Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 220 Marlowe, I can’t find you

Chapter 220 Marlowe, I can’t find you
A calm atmosphere pervades everything here.

Liu Xinyue felt that her power seemed to have failed at this moment, and her ability to listen to the sounds of all things seemed to be unable to hear anything here.

This is not because her abilities are blocked here, but because there seems to be no "sound" here.

She looked around.

It’s the same color of water and sky with no end in sight.

Under the long blue sky, there is sparkling water.

The boundary between sky and water seems to be really blurred.

They blend together at the end of the line of sight, just as the poem says: The autumn water and the sky are the same color.

When several people were here, they felt only endless emptiness and loneliness.

There is quite a sense of insignificance, like a mayfly placed in the sky and earth, a drop in the vast ocean.

In this pure and peaceful world.

Everyone subconsciously felt calm.

But when I think of the words I heard before, my body can't help but tremble slightly.

The slightest movement under his feet caused waves of ripples in the pure water.

Through the mirror-like water surface, one can see the reflections of everyone's own faces in the water, which were full of shock.

They were shocked not only because the seemingly endless blend of life and death in the earth's center channel suddenly disappeared here.

It was even more because of the horrifying words spoken by this old man named "Intestinal".

That was a level of horror that could not calm their hearts even if the place they were in at the moment had endless aura of tranquility.

[ Shambhala, which can also be said to be the Palace of Rebirth. 】

[Yong Zhou once tried to resurrect the dead here. 】

Those two short sentences made Ai Xin and Liu Xinyue's thoughts freeze instantly.

Resurrection of the dead?Did they hear it correctly?
One is a related account who has just joined Yongzhou for a few days, and the other is a genius who has just joined Yongzhou for a few days.

Although both of them had some understanding of Yong Zhou, they were still surprised by the words of senior Yong Zhou.

If this is the place to try to resurrect the dead.

So it makes sense that it has been said since ancient times that this is Shambhala, a place of bliss that holds the ultimate answer.

Because... there is no death here.

This is where death and rebirth come together.

As long as a trace of everything here is revealed, it will become a legend that has been passed down for thousands of years.

There will be countless literati and religious people writing about it, and there will also be countless able people and lofty ideals embarking on the journey to find Shambhala.

At this moment, the two of them felt extremely horrified by this.

Especially Ai Xin, who couldn't help but feel a little excited after the shock.

Resurrection of the dead... Then can her father, mother, and Uncle Marlowe be resurrected?

Realizing the possibility of this, Ai Xin couldn't help but feel her breath stop.

In addition to these two people, the other three old members of the organization beside them also frowned, with no less surprise than the two newcomers.

Even though Xuanzang and Bai Jingjing had experienced the transformation of life and death, they thought that life and death could be easily investigated.

Xuanzang possessed a trace of immortality, which gave him the possibility of maintaining his spiritual self for thousands of years in the ocean of spiritual rules, and he could be resurrected with the help of others.

Bai Jingjing was also in a special situation, and she never died in the true sense.The white bones that make up Bai Jingjing are indeed left behind after death, and the other material is also part of the body of a race from the abyss that is extremely good at hiding and immortality.

She is indeed composed of a bunch of materials that have experienced death, but the spiritual personality of Bai Jingjing itself has never died.

Therefore, there is an absolute criterion in this world and even in the entire sea of ​​multidimensional realms.

Without touching and understanding the immortality, it is impossible to maintain oneself after death when the spirit returns to the ocean of spiritual rules.

Creatures below the level of demigods have no possibility of resurrection.

If there is a resurrection.

Either it is not completely dead at all, and it has not yet reached the stage of spiritual return to the ocean of spiritual rules.

Either the person who came back alive is no longer the original owner.

This is one of the common rules in the multidimensional sea, and it is an iron rule that is theoretically unshakable.

The resurrection of the dead that this "Intestine" is talking about at this moment is most likely not for existences of demigods and above.

For that kind of existence, all that is needed is for the powerful to awaken its spirit, retrieve it, and find a body to stuff it into.

Just like Xuanzang's resurrection.

There is no need for Yongzhou to go out of his way to try it.

Therefore, the resurrection mentioned by Senior Yong Zhou "Chang" should be for creatures that do not yet have immortality.

Therefore, even Xuanzang and others felt surprised and solemn at this moment.

"So... Yong Zhou once tried to resurrect creatures without immortality here?"

"Then... was it successful?"

Xuanzang, as the representative of the crowd, asked such a question with a serious face.

If possible, Xuanzang also has people he wants to resurrect...

If it succeeds, then the land that was revived at this moment and which was once Yongzhi will truly become the so-called Shambhala.

The legend of Shambhala will no longer be the human desire and yearning for a paradise beyond life and death.

Shambhala will be real.

This will be a holy place without death.

It is the ultimate answer for all living things.

It is the final destination beyond life and death.

"It's a pretty old story."

Chang Guang pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke.

In his description, an experiment that went against heaven's will gradually unfolded in front of everyone.

【That was a long time ago. 】

[The battle between Abyss and Yongzhi brought a lot of casualties and pain. 】

[The Yongzhi sage named Wa proposed an experiment to resurrect the dead. 】

[As the Eternal Sun Sage with the strongest rules of life, she pushed the experiment to its climax with her own death. 】

[The experiment of the birth of all things began with Wa, and reached its climax with Wa's death. The cycle of life and death became the source of the origin of this nascent cave world. 】

[Then there was another large-scale invasion of the abyss. Because the sages of the world failed to withstand the invasion, the cave was invaded and could not escape. 】

"It's a pity that the experiment still has one final step to go before it is terminated..."

"If there is no immortality in spirituality, after the spirituality separates from the body, it will gradually lose itself irreversibly and become a part of the endless spirituality."

"We finally tried to give immortality to ordinary spiritual beings, but this approach is almost contrary to nature."

"Any spiritual creature must practice self-cultivation and enlightenment to realize immortality. The limit of artificial initiation can only reach the peak of the third level of spiritual power."

The intestines spoke calmly.

It's just that although this old man's face is calm, he can faintly feel helpless.

Several people around him were moved when they heard this.

Liu Xinyue vaguely understood that this was the origin of some kind of corpse creation myth, coming from this great sage in Yongzhou - Wa.

This cave world comes from the creation of Yu Wa's corpse. The long tunnel in the center of the earth may symbolize the snake god and intestines, which represent the power of transformation and reproduction. The endless power of the blending of life and death also comes from the experiments that have been done here. .

Combining the many myths he knew, Liu Xinyue's thoughts continued.

And Ai Xin couldn't help but ask: "Isn't there... no results?"

Everyone looked to the gut.

waiting for his answer.

"Yes, I have."

"My name is intestines, and I have learned a lot through experiments. Just as intestines represent the meaning of the womb in mythology, my nine senior brothers and I have learned some of Master Wa's powers of transformation, reproduction, and death. But Nuwa is ten I was the only one who understood the immortality in my intestines. After being bound to the cave, I reached the level of having a fourth level of spiritual power in the cave. I couldn't get out of the cave at all. As for the other nine people, they all disappeared. In the long river of time.”

"There is also the endless water of rebirth under the feet of this cave. Just soaking in it can repair most physical and spiritual injuries. These are also some of the results obtained by our experiments."


"We have managed to retain the spiritual autonomy of the deceased for a short period of time, but in the following period, apart from being able to communicate with them briefly, we can only watch helplessly as they slowly return to the ocean of spiritual rules."

Gut whispered.

When talking about myself, there is obviously some more obvious helplessness.

Indeed, he who grew up during the experiment can be regarded as one of the results of this experiment.

It's a pity that the purpose of the experiment is to resurrect the dead and popularize immortality.

Rather than letting him realize immortality alone.

The miraculous restorative power of the water of the past life on the body and spirit is also one of the results of this experiment, but this is not the core of the experiment.

These many achievements seem to be better than nothing compared to Wa's sacrifice.

The only small step taken in the resurrection of the dead is to temporarily retain the spirituality of the dead with autonomous consciousness.

It's a pity that these dead spiritual beings are like being marked with death. Even if they are temporarily retained, they will return to the ocean of spiritual rules in the future.

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this.Ai Xin didn’t ask any more questions.

It is difficult to break through the boundary between life and death. This is the most likely situation.

It would be unrealistic to break through easily.

If I continue to ask with disappointment and expectation, I will be a little too contemptuous of Chang and the efforts of many Yongzhou seniors.

There are too many people in this world who want to resurrect others, just like this intestine in front of me. Don't they want to resurrect the nine senior brothers and Master Wa?

It's time for her to be more sensible.

Seeing everyone's silence, Chang continued to speak: "The first time I woke up was a few days ago. At that time, the turbulent space brought the lost cave sky back."

"At that time, there was a sky full of wind and sand, and the Shambhala Cave Heaven also returned."

"The power of the cave sky that I just returned cannot affect the space blocked by the sand for a while, and I can't go out and do anything."

"However, although I can't get out, with the power of the cave, I have been able to absorb the recently deceased spiritual beings within a radius of several hundred kilometers."

"The time to retain independent consciousness depends on the strength of spirituality. The consciousness of a person who died in the wind and sand can still remain here for a few days."

The guttural sounds fell.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Ai Xin.

And Ai Xin, who wanted to be sensible, also showed shock after being in a trance for a while.

Could it be that?
I can see my mother again here...

as well as! ! !

"what do you mean……"

Ai Xin asked with some fear.

She was worried that she might have made a mistake and the happiness would be in vain.

Therefore, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

But the expectation in his eyes couldn't be hidden.


Changchun nodded and gave a positive answer to the expectant and scared Ai Xin.

The next moment, the words accompanied by the intestines fell.

The surrounding scenery changed in an instant.

Pure and empty sea and sky.

In this moment, it went from quiet to lively.

What is lively is not the empty and lonely water surface, but below the water surface.

Suddenly, they were no longer reflected in the water.

Instead, it turned into dots of stars like the night sky.

When I looked down, I couldn't see my reflection. What I saw was a dark night sky and light spots like fireflies swimming around.

At this moment, the water surface seemed to divide the entire cave world into upper and lower parts.

Above is daytime with only a few people.

Below is a dark night with endless flashes of light.

This scene makes people feel as if they are falling into a dream.

The scene at this moment gave everyone a dreamlike and shocking feeling, making people want to immerse themselves in it.

Liu Xinyue also swallowed her saliva when she saw this scene. Since arriving here, she has been quietly listening to the sounds of all things without hearing anything.

At this moment the "voice" was heard again.


Liu Xinyue murmured.

That was the lively sound coming from the infinite light spots under the water.

There is regret, there is joy, there is sadness...

Vaguely, Liu Xinyue felt that she heard something more.

That's the nagging talk between parents.

That's a trivial matter of daily necessities.

It was a mutual friendship.

It is a companionship that lasts forever.

This other world under the water is filled with the voices of countless people.

That is the sound of creatures and life.

Combined with what Senior Chang said just now.

Liu Xinyue vaguely realized that the infinite light spots under the water were the spiritual beings whose consciousness had been temporarily preserved, and they were the people in PL County who were sacrificed in the wind and sand.

The next moment, everyone saw Ai Xin running out.

She was running on the water of death, her eager movements causing ripples.

After a while, she lay down and stared at the light spot that seemed to be only separated by the water.

She looked at the world under the water, looking at the light spot that was about to come up, and she could feel a familiar feeling.

In a daze, a figure blocking the bite of a sand wolf in front of her was still in front of her.


Whispering, Ai Xin's eyes were moist.

The light spots in the water also swayed as if expressing something.


One person seems to have established some kind of communication channel with just one light.

In the resonance of emotions, Ai Xin really wanted to enter the world under the water.

"Above the water of the past is the world of the living, and below is another world."

"You can't get over it."

The intestines whispered.

He didn't want to suddenly say this to ruin the scenery.

But the boundary between life and death is so clear in this cave.

It gives people hope but also despair.

It seems that the water and sky blur the line between life and death.

In fact, life returns to life and death returns to death.

The water surface composed of the water of the past is like the actual boundary between life and death, isolating living people from those spirits that are about to pass away.

A stranger can only stand on the water and make ripples.

In fact, it cannot reach the bottom of the water at all, and the spirituality waiting to pass away in the water can never reach the reality above the water.

Listen to the words of the intestines.

A trace of sadness flashed in Ai Xin's eyes.

Looking at the light spots that just resonated with me and conveyed a bit of joy for a few times, they began to dissipate.

There are indescribable complex emotions in my heart.

Although this can be said to be witnessing the death of his mother again, his mother also resonated with him and conveyed many emotions just now.

This made Ai Xin, who had been talking about looking away but hadn't come out at all, feel deeply relieved.

Until the mother's emotional spirituality faded away.

Ai Xin slowly climbed up from the water.

She looked around, recalling the familiar feeling she had felt when she felt her mother.

Trying to relive the feeling of inexplicable connection, to find another person in the countless lost spirits in the water of the past life.

Just like before, she instantly discovered the location of her mother among the thousands of spirits under the water.

Now she also wants to find another person like this.

She is running.


The ripples caused by this run were chaotic and without a clear direction.

After a long time, she stopped.

Stand above the water.

Looking at the huge cave world, I feel the world where the dead temporarily live under the water of the afterlife.

Ai Xin couldn't help but feel confused.

"Marlowe, I can't find you."

 Recommended book: The first rule of survival for dark wizards, throw away your conscience

(End of this chapter)

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