Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 228: Going to the past and heading towards the future

Chapter 228 Back to the past and towards the future

The Starry Sky Ancient Road is a high-level relic.

The last one to be called a high-level one was Dongtian.

It is the headquarters of Dongtian.

Compared with other caves, the high-end cave at the headquarters does show something different.

Its most central hibiscus tree.

It has the strength of a fifth-level spiritual power level.

With the mulberry that can open up spirituality and leave an eternal breath, the hibiscus tree itself can provide energy and blessing to Chen Sheng.

The strength of this functional accessory is compared to the Sea of ​​Learning in Dawn Cave and the Water of Rebirth in Shambhala Cave.

They are all much more powerful.

There is also a lake that can continuously transform spiritual rules into spiritual power, and three mountains that can accelerate the growth of elixirs.

and so.

We can still have high expectations for high-level ruins like the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

It's just that Chen Sheng is currently in the legendary zone.

His mind was not on the random secret realm of the upgrade reward, the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Feel the bridge of faith and try to leave the legendary zone.

That's what he wants to do now.

This is the legendary zone.

Located deep in the ocean of spiritual rules.

On a higher level than can be described.

It is located in the records passed down from generation to generation by living beings, in the words passed down by living beings orally, and in the countless traces left by the influence of living beings on the world.

It is illusory and elusive.

But it’s real and close to life.

This is an area that is difficult to reach for beings with less than the sixth level of spiritual power in their lifetime.

In other words, even an existence with a sixth level of spiritual power should only be able to arrive here for a moment, leaving a trace of mark before returning to reality.

As for him, because of the indiscriminate suppression behavior of Friendly Injury initiated by the material universe, when he reached the sixth level of spiritual power and came to the legendary zone to leave a mark, the material universe directly blocked the way to leave.

This is the instinctive reaction of the physical universe.

Existences at level six are suppressed to a higher degree to prevent unknown factors from affecting the entire material universe.

After all, existences of this level can already cause some substantial damage to the material universe on both the rule level and the physical level.

Therefore, Chen Sheng, who should have integrated a trace of imprint into the legendary zone and left, is now locked in this small dark room that is inaccessible to ordinary people.

It is quite appropriate to say that this is the little black room of Tiandao.

Not only was he unable to get out, he was also unable to influence the outside world through the indescribable power of legends around him.

But fortunately, there is still the belief of living beings here as a bridge, which can reach this place across the infinite barriers between reality and legend.

This is also an opportunity for Chen Sheng to go out.

Legends do not only appear based on living beings, but legends created by living beings are undoubtedly active and occupy a certain position in legends.

Therefore, the faith of living beings also has the ability to link to legends.

Meditating, Chen Sheng's perception traveled through countless bridges of faith.

As he gradually deepened his perception, he discovered that these beliefs all came from the earth, or basically all came from human beings.

He does not believe that there is no civilization beyond the earth.

This phenomenon may have something to do with his origin on earth.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Chen Sheng has gradually penetrated deeply into the power of these beliefs.

Follow the infinite power of faith and swim upstream.

When he was about to leave the legendary zone.

He suddenly felt great resistance.

It is difficult to cross the bridge that connects reality and legend through the power of faith.

This is equivalent to the legendary existence coming into reality.

Or should I say it is more exaggerated than that.

It is a low-level, low-dimensional, low-dimensional existence trying to leap to a higher realm.

Even Chen Sheng, who had reached the sixth level of spiritual power, found it daunting to pass the resistance of the bridge.

Not long after his consciousness followed the power of faith, he felt the ultimate sense of oppression.

It seems as if if you take one more step forward, it will instantly turn into ashes.

This is the threshold for the sixth level of spiritual power, blurring the boundary between legend and reality.

Originally this was not difficult for Chen Sheng.

It was just the path created by blurring the boundaries when he reached the sixth level of spiritual power and crossed the legendary boundaries.

Now, it has been severely blocked by the material universe.

If Chen Sheng wants to use another method to break through the boundaries between reality and legend, it can only be said to be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Even with the power of faith as a bridge.

The obstacle in between is also...

and many more!

Chen Sheng, who was stuck on the bridge of faith, suddenly thought of something.

If we talk about the use of beliefs and legends, aren’t there people in Yong Zhou’s background who are well versed in this?

The List of Gods - originated from the work of Jiang Gong, the second-generation leader of Yongzhi, can turn the existence of the organization into a heroic spirit and send it to sleep in the legend zone, and use the power of faith to nourish and strengthen the heroic spirit as time goes by.

This was the background setting of Yong Zhou given by the system when he obtained the heroic spirit Chang'e. He had never actually seen the real list of gods.


In terms of heroic spirits, the current fourth generation of Yongzhou has indeed incorporated some of them.

If you haven't seen the list of gods, the heroic spirits have always seen some.

Erlang, Chang'e, Chang...

Chen Sheng had actually studied the existence forms of these three heroic spirits carefully.

Chen Sheng has actually been researching the role of faith in this.

Just like Jiro.

When he first appeared, the power of mythological beliefs accumulated over countless years came from the legendary land and tried to change him.

They want him to become Erlang Shen.I want him to be transformed into another shape by the power of mythological belief accumulated over thousands of years.Become the God of War of the Three Realms who carries mountains to chase the sun, splits mountains to save his mother, and obeys orders but not propaganda.

However, the eternal day symbol deep in his spirituality is faintly glowing.The personality of Erlang Li, who controlled floods, joined the eternal day, slayed dragons, and transformed into a heroic spirit, was not directly destroyed by the fictional personality of the manifest sage and true king in mythology and belief.

On the contrary, it is Li Jiaerlang's personality, in the spiritual depths of the eternal day symbol shining light, with an overwhelming advantage overshadowing the personality of Xiansheng Zhenjun.

With the help of the eternal day symbol deep in Erlang's heart, the mythic power accumulated over thousands of years was transformed into a power that did not affect Erlang's personality, and was integrated into Erlang's body.

The process of using the power of mythology and belief to try to make the sleeping organizational heroes stronger.

Chen was born in Erlang and had studied faith for a long time.

When he was with Master Jiexian, he also saw the whole process of the power of faith spontaneously strengthening Master Jiexian, and he had some understanding of its operation method.

Therefore, he actually had some in-depth and simple understanding of the power of faith.

It's just that he has not yet come into contact with the level where he can truly use the power of faith freely.

Now let’s apply some of the influence and operation of the power of faith on heroic spirits to the present.

Chen Sheng suddenly had a clear understanding of crossing the bridge of faith and leaving the legendary land.

I see!
Based on his intuition, Chen Sheng identified a ray of faith. This time, Chen Sheng relied on his own understanding of faith and plunged into it.

At this moment, the obstacles I felt before seemed to be lessened.

No longer does the power of the Legend Zone stop him when crossing the Bridge of Faith.

However, there seemed to be some familiar time fluctuations flickering, trapping most of Chen Sheng's body.

The next moment, there was a bright light in front of my eyes.

The surrounding area is no longer that indescribable legendary area.

But we have reached reality!

He arrived here with only a ray of consciousness, and his body seemed to still be stuck in the legendary zone due to the inexplicable time fluctuations.

And as the ability of [Past Memories Witnessed by Stars] was automatically activated, Chen Sheng obtained some information beyond his expectation.

At this moment, this ray of consciousness returned to reality.

It's not the reality where he is, but it's a full 20 years ahead.When this ray of consciousness returned from the legendary zone to reality, it spanned time!

"It seems that the Legend Zone is very special. The beliefs it gathers come from various points in time?"

"And because I didn't find the right bridge of faith, most of my body was spontaneously blocked by the power of time, so I could only send a ray of consciousness?"

Chen Sheng murmured in his heart.

I roughly understand the current situation.

If this is the case, then he only needs to go back to the legendary zone and find the faith bridge connected to the correct time node, and then he can directly cross back to the time and space where he is.

And Chen Sheng, who understood some key information about the power of faith from the heroic spirits, can now easily enter and exit the legendary zone through faith.

Just thinking about it.

A certain classic song sounded in his ears:

"I want to fly to the sky and stand side by side with the sun. The world is waiting for me to change. The dream I want to dream is never afraid of being seen by others. I can realize it here..."

Chen Sheng looked around.

This is the rooftop of an old-fashioned community, and a young boy is sitting on the edge of the rooftop.

Next to him is a semiconductor playing music.

And his gaze was staring directly at the starry sky, as if he wanted to reach out and grab the starry sky.

Feeling the faint connection between himself and this little boy, Chen Sheng understood that this boy was the faith provider of the faith bridge he had crossed.

Seeing this, and remembering his inexplicable intuition of choosing this bridge of faith before crossing the bridge of faith, Chen Sheng decided not to rush back for the time being.

He slowly approached from behind and said, "Do you like the starry sky?"

This sudden sound.

It obviously startled the little boy.

He looked back, a little surprised that someone would go to the rooftop like him in the middle of the night.

But after seeing Chen Sheng, who made people want to get close to him, the little boy nodded seriously and replied: "Well, I'm very curious."

"There are only two things in the world that can deeply shock the human soul. One is the lofty moral principles in our hearts, and the other is the brilliant starry sky above our heads."

Conjecture and curiosity about the stars and the universe.

It has never stopped since ancient times.

Gaitian theory, Huntian theory, Xuanye theory, geocentric theory, heliocentric theory...

Obviously, human beings are thinking about ultimate issues such as the origin, evolution, current state, and where it is going of the universe.From ancient times to the present, it has run through every stage of the development of human society.

And this little boy.

He is also one of the many curious people.

"I also like the stars."

Chen Sheng smiled and sat next to the little boy, feeling relaxed for the first time in a long time.

Yes, he also likes the stars.

Like it more than most people.

This is not only because of the subtle influence of his status as Lord of the Stars, but also because of his gratitude and admiration for the sea of ​​stars that gave birth to him, and even more because of his awe and yearning for the vast universe...

And just as he became the leader of Eternal Sun.

Most people who pursue the stars devote their lives to pursuing truth, dreams, and the future.

"Is it?!"

"Those who like the stars are the ones who really want to run towards the future!"

The little boy obviously became a little excited when he heard Chen Sheng's answer that he also liked Xingkong.

This is the joy of discovering a like-minded person.

But it seems it's more than that.

Chen Sheng looked at the excited little boy and smiled.

He has special powers and knows a lot.

I also understood why the little boy in front of me suddenly became excited.

This boy has always insisted on longing for the starry sky, but has never been understood by the people around him.

His family wanted him to study medicine, law, and economics, but they didn't understand that he was obsessed with astronomy and stargazing all day long.

People of the same age also didn't understand this weirdo who rarely played with them.

Only he understands himself.

He walks a lonely but important road.

This journey is destined to be lonely and full of thorns.

Look at a child like this.

Chen Sheng seemed to see himself for some reason.

I don’t know why I remembered the countless strivers who joined Eternal Day and worked hard for mankind.

I don’t know why, but I also remembered the image of thousands of human beings working hard for life.

It would be bad for such a beautiful world, guarded by countless people, to be taken away by the abyss.

And it would be a pity that such an innocent and noble dream would be disturbed to the point where it becomes like ordinary people.

ponder for a moment.

Chen Sheng wanted to strengthen his dream for this child.

"do you know?"

"A planet like the Earth cannot produce heavy elements..."

Chen Sheng opened his mouth slowly and told this unusual child.

The iron in the human body comes from the brilliant supernova explosion.The zinc in the blood comes from dust ejected into the universe after two neutron star collisions.That tiny amount of copper is needed to witness the death of a white dwarf star.And even the tiniest bit of cobalt originates from nebulae billions of light-years away...

So when I gaze at myself, I also see the outline of the universe.

All life is the child of the sea of ​​stars, and human beings will return to the stars.

We long to witness the limits of the stars, rivers and oceans, because we are children of the stars.

Such a theory began to sound eloquent in Chen Sheng's mouth.

It also made the child's eyes shine with an unprecedented light.

This was the first time in all the years that he had been staring at the stars that someone had said this to him in an emotional voice.


All this kind of person needs is the affirmation of others.

A like-minded understanding and affirmation is enough to serve as a lifelong creed.

Chen Sheng did not make any mental interference, he just said these words seriously.

Looking at the excited boy looking at the stars again.

Chen Sheng quietly left a trace of his own breath on him as a mark.

Then he smiled and slowly disappeared from the spot without disturbing the excited boy.

Without the help of the system, the repelling power of the past time has arrived, repelling him, the anomaly from the future.

Next, Chen Sheng should also return to the legendary zone.

Return to your own time and space from the legendary zone.

As for this boy who was very pleasing to his eyes.

Since he said that people who like the stars are the ones who really want to run towards the future.

Then, Chen Sheng rushed to the future to wait for him.

Go find out if he has always been the boy who loved the stars.

The eternity of the future.

Looking forward to a boy who pursues the stars to join.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

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(End of this chapter)

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