Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 219 At this moment, we have arrived at Shambhala

Chapter 219 At this moment, we have arrived at Shambhala
"Feathered Serpent God?"

"Wa's intestines?"

"The controller of life and death?"

"The source of the origin of all things in the world?"

Liu Xinyue murmured almost madly.

At this moment, she was kneeling on the ground, looking even more crazy than Vons Maynard before.

Because what Liu Xinyue heard was more than what Fons Maynard saw at first glance.

The essence of the old man and the portal deep in the passage was faintly conveyed, but it was far from enough to reach the spiritual realm to touch Liu Xinyue's mind at that level.

She didn't know what she was muttering.

She only knew that she heard too many voices at that moment.

It is incomprehensible and indescribable...

Fortunately, this "voice" was not directed at her, and it quickly disappeared from her ears.

Everything just now seemed to have become a dream.

Liu Xinyue took a big breath of relief and breathed in the oxygen that was not much on the plateau. She was glad that she finally seemed to be alive.

Before, she felt like a goldfish that jumped out of the fish tank. Although she saw a vast and unknown new world, she also felt painful because she was out of the water and directly exposed to the air.

A ray of information unconsciously leaked by a high-level existence was as terrifying to her as heaven and earth would be overthrown.

Fortunately, those indescribable high-level information disappeared quickly.

Liu Xinyue was so weak that she almost collapsed.

But a pair of big hands held her upright, and then a warm spiritual power poured into her body, repairing some of the mental and physical pressure she had suffered.

The feeling of warmth and nourishment is as refreshing as the rain after a long drought.

"What's wrong? What did you hear?"

"The Quetzalcoatl and the Intestine of Wa again..."

While Drif was treating Liu Xinyue, he couldn't help but ask.

His expression couldn't help but become a little solemn.

The moment he noticed something strange about Liu Xinyue, he knocked Vance Maynard aside.

Because he knew that the next step was not a secret that the explorer could continue to listen to.

Every word Liu Xinyue trembled as she knelt on the ground was enough to shock Derev, who had been in the material universe for more than half a year.

Derif is not illiterate. He has read a lot of books since coming to the material universe. He knows that those are the existences in myths spread all over the planet where the sun was born.

During some of Yong Zhou's great studies, Derif knew that the myth of the earth could actually be said to be a magical modification of Yong Zhou's past experience. It was part of the details of the true story of the original fight against the abyss that spread to the outside world and spread after thousands of years. version of.

Just like some of the stories between my dwarf clan, the World Tree, and Odin, they were also transformed into so-called Nordic myths by the devil.

Therefore, Derif knew the meaning of these words Liu Xinyue murmured.

this means.

There is something really strange around here!
Maybe that's what affected the Secret Realm Gate.

This also explains.

That anomaly was probably related to the eternal day or the abyss, which allowed Liu Xinyue to faintly hear some mythical words from it.

Perhaps, that strangeness is the origin of some myths!
"I heard it, a road that looks like a road leading to the center of the earth, an ordinary door at the end of the road, and an old man who looks like a god standing beside the door..."

"The essence of the old man is like a god who carries out life and death, just like the intestines of Wa and Quetzalcoatl, which represent the cycle of life and death."

Liu Xinyue murmured feebly.

Even with Derif's timely treatment, she was not completely fine.

But her eyes were shining brightly as never before.

Excitement and excitement filled her eyes.

When I got on the car and saw the Fuso tree in Ying Zhongtang's eyes.

She had thought about the authenticity of the myth.

She felt that myths and legends from all over the world might be truly reproduced in front of her.

But she didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

The water in this world is really getting deeper and deeper!
It really made her look forward to it more and more!
Now that she has joined Yong Zhou in his arms, she is not in awe of the increasingly deep world, but only feels more and more curious.

"It seems we need to call someone."

Listening to Liu Xinyue's description, Derif felt vaguely that he might not be able to hold it alone.

Whether it's the remnants of ancient abyss erosion or the traces of the eternal day...

Next, it’s best to call for help.


The top of Mount Kailash.

Several members from Yongzhi are gathering here at the moment.

Except for Derif, Ai Xin and Liu Xinyue.

Brother and sister Xuanzang and Bai Jingjing also arrived at this place together because of Derif's request for help.

In front of them was a piece of unremarkable-looking rock, and there seemed to be no road leading to the center of the earth.

But everyone understands that there really is a road leading to the center of the earth.

"So, senior brother, what are you doing here?"

Bai Jingjing raised her eyebrows and glanced curiously at Xuanzang beside her.

"The failure of the secret realm door is no small matter."

"Originally, I was just here to help calm the situation to prevent any accidents. After all, the other demigod only has muscles in mind, so he still needs me to control the situation and calmly lead the overall situation."

"But I didn't expect that this time I came at the right time."

Xuanzang looked at the seemingly ordinary Boren Gangqi Mountains at his feet, and could vaguely sense something special about it.

In terms of its strong concealment effect, if Liu Xinyue hadn't emphasized that there must be something here, he might not have been able to detect anything strange here.

"You still laugh at others who only have muscles?"

Bai Jingjing raised her eyebrows, shocked by what her senior brother said.

Although the magnetic field martial arts practiced by the new demigod is indeed more proficient in fists and flesh, it seems that senior brother, your usual fighting style is different.

Why don't you equip yourself with a luminous technique, a golden body technique, and a soul purification technique, and then rush forward to fight with the enemy?

This is completely a joke.

"Sorry, I am a master of spiritual cultivation, not some muscular barbarian."

"Speaking of which, you should sense things more carefully and clearly than I do."

Xuanzang first defended himself, then pointed to the open space in front of him and said.

There was some seriousness in his eyes.

"Well, I didn't feel much when I was at the bottom of the mountain, but I felt it faintly after I went up the mountain."

"I am not too familiar with the breath of life and death, reincarnation, and reciprocation."

Bai Jingjing nodded.

There is a hidden space here, and the aura of blending and transformation of life and death revealed in that space is so strong that even this good hiding technique allows her to find some openings.

Of course, this is not a hidden technique.

In fact, although the atmosphere of the blending of life and death here is very strong, it is also very advanced and hidden.

The main reason why Bai Jingjing can be so sensitive is that she is also the product of the blend of life and death.

She is the white bones transformed into spirit.

First he died in human form, and then he was resurrected with the will of man and demon united.

Ben has a deep understanding of the way of life and death.

Life and death, death and life, a complex blend.

Therefore, she was able to detect a hidden space nearby where life and death were constantly reincarnated.

"I have cultivated a trace of immortality, and I have died once, so I am vaguely aware of the specialness of this place." Xuanzang murmured, and then glanced thoughtfully at the man standing beside him. of three people.

Naturally, his eyes were not on Derif and Ai Xin, but on Liu Xinyue who could also detect the abnormality here.

The two senior brothers and sisters, who have such a strong relationship with life and death, only vaguely noticed that there is a special space here that contains the rules of life and death.

But this ordinary Liu Xinyue can indirectly sense this from others.

For example, Derif next to him, who is also the king of dwarves with a junior level of third-level spiritual power, actually couldn't detect anything unusual here.

In such a comparison, this girl's potential is simply unlimited.

Thinking like this, Xuanzang waved to Liu Xinyue who was not far away.

When the girl came to him, he said, "Can you hear how special this place is now?"


"Life and death meet here, or in another hidden space."

Liu Xinyue nodded and answered obediently.

She can hear.

The so-called geocentric passage I heard from Vons Maynard is hidden in another space, and the entrance to that space is here.

It's just that she was hit by a large amount of indescribable information before, so she was injured and could only activate her ability for a short time.

"Then have you heard that in this breath of life and death, there is actually the breath of eternal day?"

Xuanzang said with emotion.

He felt it, it was Yong Zhou's breath.

In that space where life and death blend, there is a symbol of eternal day faintly engraved.

This is why he is relatively relaxed now.

Because there is a high probability that there will be no opportunity for him to take action.

"Ah? Yong Zhou?"

Liu Xinyue was stunned when she heard this.

There were so many sounds of life and death that she couldn't notice for a moment that there was an element of eternal day in them.

The most important thing is that after being injured, she couldn't activate her ability for long to listen carefully.

Could it be said that the mythical ruins here were also traces of Yongzhi’s activities?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Xuanzang, through the complex space, vaguely felt the same feeling as when he entered the cave of the headquarters from the mountains of Zhonghai City.

Xuanzang could detect a clear connection with himself from an inexplicable and distant place.

He knew instinctively that he could go somewhere directly across space with the help of this "rope" of connection.

Obviously, this is also a cave.

After pondering for a moment, he wrapped the people around him with his spirit, responding to this connection.

The next moment, everyone was in a hurry.

The snow-capped pyramid tip of the pyramid-shaped Kailash disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in a long and narrow passage.

"Here is..."

Liu Xinyue's eyes lit up, and she looked at the passage that she could see clearly despite the lack of light.

This is what she heard, the road that seemed to lead to the center of the earth.

If you keep going down, you will encounter an old man and a door at the end.

If this is the trace left by Yongzhi.

The old man may be Yong Zhou's ancestor.

He is a powerful man who left names such as the Intestine of Wa and Quetzalcoatl in myths and legends.

And behind that door.

Maybe it’s the legendary Shambhala?
At this moment, Liu Xinyue, who was familiar with myths and legends from various countries, felt bursts of excitement.

That’s Shambhala!
If she thought this was a legend before, now she had a vague feeling that the pure land of bliss far away from the human world might really exist.

Her strong curiosity made her want to open the door immediately.

Want to see what is the ultimate answer hidden in the so-called Shambhala?
However, looking at her companions beside her, she could still hold back her excitement for the time being.

This seems to be Yongzhou's territory. He is also a member of Yongzhou now, so why should he be anxious?


Everyone walked on this seemingly endless road.

Everyone seemed calm, but in fact everyone's heart was extremely fluctuating.

Ai Xin grew up listening to the legend of Shambhala and was a little curious about it.

Derif and Liu Xinyue are looking forward to the traces left by this eternal day.

I don't know how long it took.

The same portal and old man as Liu Xinyue described appeared in front of him.

Everyone stopped.

The old man also raised his head and looked at the five people who appeared in front of him.

Xuanzang and the old man looked at each other for a while, seemingly verifying each other's identities.


The old man looked at Liu Xinyue with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, there are no traces of Yong Zhou engraved in your essence, and I accidentally hurt you."

As he spoke, the old man waved his hand.

Liu Xinyue immediately felt that the injuries she suffered from hearing too much were restored.

She really wanted to complain that people who were not Yongzhou deserved to be bullied, right?But after thinking about it, if someone notices my wanton perception, it seems that it will generally not end well.

She simply said nothing more.

After apologizing, the old man faced the curious eyes of the five people and said seriously:

"This is Shambhala, which can also be said to be the Palace of Rebirth."

"Yong Zhou once tried to resurrect the dead here."

"And I am the tombkeeper here."

"You can call me Gut."

The somewhat outrageous named Chang has a serious and serious face.

Facing everyone's shocked gazes, he slowly opened the ordinary-looking door next to him.

this moment.

There seemed to be endless voices pouring into everyone's mind.

[We spend our lives searching for the ultimate answer. 】

[The calm is broken, and there is a thin line between happiness and pain caused by imbalance. 】

[In the space of reincarnation, indescribable weight and unbearable lightness are balanced. 】

[Gaining and losing, sadness and happiness, a kind of life dynamic occurs. 】

[The courage to admit what happened is a kind of wisdom, and it is the only way to the ultimate answer. 】

The sound seemed to be Yongzhou's mental journey in his attempt to build Shambhala and break the boundary between life and death.

Before everyone could carefully understand the profound meaning of this sound, the sound suddenly stopped.

Everyone found that they were no longer next to the portal.

Surrounded by endless water and sky.

There is clear water that you can step on under your feet, and an endless blue sky above your head.

At this moment, we have arrived at Shambhala.

(End of this chapter)

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