Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 233 Another world! !Different world! ! !

Chapter 233 Another world! !Different world! ! !

As the reply came from Mars.

Everyone in the BNULM command center couldn't help but fall into silence.

Sacrificing life for justice has never been a frivolous word.

Those who give up their lives and choose to uphold virtue and righteousness will have a majestic heart, a shining mind, an aboveboard deed, and a reputation that will shine through the ages.

Regarding the selection of the four astronauts, everyone in the BNULM command center stood up in unison and expressed their respect in their own way.

Either salute, pay attention, or pray.

Until a long time later.

There is news from Mars that everything is ready.

[All members of the manned aircraft are ready, please give instructions from the BNULM command center. 】

Zhang Shouquan pondered for a moment.

Looking at the serious fellow scholars around me, I felt a heavy pressure.


Some things always have to be done.

He looked at the time, which was already 21:04, and began to issue instructions:
"Attention Mars, we will try to open the Starry Sky Ancient Road on time at 21:30. Please reply immediately after receiving this message."

"Sun Hongcheng, just stay by the Starry Sky Ancient Road and be prepared to adapt to changes."

"Manned aircraft must also adapt to changes, be prepared to deal with any situation, and contact the earth in a timely manner after the situation stabilizes."

Say it all.

Zhang Shouquan waited anxiously for a few minutes. When the [received] message from Mars came into view, he let out a heavy breath.

He turned around and looked at Du Xing, who was waiting for orders with a serious face, and said: "Professor Du Xing, now we will lift your ban on looking up at the starry sky. You will no longer be imprisoned in this command center where you can't see the sky."

Because considering Du Xing's special ability may have some impact.

Therefore, except when Du Xing was required to cooperate in the experiment of looking up at the stars, most of the time he was locked up here and strictly prohibited from going out.

This is a necessary caution.

Thanks to this caution, the shock waves they deduced might occur when the Starry Sky Ancient Road was opened did not occur frequently.

And now.

Du Xing needs to raise his head again.

"The detention order is reasonable and I have always understood it."

Du Xing nodded and said.


The pressure to look up this time was really great.

He likes to look up at the stars and has done so since he was a child.

He still remembered what the strange man said to him on the rooftop:

Everyone is a child of Xinghai.

Curiosity and longing for the starry sky are indeed reasonable.

Only this time, his action of looking up at the stars might cost him four lives.

After realizing this.

He felt that his shoulders were a little heavier.

"Then trouble you. At 09:30, do what you should do."

Zhang Shouquan said, turning his head and motioning to several soldiers beside him to follow Du Xing and leave.


The BNULM command center fell silent again.

All are waiting.

Wait for the time to pass.

Waiting for the arrival of 21:30.

Many scholars and soldiers present have never experienced such a painful moment.

The second hand seemed to become extremely slow, and every second seemed to be struggling in the quagmire, unable to move at all.

Time seems to have been stretched countless times.

They don't know what will happen next.

All that can be done is to wait.

Until 21:30 finally arrived.

Change comes.

Various instruments that had been in a monitoring state suddenly started to change data.

The apparent magnitude of Mars changed instantly.

Ignoring the propagation speed of light, the entire Mars became brighter to the naked eyes of earthlings the moment it arrived at 21:30.

After a few minutes.

The manned aircraft lost contact with the [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha·Change].Even if no conversation occurred, the connection that was silently transmitting data on the operating status of the device was suddenly interrupted.

The four small orbiting probes released by manned spacecraft in the orbit of Mars no longer reply with any information and data.

this moment.

The people in the BNULM command center, just like half a month ago, suddenly lost any view of Mars.

He became blind to the situation there.


Just like half a month ago, just like Hansen guessed.

Du Xing's gaze.

Some kind of change occurred on the ancient road in the starry sky. This change may cause high-energy impact, causing Mars to lose contact with them.

There is a high probability that some kind of change has already occurred.

Then next.

Just pray and wait.

Praying that the astronauts are safe and waiting for the arrival of good news.

a long time.

Information finally came from the manned aircraft.

Broken connections were restored.

[Attention BNULM Command Center, this is a manned aircraft. 】

[Astronauts Chia Wibener, Dieter Jong, and Giovanni Gabrielli suffered no casualties. 30.00% of the outer wall of the manned spacecraft was damaged, but no critical parts were injured. 】

The reply came suddenly.

Everyone immediately started checking it excitedly.

According to reports from manned aircraft.

At 21:30, a high-energy impact came from the direction of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

This force lasted for 1 minute and had almost no destructive power on the surface, but it had a lot of impact on mechanical equipment like theirs.

If it were not to rely on the latest alloy materials developed from meteorite materials as the main protective measure, it would be supplemented by the [Wu Neng Stand] provided by China for defense.

Their fate after this high-energy impact will not be any different from those orbiting probes that were mostly melted.

Fortunately, with the rapid advancement of technology, the manned spacecraft and the three astronauts on it were basically safe and sound.

But even so.

The outer wall material was also severely damaged, but it can only be said that it does not endanger the safety of the entire manned aircraft for the time being.

Several astronauts need to leave the cabin in time to perform repair operations to truly ensure that the manned aircraft is foolproof.

The people in the BNULM command center suddenly felt relieved.

But why hasn’t Sun Hongcheng contacted him yet?

The next moment, another reply came from the manned aircraft:

[Comrade Sun Hongcheng lost contact]

[The specific information about the opening of the Starry Sky Ancient Road is still unclear. 】

This message was concise and concise, but it made everyone breathless.

The manned aircraft have all slowed down, but Sun Hongcheng, who is driving the [Simian Shock Mecha Kai] with stronger defensive capabilities, still hasn't made contact yet.

This shows that something is most likely going on.

It may be the starting point of high-energy shock waves, which are so powerful that they far exceed the damage caused to manned aircraft.

So much so that the [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha Kai] driven by Sun Hongcheng probably didn't hold up.

It could also be...

After the so-called Starry Sky Ancient Road was opened, Sun Hongcheng was sent to the destination on the Tai Chi Diagram?

Zhang Shouquan issued instructions to the manned aircraft:
"Dieter Jong and Giovanni Gabrielli, you two will stay near the manned spacecraft to repair the damage and start the material collection and analysis work that should be carried out in the Mars landing plan."

"Qiyi Weibeina, you drive a Mars rover to the Starry Sky Ancient Road to investigate the situation."

【receive! 】


Time is hard.

It's not just the people in the BNULM command center who think so.Sun Hongcheng, who was currently in the ruins of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, felt the same way.

Stay where high-energy shock waves may originate.

Even though he knew that the defense of the mecha was even greater than that of a manned aircraft, he did not dare to be easily sure that he would still be alive after 21:30.

Such a wait.

It's almost the same as waiting to die.

He is not afraid of death.

But that doesn't mean he wants to die.

Therefore, although his psychological quality is quite excellent, he is still a practitioner of spiritual practice.

But there is still some suffering.

After all if you can.

He still hopes that he can return to Earth safely and intact, and be reunited with his wife and children who only know that he is on a secret mission.

Every time the time on the counter passed, he felt a pressure on his shoulders.

Until this moment at 21:29.

He felt that all the muscles in his body began to tighten, and even his toes subconsciously curled up.

The longing for my family is temporarily abandoned in my mind.

Only a firm look remains,

Waiting for 29 to turn into 30.




next moment.

Everything around me started changing on time.

The power of terror is spreading.

The screen inside the mecha began to frantically display the skyrocketing high-energy index around it.

As a practitioner of the spiritual cultivation method, Sun Hongcheng can have his perception ability enhanced when driving the [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha·Change].

Therefore, in addition to feeling something is wrong through the data, Sun Hongcheng can also use his spiritual power to sense all the changes around him.

On the huge stone pillar engraved with the word "road".

Wisps of energy began to gather and began to condense in the structure composed of huge stone pillars.

This process sounds long, but actually it only takes a moment.

next second.

The energy condensed to a certain extent spreads to the surroundings.

this moment.

Sun Hongcheng felt pain like needle pricks.

The powerful energy tore apart his outward spiritual power and spread all the way around.

This made him feel physically beaten the next moment he felt mentally beaten.

A terrifying high-energy shock wave swept over and hit the [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha·Change] hard.

Its outer armor structure is slightly distorted.

This situation did not ease until [Wu Neng Stand] was opened independently.

[Wu Neng Stand] is a power developed by the Xun Zhou Bureau based on the wild boar demon in the wooden box. It can release a protective ability that can be said to be omnipotent so far. It can deal with any known damage to a certain extent. protection.

Xunzhou Bureau doesn't know the principle.

But just using it is enough.

After standing firm in the shock wave for half a minute, Sun Hongcheng forced himself to recover from the pain of being torn apart.

Then he controlled the mecha and walked towards the Monolithic Pillar Array.

He wanted to take a look now.

In addition to releasing high-energy shock waves, this ancient starry sky road ruins also underwent changes under Du Xing's gaze.

With the defense of [Wu Neng Stand] and the fact that this shock wave is not too strong, Sun Hongcheng's progress is not difficult.

In addition, when Sun Hongcheng was waiting for 21:30 to arrive, he was not far from the Stonehenge Array.

So this distance is not long to begin with.

It was quickly crossed.

After crossing the courtyard wall composed of huge stone pillars and entering the interior, the continuous high-energy shock wave instantly decreased a lot.

It was as if some kind of boundary had been crossed.

Sun Hongcheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If it has been facing such a high-energy shock wave, the energy will not be enough to support the energy-consuming [Wuneng Stand] at full power for how long.

It's just right now.

However, Sun Hongcheng did not immediately reduce the power of the extremely energy-consuming [Wu Neng Stance], but instead watched everything around him with increased vigilance.

Because he noticed that in the open space surrounded by huge stone pillars, the map-like Tai Chi diagram on the ground had indeed changed.

Tai Chi diagram without yin and yang fish eyes.

At this moment, I have "eyes".

Although only the half of the Tai Chi diagram representing the "different world" has "eyes".

But there are still some changes.

The Tai Chi diagram with yin and yang fish eyes seemed to have a soul in Sun Hongcheng's perception.

There seems to be some inexplicable force flowing in it.

And even if you look at it with the naked eye, there is really some kind of brilliance that is constantly flowing and flickering on the half of the Tai Chi diagram that represents the other world.

"Looking at the current situation, is the passage from the Starry Sky Ancient Road to another world opened?"

Sun Hongcheng narrowed his eyes and analyzed.

He wanted to transmit everything that happened now back to the earth, but the high-energy shock wave that was still continuing outside the stone pillar made it impossible for him to do this.

All electromagnetic communication is useless at this moment.

ponder for a moment.

Sun Hongcheng chose not to get close to that "eye" for the time being.

Although the instructions given by the BNULM command center are adaptable.

But everything is on the safe side.

If he got closer to investigate at this moment, he felt that something would probably happen to him.
Either it might be torn apart by the energy of the riot, or it might be teleported away directly.

Anyway, the oxygen reserve of [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha·Modification] can last for a long time. I can wait for the high-energy shock wave to completely disappear inside this boulder pillar where the high-energy shock wave is not strong.

At that time, you can contact Earth and inform us of all the information here.

Then we will consider whether to let Du Xing see Mars again or some other instructions.

Sun Hongcheng thought so safely.

It's just that things don't seem to be going as planned.

A voice suddenly sounded. It was a voice that I had never heard before but could somehow understand.

[Creature detected, prepare to start teleportation! 】

[Checking the Starry Sky Ancient Road function...]

[System-System ξError&*#Error]

[An unknown situation occurs in the material universe star map and cannot be transferred. It is being transferred to the destination: Qin, a foreign land]

next moment.

The "eye" suddenly appeared in the Tai Chi diagram without the yin and yang fish eyes on the ground, and the next moment it glowed with brilliance and spread around.

Sun Hongcheng didn't have time to react.

It was swept away by the brilliance.

The wonderful feeling caused Sun Hongcheng's entire spirit to shut down for a few seconds.

When he came back to his senses again.

But the desolate Mars and the empty ruins of the ancient road in the starry sky are no longer in front of us.

Surrounded by the familiar circular formation made of stone pillars.

It's just that it's already covered with moss and full of traces of the passage of time.

Although the map under my feet has not been broken by the years, it is also blurred by countless mottled objects. I can only barely make out that it depicts the solar system.

Looking around, the dense and ancient forest covers everything in sight.

There seems to be a flying dragon on the horizon, but it can't be seen clearly.

There was a roar in my ears that didn't sound like a creature on earth.

Obviously, this is a different world.

He was in the ruins of an ancient starry sky road that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

The ruins of this ancient starry sky road are located in a primitive forest in a different world.

(End of this chapter)

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