Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 238 1 I have always been a child who has longed for Yong Zhou.

Chapter 238 I have always been a child who has longed for Yong Zhou.

The fireworks in Handan lasted for several days.

Looking at Handan that had been reduced to rubble, Zheng stood not far away and was lost in thought for a long time.

He is a great king.

He is also the king of loneliness and pain.

The process from taking power to actually completing revenge took a long time.

At the age of 13, he had just succeeded to the throne and was a man of few words.

At the age of 21, he put down the rebellion of Changxin Hou Lao'ai, and then got rid of the powerful minister Lu Buwei, and began to truly monopolize power.

There was a full eight years in between.

But it's all worth it.

After that, he couldn't wait to start his great cause of destroying the country and reunifying it.

Not only to gather strength to find the person he met when he was a child, but also to go to Handan immediately to end the hatred that has been engraved in his heart for more than ten years.

What he wants to do in the future.

Detailed plans have been made for a long time.

In 238 BC, the Qin State began its campaign.

Zhao Guo is naturally the first target.

But the military god Li Mu is too powerful.

Zheng was furious, but he was helpless in the face of the army led by Li Mu.

As a result, Qin's goal quietly changed to South Korea.

In 231 BC, the Qin army invaded South Korea.

The next year, in 230 BC, the Qin army suddenly went south and crossed the Yellow River to attack South Korea.In one fell swoop, he conquered Xinzheng, the capital of Korea, and then occupied the entire territory of Korea, turning it into Yingchuan County of the Qin State.

Korea died.

After this, Zhao State encountered a natural disaster.

Earthquakes and droughts occur frequently, leaving people in dire straits.

In 229 BC, Zheng Man took the opportunity to start another war with hatred.

This time, because he was afraid of Li Mu, he used some alienation tactics to kill Li Mu.

From then on, Zhao State completely lost any resistance in front of Qin State.

In 228 BC, the Qin army captured Handan, and the Zhao State could basically be said to have been destroyed.

Only a few escaped remnants remained.

And Zheng also came here at this moment.

Although we have been away for more than 20 years, this city is still the same as it was then.

However, the child who walked out from here is no longer as poor and helpless as before.

Zheng Zheng has returned here with the most powerful power in the world, and those who have looked down on and bullied him will receive the most severe revenge.

This Handan, which brought him endless painful memories, completely disappeared.

It was his order to destroy the entire Handan.

Although his mother, Zhao Ji, seemed to have forgotten the original pain, she only wanted to have fun and find men all day long, so she was put under house arrest by him.

But politics is different.

Zheng Zheng, who has been very sensible since he was a child, deeply remembers how those Zhao people bullied their mother and son.

This hatred is unforgettable.

It is so cold that even the sun cannot smile.

Looking at the ruins with black smoke rising, looking at the burned ashes.

Zheng's thoughts are a little complicated.

But he soon stopped being distracted.

In his life plan, destroying Zhao and razing Handan was indeed a very important phased plan.

But this is not all of his life.

He planned to think about the remaining secret joy and relief when he returned to the palace.

Next, is the eternal journey that the Qin army will continue.Then he would calm down and look for the figure he had always longed for.

In 225 BC, the State of Qin destroyed the State of Wei.

In 224 BC, the State of Qin destroyed the State of Chu.

In 222 BC, the State of Qin destroyed the State of Yan.

In the same year, Wang Jian's son Wang Ben captured Gongzi Jia and eliminated the remnants of Zhao's party.

In 221 BC, the State of Qin destroyed the State of Qi.

From 230 BC to 221 BC, Qin successively destroyed the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, completed the great cause of unification, and established a centralized and unified multi-ethnic country - the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Wangzheng believed that he had "the virtues of the three emperors and more merits than the five emperors", so he used the "emperor" of the three emperors and the "emperor" of the five emperors to form the so-called "emperor" title. He was the first to use the title of "emperor" in Chinese history The emperor, so he called himself the "First Emperor".


From now on.

Zheng has the most power in the world.

On the premise of the steady development of a series of policies, he also started the second step in his life plan that he had set when he was a child.

Find the person you once longed for!

Some people may think that there are various reasons for his grand ambition to unify the world.

But in fact.

Zheng feels that what he wants more is actually the longing he had when he was a child.

When he was a child, he clearly understood that he did not have any power, and therefore did not have any qualifications to find out everything related to that very special man.

He firmly believes that he will have this power after unifying the world.

also have this qualification!

Where the mountains and rivers are, and where the sun and moon shine, could they be the land of the king.

He spreads his power out.

Touring the east, looking for immortals.

For that initial longing, Zheng did everything he could.

In just a few years, there were many eastward tours.

Others thought that he wanted to achieve eternal rule by one person, and that he had a grand design for the Qin Dynasty and needed to constantly patrol in order to achieve the influence and conquest of willpower.

Others thought he wanted to show off the majesty of the Qin State, consolidate imperial power and strengthen rule.

Others thought that he wanted to understand the official governance situation in the six kingdoms' hometown in order to consolidate his power and status.

But actually.

The east tour is just to find the original longing.

Because he had seen the sun pattern logo on that man's body, he set his search direction in the direction of the rising sun.

It's been a long search.

During this period, he even searched for the so-called alchemist, trying to track down people with special powers, hoping to find out everything related to that man.

It's just that he seems to be seeking immortality, which makes the outside world think that he is pursuing immortality.

The many alchemists who tried to deceive people annoyed the government.

At first he tried to cooperate, but later he found out that most of them were deceitful people.

So he burned books and harassed Confucians.

Countless alchemists were buried alive, and countless deceptive books were burned.

Zheng helplessly continued to think of ways to find that longing.

Until he started preparing for his fifth eastern tour.

The alchemist Xu Fu was sent out in 219 BC.

It quietly came back within five years.

Xu Fu is actually a die-hard confidant he trained. On the surface, he went to sea as an alchemist five years ago to find the so-called Penglai Island, but in fact he was looking for the sun pattern.

Xu Fu came back quietly.

While hiding it from everyone.

It also brought him good news.


He discovered the origin of the sun pattern because he discovered the remains of Yongzhi.

In other words, Zheng was found.

Or should I say that I have found my original dream in a sense.

Although I couldn't find the tall figure from back.

But in that ruins, Xu Fu brought back too much information.

In that message.

I know a lot about politics.

[Yongzhou is an organization that secretly protects human beings.

They didn't care if Qin destroyed the six kingdoms.

They care about the survival of humanity.

The enemy they focus more on is the so-called Abyss. 】

The man who seemed to have special powers and the initial vision for the government came from such an organization.

[The second generation of Yongzhou has been devastated after experiencing the Conferred God Civil War, the Boundary Monument Project, and the World Tree Defense War.

Most of them, who thought they were resting in peace, have gone to an unknown and confidential place to implement a plan that all members of the generation are involved in.

The remaining small part should have been used as a back-up in the secular world to monitor and deal with any crisis at any time.

But the abyss struck again and people were caught off guard.

The remaining small group of people used various means to move the battlefield outside the star and devoted themselves to it. 】

Above the cold hall.Zheng looked at Xu Fu with a serious face and said nothing for a long time.

More than 30 years have passed since the day he met that man when he was eight years old.

The scenes from the past seem to still be in my mind.

Forbearance, pro-government, destruction of Zhao, unification, development, eastward patrol, search for immortals...

He has done too much in his life.

There are stupid things and there are smart things.

There is royal power and hegemony, and there is also the love of children.

However, at this young age, I finally found my original dream.

The life plan he had been planning since childhood seemed to finally come to an end.

He has found the Yongzhou he longed for.

It's just that now they are no longer there, they have gone to the so-called outer space.

Everything seems to have come to an end.


Is it really over?

"Junfang, is the so-called extraterrestrial you saw really such an exaggeration?"

"Can the technology in the ruins really create a million enemies?"

Zheng asked, looking at Xu Fu who was bowing in the hall.

His broad shoulders, which supported the entire Qin Dynasty, gradually stood up.

Face Xu Fu with a majestic posture.

He wanted to know as many details as possible from his hidden confidant.

This is about his future choices.

"Yes, according to the records in the ruins, the world we are based on is only one cubic circle, and Yong Zhou calls it a star. The Yong Zhou that your Majesty is pursuing has gone to other stars to fight."

"And the power left by Yongzhi is definitely enough for us to create tens of thousands of enemies!"

Xu Fu lowered his head respectfully.

Everyone knows that he is a close disciple of Mr. Guiguzi and is a world-famous alchemist and scholar.

He is also the most intelligent person in the world.

But actually.

The smartest person in the world is His Majesty in front of him.He had long since committed himself to the service of this capable man who could be called the Human Emperor.

The outside world believed that the First Emperor was deceived by him into taking away 3000 boys and girls in search of the so-called elixir of life five years ago.

In fact, this was just an excuse created by the First Emperor.

He has been secretly searching for the so-called sun pattern overseas for the First Emperor.

But now, there is finally a harvest!

There really is "Penglai" overseas!
He found the ruins of Yongzhi, which not only contained some important information and technology, but also a one-time road to the stars.

With the help of information, the First Emperor was able to put an end to his obsession.

With technology, Da Qin can be worry-free forever.

With roads, maybe...

"I just finished my fourth tour last year."

"This year we can plan for the fifth time."

"Tell me, what will happen if I die during this fifth patrol?"

Zheng pondered for a long time and slowly spoke.

Maybe it will all end.

However, he always felt a little unwilling.

When Xu Fu heard this, his eyes widened immediately and he understood what the First Emperor meant.

Is this to... fake death to escape?
It seems that the First Emperor obviously did not choose to stop his pursuit, and did not choose an option to rule the world for eternity.

The First Emperor simply still felt that it was not enough.

I feel like it shouldn’t end here.

The First Emperor planned to continue to pursue the eternal day he longed for.

Until beyond the stars!


"As a result, His Majesty's foundation may be unstable."

Xu Fu said seriously.

The great achievement of sweeping the six countries can now be said to have many shortcomings.

If the First Emperor is no longer here.

Maybe it will fall apart in an instant.

“It’s better to overturn and start again than to go back.”

"I have done a lot of what I should do and laid some important foundations for those who come after me. If I have done something wrong, let those who come after me change it."

"As for now..."

"I want to do something I want to do."

Zheng slowly raised his head, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

Becoming the First Emperor was not his wish.

All he wants to do is to go to Handan to take revenge and find his original dream.

Becoming the First Emperor and gaining power were the means for him to accomplish his goals.


Time to let go, too.

He was not a perfect First Emperor.

In fact, he has always been a child who longed for Yongzhou.

just now.

He didn't want to be too far away from Yongri.

"Secretly learn and absorb the technology left by Yongzhi, and in five years we will take some people with us to the stars."

Zheng spoke slowly.

There is no doubt in the tone.

Hearing this, Xu Fu didn't say much.

He would only choose to follow the First Emperor firmly.

If the First Emperor wanted to leave everything behind and pursue Yong Zhou.

Then he will follow.

As for now.

It's better to think of a scam that can hide it from the whole world.

"I understand."

"In five years, I will come back with the big ship that I hid overseas."

"Let everyone in the world think that I have come to deceive you again, Your Majesty."

"By the way, just bring some supplies that we may need in the future."

Xu Fu smiled slightly.

The words quickly formed in my mind.

[The giant mackerel in the sea is very powerful. It is difficult for ships to get close to the fairy mountain to get medicine. They must send a good shooter to go with them to shoot the mackerel before they can go ashore to get medicine. 】

[It is necessary to bring more than 500 boys and girls, as well as skilled craftsmen, warriors, and archers, carrying grain seeds, grain, utensils, fresh water, etc., into the sea to seek medicine from the fairy mountains. 】

It doesn't matter whether anyone believes it or not.

All he had to do was look like he believed it.

This was just a scene before he faked his death, in order to take some supplies and leave here.

Go to the stars!

"And I have relied on the technological development power you brought back over the years."

I looked at my cronies and smiled tacitly.

After that, time passes.

The decision made by the First Emperor cannot be questioned.

In 210 BC, Xu Fu returned from his eastward journey, and it was known to the world that he went to sea again with rewards.

In the same year, the First Emperor traveled.

On Bingyin in the seventh month, the first emperor collapsed on the sand dune platform.

Afterwards, the world was in chaos.

No one cared that Xu Fu was gone and never came back.

No one cared about Fusu and Meng Tian's lack of resistance.

No one even noticed the disappearance of the twelve golden figures made by the First Emperor's collection of metals from all over the world.

Rumors of occasional sightings of boundless terracotta warriors walking during the troubled times were also dismissed as nonsense.

All the movements when the First Emperor left were submerged in the chaos that followed.

There was no turmoil.

Only a few Yongzhou members who were on Mars at that time knew that the First Emperor had brought several people and 12 terracotta warriors and horse puppets, and twelve golden puppets.

Came here!
This is not a surprising story.

This basically comes to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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