Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 234 If Qin is still here

Chapter 234 If Qin is still here...

Strange animal sounds.

The sound echoed one after another in the surrounding dense forest.

It makes people feel a little chilly.

Breathing the air whose specific components had not been tested, Sun Hongcheng looked slightly unhappy.

Fortunately, the air, radiation, and gravity here seem to be similar to those on Earth.

At least Sun Hongcheng, who had been here for a few minutes, did not feel anything abnormal in his body for the time being and was still able to jump around.

But if things continue like this, I don't know if it will have any impact.

After all, he did not have professional instruments at hand to detect air and other factors.

"Different world……"

Sun Hongcheng murmured.

Suddenly I felt a little confused.

Because the Starry Sky Ancient Road seemed to only transport living organisms, Sun Hongcheng didn't even bring his space suit with him at this moment.

He was naked.

The breeze that blew over his body from time to time made him tremble subconsciously and get goosebumps all over his body.

Unfamiliar surroundings can be scary.

Or cautious.

[Heart Monkey Shock Mecha·Modification] was not brought along, which means that Sun Hongcheng's resistance to unknown dangers has declined.

Even if Sun Hongcheng himself is a practitioner of spiritual cultivation, he has strength beyond ordinary people.

But in this unfamiliar environment, he still felt extremely insecure.

After all, even if he could tear a tiger and a leopard alive, who knew that in the primitive jungle of this other world, there could be something more outrageous than a tiger and leopard?
No matter how powerful he is, he is still not a member of Yongzhi.

After all, it's not that great.

Crisis is everywhere.

It is necessary to treat everything with caution.

However, he is not an ordinary person after all.

After all, BNULM has carefully selected the elites for a long time, and they are outstanding talents with all-round development.

This kind of excellence is not only reflected in the force value and intelligence value, but also in the calm and calm mentality.

So after pondering for a long time.

Sun Hongcheng took a few deep breaths and regained his composure.

In a calm state, he decided to analyze his situation first.

First of all.

The words he heard before being transported still echoed in his mind:
[Creature detected, prepare to start teleportation! 】

[Checking the Starry Sky Ancient Road function...]

[System-System ξError&*#Error]

[An unknown situation occurs in the material universe star map and cannot be transferred. It is being transferred to the destination: Qin, a foreign land]

With his excellent memory ability, he can guarantee that these were the words he heard before being transported.

Except for the gibberish that may have been different from the original, he couldn't have remembered a single word of the rest.

It can be seen from these words that transmission is for living organisms. It may not be possible to transmit to non-living bodies or the related functions cannot be turned on due to system errors.

It can also be seen that the Starry Sky Ancient Road can indeed teleport to some other planets in their universe, but it cannot be teleported due to unknown circumstances.

So he was sent to this different world called [Foreign Land·Qin] by the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Combining such a name with the Terracotta Warriors and Horses on Mars, we can actually vaguely guess that this place must have some relationship with the Qin Dynasty in history.

But exactly what the connection is is still up for debate.

After all, he had just arrived here and had no idea what was going on here.


Sun Hongcheng can be sure of one thing, he probably won't be able to go back in a short time.

There are two reasons for this judgment.

First, he didn't know how to open the Ancient Starry Sky Road, nor how he could open the Ancient Starry Sky Road just by looking at Mars like Du Xing.

In fact.

They had never figured out the principle of Du Xing's ability to open the ancient road in the starry sky. They didn't even realize that Du Xing had such an ability until the manned spacecraft arrived on Mars.

Second, the Starry Sky Ancient Road here may not be useful.

After being transported to this different world by the ancient starry sky road on Mars.

Sun Hongcheng quickly looked at everything around him.

Then he felt that the thing around him might be the ruins of the ancient starry sky road that existed as a transmission terminal in another world.

Can't hold out much hope.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road, which serves as the receiving end here, seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

The surrounding huge stone pillars themselves may not be damaged due to their special materials, but their bodies are covered with dust and moss.

The place above the ground where the map should have been carved is also full of mottled spots.

in this case.

The chance that it can still be used is extremely small.

Looking at the map at his feet that could barely make out the pattern of the solar system, Sun Hongcheng desperately hoped that the map would radiate brilliance.

Just like he was swept by the brilliance on the Tai Chi Diagram on Mars, let him once again leave here on the ancient road in the starry sky.


Perhaps you could once take an ancient road through the stars to return to the fourth planet in the solar system.

but now……

The breeze blew by, but the surroundings were still calm.

Only the occasional roar of beasts echoed.

After wandering around in this mossy and mottled area for a long time, Sun Hongcheng finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore for the time being.

Because the setting sun has begun to give off its afterglow, telling Sun Hongcheng that night is coming.

Without any preparations for food, water, and accommodation, the first night spent here will definitely not be easy.

The frequency of the surrounding animals' howls has increased significantly, indicating that the night here will be lively.

He looked around for a moment.

Sun Hongcheng decided to take advantage of his good physical strength and the fact that it was not dark yet.

Go out and explore first.

The problems of food, drinking water, clothing, and accommodation need to be solved urgently at this moment.

But before we go...

Sun Hongcheng thought for a moment, collected a pile of gravel from the surrounding ground, and piled an arrow on the ground not far from where he teleported.

This arrow is the direction in which he will set off later.

Considering the rest of the people who might come from the Starry Sky Ancient Road again at any time, he wanted to leave some marks.

After all, it seems that in the eyes of the BNULM command center, he suddenly lost contact.

When the BNULM command center finds the empty [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha·Change] staying in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, they will probably realize that he may have been teleported away by the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

He didn't know what specific measures would be taken by then.

But Sun Hongcheng knew that the possibility of the BNULM command center opening the Starry Sky Ancient Road again could not be ruled out.

The mark left behind is to let people who may come for support at any time know where they are going.

After all this.

Sun Hongcheng cautiously headed towards the surrounding virgin forest.

This trip is for survival,
Also for exploration!


On the barren Mars.

Qiyi Weibeina drove the small and medium-sized Mars exploration rover brought up by the manned aircraft and headed towards the ancient road in the starry sky dozens of kilometers away.

his task.

It was to rush to the Starry Sky Ancient Road to investigate the specific situation of Comrade Sun Hongcheng.

Not long ago.

The minute-long high-energy shock wave basically disabled all detection equipment on Mars, and humans suddenly became blind to the situation on Mars.

After all, the four small orbital probes they released before landing were not equipped with [Enlightenment Stand] and super alloy materials, so it was reasonable for them to be damaged by high-energy shock waves.

Therefore, no one knows what is happening to Sun Hongcheng, who has not sent any communication for a long time.Losing contact is not good news.

Is it too close to the Starry Sky Ancient Road and fails to block the high-energy shock wave it emits?

Or he was sent to the destination on the Tai Chi map by the ancient starry sky road that might have been activated.

The "eyes" in heaven failed.

They can only hope to send some people there.

Therefore, the investigation of Sun Hongcheng's related situation fell to Qiya Weibena from the Europa United System.

As an elite from the Europa League system, he has very professional technical abilities and excellent psychological endurance.

But looking at the endless orange-red color on the ground.

Qiyi Weibeina was very worried about Sun Hongcheng's personal safety.

Space exploration is inherently dangerous.

Once an instrument malfunctions, it usually means the death of an entire aircraft crew.

After all, space is a dead place, and people leaving the spacecraft are like fish out of water.

Maybe you can jump a few times.

But he is destined not to live long.

And now this special situation makes people deeply realize the extreme danger involved.

Neither of the two scenarios guessed by the BNULM command center is very good.

If it was teleported away by the activated ancient starry sky road, the destinations on the Tai Chi map would not be safe places.

Not to mention the other world.

Some of the planets in this universe in the star map are stars that will vaporize even at the closest distance.

If Sun Hongcheng were teleported.

There will be no ashes left after it will be burned in an instant.

and so.

Qiyi Weibeina, who has a good relationship with Sun Hongcheng, is really worried.

It's clear.

When they return to Earth, introduce their children to each other and see if they can bring the juniors together.

But now...

In silence, Qiya Weibena continued to drive the Mars exploration rover towards its destination.

The Mars rover rolled over scattered rubble.

Excellent shock-absorbing technology makes Qiya Weibena feel almost nothing.

And his excellent long-distance cross-country ability allowed Qiyi Weibena to reach his destination in a short time.

Look around.

In front of us are the endless terracotta warriors and horses.

At least from his perspective, it was indeed almost endless.

Once there are more than [-] people, there is no limit.

Not to mention the 12 terracotta warriors and horses.

This is completely an unrivaled army, quietly guarding around the ancient road in the starry sky.
After Qiyi Weibeina looked at it carefully for a while, he used the external camera of the Mars Exploration Rover to record it, and then sent the message to BNULM:
[Attention BNULM Command Center, this is Qiya Weibena. 】

[I have arrived at the Starry Sky Ancient Road. 】

[As expected, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses formation was not damaged by the high-energy impact. 】

[Apply to continue exploring! 】

[Picture.jpg, Picture.jpg]


And in the BNULN command center on Earth.

Zhang Shouquan looked at the information coming from Mars.

Then he replied silently: "The BNULM command center has received it, please Qiyi Weibena to continue completing the mission and adapt to the situation according to the situation."

After a few minutes of communication delay, Qiyi Weibeina replied with [Received].

Seeing this, Zhang Shouquan took a deep breath.

I began to wait patiently,
Not long after, Qiya Weibeina sent back another message:
[Mecha was found in the Stonehenge Array. 】

[The damage to the mecha is almost 0, and the overall condition is still intact. 】

[Sun Hongcheng’s portable spacesuit was found inside the mecha, but Sun Hongcheng was not found. 】

[Controlling the mecha to transmit real-time surveillance images]


See such information.

Zhang Shouquan was silent for a moment and then clicked.

The information recorded inside was displayed in front of everyone.

Everything Sun Hongcheng experienced before he lost contact is recorded in this video.

The high-energy shock wave, the sound from the ancient road in the starry sky, the yin and yang fish eyes on the Tai Chi diagram, the brilliant light that made Sun Hongcheng disappear instantly...

This time.

It can be basically confirmed that Sun Hongcheng was teleported away and sent to a different world.

Judging from the fact that the portable spacesuit and the [Heart Monkey Shock Mech Kai] are still in place, it seems that no other things are allowed during the teleportation on the Starry Sky Ancient Road this time.

"Sun Hongcheng's situation is a little bad..."

Zhang Shouquan scratched his head and felt the difficulty of the matter.

At this moment, Sun Hongcheng was most likely transported to a different world naked.

Without bringing anything with me, I needed to face a completely unfamiliar and dangerous environment.

This can already be said to be a matter of life and death.

The most important thing is that I don't know if there is a way to come back to the other world on the other side.

Although the Starry Sky Ancient Road is a road, it should be able to travel in both directions.

But with Sun Hongcheng alone, is there really a way to come back?

Can you send more people over to support?
As long as Du Xing is allowed to see Mars again...

But there are only three people left on Mars, so sending them all there may not be of any use. It can be said that there is basically no manpower.

"[Foreign Land Qin], it's really hard not to think too much about this statement."

"Tell me, will it be in that different world that the Starry Sky Ancient Road leads to..."

"Qin, are you still there?"

Hansen suddenly spoke from the side.

This made the whole place subconsciously quiet.

Even Zhang Shouquan was stunned by Hansen's unsurprising words.


From the beginning to the end, they regarded everything on Mars as traces left by the Qin Dynasty, and they all thought about it with the attitude of an archaeological excavation.

But the Qin Dynasty...will it still be there?
It's in the foreign land transported to by the ancient starry sky road!

Although I don’t know what happened in the first place.

But perhaps there were Qin people who went there through the ancient starry sky road on Mars more than 2000 years ago.

Settling down in that perhaps habitable world.

"If Qin is still here, how should we get along with him?"

"If Qin is still here..."

"What did Yong Zhou do in this? What role did he play?"

Zhang Shouquan murmured and thought.

He always felt that this experience was like everything he had ever encountered in the Ax-Cut Valley.

Being able to see different things from history.


He will once again draw from history...

Get a glimpse of reality!

A glimpse of the truth that has not been changed by the Eternal Day Demon and has not been distorted by secular rumors.

(End of this chapter)

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