Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 189 The Drifting Fragments of the World

Chapter 189 The Drifting Fragments of the World

Drif's eyes widened.

The head that was lowered in prayer slowly rose.

A trace of disbelief flashed across the dark face.

A voice that seemed to come from the sky suddenly sounded when he was praying towards the Eternal Gun.

This made him shiver uncontrollably.

You must know that this is the holy land of their dwarf clan, and the place where the great Eternal Spear is placed.

On this floating fragment of the world, only the dwarves exist.

Except for his newborn patriarch of the dwarves, all the new generation of dwarves living on the world fragments are not allowed to set foot in this cave located in the deepest part of the world fragments.

There should not be any other sounds here.

But Drif was sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Just now, there must have been a voice calling "children" slowly.

Thinking about it, Derif quietly stretched his hand to his waist, ensuring that he could take out the reduced storm ax at any time.

Although he is called a dwarf, he is actually at least three meters tall, and his combat power has reached the third level of spiritual power.

Coupled with the storm battle ax on his waist, which was built by the dwarves from the technology of eternal day, he has the confidence to face anyone who breaks into the Holy Land.

So face the situation.

A little bit of fighting spirit gradually rose in Drif's heart while he was on guard.

In the silent cave, a tense atmosphere slowly rose.

The amethysts scattered all over the cave like stalactites emitted a faint light, illuminating Drif's rough face even more nervously.


Another call sounded.


The voice was soft, as if it came from the sky, making people feel distant and ethereal.

Drif, who was nervously watching all directions and listening to all directions, pulled out the Storm Ax from his waist almost without hesitation the moment the voice sounded.

I saw that the battle ax, which was only the size of a palm, began to rapidly expand its size the moment Dreyfu took it out, and turned into a giant soldier that was a bit big for Dreyfu's three-meter body.

Immediately afterwards, Drif was ready to slash directly in the direction of the sound.

But before his powerful blow was delivered, the flag died down.

Looking at the Spear of Eternity enshrined motionless on the stone shelf, Drif couldn't help swallowing deeply.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that it was not other people who broke into the Holy Land.


In fact, it is the gun of eternity!

Drif couldn't help feeling surprised and unbelievable.

His thinking couldn't help being a little disordered at this moment, and various thoughts kept swarming out.

As the leader of the new generation of dwarves, his forging ability can be said to be second to none, so he also deeply understands the incredible power of the Eternal Spear.

In the process of continuous spiritual improvement, there is indeed a role in enlightening the spirit and increasing wisdom.

When a weapon reaches the first level of spiritual power, it actually already has some instincts. After all, the spiritual practice system is a process of increasing spirituality.

And spirituality is the combination of wisdom, spirit, will, soul, understanding, and true spirit.

Most of the weapons that have reached the essence of the fourth level of spiritual power basically even have their own independent consciousness and wisdom, and also have the ability to communicate with intellectual life.

Not to mention level five treasures like the Eternal Spear.

However, Drif knew from the records handed down thousands of years ago in the clan that the Eternal Spear was damaged in that battle and lost most of its true spirit wisdom.

The Odin god from Eternal Day threw the Spear of Eternity at the last moment of the war with supreme power, tearing off a small fragment of the plane world that stored the boundary marker.

Then, engulfing the fragments of this world, it penetrated the barrier of space and separated that world.

This is the coveted desire to keep the boundary monument away from the abyss.

The dwarves from another world who had just been recruited by Yong Zhou and were conducting research near the boundary monument, just happened to leave that world with the shot that penetrated the world.

after that.

Their dwarves have always lived in this incomplete small world, relying on the spontaneous protection of the eternal day boundary marker to maintain the stability of this fragment of the world, drifting in the endless boundary sea.

In the process, the Eternal Spear was damaged due to the battle and the final throw through the world, and the true spiritual wisdom was almost wiped out.

After many years of wandering in the boundary sea, the damaged and lost owner of the Eternal Spear was enshrined by the surviving dwarves.

Drif knew very well that it would be very difficult for the Eternal Spear, which suffered this level of damage and wiped out the wisdom of the true spirit, to regain its wisdom.

Let alone return to the level where he is now able to make a sound and talk to him.

During these years of wandering in the Boundary Sea, the dwarves have been studying the Boundary Monument and the spiritual power technology left over from the Eternal Day. It is not that they have not tried to restore the Eternal Spear.

But it was this research process that made him feel deeply powerless.

Countless encounters and confusion made him understand:
To restore the wisdom of a damaged fifth-level spiritual power level treasure is almost as difficult as refining a fifth-level spiritual power level treasure.

This is absolutely impossible for their dwarves!
Back in the other world, they were known as the pinnacle of refining technology, and they were able to produce third-level spiritual power items, but they couldn't restore the eternal gun.

Now there are only a small group of new-generation dwarves who have lingered in the fragments of the world for thousands of years. Without the skilled craftsmen of the older generation, they will be even more unable to restore the eternal spear.

Their dwarf clan now worships the Eternal Spear.

I just miss Yong Zhou's guidance and rule over their dwarf clan.

I miss the power that everyone is noble and yearns for true light.

Miss that powerful force with invincible strength and advanced wisdom.

I miss the force composed of intellectual beings who can face the abyss openly.

Under the guidance of Yongri, they could also face the most terrifying and darkest abyss in the multidimensional sea, and they were able to leave a strong mark in the history of the resistance of intellectual life in the multidimensional sea.

Although they are the new generation of the dwarves who have been multiplied thousands of years later, they have been living in the drifting world fragments, and only in the history of the ethnic group have they witnessed the history of Eternal Day coming from another world and meeting the dwarves.

But even if he had only seen a few words of the record, Dreff couldn't help but yearn for it.

This kind of nostalgia, yearning and worship is also the only spiritual sustenance of the dwarves wandering alone in the sea of ​​multiple worlds.

After all, Yong Zhou, who is busy fighting against the abyss, will have the time and energy to search for them like a needle in a haystack in the vast and endless multidimensional sea after who knows how many years.


Drif was a little confused and at a loss,
Facing the sudden utterance of the Eternal Spear, as the patriarch of the new generation of dwarves who had never experienced that era, he was a little flustered for a while.He wanted to wait for the Eternal Spear to speak again, but found that he couldn't wait.

So during this process, Drive's random thoughts became more and more scattered.

Random thoughts are becoming more and more irrelevant.

But what he didn't know was.

He himself has been alone on the drifting fragments of the world since he was a child, and all he can learn is some knowledge passed down from the past generations.

Even most of the inheritances are somewhat distorted, different from the original appearance.

Therefore, in addition to being pretty good at refining weapons, which is the key inheritance of the dwarves, Derif's spiritual power in other aspects is a bit poor.

Drif would not use the basic ability to simply hide his thoughts from the outside.

So much so that his restless and disordered thinking made his thoughts almost equal to writing expressions on his face in front of high-level powerhouses.

Therefore, Chen Sheng, who was staying in the Eternal Gun, almost simultaneously received the random thoughts in Drif's mind.

The undisguised thoughts let him know everything that Drif was thinking very clearly.

And this information also made him silent.

With almost no need to ask, he who was trapped in the Eternal Gun already had a rough idea of ​​the current situation in this different world.

This is the cave where the Gun of Eternity is enshrined, and the world outside the cave is actually not a complete different world with at least the size of a planet, but a different world that has been torn to pieces.

This fragment of the other world seems to come from the world where the Ragnarok war between Yongzhou and the abyss once took place. Odin, a member of Yongday, threw the spear of eternity at the last moment of his life, tore a piece of the fragment of the other world and rushed through the space. out of the world.

These dwarves are also the ethnic groups that Yong Zhou once accepted in that different world, or it should be said that they are the descendants of the group of dwarves who followed Yong Zhou back then.

But now, in the history of these new generation of dwarves, the records and legends of Yong Zhou's original few words are still preserved.

So much so that the intellectual life in this fragment of the different world that Chen Sheng arrived at knew the existence of Yongri.

This was the time and space of 20 years ago.

In fact, Everday was only established more than a year ago.

At this time, there is a clan of dwarves commemorating the eternal day that has lasted for thousands of years.

The sense of time and space being turned upside down at this time, as well as the huge amount of information, caused Chen Sheng to be as confused as Drif for a while.

The story of the original boundary monument project, after the system was realized, pieced together more details in Chen Sheng's mind bit by bit.

At this moment, Chen Sheng, who knew more details, couldn't help but become more curious about the boundary marker project that appeared many times in the background story of the system.

At the same time, Chen Sheng also wanted to get back the treasures in this fragment of another world.

Drop!It's all drops!
Since ancient times, these are the things of eternal day.

It is completely natural for him, the leader of the fourth generation of Yongri, to come to retrieve these things.

A broken spear of eternity with five levels of spiritual power.

A boundary marker in the boundary marker plan.

A group of dwarves with excellent refining ability.

These are the wealth of the organization.

It would be too much of a waste to let them stay in the fragments of this other world and drift in the boundless sea of ​​multiple worlds.

And this lost race that has been alone for thousands of years is undoubtedly looking forward to returning to Yongri at this moment, looking forward to returning to a bigger and wider lively world.

Chen Sheng was thinking, and combined with Drif's wild thoughts, he had a vague idea that it was possible to bring these things back to the material universe.

But before that, no amount of thinking about staying in this cave for offerings will help.

So Chen Sheng just remained silent for a short time before he started to speak again: "My child, are you the current patriarch of the dwarf clan?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Finally, when the Eternal Gun rang out again, Drif immediately spoke out without hesitation.

Facing this sacred object that was almost as important as the boundary marker in their minds, Drif's voice couldn't help trembling.

"I am the sage of the universe of Eternal Day, the creator of the world tree Yuktra Hill."

"But at this moment, I am just a ray of consciousness attached to the trunk of the World Tree. After the Eternal Gun gradually decayed, the mechanism of awakening was gradually triggered. After hearing your prayer this time, I really woke up."

Chen Sheng opened his mouth slowly, skillfully put on a vest for himself, and started his classic nonsense talking skills.

The current time and space are only 20 years away from the reality. This time scale is a bit too short. Chen Sheng felt that it might be problematic to put on his own identity, so he put on a new vest.

Up and down in the four directions is called the universe, from ancient times to the present it is called the universe.

As the name suggests, the sage of Yu is undoubtedly a sage who is proficient in space power.

Then it seems reasonable that he is the creator of the world tree Yggdrasil.

After hearing Chen Sheng's words, Drif's breathing subconsciously quickened for a moment.

As the current patriarch of the new generation of dwarves, he has quite good knowledge. These are the memories that the previous patriarch carefully taught him not to forget.

He didn't know who the Sage of the Universe was.

But he knew that the sage was the reserve leader of Yongzhi.Although usually only one of them will eventually become the leader, each leader is the backbone of Yongzhi.

I heard that the sage Tiamat, who was the second-in-command of the leader Jiang Gong at that time, performed a real act of creation in a different world.

It is even said that Odin, who is tall, loses one eye, sees through the mystery of life and death with a single eye, and tears the world apart with the spear of eternity, is actually one of the sages.

At the same time, he also knew that the World Tree Yuktra Hill was the tool used by the Eternal Day Boundary Monument Troops to cross space to reach the world of their dwarf ancestors. Make raw materials.

Therefore, Drif knows very well: the person who can say these few words, the person who can know this information, has a high probability of really coming from Yongzhou.

The Eternal Spear speaks not as its true spiritual wisdom is restored.

It was the consciousness left behind by the mighty Eternal Day, which gradually recovered.

Dreev felt suffocated by this.

At the same time, I also felt deeply excited.

After thousands of years, they were drifting in the endless multidimensional sea, and they were finally found by Yong Zhou!
He believed that what he couldn't do to go home, and what he couldn't do to repair the Eternal Spear, might actually be nothing in front of Yong Zhou.

In a daze, Drif remembered the prayers that his family had passed down for countless years.

[The wandering world is lost in nothingness, please protect us from the inherited wisdom. 】

[The light that cuts through the sky, please lead your believers to the other side once again. 】

These two sentences seem to be particularly appropriate at this moment.

Drif feels that he has seen the future!
(End of this chapter)

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