Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 190 Arriving in the main world!

Chapter 190 Return to the main world!
Subtitle: "Turn into light and go to the other side!" ", "Return to eternal day! 》

[The wandering world is lost in nothingness, please protect us from the inherited wisdom. 】

[The light that cuts through the sky, please lead your believers to the other side once again. 】

When Derif took the Eternal Spear and left the amethyst cave used for worship, Chen Sheng, whose consciousness was attached to it, widened his eyes slightly.

Although he had only a glimmer of consciousness and had no eyes, the emotion of shock flashed through him inadvertently.

At this moment, he roughly understood what the so-called wandering world was.

Even if his feelings were blocked in the Eternal Spear, he could clearly feel a power of chaos vaguely covering the periphery of the world.

The oppressive feeling of a broken world and surrounded by chaos made him, a fifth-level spiritual power level being, feel even more stressed.

Those dwarves are not at his level, so they don't feel this sense of oppression.

This entire fragment of the world is drifting in the sea of ​​multiple worlds under the protection of the power of the boundary monument.

This oppressive feeling makes the strong person who can feel it feel suffocated.

This feeling of being wandering is also unsettling.

According to Derif, there is even a trace of tearing on the edge of the fragments of this world. The land and sky were torn apart by huge forces into extremely irregular jagged edges.

That is the trace of the time when the spear of eternity tore the world apart.

Although Chen Sheng was interested in such traces, he didn't want to look at them for the time being.

He came back to his senses and looked around.

After coming out of the Amethyst Cave, there was a vast and desolate plain.

There are caves leading underground all over the plain.

Obviously, the dwarves like to live underground just like in myths and legends.

Or it should be said that the records of the dwarves in myths and legends are almost the same as the real dwarves.

In the distance of the plain, there is a beam of light rising into the sky.

This is the only rich enough color on this barren plain.

Look towards the sky.

What he saw was not a normal sky, but a sky that was darker than black, or should be said to be a feeling of almost nothingness.

On this black or void background, there is a glow of rays of light, which is probably brought by the light pillar rising into the sky from the plain.

Everywhere you look is filled with countless rays of light.

That kind of glow was so colorful that Chen Sheng could not describe it in words. It had exceeded the range of the spectrum that humans could receive, or it should be said that it had exceeded the richness of the entire spectrum.

That is not only a color that stays on the visual optical level, but the ultimate "color" full of perception in the spiritual and extraordinary vision.

In other words, Chen Sheng, who uses spiritual perception, can have a clear understanding of it.

This is not a blue sky and white clouds, nor is it a scene of endless starry sky. It is something Chen Sheng has never seen before.

But with the strength of the fifth-level spiritual power level and the many knowledge he had seen in the system, Chen Sheng understood what was displayed in front of him at this moment.

That glow is a protective shield, an existence that replaces the film of the world.

The so-called world membrane is the outer "shell" of every plane-structured world or cosmic-structured world. It wraps and protects the world, preventing it from being obliterated by the chaos in the sea of ​​multiple worlds.

The material universe where Chen Sheng is located has an extremely strong membrane, which is the front line of confrontation with the abyss. It has a protective ability that even Chen Sheng's fifth-level spiritual power cannot break through and reach the outside world.

So much so that even if Chen Sheng reached a level of power that allowed him to initially leave the world and swim in the infinite sea of ​​multiple worlds, he still could not break through the world membrane of the material universe and go to another world.

Therefore, this glow is probably the protection brought by the boundary markers in Drif's mind.

The fragments of the world they lived in were torn from a complete plane world, without their own independent and complete protective film.

And this layer of rays of light is the protective layer brought by the boundary monument to prevent the fragments of this world from being obliterated by endless chaos when they drift in the sea of ​​multiple worlds.

You must know that even those with level four spiritual power can barely endure the chaos for a moment, and only those with level five spiritual power can barely swim freely.

If there were no boundary monument glow to protect the world membrane, the fragments of this world would have been obliterated by the chaos in the multidimensional sea.

And beyond this layer of rays of light, there is probably an infinite sea of ​​multiple realms.

There is the gap between worlds, where countless worlds rise and fall.

There is emptiness and nothingness here, filled with the power of chaos that gathers everything that is possible but is nothing.

Occasionally, you will encounter powerful intellectual beings swimming among them, and occasionally you will encounter unpredictable storms of the power of chaos.

This is a realm more terrifying than the abyss. It is the base of countless worlds and the cornerstone area needed for the creation of the world.

In some of these sinister places.

There are no concepts understood by most intellectual beings, not even the concepts of time and space.

What Chen Sheng has to do next is to return to the material universe with this fragment of the entire world.

This will be an extremely difficult process.

Chen Sheng, who has never traveled across the sea of ​​multiple worlds in a true sense, even if he knows a lot from the systematic inheritance knowledge, it is difficult to say that he has really succeeded in bringing back the fragments of this world.

Even according to Chen Sheng's vague idea before, it will be a challenge to successfully bring the world fragments back to the material universe!

In addition to some skills, he also needs some extremely important luck and prays that he will not encounter too many hardships that are difficult to resist.

Chen Sheng thought about it, and then turned his perception to the rays of light reaching the sky and the earth in the distance.

No matter how difficult it is, there are bound to be landmarks in his plan.

So now it’s better to go to the boundary monument and take a look.

So, he conveyed his meaning to Derif.

"As you wish, Sage of the Universe!"

Drif nodded respectfully upon hearing this, held the Eternal Spear with both hands in a respectful manner, and walked from the plain towards the direction of the rays of light.

Whether it is the Sage of the Universe or the Eternal Spear, they are both existences worthy of his respect.

Along the way, the barren plains come into view.

As far as the eye can see, there are no plants, only yellow sandy soil covering it.

Above the bright horizon is a glow that overflows with so many colors.

However, there is no extra color on the ground, and it looks lifeless and lifeless.

And that's the only chance of life.

It is just that occasionally when passing by some cave entrances, some dark-skinned dwarves stick their heads out.

Most of them looked at Derif holding the Eternal Spear with a hint of shock.

Apparently they don't know why the clan leader is suddenly holding the Eternal Spear.

However, no dwarf spoke up to stop it.

This is probably because Dreif has enough prestige.

Next, the more passes through more plains.

The more Chen Sheng felt, the more difficult the living conditions of these dwarves were.

This made him unable to help but wonder:

"How did you survive until now?"

The broken world fragments are not a complete world, there is no complete internal ecological cycle system, and there is no functionally complete world membrane that absorbs the power of external chaos and converts it into internal energy.

This world fragment is a cage that will disappear sooner or later. In theory, there is not enough energy to maintain it.

"The holy land dedicated to the Eternal Spear is filled with a kind of amethyst. It is not only the source of materials for our weapon refining, but also the food for us to replenish energy." "Such amethyst will continue to exist in every cave on the world fragment. generate."

"It grows especially vigorously near the boundary monument, so this amethyst is probably brought by the boundary monument."

Drif held the Eternal Gun forward respectfully while explaining it seriously.

Without sufficient energy sources, the dwarves would naturally not be able to survive on the fragments of this world for thousands of years.

Hearing this, Chen Sheng nodded with understanding and satisfaction.

Although he couldn't nod his head in his current state.

After hearing such news from Derif, he became more confident in his plan to take the world fragments to the material universe.

Such amethyst exists.

This means that the boundary monument has far more functions than imagined. The glow it consists of can not only replace the world membrane to resist the power of chaos.

Even the world membrane has the function of transforming the power of chaos and feeding it back into the world itself.

In this case, Chen Sheng's next plan will most likely not lack energy.

Amethyst will be used as motivation to speed up the dwarves' journey back to eternal day.

In Chen Sheng's plan.

Since the fragments of the world were torn apart by the eternal spear Gangnir, they were taken away.

Then you can naturally try to burn your own consciousness to drive the eternal gun Gungnir, let it set off again with the world fragments.

It's just that this time the eternal gun Gangnir was seriously damaged and may not be able to "fly" far enough like when Odin originally threw it.

So after the Eternal Spear Gangnir completed its start with the World Fragments, the next step was to rely on Chen Sheng’s knowledge during the period of studying [Yuktrassil Minimalist Edition] to continue to maintain the World Fragments. The movement of large ships in the boundary sea.

In this process, the energy provided by amethyst is equivalent to an additional guarantee.

Relying on the eternal spear Gangnir to break through the chaos, combined with the time and space spiritual power technology of the clone of Yggdrasil, the world fragments are driven to drift in the boundary sea, and the boundary monument is used to ensure the defense and concealment capabilities of the world fragments in the chaos.

This big ship with the fragments of the world as its keel will set sail in the sea of ​​multiple worlds.

In theory.

Chen Sheng thinks this is feasible!

While Chen Sheng was thinking, Drif, who had walked a long distance, stopped.

A sinkhole appeared in front of me.

It was an extremely huge hole, like a sinkhole formed by a meteorite.

There is a familiar stone monument in the middle.

It is exactly the same as the boundary monument that Chen Sheng saw last time in Aya's world.

Above it is a sky-reaching light pillar that shines with rays of light, providing endless protective rays of light for the fragments of this world.

Surrounding it are countless amethysts, forming an intertwined jungle covering the entire huge sinkhole.

Such a scene is like a dream.

Chen Sheng saw the boundary monument again.

Compared with the boundary monument on top of the dead Yggdrasil clone that I saw last time, the scene when I encountered the boundary monument this time looked much more dreamy.

However, the situation of the fragments of this world is no better than Aya's world.

Both worlds are in a doomsday situation.

Aya's world was almost completely destroyed in the face of the abyss invasion, and the fragments of this world had no future.

But it's different now.

Aya's world is saved.

The fragments of this world will also be successfully brought back to the material universe!


Nearly 20 years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

Unknowingly, this ray of consciousness of Chen Sheng has been in this world for nearly 20 years.

There are only a few months away from the timeline when he crossed over, and it seems that he is almost here to reach the timeline when he crossed over.

Chen Sheng could clearly feel that the time he could stay here was getting less and less.

Chen Sheng understood that the moment the timelines overlapped, he would disappear immediately.

In these nearly 20 years.

As a ray of consciousness of the Sage of Yu, Chen Sheng guided the new generation of 310 four dwarves to follow the instructions.

And this group of dwarves also surprised him.

Half of their clansmen are experts in the field of weapon refining, and they are generally between the first and second level of spiritual power. The clan leader is in the early stage of the third level of spiritual power.

This is not only a sufficient supplement to Yongri's combat power, but also a great expansion of the strength and manpower of the Lunar Research Branch.

These dwarves with excellent weapon refining skills will join the Lunar Scientific Research Branch and become the backbone of Yongzhi's logistics.

In these nearly 20 years.

This group of dwarves successfully produced the necessary equipment to cross the boundary sea based on Chen Sheng's understanding of the time and space knowledge of Yggdrasil and the psychic technology from Chang'e provided by Chen Sheng.

It was a giant device built on the energy of boundary monuments and amethyst. Its shape was a huge metal ring, lying flat on the ground and surrounding the boundary monuments.

This will be a device that guides the direction of world fragments in the multi-dimensional sea, and is built based on boundary monuments, amethyst, psychic technology, and dwarf weapon refining technology.

It refers to Chen Sheng's experience and knowledge of sensing the existence of other worlds to ensure that the world fragments will go in the right direction after being taken away by the eternal spear Gangnir.

If an error occurs, it will combine the power of the boundary markers to make minor changes in direction.

And today, everything is ready.

The spatial positioning ring is activated by the amethyst charge.

All the dwarves gathered in the amethyst sinkhole, looking at the patriarch Drif holding the gun of eternity in both hands.

Chen Sheng, who was in the Eternal Spear, was quietly brewing a burning burst of power.

It has been silent for 20 years.

There was almost no time to prepare now.

Today is the day to get everything ready!
It's time to burn yourself and activate the Eternal Spear, turning the fragments of the entire world into a glow!

Chen Sheng thought, without hesitation turning into light and burning his consciousness.

Huge power burst out, driving the Eternal Spear to break away from Derif's hands in an instant, and go towards the high and glowing sky.

At this moment, the eyes of all life are focused.

Driven by Chen Sheng's burning of his own consciousness, the eternal spear burst out with majestic power just like when it tore the world apart thousands of years ago.

It's just that Chen Sheng's operation is more delicate this time.

He did not damage the fragments of this world that had already been torn apart once.

Instead, it breaks through the chaos, enveloping the fragments of the entire world and turning them into light that penetrates all the way out.

Chen Sheng's consciousness disappeared during this process. He only had time to leave a mark for communication and identity verification when he arrived in the material universe, and then he returned directly to the time and space when he left.

And the ship of world fragments started from then on.

 There has been a huge drop in subscriptions recently. Is it bad or because people don’t have time to watch it?If the dungeon doesn’t look good, I will return to the main world as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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