitude!

And right now, maybe it's an opportunity to try to see if he can contact Yong Zhou!

Normally, either he couldn't find Yong Zhou, or he didn't dare to approach him because the other party was too aggressive.

Huairen thought of this, and immediately reported the relevant information to Director Zhang Shou of the Xunzhou Bureau.

Then he turned on the radio channel first, and told his colleagues who had taken over the rescue work from the rescue force: While trying to carry out the rescue work, pay close attention to all the people who come out of the ship.

After saying that, Huairen looked at the soaring fire hidden behind the thick mist, and couldn't help but feel a trace of complicated emotions flashing through his heart.

The lofty Yong Zhou is daunting, and feels like an untouchable god, but it is so attractive.

This may be a big step for their Huaguo, and even for the entire human race!


And in the cabin at this moment.

The last one who claimed to be invincible has stopped thinking.

The man in black robe is no exception.

Under Xuanzang's random blow, he stopped thinking forever.

His vision is too narrow, his personality is too stupid, coupled with the sudden surge of power, this makes him directly become a brainless person.

He never thought about why his Lord, whom he deeply believed in, wanted him to hide away forever.

And the result of this was that the head of the item was easily taken away.

Even though he has initially stepped into the second-level spiritual power level and understands some cultivation methods in the field of will, he is still so vulnerable in front of Xuanzang, who is a third-level breakout and demigod level.

The gap between them is completely different.

Level [-] sharpens the body, level [-] begins to use spiritual power, level [-] begins to contact the realm of spiritual will, level [-] begins to understand the existence of rules, level [-] entrusts the true spirit in the ocean of spiritual rules and has immortality, level [-] initially condenses Belonging to one's own personality...

Every level is vastly different.

After losing the support of the black-robed man, the magic circle in operation gradually lost the fluctuation of the abyssal breath, and turned into a pool of ordinary charcoal traces.

The 7000 people who were supposed to be sacrificed in the formation were also safe and sound, but lost some of the vitality extracted by the man in black through the formation.

Although this has some impact on their physical health, the impact is not much, and they are still alive after all.

Xuanzang repeatedly confirmed that the black-robed man was dead, that Ying Zhongtang and the 7000 people were all fine, and then carefully confirmed with a serious expression that the magic circle was indeed ineffective.

Just a little relieved.

This abyss believer awakened is indeed so strong.

Although compared to him, the second-in-command of Yong Zhou, who is a demigod, this man in black robe doesn't seem to be that strong.But compared to those students who have been training hard in Dawn Academy for a long time, this abyss believer awakened is actually unexpectedly strong.

His performance in instantly killing Ying Zhongtang seemed as if he was mocking the Yongzhou members' systematic training and learning and a large amount of knowledge as useless.

It's like saying: A newly awakened abyssal believer can easily deal with the elites that Yongri has cultivated for a long time, and can directly beat the Yongri elites who are full of various buffs.

But in fact it doesn't count that way.

This abyss believer is definitely one of the better ones, or should be said to be the best one.

He has listened to a lot of teachings from the abyss, and without having had any personal contact with the extraordinary, he has already had some knowledge and understanding of the extraordinary power.

This point can be seen from his ability to comprehend and describe the extremely advanced magic circle on the ground. Although his character is a bit reckless and arrogant, his talent above the extraordinary is definitely a genius.

Compared with other awakened people in the wild, the black-robed man can quickly master the method of using the awakening ability, and he can use the awakening ability channel without hesitation, and actively exchange all his remaining life for strength without hesitation.

He even used the vitality drawn from 7000 people when maintaining the magic circle as his own consumption of krypton life in exchange for strength.

and so……

Such sudden power cannot be reproduced.

To be an awakened person is to be the best abyss believer who can listen to and understand a lot of abyss teachings, the attitude of completely consuming power for power, the blessing of power brought by the special magic circle, and the continuous extraction and utilization of the vitality of 7000 people...

The combination of all these factors created the result of killing Ying Zhongtang in an instant.

In fact, it would be impossible for any other Abyss believer to defeat the full-strength official member of Yongzhou as soon as he wakes up.

Most abyss believers and awakened people can only run exhausted when facing the eternal day, and even say they can only hold their heads in their hands.

The man in black robe is a special situation.

And even in such a special situation, even if the man in black robe became so strong due to the combination of so many factors, he could only defeat Ying Zhongtang instantly, but still could not kill Ying Zhongtang.

In a sense, this can better demonstrate the power of Yongzhi.

In general……

Such strength among the Abyss believers is just an exception. Such outstanding talents may not appear for a long time in the future, nor will there be such a special situation where various factors come together for a long time.

However, even if the fourth generation of Yongzhou is a freshman, it has been able to systematically cultivate excellent talents continuously, and can spread the benefits of the Golden Crow, Dawn Armor, and Raven to everyone, making them members of the organization of standard configuration.

After thinking for a moment, Xuanzang in a black suit walked up to Ying Zhongtang, and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Fortunately, Ying Zhongtang bought some time, and fortunately, being idle, he happened to try out new dressing styles in surrounding cities, otherwise the lives of these 7000 people would probably not be protected.


Ying Zhongtang said to Xuanzang in a suit in front of him with a longing face.

Compared with calling him the minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that has not yet been officially established, Ying Zhongtang and other members who admire Xuanzang prefer to call him a sage.

The sage can be said to be the leader of Yong Zhou's reserve force.

Any member who has touched the immortality and reached the demigod realm can obtain the corresponding sage title after passing a certain assessment.

Every sage is the strongest and most powerful member of Yongri.Every generation of leaders needs to be selected from among the sages.

But right now, there are no sages in the new four generations of Yong Zhou.

The one closest to the position of the sage is undoubtedly this Xuanzang.

"Hahaha, not yet."

Xuanzang smiled and touched the smooth back of his head.

The sage is the successor of the leader. He thinks that he may not have the qualifications now, and needs more tests from his master.

"Sage, I can't beat him."

After Ying Zhongtang was silent for a moment, his longing expression changed to a look of guilt.

It is obvious that he has experienced countless physical and mental tempering, systematically learned the most professional supernatural knowledge, and has a large number of amplification methods...

But in the end, he was instantly killed.

Such a record seems to make Yong Zhou feel ashamed.

"It's not your fault..."

Xuanzang shook his head and said.

I got up, and then I was caught in a second. What else is there to say?

What can be done about this?
There are more hanging on the opposite side.

But even though Xuanzang thought so, Ying Zhongtang obviously still blamed himself and felt guilty.

Minister Xuanzang arrived in time today, if not in time in the future...

"You've done enough."

"If you feel that you are not strong enough, you can apply for a temporary leave when you go back, and then go to the body training tower and practice hard for a period of time."

As Xuanzang said, he patted Ying Zhongtang on the shoulder.

"Okay, the matter here is settled, we can evacuate with peace of mind."

"Outside, but someone is coming in."

Xuanzang said while looking outside.

With the death of the black-robed man, the huge fireball surrounding the periphery of the Fengchun super cruise ship disappeared, and the mist created by the boiling sea water also slowly dissipated.

The personnel from the Day Search Bureau were finally able to get closer.

Hearing this, Ying Zhongtang nodded, and approached Xuanzang with his weakened body after summoning the power of the Golden Crow.

Seeing this, Xuanzang waved his hand.

The black-robed man's body disappeared, most of the magic circle pattern on the ground was wiped out, and Ying Zhongtang's body was also full of strength.


"Report, everything is calm at present."

"It is confirmed that the high-temperature water mist steam and high-temperature flames have completely disappeared, but the residual temperature still affects the use of the thermal induction device, and it is impossible to judge the specific situation in the ship."

"According to observations, the overall structure of the Fengchun super cruise ship is still stable, and the carbonized surface does not seem to be safely destroyed by the fire."

"Requesting to try and board the ship directly!"

In the radio channel, the voice of the rescue force dispatched from the sea came.

Huairen, who was observing remotely at the port, narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then immediately gave the order to allow boarding.

Although he was the first comprehension of the spiritual cultivation method in the Day-seeking Bureau, he still didn't take the lead in this situation where he might face the awakened ones.

Because of his current strength, he may not be able to defeat professional soldiers with loaded weapons.

Those soldiers not only have richer and more reliable actual combat experience than him, they are also equipped with the latest day-seeking bureau technology.

It was an equipment developed based on meteorite material and three monsters: ape, pig, and fish. This time, it was also prepared to be used in actual combat on a trial basis.

So in this case he became a remote commander.

The spiritual and wisdom blessings of the spiritual practice method give him long-term potential in commanding, so after being trained for a period of time, he is really qualified to become an officer.

The soldiers who approached the Fengchun super cruise ship in a rescue boat had serious faces. After hearing Huairen's order, they all immediately took out their professional equipment and got ready.

"The drilling equipment is ready."

"The basic firepower network has been set up."

"[Wujing] The bondage net can be launched at any time."

After a few reports, bursts of flames from the professional equipment slowly cut a hole on the outside of the scorched cruise ship.

Everyone filed in in a professional security formation, and immediately dispersed to take a defensive posture.

But what they saw was a large group of people lying peacefully on the ground.

Obviously, there is a high probability that there are 7000 people on the super cruise ship Fengchun, and it seems that they are all still alive.

Huairen, who observed through the remote camera, immediately said: "No. 1-10, immediately explore the surrounding area and search for possible dangerous people within the entire ship! In critical moments, it is allowed to launch [Wujing] restraints depending on the situation." net!"

"No. 11-15 conducted an in-depth analysis of the structural stability of the entire ship, and judged how long the ship can survive intact?"

"The remaining people are going to identify those people on the ground and make sure they are OK."

While giving the order, Huairen couldn't help showing his eyes.

Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that the battle is over.The person who was suspected to be Yong Zhou, who was a master of spiritual practice, had already dealt with the awakened person who caused trouble this time.

However, out of caution, he still waited patiently for the detection results.

Not long after, news came from the troops ahead.

No other hazards found, ship structure still stable, 7000 people still alive...

no doubt.

Yong Zhou, once again solved everything!
It is a miracle that none of the 7000 people died!
But looking at Yong Zhou, it seems so reasonable.

After all, that was Yong Zhou!
While Huai Ren arranged for a large number of professionals and medical staff to bring 7000 people out of the Fengchun ship, he couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart.

Although everything has been resolved, his idea of ​​contacting Yong Zhou seems to have come to nothing.

Eternal day is still so far away.

Like a god, he descended suddenly to solve everything, and disappeared with the breeze without knowing it.

This made him feel a little disappointed.

Thinking about it, Huairen helplessly sat on the chair in the command room alone and rubbed his temples.

In a daze, he frowned.

No, he doesn't seem to be the only one in the command room? !

Realizing that something was wrong, he subconsciously raised his head.

I saw a beautiful bald boy in a black suit sitting across from him at some point.

This man, just sitting there seems to have taken away the essence of the whole world, making people feel like they just want to stare at this treasure.

He didn't care about thinking about where the people in the command room had gone.

Huairen, who practiced spiritual practice, once again had the same feeling of blessing and heart as when he was reading "Da Tang Western Regions".

Needless to say, he instinctively knew the identity of the person in front of him.

A sense of vicissitudes and epic across time and space can't help rushing to my heart.

"You are... Master Xuanzang?!"

Huairen blurted out confidently.

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a full order~
  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a full order~
  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a full order~
  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a full order~
  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a full order~
(End of this chapter)

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