Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 227 The huge ancient road in the starry sky

Chapter 227 The huge ancient road in the starry sky

Starry Sky Ancient Road?

What do you mean?
Du Xing was a little confused at this moment.

After thinking for a moment, Du Xing suddenly realized a problem that he had ignored just now.

He found that this was definitely a language he had never heard before, and it could even be said to be a voice he had never heard before.

Du Xing didn't know how to describe it.

The pronunciation of each byte is not like the sounds heard in daily life, it can even be said that they are not like the sounds that humans would make.

But it was such a strange voice that made him understand its meaning inexplicably.

Such a strange phenomenon.

If it's not an illusion.

Then there is a high probability that it is some kind of supernatural phenomenon.

As one of the key members of the four-nation joint Mars landing plan, Du Xing vaguely understood what such supernatural phenomena might mean.

"Eternal day..."

These two words popped into Du Xing's mind.

And once these two words are involved, the seriousness of the matter will instantly rise.

Even though he didn't know much.

But just the partial information he knew about Yong Zhou was already amazing enough.

Moon, Jupiter...

Yongzhi, which has existed for countless years in human history, has actually made its footprints towards the boundless starry sky long before humans.

After pondering, Du Xing put down his hand helplessly.

As the sounds in his ears slowly disappeared, he looked at the two soldiers in front of him, the driver and co-pilot, and said, "Two of you, we may have to go back and continue working overtime."

Although he wanted to take a long-awaited vacation and go home to celebrate the birthdays of his relatives.

But as a serious technician.

At this moment he needs to understand immediately that this is an illusion?Still real!

and so.

After making a phone call to my family and the leaders of the base.

This vehicle, which was supposed to drive all the way to the airport and then to a first-tier city, headed back to the deserted land where it came from.

Starlight shines on the wilderness.

It looks silvery and colder than usual.

Du Xing put away his unnecessary thoughts and concentrated on what was happening at the moment.

Du Xing's mood.

It also became exciting and complicated unconsciously.

He tried reaching out a few more times on his way back.

And we have initially drawn some rules for the phenomenon of sounds appearing in our ears.

He found that he only needed to concentrate on staring at a star to hear the strange and incomprehensible sound, without any extra movement of reaching out.

Then he also discovered that not all stars would make strange sounds in his ears after he stared at them.

As for the stars that make sounds, they also have different sounds.

Except that Mars is the sentence at the beginning [The ancient road in the starry sky has been opened].

Most of the stars that can hear the sound are the sounds of [the ancient road in the starry sky is waiting to be opened].

In addition, he even found that the stars that allowed him to hear sounds would become faintly brighter after he stared at them with concentration.

But this will have to wait until we go back for further verification.

Thoughtfully, the three people in the car returned to the four-nation joint Mars landing base located in the wilderness.

The soldiers on guard immediately came over and confirmed their identities before allowing Du Xing and the people in the car to pass through the checkpoint and return to the base.

The two soldiers followed Du Xing closely and walked into the prepared conference room with him.

The door opened with a bang.

I saw the leader who approved Du Xing's leave, sitting in the conference room with a group of experts who had just arrived in the conference room.

This was the arrangement the leader made immediately after receiving Du Xing's call.

On the projection screen not far from the conference table, there were pictures of many experts who could not make it in time. Since they could not come in person, they would attend the meeting via video.


Du Xing stepped forward and nodded to the leader.

The leader's name is Gary Hall.

Not only was he the direct leader who approved Du Xing's fake work, he was also one of the top leaders of the four-nation joint Mars landing base.

His immediate superiors are Zhang Shouquan from the Day Search Bureau, Andrew from the Anomaly Countermeasures Bureau, Hansen from the Paranormal Research Alliance, and Detlin from the Bear Country Security Bureau.

It can be said that he has super high rights.

At this moment, the high-ranking Gary Hall organized such a meeting seriously and seriously because of Du Xing's words.

"I checked based on the phone call you made before you came back. Sure enough, the relevant observation data of the planets you mentioned have changed."

"Moreover, the observation data from all angles around the world have uniformly changed significantly, and there is no possibility of observation error."

"And our observation time is basically consistent with the observation time you requested on the phone."

Gary Hall said, controlling the projector to open a series of emergency data comparison tables.

25 minutes ago.

[Betelgeuse's apparent magnitude dropped from 0.5 to -2. 】

[The apparent magnitude of Alpha Canis Minori dropped from 0.38 to -3.5. 】

[Rigel's apparent magnitude dropped from 0.12 to -4. 】

[Sirius's visual magnitude dropped from -1.46 to -5.25. 】


Visual magnitude refers to the brightness of a star seen by an observer with the naked eye; the apparent magnitude can be a negative number. The smaller the value, the brighter it is, and vice versa.

A decrease in apparent magnitude means that the star appears brighter to the naked eye.

There are many cases of such decline in visual magnitude, and such exact data also verifies the pattern that Du Xing observed on his way back: the stars he stared at that allowed him to hear the sound did indeed change after he stared at them. It got brighter for a while.

Such a result made Du Xing unable to help but remain silent.

Many doubts and shocks flashed through my mind.

Could it be that one's own subjective will can affect the brightness of stars to the naked eye?
However, the apparent magnitude is related to the distance of the star from the observer, to the interstellar dust between the star and the observer, and to the brightness of the star itself...

But it's just impossible...

It has something to do with whether he observes or not!

This is not quantum mechanics, nor is this a cat in a poison box.

Why did the stars he saw really brighten for a moment on the data level.

Such a conclusion shakes the concept that Du Xing has studied for many years.

It feels like countless physics giants who have already entered the coffin can't help but jump out and give him a punch.

Obviously, this is not something that can be explained at the physical level, or it is not something that their current human level can explain.

There is some supernatural factor interfering with it!
Du Xing, who knows the existence of transcendence and eternal day, can be sure of this at this moment!
The leaders and expert team on the side, who basically knew all the details of Du Xing's report, began to discuss in low voices in shock.

These top experts who know the existence of eternal sun.

Even though he has experienced the shock caused by Yong Zhou countless times, he can't help but still be shocked by this incident.

a long time.

Gary Hall was the first to speak:
"Then let me now summarize what the current situation is."

"The Duxing experts from our four countries who jointly landed on the Mars base suddenly encountered some special supernatural phenomena for unknown reasons."

"It has been verified that the stars visible to the naked eye in the sky are divided into two major categories in Du Xing's eyes."

"The first type of stars, in the eyes of Duxing experts, are still the same as ordinary stars in the past, and they account for the vast majority of stars."

"The second type of stars will allow Duxing experts to hear words narrated in a special language after concentrated observation." "Based on the meaning of the language heard, the stars of this second type can also be divided into two types. kind."

"One kind of thing I hear is [the ancient road in the starry sky is to be opened], including but not limited to Betelgeuse, Rigel, Alpha Canis Minor, and Sirius."

"One type of people hears that [the ancient road to the starry sky has been opened], and this type only has Mars."

"Note that the special language spoken here does not belong to any known language, but it allows Du Xing experts to understand its meaning inexplicably."

Gary Hall just said this.

Everyone present suddenly realized something.

This situation seems somewhat familiar.

Experts sent by the Anomaly Countermeasures Bureau, the Search Bureau, and the Paranormal Research Alliance who have experienced many Yongzhou-related incidents all recalled their experiences with Yongzhou.

In the cave paintings of San Cristobal, in the jade tablets buried deep in the axe-cut valleys of Shu, in the Asgardian ruins in the small fishing village of Reine...

They have seen too many special words left by Yong Zhou, and even though they have never seen them, people understand their meaning:

【Then become a spark! 】

[Yong Zhou sealed the monster here in the first year of Xuande! 】

[Salute to the pioneers! 】

Behind every piece of text that you have never seen but can somehow understand, there is a record of the evocative history left by Yongzhou.

There are those who rush to death one after another, and there are also those who are willing to stick to the ordinary for thousands of years.

These have left an unforgettable impression on the humans who have witnessed it.

But now, this kind of thing that has never been seen but is inexplicably understandable is not words.

Instead, it became a voice.

But the familiar feeling still lingers in my heart.

All those who have seen the majesty of Yongzhi can’t help but think of the same thing again at this moment:
Could it be that……

Is it Yongzhi again this time?

And if it is said to be eternal day.

What kind of traces did they leave on this so-called Starry Sky Ancient Road?

Will it give humans a big surprise in space like the moon and Jupiter?

In deep thought, these experts couldn't help but hold their breath and fell into silence.

After Gary Hall saw everyone calm down, he continued to summarize the key points of the supernatural phenomena Du Xing encountered this time:
"When the second type of star is observed by Du Star, its visual magnitude will be significantly reduced for an instant, that is, the brightness visible to the naked eye will increase."

"This has been verified based on the data observation results applied for by Du Xing on his way back."

"Being able to do this...has surpassed human technological imagination."

"If there is a special language that only Du Xing can hear, the authenticity cannot be completely verified because Du Xing cannot repeat it."

"Then any star that Du Xing sees suddenly becomes brighter, which can definitely verify the authenticity of his words."

Gary Hall's summary not only roughly explained what happened, but also determined whether this incident was caused by extraordinary factors.

From the analysis of Du Xing's background information and psychological personality, he is not a person who makes such jokes easily.

Judging from Du Xing's current performance of brightening whichever star he looks at, it is obviously not something that anyone can do.

It is clear.

Things are big now.

It must be a matter of extraordinary relevance.

"So if we analyze it according to the fact that this is an extraordinary event... what is the so-called ancient road in the starry sky that Du Xing heard about?"

Gary Hall looked at the experts present and said slowly.

If understood in a literal sense, this is a road located in the starry sky.

A road refers to a place that can be traveled to and from.

And if you want to build such a place in the starry sky, the technology required may be beyond imagination.

With human power, it is currently impossible to find a path in the stars.

Even the current explosive development of space technology due to factors such as meteorite materials, extraordinary technology, and the cooperation of major powers cannot create a road in the starry sky.

"The stars I see will indicate whether the Ancient Starry Sky Road is open, so does that mean that the Ancient Starry Sky Road is located on these stars?"

"Or should we say that these stars are connected to form the so-called ancient road in the starry sky?"

Du Xing said slowly.

However, there was also a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Are these stars that can hear sounds connected to form the so-called ancient road in the starry sky?

This idea sounds reasonable. After all, you can hear sounds by looking at those stars. Even if they are not part of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, they are absolutely inseparable from the so-called Starry Sky Ancient Road.

But when you consider the distances of those stars, it seems outrageous.

For example, the distance between Betelgeuse and Sirius, where Du Xing heard the sound, is measured in light years. The distance between these two stars and the earth is often measured in tens or hundreds of light years.

One light year is equal to 9460730472580 kilometers.

You must know that the diameter of the earth is only 12742 kilometers.

Is the ancient road in the starry sky that may exist on this spatial scale a bit too huge?
Even though there might be Yong Zhou behind the ancient road in the starry sky, it is hard to avoid making people feel unbelievable.

Therefore, everyone maintained a silent attitude towards Du Xing's words.

It is difficult to verify and explore things on such a distant scale one by one, and the more you think about it, the more huge it becomes.

a long time.

Gary Hall spoke after a moment of silence:
"Although we can't analyze anything yet."

"But isn't Mars special? It seems that its only voice is [The ancient road in the starry sky has been opened]?"

When everyone heard what Gary Hall said, they immediately understood what he meant.


This is the joint Mars landing base of the four countries. The manned spacecraft they are responsible for will land on Mars in less than half a month.

Maybe then.

If you can take a closer look, what exactly is the so-called Starry Sky Ancient Road?

【Random Secret Realm Has Been Discovered】

[Location: among the stars (expand to see the specific planets involved)]

[Secret Realm Type: Advanced Ruins]

[Name of the secret realm: Starry Sky Ancient Road]

Chen Sheng, who was looking for a way out in the legendary zone, was suddenly startled, but he did not stop trying to leave this place through the bridge of faith.

He didn't expect it.

The random secret realm was discovered so quickly this time.

Almost a few minutes after he received the reward for upgrading, he received such a reminder.

However, Chen Sheng is not paying attention to this matter at the moment.

It belongs to him forever, it cannot escape.

At present, Chen Sheng had better find a way to leave this place quickly.

Although staying in this small dark room in the Legend Zone has no impact on Chen Sheng.

But for Yong Zhou, it meant that he was not the leader to guard him during this period of time.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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