Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 224 A beacon of prayer for establishing diplomatic relations

Chapter 224 A beacon of prayer for establishing diplomatic relations

Subtitles: "Chen Sheng didn't want to pay attention and threw a loli over", "The pass is actually me"

[Experience: 9999.99/10000 (conditions not met)]

Words like these on the system panel are always reminding Chen Sheng:

It’s not that he can’t accumulate experience, it’s that he hasn’t met certain conditions that prevent him from leveling up.

This gave him a feeling of something stuck in his throat.

Even though he has been busy with something these days, he still can't help but glance at this reminder from time to time.

What does it mean if the conditions are not met?
What are the so-called conditions?
Before, he could say that he would do what he should do now.It is necessary to re-adjust the organizational structure and re-divide the authority levels of the increasingly bloated organization.We should also think about the future positioning of Shambhala Cave and the position distribution of Gosela.We also need to refine some more Abyss Crack Stabilizers.

There are a lot of things to do, and you can’t stop doing them just because you don’t have an idea of ​​upgrading.

But now, the organizational structure adjustment has been completed and has begun to be implemented. Arrangements have also been made for Shambhala Cave Heaven and Gosla, and two more Abyss Crack Stabilizers have been refined at once.

It can be said that Chen Sheng has nothing to do for the time being.

I couldn't help but start to calm down and think about this condition that prevented the organization from upgrading to level three, and this condition that prevented him from upgrading to level six spiritual power.

What exactly is it?
What exactly does he need to do?
While thinking confusedly, Chen Sheng suddenly realized something.

Maybe, the condition is himself?
It was because he had not reached the level of upgrading to the sixth level of spiritual power that the system was unable or unwilling to give him the initiation and upgrade. Naturally, the organization level was not upgraded at the same time.

If you think so, why isn't he worthy of being upgraded to level six?

Quietly feeling the vast power in his body, like an abyss or an ocean.

Chen Sheng fell into deep thought.

How much stronger would his sixth-level spiritual power be compared to his current fifth-level spiritual power?
Without experiencing it for yourself, you really can't understand the huge difference between each level.

However, he is systematic and roughly knows the difference.

In the introduction of the system, it is not a problem that the power of the sixth level of spiritual power is comparable to a dozen [UY Scutum] stars, which are about 1708 stars with a radius as large as the sun.

Under such a terrifying gap, it is okay to say that he is not worthy.

But, where is his opportunity?
The system does not disclose much information about the fifth level of spiritual power and above.

Before Chen Sheng could think about it, Chen Sheng discovered that Xuanzang was standing under the hibiscus tree from a distance.

Then his gaze also shifted.

"Did I bother you, Master?"

Xuanzang looked at Chen Sheng apologetically.

The master was obviously thinking, he originally just wanted to wait on the sidelines.

I didn't want to disturb him.

"If you standing quietly at a distance like this can be considered a disturbance, this guy is just rolling in my face."

Chen Sheng pointed at Gosela who was moving around among the hibiscus leaves above his head. He didn't know whether the calm expression on his face was anger or helplessness.

Ever since she learned the magnetic field martial arts from the Tao of the Sun on the ten little Golden Crows in their embryonic form in the Fuso tree, Gosla has been keen on staying in the Fuso tree to communicate with the unborn Little Golden Crows.

Even if the little Golden Crow's consciousness communicated only the most basic emotional expressions, there was no clear meaning.

But it still makes Gosla enjoy it.

This may be because of the bond between "master and apprentice".

Or maybe it’s because of the earth’s consciousness’ natural admiration for the sun.

This makes them very close to each other.

"If she really bothered you, you would have thrown her away long ago."

After hearing this, Xuanzang raised his head and glanced at Gosela among the hibiscus leaves, and couldn't help but smile.

Master is a great leader.

So, of course I chose to forgive her.

"So, why did you come here to find me?"

Chen Sheng rolled his eyes at Xuanzang helplessly, and then asked.

Although he could instantly understand Yong Zhou's general information through the raven system he created, but since Xuanzang was already here, it was naturally better to listen to it.

"Raven 1001 of the Everlasting Communications Office in China sent a message that the Anomaly Countermeasures Bureau and the lighthouse above it want to establish diplomatic relations."

Xuanzang did not pretend to be in suspense, but said straight to the point.


Chen Sheng sighed after hearing this.

There is no doubt about the strength of the lighthouse. Without Yong Zhou participating in the comparison, the lighthouse is undoubtedly the strongest in the world.

But to Yong Zhou, the difference in strength doesn't matter.

What Yong Zhou needs is an obedient and sufficiently integrated human being as a whole, and he doesn't really expect future humans to do anything for Yong Zhou.

The cultural and spiritual core of China is most suitable for this kind of integration.

No matter how powerful the lighthouse is, it is still the same to Yong Zhou.

Under eternal daylight, all living beings are equal.

When judging and selecting the future leaders of the community with a shared future for mankind, it can be said that what Yong Zhou considers is not his strength, but his potential and something deeper.

It is a spiritual core that has been passed down for thousands of years and remains tenacious.

There are more complex things.

"It seems...rejection?"

"And when he refuses, he will be kind and powerful at the same time."

Xuanzang looked at his master with a smile and said.

He didn't say it was a roundworm in Master's stomach, but he could say he understood it quite well.

He roughly understood what his master was thinking.

The first step must be rejection. After all, the future leader of a community with a shared future for mankind has been determined.

The second is to use both kindness and power when refusing. Considering that Lighthouse does things fairly and really needs to give some favors to ensure the smooth formation of a community with a shared future for mankind without being blocked, considering that humans will need strength when facing some low-level abyss monsters in the future. , Master should take this opportunity to give some more favors.

At the same time, it is not good to just give favors. Some deterrence is needed to ensure that the lighthouse will not think that Yong Zhou can ask for it casually, and to ensure that he has no other intentions.

"Well, almost."

"However, I hope that by the way, they can develop the technology of controllable nuclear fusion as soon as possible and undergo some transformation at the level of civilization. Otherwise, even if they are integrated into a whole in the future, they will be delayed."

"Let Gosla pay a visit later. While being shocked, you can also be introduced to some interesting technologies developed by the lunar scientific research department."

Chen Sheng said, looking up and glancing at Gosla who was playing among the hibiscus leaves.


"Did someone call me?"

After hearing the commotion, Gosla poked her head out from the hibiscus leaves, hanging upside down and looked at the two people discussing under the tree.

An innocent smile spread across her face.

"Yes, I have something to do with you, please stay down."

Chen Sheng showed a smile and waved to Gosla above his head.

That kind expression made Xuanzang subconsciously frown and take two steps back.

Something is wrong. There is something very wrong with Master's kind expression.

"What do you need me to do..." Gosla stopped abruptly before she could say anything more when she jumped down.

Chen Sheng grabbed her ankle, then straightened his arms and spun them around a few times.

When Gosla screamed "Ah~", she was thrown out directly.

In an instant, Gosela in the form of a loli shot out like a meteor.

Under Chen Sheng's micro-control, the thrown Gosla crossed the space of the headquarters cave and cut through the sky.

"I have already passed it on to Gosla's mind about what I want to do."

"Speaking of which, my dear disciple, your suggestion of throwing Fei Gosela was really good. I felt refreshed immediately."

"By the way, do you have anything else to do?"

Chen Sheng looked at Xuanzang with a smile.

Seeing this, Xuanzang also showed a calm face, as if he had not seen anything.

"It's okay, of course I'm okay."

"Then Master, what are you going to think about?"

Xuanzang said this and backed away slowly.

It wasn't until Chen Sheng closed his eyes to think again that he hurriedly turned around and disappeared.

It would be terrible to disturb the master in deep thought.

The disappearance of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Although it caused an uproar in front of the governments of various countries who knew about the extraordinary.

But it did not cause much waves around the world.

After all, Jupiter is hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the Earth, which is an unimaginably far distance.

Not many people care much about this matter.

No matter how strong the storms on Jupiter are, they can't even blow the earth.

So everyone should still eat and drink.

Moreover, the Great Red Spot was originally a large hurricane. It is not unexplainable that this complex chaotic system suddenly dissipated.

Butterflies can flap their wings to create hurricanes, and hurricanes can also dissipate because butterflies flap their wings.

Under the unified voice of several major powers, experts from various countries conducted a very reasonable scientific analysis and provided a series of explanations for the disappearance of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

And those equipment that can observe the Great Red Spot have to be sealed with the cooperation of several major countries.

Therefore, the impact of this incident is far less than that of the Godzilla incident.

Even people's discussion on this matter lasted less than two days, and the details of this matter were not even listed in the top ten hot searches on Weibo.

Some guys' eyes gradually turned red when they saw the movement that was most likely caused by Yong Zhou.

From the previous planet engine, to the later light beam vaporizing Godzilla, and now the Great Red Spot being annihilated.

The image of eternal invincibility has become more and more ingrained.

The more they saw the power shown by Yong Zhou becoming more and more exaggerated, some guys felt extremely jealous of the Chinese nation that had channels of communication with Yong Zhou.

Why can only Hua Guo hold such a thick thigh like Yong Zhou?

If you can hug such a thigh, there are many people who are willing to be dogs.

They were not even allowed to bark twice, so how could we question their professionalism as dogs?

At least, that's what the big guys above Andrew really think. There's nothing wrong with being a dog.

Anomaly Countermeasures Bureau Headquarters.

Andrew sat alone in the office, with a pile of milk candy packaging scattered on the table.

He had always used milk candy to suppress his anxiety. For the first time, he felt that the effect of milk candy was not that obvious.

Why don't those big men discuss state affairs in the Hexagon Building and talk about how to keep up with the wave of scientific and technological progress that has begun to sprout since Yong Zhou reappeared in the world and not fall behind?

Instead, I feel like I can be a dog.

It's not that Andrew doesn't want to be Yong Zhou's dog. After all, it means too many benefits. It can be said that he has wings and can soar into the sky.

But is this kind of thing something you can have if you ask for it?Whether or not he has such qualification actually depends on Yong Zhou's attitude.

Judging from the clear performance of Yongzhi's arrangement of human beings for thousands of years.

They don't need to talk about this kind of thing, Muggles must have Muggle consciousness.

If they were supposed to be dogs, Yong Zhou would naturally come to them.

If they don't do it right, taking the initiative to contact them will only create a bad impression.

Andrew didn't believe that the political sense of those big guys was so bad, but they still tried to contact Yong Zhou through Huawei channels.

He probably understands that the elders are worried that the United States will gradually lose power from now on. In the new era, it will not be able to keep up with the development of the times as powerful as China, and eventually it will gradually lose its right to speak in the community of a shared future for mankind.

Unable to disrupt the situation, they had no choice but to hope that Yong Zhou would look at them one more time.

and try it.

There may not be a problem with this choice.

Therefore, Andrew still chose to obey the order and contact the Day Search Bureau.

But he was a little anxious.

He wondered what answer awaited from the beacon of liberal democracy.

If you are denied, what should you do next?

In silence, he anxiously waited for information from the Xunzhou Bureau.

As the milk candies were eaten one after another, and Andrew's few real teeth also felt the phantom pain of moth-eaten teeth, the long-awaited message sounded.

Looking at the nickname of the sender, Andrew understood that this was information from the Day Search Bureau.

He took a few deep breaths.

Then he clicked on the message.

[Your request has been notified to the Communications Office of Yongzhou in China. The reply from Yongzhou Messenger is that please wait a moment. 】

Andrew slowly narrowed his eyes as he looked at the reply he received from an opportunity to pass on information in exchange for a large amount of scientific and technological information.

Wait a long?

Just as a trace of doubt flashed through his mind, a loud noise across the sky suddenly came.

Then there was a loud noise of heavy objects falling.

Before Andrew could think deeply, he looked out through the office window.

He saw an eye bigger than the window already stuck in front of his window.

This made Andrew's breath hitch.

Having seen Godzilla-related images, he was certain that although the appearance of the giant beast in front of him had changed, it was most likely the same Godzilla.

Let’s leave aside why this Godzilla didn’t die.

But this moment anyway.

Andrew felt that he roughly understood what Yong Zhou's reply of "wait a moment" meant.

(End of this chapter)

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