Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 223 Where did the big storm like me go?

Chapter 223 Where did the big storm like me go?

Following the overall structural reform meeting of Yongzhi.

Notices are updated every day in various public channels of Yongzhou.

During the few holidays left, members of Yongzhi Vacation can always see the latest notices and details about the overall structural reform.

However, the specific implementation of this policy still needs to wait for the vacation of Yongzhi members to end.

After all, if there is no emergency or special situation, Yongzhou will not squeeze everyone's vacation.

It's just that some preliminary work and rough outline can be started now.

After the vacation is over, work handover and other trivial matters can be carried out immediately.

At present, most of the members of Yongzhou are relatively relaxed.

But at this moment, CNES, the Gallic Space Research Center, did not have such a rare relaxation as Yong Zhou.

Or it should be said that the space agencies of several major countries have not relaxed, because they just launched a spacecraft to Mars half a month ago.

Although there is still a month and a half left before arriving on Mars, they have been paying close attention to the dynamics of this aircraft during this period.

Because the four-nation joint Mars landing plan is mainly to bypass the moon to develop space technology, thereby focusing the future on wider space.

When the moon is difficult to approach, the development of space technology has been greatly affected.

But the endless universe cannot be ignored just there, and in the face of the increasingly serious threat of the abyss, mankind needs more powerful science and technology.

Space exploration is a necessary step or catalyst for the development of many technologies.

The previous joint moon landing plan of the four countries also completely laid a good foundation for them in space technology, which is enough to support them in trying to covet various resources in space.

Moreover, the people’s growing material and spiritual needs force them to create a new channel for obtaining resources.

So the big powers finally chose Mars as a substitute for the moon and became the stepping stone for human exploration of space.

Therefore, whether this four-nation joint Mars landing plan can succeed depends on a lot.

It’s not just CNES in Europa that is paying close attention to this aircraft.

The other three countries participating in the joint Mars landing plan also maintain long-term attention to the aircraft and will communicate regularly.

"The four-nation joint video conference will begin in half an hour. During the conference, we will receive and review the information about to be transmitted back by the Mars spacecraft."

"We have to hurry up. Among these astronomy talents, there isn't even one who can repair computers."

In a large conference room at CNES, Tom, who was debugging the projection equipment, said to Jerry, who was debugging the computer next to him.

As experts dispatched to cooperate with each other in the four-nation joint Mars landing plan, the two of them were dispatched by NASA to CNES to do some research.

"Damn, I'd really rather be exiled to the border on a paid vacation all the time for keeping my plan a secret."

"It's okay to be dragged back to NASA to work overtime, why should I be sent to CNES to work overtime?"

Jerry sighed helplessly.

He, who had always worked hard, felt deeply tired for the first time.

It seems that he is moving closer to Senior Tom's usual salty style.

It's not that CNES's work is tiring, but that CNES's lack of professionalism makes him feel a little tired.

The aerospace technology of Mi, Xiong, and Hua has declined successively, and then there is almost a gap between these three countries and the existence behind them.

Except for some achievements in Jupiter exploration, Europa's CNES is far inferior to NASA in terms of other technologies and talents, so that Tom and Jerry are asked by people from various departments here from time to time.

The most important thing is that CNES can achieve some results in Jupiter exploration, mainly because most other countries do not explore Jupiter.

Only CNES has built a "Jus" probe and sent it into space on an Ariane 5 rocket. It aims to explore three of Jupiter's four icy moons and determine whether their environment can breed life. To observe and record seismic activity in the icy shells of Jupiter and its satellites.

"This place is already very good. You've just been in a place where the most advanced technology gathers for a long time, and you're just a little unaccustomed to it."

Tom smiled and tried the finished projector, and then found a seat in the conference room to sit down with satisfaction.

After hearing this, Jerry finished what he was doing and came to sit next to Tom.

"You repaired it pretty quickly."

Jerry lay on the chair with a smile and said to Tom next to him.

"It's just a projector, nothing technological."

Tom gave Jerry a helpless look.

Come on, no matter what, he is a top student from the Ivy League and a top scholar and engineer who has worked at NASA for many years.

Repairing a projector is an overkill.

"My computer here will link the recent image records of the 'Jus' detector, and then project it onto the white cloth in front of me."

"Just think of it as testing the computer and projector."

Jerry said, tapping the keyboard a few times on the computer.

Obviously, even if it feels hard, Jerry is still the diligent guy.

Even when the two of them were transferred to a secret agency in a small town in the west of the United States due to confidentiality regulations, Jerry had already been led by Tom to have a tendency to learn from him and enjoy it.

But Jerry still had a habit of keeping himself busy.

Tom shook his head helplessly beside him.

It seems that when I have time, I have to take my back to find some wild girls to change it through indulgence and enjoyment.

The two were quiet for a while.

Data from the Joos detector were received into the computer and then projected onto a white cloth.

Because it has an iron-rich, fluid core, Ganymede is the only moon in the solar system with a magnetic field, and the Joos probe is orbiting this moon.

The white cloth at this moment is a picture of Ganymede.

It was a deserted place.

In addition, detailed data such as average density, surface gravity, escape velocity, rotation period, and axis inclination angle are displayed.

"It seems that the projector and computer have been repaired."

Tom glanced at the projection on the white cloth and said,
"It seems that no traces of life have been found on Ganymede, and we don't know if life can be found in the ocean under the ice cap of Ganymede."

“Isn’t this plan to explore life a way for CNES to defraud funds?”

Jerry pouted.

Thinking of Senior Tom's favorite thing to do at NASA, cheating on funds, I couldn't help but subconsciously raise such doubts.

But he didn't care about this matter and soon stopped thinking about it.

"By the way, the Joss just finished shooting the fixed period of Jupiter today, and it's just time to shoot and record the images of Jupiter. Why don't you continue to take a look at Jupiter?"

After briefly looking at the data and pictures, Jerry said to Tom next to him.

Seeing that Tom had no objection, Jerry operated the computer to project the Jupiter-related data returned by the Joss probe.

The next moment, the projection on the white cloth suddenly changed.

The appearance of the largest planet in the solar system comes to mind.

Jupiter is the fifth closest planet to the sun in the solar system and the largest planet in the solar system.

The ancients had known this planet for a long time, and the Romans named it after the main god Jupiter.In ancient China, Jupiter was called the Year Star, because it takes about 12 years to orbit the celestial sphere, which is the same as the Earthly Branches.By the Western Han Dynasty, Sima Qian, the author of "Historical Records of Tianguanshu", discovered from actual observations that the year star was cyan, which was linked to the "Five Elements" theory, and officially named it "Jupiter".

Jupiter is a giant planet with a mass one thousandth that of the Sun, but 2.5 times the combined mass of the other planets in the solar system.The main component of Jupiter is hydrogen, but helium, which accounts for only one-tenth of the number of molecules, accounts for a quarter of the total mass.

The atmosphere is divided into different zones according to latitude, and turbulence and storms act at their junctions.

The most striking example is the Great Red Spot, a huge storm that has not stopped since it was first seen through telescopes in the 17th century.

Just the size of that storm has already surpassed the earth...

etc!What about the Great Red Spot? ? ! !
Jerry's eyes widened and he fell into a daze as he looked at the picture of Jupiter that looked like it had not changed much, but in fact had undergone major changes.

He subconsciously switched between several photos taken by the Joos, but he didn't see the most iconic pattern of Jupiter.

The Eye of Jupiter, which had been silently staring at the stars for hundreds of years, suddenly disappeared.

Could it be that...he remembered it wrong?

All the education about astronomy I received at Princeton was wrong. In fact, there is no such thing as the Great Red Spot on Jupiter?

Jerry doubted himself for a moment.

But soon, he immediately opened the CNES database on his computer and found the publicly shared data of Voyager and Galileo.

In the database of these two detectors that had photographed Jupiter a few years ago, Jerry found that he had remembered correctly.

Jupiter does have a Great Red Spot! ! !
At this moment, Jerry was confused.

He subconsciously stood up and murmured silently.

Great Red Spot, where did it go?
Hasn't that thing been around for at least 200 years, and will most likely be around for hundreds more?

But now, why has it disappeared?

When did such a storm, bigger than the earth, suddenly disappear?

"what are you doing?"

Tom noticed Jerry's movements and looked at him with confusion.


Jerry didn't say much, just pointed at the projected image on the white cloth.

Tom looked along and frowned.

Isn't it Jupiter...

ah? ? ! !


"Where's the Great Red Spot?!"

Tom's eyes widened and he understood the reason behind Jerry's sudden movement of standing up and muttering to himself.

It was less than ten days ago when the Joos spacecraft photographed Jupiter last time, right?
Did the Great Red Spot suddenly dissipate during the ten days when José was busy conducting in-depth exploration of Jupiter?
How can a storm cyclone of this level dissipate so quickly?
Confusion filled the two of them at this moment.

Why, once they start operating space exploration equipment, will they observe special conditions?

Last time they saw someone smashing a meteorite with one punch.

Last time they saw the planet engine on the moon.

This time they saw Jupiter's Great Red Spot suddenly disappear.

After a moment of silence, the two experienced people immediately started their respective tasks with a clear division of labor.

Jerry began to quickly report this discovery to CNES and NASA, and suggested that they inform the Paranormal Research Alliance and the Anomaly Countermeasures Bureau to investigate the matter in depth.

According to his intuition, this time it may have something to do with Chaofan again.

Tom began to apply for permissions in various databases, especially applying to NASA in his hometown and the space base in Bear Country to see if they had recent monitoring records of Jupiter.

Is there any Jupiter exploration record that records the entire process of the disappearance of the Great Red Spot?

Perhaps some of the more gruesome details can be witnessed.


Tom obtained part of the authority granted by NASA headquarters, and immediately quickly searched for monitoring records related to Jupiter.

Calculate based on the observation angles and observation times of all known detectors to find a batch of detectors that may be able to observe Jupiter in the observation images.

After a long time, Tom found a few seconds of observation records of Jupiter in a detector that was not specifically used to observe Jupiter.

Jupiter is in the corner and not so clear in this recorded image.

But Tom could see a clear line of light flashing across the corner of the screen, hitting Jupiter in the corner of the screen and then disappearing.

Tom's eyes widened at this.

Sure enough, something abnormal happened!
He glanced at the time in the corner of the screen, it was just eight days ago!
Tom made a rough calculation based on this time and the positions of some stars in the picture as coordinates.

The process is not complicated.

Or it should be said that it is not complicated for him, a college student from the Ivy League.

Not long after, he put down the scratch paper and the black pen in his hand.

Tom subconsciously rubbed his temples.

He wanted to say something, but found that he could not speak when he opened his mouth.

A shock flashed through my heart.

According to calculations, the "light" in the corner of the picture hits the direction of Jupiter.

It happens to be the hemisphere where the Great Red Spot is located!

In other words, it is very likely that a pillar of light suddenly appeared eight days ago, obliterating the Great Red Spot on Jupiter that exceeds the scale of the Earth.

What is this concept?
Even though Tom and Jerry had seen the planet engine with their own eyes at the base where the four countries jointly landed on the moon, they were still shocked by this discovery.

That time the planet engine.

Although it looks spectacular, it is actually the size of Bailey Crater.

The jets soaring into the sky looked frightening.

In fact, it can evaporate a lively first-tier city in an instant.

This discovery was different.

Even if he didn't witness the moment when the Great Red Spot was annihilated by the beam of light.

But you can still vaguely imagine how spectacular it is.

That was a super anti-storm cyclone.

A hurricane much larger than the earth.

This is countless times larger than any first-tier city. It is completely the gap between an ant and a giant at the level of a natural chasm.

If a first-tier city were to become circular, its diameter would be no more than 100 kilometers at most.

The diameter of the Great Red Spot is [-] kilometers.

The jets from the planetary engine on the moon will have no impact on the Great Red Spot at all.

But even such a big red spot would most likely be wiped out by this beam of light.

It’s hard to imagine how powerful this is!
It’s simply a reenactment of a fantasy scene!
This is a true planet-destroying power in one strike, and it is many, many times more powerful than any ordinary nuclear weapon.

So if this beam of light reaches the earth...

Will the Earth end up in the same fate as the Great Red Spot?In an instant, it became an inconspicuous dust that was lost in the vacuum of the universe.

Is this the end of human history and the history of the earth?
Think about it.

Tom was shocked.

I couldn't help but shudder subconsciously.

Must, report immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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