Chapter 184 Raven CHN1949
The huge gap in spiritual power made Huairen suddenly see a supreme wise man thousands of years ago, casting his eyes on him through the long river of time.

Although the opposite body is wearing a modern black suit.

But from those eyes that seemed to see through everything, Huairen could feel the resonance of his soul.

At this moment, Huairen felt as if he saw a man walking with difficulty on the Gobi Desert full of yellow sand.

At this moment, Huairen felt that he saw a man standing in the sky, his back against the setting sun was pulled far away, and the direction he was going in front of him was endless.

What Huairen sees more is a mass of majestic spiritual power that seems to occupy the entire field of vision, as if it is the boundless and vast Alaya consciousness of the integration of human spirit in the legend.

Undoubtedly, this is a master-disciple meeting that spans thousands of years.

Xuanzang passed on the practice of spirituality to the world 1400 years ago, and Huairen is the No.1 who has been passed down after an infinite time.

The miracle that spans time and space unfolds at this moment.

Huairen wanted to call out to call Master, but hesitated and didn't know how to say it.

When called master, it seems that there is no title of master and apprentice.

If you don't call him a master, you actually already have the reality of a master and apprentice.

An atmosphere of silence prevailed.

The next moment, before Huairen was about to speak, Xuanzang took the lead and said, "Maybe we need to have a good chat about the relationship between Yongri and human beings."

"Human beings today are stronger and more intelligent than at any time in history. Maybe it can also let you understand the truth of the world a little bit."

Xuanzang's words drifted past gently.

It seemed that he was just calmly talking about something not worth mentioning.

Among them, the inadvertently high-ranking attitude seems to be beyond words, but Huairen can understand that Xuanzang's heart is not like this, but he thinks that Yongzhou's people should be high-ranking, so he hears Xuanzang's words as something like this mean.

The most important thing is that the meaning expressed in it also made Huairen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Yong Zhou... plans to take the initiative to contact them? !
What can they do? !
Although this sounds like an orderly tone of announcement, telling them that these people are barely qualified to have a little communication with Yong Zhou.

But excitement and excitement still flashed through Huairen's heart.

"If we want to communicate, we will communicate with you at the highest standard."

"The various responsible persons will be arranged as soon as possible."

"The territory of the embassy area can be freely chosen. If not, I don't think it will be a problem to build a high-standard embassy next to the main square!"

Huairen spoke excitedly.

Xuanzang just smiled at Huairen who was so excited and said: "Five days later at night, we will send someone to talk to you about the details."

After the words fell, Xuanzang's figure disappeared.

Xuanzang just used the power of his mind to leave an illusion at will. After the words he wanted to convey were conveyed in place, the illusion naturally completed its mission.

The real detailed communication does not require him to come.

And Huai Ren listened to the personnel communication sounding again in his ears, and looked at the colleagues in the surrounding command room who were busy walking back and forth because of this incident.

He subconsciously stood up.

Before he finished speaking a series of excited words, the figure of Xuanzang in front of him had disappeared.

This made him look around in shock and panic at the vanished illusion around him.

Immediately, he sat back in the chair with relief.

Is it a dream?
Huairen decided not!
That sense of powerlessness as if facing the abyss of heaven, that vast and indescribably vast spiritual power, is beyond what he can imagine now.


a few days later.

Kyoto · state banquet restaurant · rest box.

"With regard to the follow-up treatment of the 7000 people, the official statement we released was that the fire was put out in a timely manner, and none of them suffered any injuries."

"A lot of information on the Internet is also under the guidance of the public opinion department, turning to the gossip news of some traffic niches."

Huairen, who Zhang Shouquan wanted to promote as deputy, was seriously talking about the follow-up work of those 7000 people.

Zhang Shouquan nodded upon hearing this.

He is also participating in the follow-up of this matter, so he is relatively clear about some details.

This matter is not easy to handle, and there are too many loopholes.

For example, why did 7000 people get no burns in such a big fire?

But fortunately, all the witnesses around were evacuated on the grounds that there might be an explosion, and all the 7000 people on board were unconscious at the time.

The outside world doesn't know anything, so regarding the fact that the 7000 people are intact, we can only accept the official hard explanation that the fire fighting is timely.

Coupled with the attraction of other shocking news and the passage of time, everyone naturally forgot about it.

Just like the Mui Ne Island incident that no one cares about now.

"It's not important at the moment."

“The most important thing is the guests that may come in the evening.”

Zhang Shouquan murmured, resting his chin with his hands, repeatedly watching the surveillance video on the computer screen in front of him.

That is the surveillance video in the temporary command post of Linjiang City Port, which records the surveillance of the command post when the super cruise ship Fengchun caught fire five days ago.

In the screen, Huairen has been earnestly directing the medical work of 7000 people, and presided over the related information confidentiality work.

The people in the entire temporary command post were also walking around following Huairen's transfer.

Suddenly, Huai Ren obviously paused.

This daze and pause lasted for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, Huairen stood up hastily and looked around with a hint of shock.

The monitoring screen ends here.

But Zhang Shouquan watched this scene dozens of times.

Because according to what Huairen said, he saw Xuanzang during the few seconds he was stunned.

What is this concept?
That is Xuanzang!
The Xuanzang who set foot on the westward road alone, only to popularize Buddhism and save the common people!

The Xuanzang who came from Yongzhou and passed down the spiritual practice method for them!
If he is still alive today!

And he is still a member of the powerful and ancient Yongzhi.

Then their feelings of awe towards Yong Zhou may increase again.

They just know that Yongzhi has existed for countless years and has been guarding the history of mankind for countless years.

But never saw the real historical figures appear in front of them.

Although there is no Xuanzang mentioned by Huairen in the surveillance video, nor is it recorded that he chatted with Xuanzang for a few minutes.

It even said that when Huairen himself went back to think about it.

Except what Xuanzang said would come tonight.

Huairen's image of Xuanzang gradually became blurred, and he couldn't remember the specific appearance of that Xuanzang.

Everything seemed so like a dream.

Zhang Shouquan once suspected that this was a side effect of practicing spiritual practice, so that he would see the master of spiritual practice in hallucinations.

But Huairen, who was convinced that all this happened, made Zhang Shouquan subconsciously seriously consider the authenticity of this matter.

It just so happened that he also desperately wanted to contact Yong Zhou.

Whether it is true or not at this moment...

It never seems to go wrong when it's true.

With this mentality, Zhang Shouquan narrowed his eyes seriously.

During the conversation between Huairen and that senior Xuanzang, he only mentioned a little that he could establish a communication channel with them.

If it is to be taken seriously, then for them, this is a very important establishment of diplomatic relations between major countries.Naturally, the Xunzhou Bureau treated it with the highest standard without hesitation, and the relevant embassy has been approved and started construction.

A series of introductions that may involve various fields such as technology and people's livelihood are also prepared for possible future exchanges.

According to what Huairen said.

Just tonight, they will have a meeting with Yong Zhou's people in the State Banquet Restaurant.

This may be the turn of the century.

In future history books, this day is likely to be hailed as a giant step for mankind and a turning point in a new era.

The official representatives from the upper echelon were already resting in the box of the state banquet restaurant, ready to participate in the evening exchanges. As the director of the Day Search Bureau, he would also take Huairen to attend this meeting.

Whether it's true or not depends on tonight.

If no one came, it would be nothing more than withdrawing the embassy construction project, and wasting a table of good food in the state banquet restaurant by the way.

If Yong Zhou really comes, it means that he will really be on the line with Yong Zhou.

what does that mean.

Zhang Shouquan couldn't imagine it.

If it really goes online, the Xunday Bureau and the entire Hua Kingdom will embrace the thickest thighs in human history!
Perhaps in the troubled times that follow, the losses will be smaller.

Perhaps occupying one of humanity's dominant positions in a possible united future.

Anyway anyway.

Zhang Shouquan was full of expectations.


Night falls.

As the political center of the country, this is a city that never sleeps with fiery trees and silver flowers.

It's like being in a fairy tale.

The State Banquet Restaurant stands on the bank of the lake. Watching its reflection from the rippling blue water, it looks like a fairy palace.

For tonight's appointment.

The Xunzhou Bureau has dispersed all the idle people around to ensure absolute safety tonight.

There are at least twenty sniper rifles set up at various commanding heights around at this moment, ensuring that no one else can break in.

And at the entrance of the state banquet restaurant, the No. [-] old man sent by the state stood in the middle, and Zhang Shouquan, the director of the Xunzhou Bureau, and Huairen stood on both sides.

The three of them waited anxiously.

Needless to say, Zhang Shouquan and Huairen, the No. [-] old man sent by the state naturally knew Yong Zhou very well.

They all firmly believed that if Yong Zhou wanted to come, the layers of protection outside would mean nothing.

If you can't get in, then there is a high probability that it won't be Yongzhi.The three of them were looking forward to how Yong Zhou would appear.

"Xiao Zhang, what do you think we should communicate next?"

Looking at the dim lights in the distance, old man No. [-] narrowed his eyes and said to Zhang Shouquan beside him.

He is the number two old man now, and he used to be the head of the national security agency. Zhang Shouquan was trained by him bit by bit.

So the tone of his communication with Zhang Shouquan seemed very casual.

"In front of you, do I need to say anything more?"

"I was brought out by you. You should know best what I think."

Zhang Shouquan smiled, understanding that Old Man No. [-] must know what he was thinking.

Zhang Shouquan once dared to rush into the cracks in the expanding black abyss for the sake of the lights of the Wan Family, and dared to risk his life to lurk in the enemy's country for intelligence.

He is the head of the secret service.

No matter before becoming the director of the Xunzhou Bureau or after becoming the director of the Xunzhou Bureau, he always has a clear plan for his own code of conduct.

Everything is actually to protect the lights of thousands of families behind them.

Judging from what Yongzhou has shown so far, Zhang Shouquan may not directly lead the team to shoot, but there is a high probability that he will be very inclined to Yongzhou in all aspects.

"My thoughts are almost the same as yours, and I will seek any possible cooperation opportunities with as much humility as possible."

Elder No. [-] murmured softly.

The existence of Eternal Day is too lofty.

It would be great if we could touch some sides and make some connections this time.

Contemplating, the three of them stopped talking.

The silent moonlight falls on the sparkling lake, and the breeze blows the leaves of the landscape trees.

Not long after, the peaceful atmosphere around was broken by a bird call.

Above the sky, there was a black figure slowly falling to the ground under the darkness of night.

The bird landed in front of the three of them. It looked like a dark raven with a few red lines on its body.

This scene was calm and ordinary.

But Zhang Shouquan couldn't help but frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

When he silently mobilized the surrounding surveillance video and displayed it on the glasses he specially brought today, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

In the surrounding surveillance video, there is no such a raven? !

Zhang Shouquan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flashed.

He strode forward.

The raven was not scared away like a normal bird, but looked at him with calm eyes.

"I am the director of the Xunzhou Bureau, this Huairen is my deputy, and this is the number two elder."

"I welcome you here on behalf of the entire Hua Kingdom."

Zhang Shouquan introduced to Raven seriously.

When Huairen and the No. [-] elder saw this, they were subconsciously stunned at first, and then they, who were not stupid, immediately understood everything.

This raven is the "person" sent by Yong Zhou!
There was no surprise in the eyes of the No. [-] elder, he knew that Yong Zhou had such means.

The more independent he is, the more he feels worthy of Yong Zhou.

Huai Ren couldn't help but be in a daze beside him.

He was only brought here because Xuanzang found him, so instead of approaching him, he couldn't help thinking about a few questions:
[By the way, is there any bird food suitable for ravens in the feast prepared in the state banquet restaurant? 】

[Will the Yongzhou Embassy be built into a bird's nest in the future?Or simply turn the Olympic venue, the Bird's Nest, into an embassy? 】

As he pondered, Huairen's mind gradually drifted away.

Except that he was more mature and stable when studying Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, he always thinks so out of the way most of the time.

"I am Raven CHN1949, I have a special personality intelligence independent of Unit 0."

“I would like to communicate on behalf of Yong Zhou.”

The Raven CHN1949 didn't open its mouth, but its "voice" came directly into the minds of several people.

Hearing this, Zhang Shouquan's eyes flickered.

Although it was a raven that came.

However, Yongzhou was able to specially use the code name CHN1949 for Huaguo, which sounds like it did give them Huaguo enough respect.

It seems...

This communication is probably not a bad thing for them.

 Today I was busy picking up my long-distance girlfriend and came back to meet the parents. Sorry everyone, the update is a bit late.

  I may ask for leave tomorrow, it depends on whether my girlfriend and I will be too lazy to go out to play tomorrow, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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