Chapter 188 The Gun of Eternity

[Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition: Let consciousness go to the far end. 】

[You have now reached an unknown world with a time node 20 years ago, and the body in which your consciousness resides is relatively special. 】

[When your strand of consciousness is about to die out, when you take the initiative to determine that you want to go back, the power of Uktrasir Minimalist will send you back to where you were. 】

After Chen Sheng decisively chose to use [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition], the familiar system prompt sounded.

Compared with the last time 2500 years ago, this time his consciousness can almost be said to be still at this time point.

In addition to crossing the barriers of the world, he has only traveled 20 years on the time scale, and he is very close to where he is now.

And unlike the last time when it was reminded that the host was in poor condition and suggested to help it repair as soon as possible, this time the system described the body where the consciousness resides as "special".

This made Chen Sheng couldn't help but wonder:
How special is it?

According to the last experience, there is a high probability that the different world that the consciousness goes to is the place where the expedition team of the Boundary Monument Project has been. Only a clone of Yggdrasil has existed before. version] transmission destination.

And the host that his consciousness is parasitic on will most likely be the existence that is most closely related to Ukdra Hill's avatar in this different world.

For example, Aya, who was parasitic last time, was the last elf born from the Yggdrasil clone in that world, which gradually withered after disconnecting from the main body.

This kind of existence parasitized by him, because it is related to the clone of Yuktra Hill, can be said to be quite special in itself.

But even if the system had to mark it as "special", Chen Sheng couldn't help but think deeply.

Exactly... how special is it?
In silence, Chen Sheng tried to project his perception.

But he felt an unprecedented resistance hindering him.

Not to mention extending power to influence, even the slightest thought of trying to perceive the specific situation of the outside world was firmly contained.

This is even more constricted than the feeling of being in Aya's body last time, and it is difficult to detect even a little bit of the boarder's own perception at the same time.

It left him feeling empty.

The domain outside the host seems to be nothing but darkness, which is darker than darkness.

As he gradually intensified his efforts to perceive it, there seemed to be an obscure light flashing past.

Then countless golden lights flashed.

The golden light created endless runes, and these runes seemed familiar to Chen Sheng.

It was like the spiritual runes that the system taught him, but it seemed to be more cumbersome and complicated than that language, and had undergone some changes to suit personal habits.

This is a rune with special powers.

They exude an indescribable terrifying force.

This power was also very familiar to Chen Sheng.

It seems to be very similar to the aura on [Yuktrassil: Minimalist Version].

In addition, it also vaguely shows a penetrating nature.

It's just that he hasn't waited for him to experience it carefully.

This force suppressed the perception that Chen Sheng tried to extend, and curled up into the narrow shape when his consciousness first arrived in this body.

Chen Sheng wanted to resist, but to no avail.

Even if he only has a sliver of consciousness now, he is essentially a fifth-level spiritual force, a strong man who has simply reshaped his personality.

Even if he only has a sliver of consciousness now, he can easily wipe out the will of a fourth-level true god.

However, in the face of the power of this rune.

Chen Sheng felt the pressure, felt a pressure that seemed to come from a strong man of the same level, and was penetrated by it a few times.

Even though Chen Sheng could feel the power of this rune, he still had no choice but to give in to it.

The power of the runes has been exhausted.

But why isn't he?
No matter how weak the power of this rune is, it is still enough to deal with Chen Sheng, who arrived here with just a ray of consciousness, bringing his journey across the world to an end.

This made Chen Sheng stop his perception involuntarily.

Perhaps, this is what is so special about the boarders this time.

There is actually a special rune inscribed in his body with extremely high power to prevent him, a consciousness from another world, from perceiving the outside world.

This made Chen Sheng full of expectations for this trip to another world.

The power of the fifth level of spiritual power...

This is the first time he has encountered such a high-level power other than facing the will of the abyss.

However, now he intends to wait for a while, waiting for new changes.

After all, if he can't even diffuse his perception, he can't do anything.


Time goes by like this.

Chen Sheng, who is at the fifth level of spiritual power, possesses extraordinary patience and tenacity.

After only a month of silence, he felt some changes in this place where he couldn't even perceive the darkness.

The golden rune appeared again. This time, as if it confirmed something, Chen Sheng's consciousness began to cheer.

In a daze, Chen Sheng sensed a message from the golden runes: his perception could be extended.

And at the same time.

A low murmur sounded, which was the spiritual language universal to all things.

It seemed to be praying in Chen Sheng's ear.

"The stars fell from the sky, time no longer existed, the charred ground shook and sank into the rough seabed, and all that could be seen were huge waves."

"The wandering world is lost in nothingness, please protect us from the inherited wisdom."

"O the light that cuts across the sky, please lead your believers to the other side once again."

Sentences whispered in the ear.

This made Chen Sheng couldn't help but lift his expression.

This is undoubtedly good news for him who has been silent for a long time, and the voice from the outside world may make him feel happy.

The most important thing is that among these babblings there is a sentence "Stars fall from the sky..."

Chen Sheng was too familiar with that whole passage.

Among the background stories of the secret land and ruins that are the source of [Yuktra Hill - Simplified Version], this paragraph is exactly the story that is like the Ragnarok of Norse mythology.

After a moment of silence, he stopped thinking about it, and his perception extended again.

This time he was not oppressed by the power of the runes, but these runes suddenly surrounded and surrounded him like arms.

The next moment, the cramped environment disappeared, and Chen Sheng's perception extended unimpeded.

Everything in the outside world finally unfolded in front of my eyes.

The surroundings were dim, and he was in an amethyst cave filled with faint light.

A dark-skinned guy was wearing a leather jacket, kneeling in front of him and muttering: May you bring the wandering believers home, and your light will always shine in the hearts of all dwarves...

Obviously, it was he who was praying just now.Those words were also spoken from this guy who claimed to be a dwarf and a believer.

Chen Sheng was not in a hurry to try to ask the dwarf in front of him why he said those prayers.

Because when he realized that the dwarf was kneeling and praying to "him", he had a very bad feeling.

Chen Sheng quickly covered "himself" with his perception.

The parasitized person he parasitized with a ray of consciousness finally showed his appearance at this moment.

Chen Sheng also immediately understood why he felt bad, and why the system said that his parasitic target this time was rather special.

At first glance, it looks like a dead branch.

But Chen Sheng knew it in his heart.

That's a long gun.

It is enshrined on a raised stone shelf.

Its overall silvery brilliance looks somewhat similar to [Yuktrassil: Minimalist Version].Its surface is plated with gold, and its body is engraved with falling meteor patterns.

Chen Sheng just glanced at it and tried to perceive it deeply, but found that he seemed to be blinded by a flash.

Or it should be said that he was scratched by the sharp breath.

Just putting this spear there has an aura that seems to be able to penetrate everything.


This time, what his consciousness traveled was not a living thing, but a spear.

This is what the system calls special.

It really caught Chen Sheng by surprise.

He really didn't expect that he would travel to an enshrined artifact.

According to experience and reasonable speculation, he who uses [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] to let his consciousness travel through should cross over to something that has a very close relationship with Uktrazil.

This time, he just crossed over to a long spear, and it seems that he and Uktra Hill are not close at all...

and many more? !
Chen Sheng paused after thinking about it.

He suddenly thought of something. The aura of power in this spear seemed to be very similar to [Yuktrassil: Minimalist Version].

At this moment, Chen Sheng faintly realized something.

Who said that a spear can't be closely related to Yuktra Hill? !
Isn't the legendary gun of eternity, Gungnir, made from a branch of the World Tree Yuktra Hill!

Compared to Aya, who was born from a clone of Yggdrasil, Gangnir was directly made from the material of Yggdrasil itself.

Isn't this relationship close enough? !

Chen Sheng stared at the long spear that his consciousness had passed through, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his heart.


This is the weapon of Odin, the main god in Norse mythology. It is an artifact made from the branches of the world.

Names such as the Gun of Eternity, the Gun of Meteor, and the Declaration of the Great God are all its famous nicknames.

Legend has it that when Odin throws this spear, it will emit a bright light across the sky. People on the ground call it "lightning", and another way of saying it is "meteor".According to mythology, anyone who swears an oath to Gangnir will have his oath fulfilled.This may be the origin of wishing on a shooting star.

This mythical weapon is often considered to have the effect of "must hit" and "penetrate everything".

For Chen Sheng, the appearance of traces of Nordic mythology on this earth in another world undoubtedly verified the guess he had made before coming.

The system really makes most of the backstory of that Rift Ruin real.

In the story, a group of Eternal Day members headed by Odin, on the way to implement the boundary marker project, fought a battle with giants, demon wolves, vicious dogs, long snakes, and poisonous dragons from the abyss and died together.

This backstory was later sung as the so-called Ragnarok in Norse mythology.

I have seen the poisonous dragon and the boundary marker in the last world, and I have seen Chen Sheng of Gungnir in this world. Now I can be sure: this so-called background story is no longer just a story.

In addition to a relic on the earth that corresponds to the Norse mythology and the background story, there are more things that appear with this relic.

Here at the moment.

In addition to this Gangnir, it is certain that there will also be ruins of the Boundary Monument Project!

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng's eyes flashed with excitement.

Needless to say, Gangnir is an artifact that can be used by anyone with five levels of spiritual power. It is undoubtedly a treasure.

This kind of weapon whose essence has reached the fifth level of spiritual power already has a simple personality, which can be said to be quite special.

If it can be brought back, it will be an improvement to the organization's foundation.

And boundary markers are undoubtedly a good thing.

In the background story, Yongzhou spent countless powers for it. It is said that it can be used to form a formation to hinder the perception of the abyss, so that every time it locates the real world, it will be slowed down and hindered, thereby reducing the frequency of abyss erosion.

This is the first time I have heard of an item of the magnitude that can interfere with the abyss, which means that after forming a formation, the boundary markers can reach a level close to the personality and essence of the material universe.

And even if it's just a single boundary marker.

In the previous world, Chen Sheng also used that boundary marker to amplify his strength at will, and shot to death the poisonous dragon with at least five levels of spiritual power at the beginning across the infinite sea.

Good things like Gungnir and Boundary Monument are justifiable eternal wealth, so Chen Sheng couldn't help but want to get back the wealth of the organization.


If it's just a sliver of consciousness, it's hard to find any way to bring back these treasures.

The most important thing is that this strand of his consciousness is still parasitic on Gungnir, and he has no ability to move around for the time being, let alone try to find a way to bring the treasure back.

If you have to force Gangnir to move, you can do it. Gangnir's strength and instinct no longer repel him at this moment.

It's just that this is Gangnir whose power essence has reached the fifth level of spiritual power. If Chen Sheng wants to rely on an extremely weak consciousness to drive it, it will be too much.

At that time, it may be the same as the last time in Aya's world: because of the excessive force when using the boundary marker, the weak consciousness lost the basis of existence, so that it eventually dissipated directly.

In this case, it would be impossible to even research a way to bring the treasure back.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

The treasure mountain is right in front of you, and the eternal wealth in the background story is realized by the system.

But he seems to have no way to take it away.

In silence, the dwarf who knelt in front of Gungnir, the eternal spear, was still praying.

As the prayers reached Chen Sheng's "ears", Chen Sheng couldn't help but feel his eyes light up.

Although he was parasitic in Gungnir's body, he couldn't move easily, but wasn't there a dwarf praying around him?
Although he can't move.

But now that he is not suppressed by the instinct of the power in Gungnir, he can make a "voice" to respond to this devout believer at this moment, let this dwarf who believes in Gungnir lift Gungnir and take him to Take a look at your surroundings.

Think about this.

At this moment, he who became one with Gungnir slowly made a sound:

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for an automatic subscription~

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for an automatic subscription~
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for an automatic subscription~
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for an automatic subscription~
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for an automatic subscription~
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for an automatic subscription~
(End of this chapter)

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