Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 185 Yongzhou Communications Office in China

Chapter 185 Yongzhou Communications Office in China

[Note: Thanks to the editor, the last chapter was released from the little black room. 】

Facts have proved that what Huairen told was not a dream.

Yong Zhou really intends to communicate with them.

Although the person who arrived as promised was not a real person, but a raven.

But Zhang Shouquan didn't actually feel the feeling of being insulted, it might be better to say that he felt that it was normal for the real person not to come.

That's Yong Zhou!

An ancient mysterious organization spanning an unknown number of years in human history.

They are powerful and noble...more qualified than any human being to call themselves the representatives of this planet.

The more you understand Yong Zhou, the more you will understand.

During the countless years of the invasion of the abyss, human beings have always been just babies under the protection of Yongri, and it is difficult to even see the back of Yongri from a distance.

But it's different now.

This raven represented that they finally had such an opportunity.

Now the children who are a little more sensible are finally qualified to communicate with their parents.

Therefore, communicating with the raven did not make Zhang Shouquan feel any humiliation.

After all, what qualifications do they have to be treated seriously and equally by Yong Zhou?
For countless years, Yong Zhou has witnessed too many dynasties falling and changing.

In the eyes of Yong Zhou, countless countries are just some insignificant superstructures in the whole human being, and they are not considered as important things at all.

Their rise and fall has little impact on the overall continuation of human beings.

The premise of equal treatment: the gap in strength is not big.

Although Zhang Shouquan is not sure whether Raven 1001 really has independent thinking, or is controlled by someone behind it.

But you can't go wrong anyway.

As a result, all the dishes with birds and poultry were removed, and the whole table looked clear and watery.

And at this seemingly not very sumptuous dining table, Zhang Shouquan and Raven 1001 had a straight-to-the-top discussion about the things to be exchanged this time.

First of all: it is about how to maintain a long-term communication relationship in the future.

"Excuse me, does Yong Zhou have any idea of ​​establishing an embassy in our country?"

Zhang Shouquan said with curiosity in his eyes.

He is very concerned about this.

No matter what they exchanged with Yong Zhou this time, a one-shot deal is always bad.

So Zhang Shouquan is looking forward to more cooperation opportunities.

It is best to establish a long-term communication channel now to prepare in advance for possible communication and cooperation in the future.

Just like the embassies built by many countries.

Raven 1001 did not agree to this.

An embassy means a piece of territory in another country, it means the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between two forces, and it means that political relations between two forces will be promoted.

But in fact, Yongzhou does not plan to establish political relations with other countries in a short time, or it should be said that they never thought about it.

The entire human race has lived under the protection of Yongri since ancient times, and now it is unacceptable for some human organizations to establish diplomatic relations with Yongri.

This is like calling one's younger brother's younger brother brothers, the huge gap is destined to make it difficult to promote the establishment of an equal cooperative relationship.

"We have no idea of ​​building an embassy for now."

"However, it is possible to set up a Yongzhou Communications Office in China, which is under the name of our newly established Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

“It can serve as a bridge for possible communication between us in the future.”

Raven 1001's answer was impeccable.

Zhang Shouquan naturally understood the meaning of Raven 1001 when he heard the words.

His eyes dimmed for a moment, and then he returned to kindness.

Zhang Shouquan smiled slightly and let the conversation continue.

Theoretically speaking, the construction of a normal embassy must be the responsibility of the sending country itself.But considering the mystery of Yongri, Zhang Shouquan felt that they might not necessarily send people to build it in person.

At this time, it is natural to try to be courteous.

"The land does not need to be too large, and it can be randomly placed near the concentrated area of ​​​​the consulate."

"As for the construction issue, you don't need to participate too much, we naturally have our own methods."

There was no expression on Raven 1001's beak, but Zhang Shouquan felt as if he could see a calm and mysterious smile.

Just need a piece of land?
So what kind of ability will the mysterious Yongri show in construction work?
This is the land in the area where the consulates are concentrated, where the consulates of various countries are concentrated, and any construction will inevitably attract countless pairs of eyes.

Yongzhou is building a new embassy here in the name of a country that has just established diplomatic relations with Hua, so as not to attract attention?

Or is it directly flaunting the name and logo of Yongri, but making countless pairs of eyes around it turn a blind eye to the newly built building?
These questions made Zhang Shouquan feel itchy like being scratched by a cat.

"I don't know... Will there be a chance to observe the construction process then?"

Zhang Shouquan asked tentatively.

Although since the lunar engine incident, they have not dared to investigate Yong Zhou in an open and honest manner.

But with such an opportunity to get a glimpse of the mystery in front of us, it seems a little bit of a pity not to take a look.

"It's up to you."

Raven 1001 remained calm.

It seems that there is infinite confidence under this tone.

Zhang Shouquan nodded upon hearing this.

Then, next, it's time to discuss the business with Raven 1001.

Just now we just discussed the establishment of long-term communication channels, and have not yet started the serious discussion.

Thinking about it, Zhang Shouquan's expression became serious.

"This time, we plan to inform you of the following points: matters related to the moon, matters related to the awakened, matters related to spiritual practice, and related technical matters that can be supported."

Raven 1001 made a long list, listing four terms that Zhang Shouquan was very concerned about.

Just hearing these topics, Zhang Shouquan felt bursts of excitement.

And what Raven 1001 said next really made Zhang Shouquan unable to help but widen his eyes.

[The first point is related to the moon. 】

In the future, the moon will become a restricted area, and the specific reason will not be disclosed due to confidentiality regulations.

This one is succinct.

Zhang Shouquan subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

Fortunately, they were shocked by the exaggerated performance of the planetary engine, so they didn't dare to stay on the moon anymore, and didn't dare to continue to investigate Yongri.

Looking at it now, there is really no problem with such a decision. Just think about it and know that they cannot easily get into contact with such a powerful thing as the planet engine.

Although Zhang Shouquan was extremely curious about everything related to planetary engines, he really wanted to know some in-depth details about such an exaggerated thing.

But he knows very well that there is a high probability that it is absolutely impossible to be curious about this matter.

Therefore, Zhang Shouquan calmly chose to keep silent about the concise first point announced by Raven 1001.

[The second point is related to the awakened ones. 】

During the explanation of Raven 1001, Zhang Shouquan finally understood the reason for the frequent occurrence of superpowers all over the country recently.

It turns out that there is some so-called spiritual rule ocean tide that allows the spirituality of random people to be turned on.

Yongzhou has the ability to monitor the appearance of these people in real time, and they promise to provide relevant information to China, so that they can check for leaks and fill in the gaps in the process of Yongzhou monitoring the awakened people.

Although Zhang Shouquan didn't know what the so-called ocean of spiritual rules was, nor did he know what the reason for this tide was.

But he understood that since Yong Zhou had real-time monitoring capabilities, he didn't need to worry too much about the awakened person incident that had worried him for some time.

As for the large-scale real-time monitoring ability, Zhang Shouquan was completely deaf to it, and didn't dare to think too much about whether it could also monitor himself and others.

Some things, it's better not to know.

As for the "Awakened Person Management Act" proposed by Raven 1001 in the matter related to the awakened person, Zhang Shouquan basically chose to accept it in its entirety.

Except for some possible inhuman punishments in this bill, most of them are fine, and it can even be said to be quite strict.

Those inhumane parts can be regarded as what the judges deserve. In the absence of public and democratic supervision, the use of these extreme punishments is actually not too big of a problem.

[The third point is related to spiritual practice. 】

According to Raven 1001's narration, Zhang Shouquan has a deeper understanding of this spiritual practice.

This kind of spiritual practice originated from the sages and sages of the stars in Nalanda Temple, and was finally carried forward by Master Xuanzang.

This 1400-year-old character relationship makes Zhang Shouquan powerless to pursue it now. The exploration team he sent to India finally brought back a wooden box from the ruins of Nalanda.

What Zhang Shouquan paid more attention to was the supplementary introduction of Raven 1001's spiritual cultivation method, as well as the application of some derivative techniques used.

These are undoubtedly real dry goods.

Huairen, who was listening on the sidelines, was fascinated by what he was listening to, wishing that Raven 1001 could talk endlessly.

It's just that this kind of dry goods explanation didn't last all the time. Not long after, Raven 1001 mentioned one thing: about the wooden box.

Yong Zhou was very clear about what he found the wooden box, which made him a little uneasy.

What reassured Zhang Shouquan was that Yong Zhou was not going to take back the wooden box, nor did he blame him.

Raven 1001 said that this was a gift left by Master Xuanzang, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and it was the power that Yongri bestowed on them to use.

The hidden power and ability of those three monsters can actually bring them a lot of benefits.

[The final fourth point is about supported technologies. 】

This is what Zhang Shouquan is most looking forward to.

Just like the title of this topic, Raven 1001 directly explained the application of some psionic techniques.

It focuses on the use of meteorite materials, the extraction of spiritual power from abyss monsters, and the combination of scientific and technological spiritual power.

This person undoubtedly knows the Xunxun Bureau extremely well and has some explanations about what they have.

Zhang Shouquan couldn't understand, but he was shocked.

He understands that these few simple points he wrote down may become an important reliance for Hua Guo to maintain stability in the troubled times in the future.

Although these theories seem relatively basic, they belong to some basic problems that Huaguo has to overcome if it wants to take this path.

Without the help of Yongzhang, they would have to overcome some hurdles if they wanted to develop in these areas, and it would take a long time.

Not so now.

Zhang Shouquan had a premonition.

In addition to [Wujing Liquid Bonding Net], the scientific research department listed on the plan list based on the characteristics of several monsters [Wu Neng Stand], [Heart Ape Shock Mech] and other ideas will soon be successful.

This is undoubtedly a great gift.

Zhang Shouquan was at a loss for a moment because of its luxury.

Although this may not be worth mentioning to Yong Zhou, it still makes him feel unbearable.

Although there are declarations and orders in Yongzhou's agenda, more benefits and interests are involved.

So Zhang Shouquan pondered for a long time, and couldn't help asking seriously: "Is our country, China, really qualified to accept these?"

"You actually represent the unity of mankind. The above said that you are more optimistic about the cohesion of your nation. For thousands of years, you have always been one of the main sources of eternal day's new energy, and you are most likely to become the main body of human unity in the future. "

Raven 1001 gave the answer to Zhang Shouquan's question.

"The human union..."

Zhang Shouquan was a little silent when he heard the words.

Although he has always been vaguely aware that future human beings may be forced to unite into a community of destiny in a disaster.

But when Yong Zhou really said that, he still couldn't help being a little absent-minded.

"How terrifying will the future disaster be?"

"Is that abyss really that powerful?"

Zhang Shouquan's eyes were solemn, and he couldn't help but feel more haze in his heart about the real enemy of Yongzhou that Raven 1001 had never mentioned.

"That is the darkness that spans the boundless sea."

"But don't worry, at least so far..."

"Eternal day is still there!"

"It will always be there!"

Raven 1001 spoke seriously.

In a daze, Zhang Shouquan felt as if he saw perseverance and determination to never give up in the face of this ordinary bird.

 Huh, it's finally finished.

  I played with my girlfriend for a day today and just finished writing.I may have written in a hurry, please correct me if I am wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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