Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 226 Level 6 Integrate into the Legend

Chapter 226 Level [-] - Integrating into the Legend
Level 5 spiritual power level.

This is a realm that goes beyond the true God.

Compared with the fourth-level spiritual power level true god who has merged his soul and body into one and integrated into the ocean of spiritual rules.

This realm has made further progress.

Spiritual Lord is the description of a fifth-level spiritual power level existence in the sea of ​​multidimensional realms.

The existence of this realm has reached the status of a monarch in the spiritual system.

They have surpassed ordinary creatures.

Just like in many other worlds in the sea of ​​multidimensional realms, the fifth-level spiritual king is a majestic existence that transcends the ordinary plane world, and is a supreme person comparable to the super plane.

In terms of the physical universe, it is a powerful person equivalent to a star.

As a person in this realm, Chen Sheng has been pondering why he cannot break through level six for a while.

During this time.

He closed himself deeply, sinking all his perceptions into his own essence, and carefully experienced every corner of himself from the inside out.

Want to discover the way forward.

First, we need to sort out the existing roads.

In the process, he gradually gained a deeper understanding of his own power.

His power is...

The sun of mercy!
Even though he has been promoted to the status of Lord of the Stars, he still regards the sun as his basic base.

Light, magnetism, force, heat, hope, growth...

The essence of these forces emanating from the sun is the sun.

But they are all some kind of abstract concept of the sun.

His power is based on this, but more transcendent.

Gradually, in the process of deepening his understanding of his own power, he discovered the future path of the fifth level of spiritual power.

It's a legend!
The next path is to integrate into the legend!
Legend refers to various information that has been told and passed down for a long time.

This is illusory and does not exist in reality.

It is the words spoken by every creature, and it is also the trace of its existence in the world.

Everyone has left his or her own legend.

In fact, after the fifth level, Chen Sheng had a faint trace of being integrated into the legend.

When others call him, they will be directly sensed by him thousands of miles away.

This fantasy and magical characteristic is the characteristic that begins to blend in with a hint of legend.

At level six, it will be completely integrated into the legend.

As long as there are still rumors about him and traces of his existence in the world, it can be said that he has not died in the true sense.

This is truly a god-like ability.

Immortality will mutate at the sixth level.

And it’s a qualitative change!

Chen Sheng, who never understood this, was stuck unable to upgrade.

This is like the threshold of the fourth level of spiritual power - the unity of spirit and body.

If you cannot unite your soul and body, you will not be able to integrate into the ocean of spiritual rules, and you will not be able to become a fourth-level true god.

And the threshold of the sixth level spiritual master.

Naturally, it means understanding and integrating into the legend.

Now after understanding this.

Chen Sheng's spiritual perception continuously began to comprehend the so-called legends.


Legends are too illusory and vague.

The so-called legends, at first glance, exist in the oral transmission of living beings.

It's actually much more complicated than that.

Chen Sheng could only extend from the special feeling he had when his name was called, and try to understand the existence form of this so-called legend.

Gradually, he became immersed in it.

[Today’s big study... let’s review the basic policy of eternal sunshine proposed by the leader. 】

[When will Master come out of seclusion? I kind of want to give him my latest try of peach blossom stuffed wine. 】

[Speaking of which, the assassin’s various skills are so suitable for me. It’s obvious that my reduced presence has been restored by the leader. 】

[Ah, the head of the East Asia branch has too much to do, right?Leader, help! 】

[Although I am one step slower than my junior brother, I seem to have a vague understanding of the realm of demigods... I will try to break through when my master comes out of seclusion. 】

[The efficiency of the Body Refining Tower seems to have improved. I heard that the leader has strengthened it again. 】

He heard many voices.

I also vaguely felt the so-called legend formed by these sounds.


Is it just a legend?
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Master Dao, I have enlightened!!!"

Chen Sheng couldn't help but murmured.

The next moment, Chen Sheng opened his eyes energetically.

I understood the future path of integrating the legend, and I also tried to vaguely perceive the existence of the legend.

Then the next step is cheating!

You don’t have to be a fool to hang up!
Chen Sheng confidently clicked on the system panel.

I saw that the words "conditions not met" above had indeed disappeared.

Only the "Do you want to upgrade now" button is left.

Chen Sheng didn't hesitate and immediately chose to upgrade immediately.

The experience value that had been stuck at 9999.99 moved forward a little at this moment.

That's all.

Chen Sheng's second-level organization suddenly became a third-level organization.

【Organization experience: 10000/100000】

[The current organization level is: 3]

【Issuing upgrade rewards for you...】

[Your reward is: random secret realm*1, secret realm strengthening opportunity*1]

Along with the prompts on the system panel, Chen Sheng's fifth-level spiritual power also began to transform.

The power of this enlightenment.

The scene in front of Chen Sheng seemed to be blurred.

It’s too late to see the system’s rewards.

A broader world seems to be slowly unfolding in front of you.

At this moment, Chen Sheng's spiritual perception discovered a more magnificent perspective.

This is the legendary zone.

Attached to the ocean of spiritual rules.

Then, Chen Sheng disappeared.

Integrated into the broader world called legend.

The sixth level of spiritual power is achieved!
From then on, he merged into the legend and could go through thousands of reincarnations and remain immortal.

Immortality begins to change qualitatively at this moment.

As long as someone still remembers him, he can respond from nothingness.

Even if he is already dead!

But before Chen Sheng could be happy, a sudden change occurred.

In the material universe, even the power of a sixth-level spiritual master must be suppressed.

After being promoted to level six, he should have stayed in the legendary zone for a moment and then left.

After all, the legendary zone is an indescribable existence. Even level six is ​​only an initial integration. It is difficult to fully understand everything in it.

But the moment Chen Sheng transformed into spirituality and merged into the legend, the door to his return was ruthlessly locked by the material universe.

This is a banishment-like process.

It's not that the material universe actively wants to imprison Chen Sheng, it's just that the current obscure spiritual rules of the material universe no longer allow such an awesome being to stay in the material world.

At this moment, Chen Sheng was integrated into the legend, and temporarily lost his way home.

And Chen Sheng, who was integrated into the legend, couldn't help but be confused.

him at the moment.

Not in the real world of the material universe, but in a special zone in a corner of the endless ocean of spiritual rules.

This is a special place that is hard to describe.It may be wrong to say that it is nothingness, but the power known as legend is everywhere.

Chen Sheng, who has reached the sixth level of spiritual power, wants to try to leave here.

But he could feel a force blocking the door.

This is the vast but somewhat rigid power of the material universe.

With Chen Sheng's current strength, there seems to be nothing he can do against him.

"The material universe! Are you dealing friendly damage again?!"

Chen Sheng felt helpless.

If possible, he really wants the material universe to be like this first, and then like that!

He is far from having such strength now.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Sheng vaguely realized that this legendary area had a faint connection with the outside world.

Follow these connections to sense the past.

Chen Sheng saw numerous temples, curls of incense, and groups of believers.

Religious beliefs from all over the earth were vaguely connected to Chen Sheng at this moment.

Because of Yong Zhou's current real changes and false compilations of history, the origins of some myths and legends have changed in the eyes of some people.

Yongzhi became the source.

As the leader of Yongzhou, Chen Sheng naturally became the direction of some faith transmission.

"This is... the power of faith?"

Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes and felt a little shocked by what he discovered.

Faith is powerful.

Infinite belief is the condensed embodiment of human spirit and will, which contains indescribable majestic power.

Even in this material universe where spiritual rules are obscure, faith is only suppressed and power is hidden.

That doesn't mean its power is gone.

Chen Sheng once witnessed the power of faith spontaneously strengthen Master Jiexian with incredible power in the past time and space of the earth, and by the way created the Heart Sutra practice method.

Today, Chen Sheng once again discovered the role of faith.

The power of faith seems to be a bridge to the legendary zone.

This is indeed consistent with the setting of faith.

Belief can be linked to myths and legends, which does not sound inconsistent at all.

In a sense.

For those stupid fifth-level spiritual masters who cannot detect the existence of legends based on their true name perception alone, faith may be a good channel.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng felt that heroic spirits based on the power of faith such as Erlang, Chang'e, and Chang Chang could also be said to be some attempt by Yong Zhou in the system settings to quickly reach the sixth level of spiritual power.

Maybe all the heroic spirits sealed in the so-called Conferred Gods List have the potential to reach level six?
If you think so...

It makes people take a deep breath.

After thinking like this for a while, Chen Sheng stopped thinking randomly.

No matter what, we have to find a way to get out of here.

Not to mention that this legendary area was completely empty, which made him not want to stay here at all.

Besides, no sixth-level spiritual master who has integrated into the legend would really be trapped in the legend zone and unable to get out.

He was locked up in a dark room just after being upgraded.

This made him not even want to look at the rewards after upgrading.

Of course, the main reason is that there is no need to find random secret realms, and there is no rush to use the secret realm strengthening opportunities.
Right now, finding a way to leave this place is the most important thing.

No matter what, Chen Sheng wants to return to reality.

Perhaps these bridges of faith will be an opportunity for him to go out.


The four countries jointly landed on the Mars base.

The moon has already risen.

Du Xing, who had a rare vacation, slowly left the office building with his bag.

Sitting in the car at the base, Du Xing felt that he missed the food at home.

His vacation was supposed to last from this morning to the morning after tomorrow.

It’s just that more than a month and a half has passed since the manned spacecraft took off to land on Mars.

In less than half a month, the spacecraft will arrive on Mars.

This is undoubtedly a historic moment.

Preparations for landing have begun.

So much so that Du Xing, who was supposed to leave early today, still worked all day before he could get out.

But fortunately, I’m finally done with my work now.

Looking at the two silent soldiers in the driver and co-pilot, Du Xing recalled a series of instructions given to him by his leader before leaving.

[I have helped you establish many relationships, but your vacation still cannot be too long. Come back immediately after celebrating your mother’s birthday. 】

[People from the two military will follow closely along the way, remember to pay attention to the confidentiality regulations. 】

Yes, just as the leader said, there are strict confidentiality regulations here.

The four countries' joint Mars landing plan is not much less stringent than the future energy agency that has developed controllable nuclear fusion.

Therefore, Du Xing was very satisfied with being able to apply for vacation.

Look at the stars through the car window.

Du Xing quietly enjoyed the long-lost relaxation.

He had a dream since childhood:
It means flying into the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

This is not singing, but Du Xing has really longed for the stars since he was a child.

The starry sky is his belief.

Someone told him when he was a child: Everyone is a child of Xinghai.

Planets like the Earth cannot produce heavy elements. The iron in the human body comes from brilliant supernova explosions.The zinc in the blood comes from dust ejected into the universe after two neutron star collisions.That tiny amount of copper is needed to witness the death of a white dwarf star.And even the tiniest bit of cobalt originates from nebulae billions of light-years away.

In a sense, it is normal for humans to be curious about the stars.

We long to witness the limits of the stars, rivers and oceans, because we are children of the stars.

The nitrogen in human DNA, the calcium in human teeth, the iron in human blood, and the carbon in the things humans eat are all composed of thousands of stars scattered during the Big Bang.

Therefore, everyone is a star, and everyone is a son of a star. Every cell writes the history of the entire universe.

When you gaze at yourself, you also see the outline of the universe.

All life is the child of the sea of ​​stars, and human beings will return to the stars.

The way Du Xing chose to return to the starry sky was to work hard and talented in the field of astronomy for more than ten years.

So now, he is here.

The most technologically advanced place in the world in the field of astronomy: the four-nation joint landing base on Mars.

Here, four of the most powerful countries on Earth work together to truly explore the stars.

Here, Du Xing feels very happy.

Even if it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to calm down and look at the stars like I did when I was a kid.

Du Xing is still happy.

Open the car window and look at the familiar starry sky in front of you.

Du Xing couldn't help but do what he did most often when he was a child:
Five fingers spread out and stretched towards the sky.

At this time, looking from behind the palm of my hand, I felt as if I had caught a starry sky.

This always gave him great satisfaction.

Only this time.

The moment Du Xing stretched out his hand.

Found something not quite right.

In my ears, I feel like there are suddenly more sounds.

The sound was vague, but it had an unusually regular cadence, as if it were some kind of regular language.

He turned to look at the two soldiers at the front of the car.

I found that they didn't seem to notice or had any special reaction.

This made Du Xing swallow subconsciously and retract his palm.

But as soon as he took his hand back, the vague sound disappeared in his ears.

In response, Du Xing's eyes narrowed.

He tried to reach out again and try to grasp the starry sky.

The next moment, the sound appeared again.

This time, the voice was much clearer:
[Starry Sky Ancient Road has been opened]

(End of this chapter)

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