Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 187 Uktra Hill Fully Charged

Chapter 187 Uktra Hill Fully Charged

Under the guidance of Raven 1001, Zhang Shouquan successfully crossed the barrier of the idler's dispersing spell, and saw the Everday Communication Office in China that had been established before him.

In the silence, Zhang Shouquan once again deeply felt the power of Yong Zhou.

Today, a tree house can be quietly built in a corner of the consulate concentration area.

This is almost tantamount to constructing projects right under their noses.

Then it doesn't seem surprising that Yongzhou will dig trenches and set up machine guns in front of their house tomorrow.

Just the ability he displayed inadvertently was enough to make Zhang Shouquan think of many things with fear.

Obviously, they have been unable to find traces of Yongri, which is also affected by this factor.

Perhaps people who live forever are often lingering under their noses.

Perhaps Yongri's base is located next to their Xunday Bureau headquarters.

It's just that with the influence of this special technique, they always subconsciously ignore and stay away from everything about Yongri around them.

Passed by Yong Zhou but didn't know it.

Thinking about it, Zhang Shouquan couldn't help but shudder at his guess.

However, if he thinks about it carefully, it seems acceptable for Yong Zhou to be able to do this. After all, he has seen even more exaggerated things.

Staring at the calm eyes of Raven 1001, Zhang Shouquan tried his best to think from other angles, in order to suspend his wild thoughts.

"I don't know, how does Yong Zhou plan to deal with those guys who ignore the interests of human beings?"

Zhang Shouquan asked Raven 1001.

As for such a question, Raven 1001’s answer is thought-provoking.

"Yong Zhou will never let a bad person go, nor will he wrong a good person."

Raven 1001's tone was as calm as ever.

In response to Zhang Shouquan's inquiry, Raven 1001, which has an independent mind and high-level authority, did not answer directly, but gave a somewhat ambiguous answer.

However, Zhang Shouquan seemed to be able to feel the meaning contained in these calm words.

Obviously, Yong Zhou, this sword that is like a magical weapon to the abyss, may have its edge against some beings within human beings.

Zhang Shouquan didn't dare to persuade him, nor did he want to persuade him.


Yongzhou Headquarters Cave.

Before Chen Sheng started his daily exercise and study in the morning, he browsed through the recent events as usual.

With the help of Chang'e, who is good at psychic technology, the Chief of Internal Affairs, Bai Yu, has optimized the Yongzhou internal working network system to a certain extent, which has gradually grown in size.

Therefore, the daily work report can be communicated to the leader in a more detailed, timely and accurate manner.

Chen Sheng, on the other hand, would take a good look at Yong Zhou's status report every day.

The first is about the recruitment of the second batch of Chenxi Academy students, which is basically over now.

Two thousand outstanding talents who have passed numerous tests and reviews are officially enrolled in Chenxi College.

In the list of new members, there were two names that impressed Chen Sheng a little.

Gourme, who was rescued in Europa's lair, finally joined the recruitment.Kun, who took the initiative to be sent to the door to become a general, also got the opportunity to join Chenxi Academy because of his good performance.

The Body Training Pagoda, which had become a little deserted, became lively again, and a new batch of students started their study and life in Chenxi Academy.

The difference from the first batch of students is that due to the shortage of manpower in the lunar scientific research branch, the foreign affairs department, and the discipline and law department, the students in the second batch were pulled over to do coolies almost while they were studying.

While carrying out rotation internships in three new departments, it has become the daily life of the second batch of members to carry out daily heavy study work.

Although with the addition of these interns and the occasional transfer and rotation of regular members of each branch, the three emerging departments were finally officially operational.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

When the second batch of members officially finished the first stage of study, after swallowing the mulberries and changing from probationary members to full-time members, they will change from interns to full-time members of the three emerging departments.

Thinking about this, Chen Sheng, who felt that the recruitment work was going well, started to pay attention to the next report.

Regarding the processing work related to a series of awakened people, there have been no twists and turns in the recent work.

With the assistance of the monitoring capabilities of the Spiritual Network, and the timely promulgation of the "Awakened Person Management Act" by the discipline and law department as a basis, Yong Zhou carried out a vigorous and resolute attack on any awakened person who exuded spiritual power fluctuations.

Because of the different behaviors of these awakened people when they exerted their abilities, they were uniformly dealt with by the members of Eternal Day according to the "Awakened Person Management Act".

The monitoring of space is also being carried out in an orderly manner.

Recently, the rate of discovery of awakened persons has slowed down significantly. Apparently, many awakened persons brought by the ocean tide of spiritual rules have been discovered.

The rest, mostly because they did not fall into the situation of extreme emotional agitation, have not yet been stimulated to awaken the kryptonite.

In the process of dealing with the issue of awakened people, two special cases emerged.

One is a hamster that emits electricity after awakening. It is one of the three rare cases of animal awakening, and it is also the only animal awakening that did not cause damage after awakening, thus surviving in the hands of Yongzhou.

And another case is that the abyss believer has become an awakened one.It tried in vain to use the lives of all the people on a super cruise ship as sacrifices in exchange for the so-called will of the abyss. Fortunately, Xuanzang who was nearby stopped this from happening in time.

In short, look at things related to the awakened.

In general, dealing with these awakened people is not a problem for Yongri.

Therefore, Chen Sheng continued to look through the next record.

This record made Chen Sheng couldn't help frowning.

That was the report of the newly established Human Moral Safety Committee within the Disciplinary Department.

The Human Moral Safety Committee is an institution within the discipline and law department, and it is an institution for the discipline and law department to perform its function of supervising human beings.

It aims to supervise and maintain human moral standards and impose sanctions on anti-human behavior.

And the country that recently dumped things into the sea is undoubtedly jumping on the head of the Human Moral Safety Committee.

Therefore, the Human Moral Safety Committee applied to the upper echelons of Yongzhou: First, give an effective solution to those waters polluted by atomic energy.Second, punish those who do whatever they want against humanity.

Yongzhou's middle and senior management have already dealt with this matter and explained it in the report.

When this report was issued, members of the Yongzhou branch and above had discussions and exchanges, and finally decided to let Kun use his unique method of devouring the pollutants that had been discharged.

Kun, who had just joined the second batch of Chenxi Academy's recruitment as a reserve member, happened to be doing an internship rotation in the discipline and law department, so he obeyed orders and went to complete the task.

As for the punishment of those anti-human beings, a group of members of the rapid response force have also been sent to complete it.This kind of punishment includes but is not limited to: being detained as a test product of psychic technology, confiscation of all personal property and political status, and various types of torture...

After reading this information, Chen Sheng nodded with some satisfaction.

There is nothing wrong with the handling method of the middle and high level of Yongzhou, but there are still some aspects that have not been considered.

For example, the supervision of whether there are similar behaviors in many other countries, such as whether there are more efficient and environmentally friendly energy sources to ban nuclear fission reaction power generation from the root.

Regarding these thoughts, Chen Sheng probably recorded a few and prepared them and handed them over to the people below for further thinking.

Afterwards, Chen Sheng briefly browsed through various reports, and put forward his own opinions on the arrangement of some matters.

Soon, he will probably be busy with all this.

Immediately, Chen Sheng put down the report and began to prepare for his daily exercise and study.

In order to ensure that the strength of his rapid upgrade following the system upgrade is not in vain, and to ensure that he has more means when facing the abyss.

Even Chen Sheng, who has reached the fifth level of spiritual power, has never stopped learning.

He never stopped studying and practicing all kinds of spiritual knowledge.

He is also constantly familiarizing himself with and exercising his own strength.

Looking at the hibiscus tree with its leaves swaying slightly without the wind, Chen Sheng's perception instantly extended to the endless sea of ​​spiritual rules.

He didn't stop here, though.

His perception was faintly penetrated through this boundless ocean of spiritual rules, and he was aware of the countless worlds floating in the looming boundless sea outside.

He had been vaguely aware of these different worlds when he first reached the fifth level of spiritual power, but now his perception is naturally more obvious.

However, limited by the huge and rigorous system of the material universe and the majestic and detached power, his perception is confined to the world and cannot really go out.

Still can barely see the breath of those other worlds through the barrier.

In the process of trying to perceive the other world, his spirituality was constantly being destroyed by the chaos in the void of the sea, and his own spirituality became more tenacious in this process.

This is one of his workout methods.

Just when he wanted to continue his daily exercise, a strange wave caused him to immediately withdraw his perception and return to his body.

At the foot of the huge hibiscus tree, I saw the palm-sized [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version], exuding the breath of time and space at this moment.

Obviously the sapling's body is small, but there is a vast power shaking in its body.

This is the first time [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] has moved again since he used it to travel across the world last time.

This made Chen Sheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

[Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition: Let consciousness go to the far end. 】

[Note: The time and space are random when going, and the return journey will return to the node when you left.Can be recharged and used]

This is undoubtedly a rather interesting feature.

Not long ago, he used [Yuktra Hill - Simplified Edition] to make his consciousness span time and space, and met his great apprentice Aya in a different world 2500 years ago.

After that, [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition] fell into a long silence, and began to enter the long process of absorbing and storing special substances.

Because it needs to be charged with unknown energy to prepare for the next use.

Each use of [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition] needs to consume a substance.This substance was not spiritual power, but a special substance that Chen Sheng could not yet touch.It can absorb itself slowly in daily life, and the absorption efficiency fluctuates.

But now, looking at the fluctuations of time and space on [Yuktra Hill Minimal Version], Chen Sheng understands that it has probably been fully charged.

In other words, at this moment, another world trip with unknown time and space can be carried out.

Chen Sheng was naturally looking forward to this.

You must know that [Yuktrassil Minimalist Version] can allow him to return to the time point when he left, without worrying about the impact on everything in the material universe.

Even though there are a lot of messy and small things in the material universe that he needs to watch at the moment, Chen Sheng can let go and take a trip as soon as he wants.

And most importantly.

After using [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition] to go to another world last time, he discovered that there are ruins of the Boundary Monument Project there.

The Boundary Project is a setting in the background story of [Mystery, Ruins, and Last Guardian].

[The whole story is an action called Boundary Project. Yongzhou uses [Yuktra Hill] to send it to the surrounding world, and builds a formation called Boundary to hinder the perception of the abyss, so that every Once positioning the real world, it will be slowed down and hindered, thereby reducing the frequency of abyss erosion. 】

[Unfortunately, this plan ended in failure. The monster from the abyss found a different world where a member of Yongzhi had just arrived, interrupting the execution of the boundary monument plan. 】

[The members of the organization contended with it, and after sacrificing, they integrated their spiritual power and turned it into a seal to seal [Yuktrazil]. 】

This boundary monument plan was originally just a setting in the background story of a secret realm and ruins that Chen Sheng had placed before.

But when Chen Sheng used the secret realm and ruins reward [Yuktrashil Minimalist Version] to go to another world, he discovered that the ruins of the Boundary Monument Project really existed in the other world.

He was even in that world, at a time point 2500 years ago.

Manipulating the intact boundary markers in the ruins of the boundary marker project, he instantly killed an abyssal monster that only existed in the background story across the infinite boundary sea.

This made him involuntarily guess at the beginning: the thing embodied in the ruins is definitely more than a space that is the prototype of Asgard, and it is definitely more than a Thor's Hammer...

In addition to a relic on the earth that corresponds to the Norse mythology and the background story, there are more things that appear with this relic.

Perhaps, the ruins of the Boundary Monument Project in the background story have already appeared in various worlds at this moment.

At this moment, the Uktrasir clones in various worlds gradually lost their power because the Uktrasir body was sealed, and the boundary markers placed in different worlds also fell into a deep sleep, waiting for Chen Sheng to go. Reclaim the remaining wealth of the organization or restart the Boundary Project.

Such speculation made Chen Sheng excited.

However, it needs to go through again to confirm.

So now that Chen Sheng found out that [Yuktrassil Minimalist Version] was fully charged, he eagerly wanted to use it to travel to another world again.

Check whether there are still ruins of the Boundary Monument Project in the different world.

If there really is, then he not only needs to gather more of the remaining organizational wealth in these boundary monument projects, but also pay more attention to the secret realms and relics that were once placed, and whether they should also realize their own background stories. Most of it came out.

If so……

In the future, the emphasis on the ruins of the secret realm will probably be raised by many levels.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng silently narrowed his eyes.

 Lin Xing, who died suddenly for performing in his previous life, finally realized the importance of his body, so in this life, he resolutely decided to decline the stage and start to maintain his health.Others can live until they are 60 if they start taking care of themselves at 80, but it’s no problem for me to start taking care of them at 20 and live to be [-] years old. [Congratulations to the host for binding the system, after the host completes the performance, you can get rewards to increase your physique] Lin Xing: I'm sorry, I may not be able to leave the stage in my life.

(End of this chapter)

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