Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 239: New Qin Space Defense Force, Extra-Staff Force

Chapter 239 Extra-staff troops·Xin Qin·Space defense force
When the story is over.

The astronaut was remotely controlled by Chen Sheng, who was staying in Afang Palace, to return the same way.

He won't be impressed at all.

I only remember that I came to another world and listened to a story, and then when I regained consciousness, I was already back on Mars.

Then report what you see and hear to your leaders.

Chen Sheng secretly watched the lost astronaut being sent away by the ancient starry sky road he activated.

Against the backdrop of dazzling light beams.

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

From now on, how will the memories brought back by that astronaut change mankind's understanding of history?
He doesn't know.

Just like those humans speculated.

Qin, in a sense, still exists.

A different world the size of the earth, an intelligent AI that looks like the young Yingzheng period, a new Afang palace that can independently produce and repair terracotta warriors and horses, an army of terracotta warriors and horses that can come to life...

And I don’t know if the First Emperor is still alive...

However, Qin can also be said to be gone.

Regardless of whether the First Emperor, Xu Fu, Meng Tian, ​​and Fu Su faked their deaths.

After all, the historical transformation of the real world will not stop because of them.

In the Qin Dynasty, the second generation died.

This was more than 2000 years ago.

It can be said that they are no longer Qin after leaving the earth. They are just a group of ordinary people who follow the First Emperor and look forward to eternal life.

Moreover, in this foreign land, due to the time flow problem caused by the damage of the ancient starry sky road, the Qin people settled here have long since disappeared.

Such truth.

It was enough to confuse the BNULM command center and the senior officials of the four countries for a while.

Even if you still stay in this foreign land.

Chen Sheng could also imagine the expressions on their faces regarding this so-called truth.

That must be quite interesting!

Although they, the top human beings, will most likely not let this information spread.

But no matter what, the so-called real history of Qin that the astronauts heard here will definitely shock the top leaders of the four countries for a long time.

It will definitely make them think deeply about how to get along with Qin, who has only one AI left on Mars.

After all, the memory transmitted by the AI ​​to the astronauts contains some mention of the power of the external terracotta warriors and horses.

This force, which does not seem to belong entirely to Yongzhi in essence, possesses power that needs to be treated with caution.

This is not a question of possessing power.

But it really has terrifying power.

This mode of getting along.

It will determine whether the so-called opportunity that Chen Sheng asked Raven 1001 to tell can be called an opportunity.

If you decide to establish diplomatic relations with Qin.

Perhaps the technical information digested by Qin in Yongzhou's legacy can be obtained from this connection.

Chen Sheng did not pay attention to these.


Not only do the four major powers have to consider how to deal with this AI policy, they also have to consider what attitude they should take towards this "descendant" of the Qin Dynasty who is intelligent enough and intellectual enough.

After all, in a sense, these powers left over from the Qin Dynasty came from Yong Zhou, and their purpose of coming to the starry sky was also to pursue Yong Zhou.

Even the First Emperor went to the battlefield of Antares to try to help humans and Eternal Day.

But when it comes to fundamental belonging, these people are not actually Eternal People.

They were never acknowledged.

Except for the member of Yongzhi who originally guarded the ancient road in the starry sky on Mars, he clearly gave the First Emperor a different world as a gift before he also rushed to the battlefield of the Second World War in Ansu.

Yong Zhou never gave any recognition.

Or it should be said that in the background setting, the situation at that time was actually quite urgent, and Yong Zhou did not have time to give Qin any status or recognition.


Chen Sheng could use the reason that the Qin Dynasty learned and used the technology in the Yongzhou Ruins without authorization.

Incorporate it directly.

But how to deal with such a child who longs for Yongzhou.

Chen Sheng didn't want to do this.

So he looked at the AI ​​Zheng beside him and said slowly: "It's a pretty good story."

His tone was friendly.

The kind sun makes people feel like spring.

He has reached the sixth level of spiritual power. Even when facing an AI, he can express his affinity and infect it.

"Is it?"

"I have omitted all the ups and downs and exciting parts."

AI Zheng smiled.

The coldness that had been rooted deep in AI's heart was dissolved by this sunny smile like spring.

Regarding the story of the main body’s pursuit of Yong Zhou and revenge against the Zhao Kingdom, the AI’s narration can actually be said to be not very interesting.

About being bullied during the Handan period, the forbearance before taking office, the helplessness and pain for the mother's mischief...

He didn't say anything.

Those were the low points of his life.

Setbacks are an essential part of the road to success.

Perhaps this part of the repression could be made clearer, which would make the story more layered.

But politics does not require sympathy or empathy.

These moments were just the driving force behind his final success.

These setbacks made him who he was.

He doesn't write about it in a big way, nor does he hide it in the depths.

Just calmly say it as if it was nothing.

As for the complicated emotions of successful revenge and finding Yong Zhou, there is no need to elaborate too much.

AI Zheng just wants to tell this story.

No other thoughts.

He just wanted to be in front of the Yongzhou member he saw again after countless years.

Let’s talk a little bit about this story:
There once was a young man who pursued eternal daylight and should not be forgotten.

"That's a good story, too."

Chen Sheng smiled.

He is actually telling the truth.

Under the systematic explanation, those stories really seem pale.

But in the AI's memory.

Even if these stories deliberately weaken the details and suffering.

It still makes the story much fuller.

In the memory transmitted by the AI ​​​​Zheng, Chen Sheng really returned to Handan, where the weather was freezing.

I saw a child who would conquer the six countries in the future and look forward to eternal daylight.

Here I first met the members of Yongzhou.

It was an unforgettable meeting.

Looking at it from the perspective of Chen Sheng when he was a child in politics, the tall back of the Yongzhou member in the sun is really unforgettable.

"I've already told you a bit about the current general situation between humans and Yongzhi."

"Next, what are your plans?"

Chen Sheng looked at AI Zheng beside him and asked.


The Starry Sky Ancient Road is indeed a heritage that belongs exclusively to Yongzhi.

Chen Sheng will take it over and try to repair it.

And this [Foreign Land·Qin], Afang Palace, and the Terracotta Warriors and Horses are all the heritage of Qin.

Chen Sheng did not intend to interfere.

Chen Sheng hoped that he would decide how to arrange the things left behind by the child who once longed for Yong Zhou.

At this moment, AI Zheng is a replica of the young First Emperor.

It is this New Qin's only intellectual being and the person in charge of all this heritage.

"I am a replica of the original body."

"He wants to pursue Yongzhi, and so do I."

"He has followed him to the battlefield outside the star, so maybe I can do something."

AI Zheng pondered for a moment.

Then he looked at Chen Sheng with a smile.

His decision was naturally to still try to get closer to the longed-for Yong Zhou.


He still has a chance to take advantage of the eternal east wind to see if the main body is still alive.

"Well, okay." "From now on, you will belong to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and become the object of Yongzhi's diplomatic relations with the dwarves. I will have someone come to Mars to dock with you."

"Your army of terracotta warriors and horses may become Yong Zhou's external troops."

"The unit's code name is Xin Qin, and it is temporarily responsible for Yongzhou's space security."

Chen Sheng thought, satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

From then on, everything about this random secret realm was probably over.

Yong Zhou harvested the ancient starry sky road that needed to be repaired.

Establish diplomatic relations with a country that only has one AI.

It has the second command authority of the extra-staff army, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Army.

Overall quite good.

There are a lot of secrets and relics to be discovered behind the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

This is a grand concept that is no less than or even far greater than the Boundary Monument Plan.

It must be one of the many back-ups prepared by Yong Zhou to deal with the abyss, and it may be the most vast and effective one among the back-ups.

Therefore, the harvest this time is definitely not small.

And for the terracotta warriors and horses.

Chen Sheng also had plans in mind.

There is a huge asteroid belt outside Mars.

The asteroid belt is a dense area of ​​​​asteroids in the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. 98.5% of asteroids are discovered here, and there are 120 numbered asteroids.

You can allocate part of the Terracotta Warriors to it.

Coupled with some monitoring equipment.

This can form a line of defense in space.

Previously, it was not only insufficient for the lunar scientific research department to be responsible for space vigilance work, but it would also take up the workload of the lunar scientific research department.

Now most of the space security tasks will be handed over to this supernumerary space force.

Not only does it greatly reduce the heavy workload of the lunar scientific research department.

Space vigilance work can also be carried out more deeply.

Now compared with the previous space monitoring system built around the earth by the lunar scientific research department.

This space defense line can undoubtedly be regarded as an effective supplement.

It's probably too early to call it the Great Wall of Space.

After all, there are only 12 terracotta warriors and horses. After being distributed to the asteroid belt, it cannot be said that the defense line is sufficient.

There are still many weak areas.

But this is Yongzhi's first truly usable advance force in space.

This will serve as a good early warning to deal with awakened space creatures that may appear due to the spiritual power tide.

After discussing the ideas and arrangements of the space supernumerary force with the AI ​​government.

AI Zheng naturally agreed happily.

As for the Starry Sky Ancient Road, it will also be taken care of by the [Xin Qin·External Force] of the AI ​​government.

Thinking so.

Chen Sheng left here slowly.

Next, as another reward after upgrading to the sixth level of spiritual power, you can go back to the headquarters cave to think about how to use it.

How to use the secret realm upgrade opportunity?


Mars at this moment.

Qiyi Weibeina is waiting for the latest instructions from the BNULM command center.

not long ago.

The ancient starry sky road suddenly started again in front of him.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have almost received the lunch box under the high-energy shock wave.

Fortunately, he climbed into the [Heart Monkey Shock Mecha Kai] next to him in time and survived.

for this particular case.

The BNULM command center conducted inquiries and experiments on Du Xing as the key.

In the end, it was discovered that it was not Du Xing who opened the Starry Sky Ancient Road without authorization.

In fact, Du Xing's ability to open the ancient road in the starry sky was confirmed to have disappeared during experiments.


The chances of astronaut Sun Hongcheng coming back have become extremely slim.

The BNULM command center is holding an emergency meeting to discuss why the Starry Sky Ancient Road was opened just now?Why did Du Xing lose the ability to open doors?And what to do now?
And while Qiyi Weibeina was waiting for news from the BNULM command center.

The ancient road in the starry sky suddenly lights up.

The familiar high-energy shock wave struck again.

But this time Qiya Weibena was wearing a mecha, and there was no problem.

He immediately looked towards the direction of the shock wave.

I saw a naked man standing at a loss on the Tai Chi map in the center of the formation formed by the huge stone pillars of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Qiyi Weibena's eyes widened when he saw this.

It's Sun Hongcheng!

The life and training of colleagues during this period made him certain that he would not admit his mistakes.

Although I don’t know why Sun Hongcheng was naked, with only a grass skirt around him.

I don’t know why Sun Hongcheng was naked but unscathed in this Martian environment.

But Qiyi Weibeina looked at the colorful stream of light on Sun Hongcheng's body, and vaguely felt that it might be this light curtain that was protecting Sun Hongcheng.

ponder for a moment.

While reporting the information, he immediately controlled the mecha to approach Sun Hongcheng.

"Colonel Sun Hongcheng, please answer the emergency command."

Qiyi Weibeina looked serious and asked Sun Hongcheng who came back suddenly.

The situation is special.

He couldn't believe this "Sun Hongcheng" rashly.

But because the air on Mars is thin, the sound will be reduced to a certain extent.

Therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy of information transmission.

Qiya Weibena displayed the text corresponding to this sentence on the chest of the mecha.


Sun Hongcheng was stunned at first.

Then his confused eyes returned to normal, and he seemed to have finally recovered from this strange situation.

"The emergency command is: go after."

"I am Sun Hongcheng, a manned spacecraft astronaut."

"I have important information to report!"

Sun Hongcheng said seriously.

Although he felt that he was still in Afang Palace a second ago, no matter why he suddenly appeared here, what he needed to do most now was to be careful not to let the vigilant Qiyi Weibeina kill him.

"I have already reported to the headquarters. Please forgive me for not being able to get close for the time being."

"Please wait for instructions from headquarters."

Qiya Weibena said so.

Special matters are handled specially, and he can't guarantee that the Sun Hongcheng in front of him is still Sun Hongcheng.


Sun Hongcheng nodded in understanding.

"I understand the truth, but I don't know when this colorful light curtain on my body will disappear."

"Can you give me a space suit first?"

Sun Hongcheng's tone was sincere.

This is really not a big requirement.

Upon hearing this, Qiyi Weibeina ejected a portion of the compressed spacesuit stored in the mecha from a distance, and it landed next to Sun Hongcheng.

Seeing this, Sun Hongli immediately put on his spacesuit and talked eloquently: "When the order from the BNULM command center to allow contact comes, I will tell you about the story of Great Qin..."

Stories heard in foreign lands.

He believed it was enough to shock his colleagues.

"What about Da Qin?"

Qiyi Weibeina raised his eyebrows, somewhat puzzled by the sudden stop of Sun Hongcheng in front of him.

"I suddenly remembered something."

"The terracotta warriors and horses in the story seem to be alive."

Sun Hongcheng's eyes widened and he looked out through the gaps in the giant stone pillar array.

I don't know when.

The terracotta warriors and horses have arrived outside the Stonehenge formation and are looking at them inside.

Those pairs of flexibly moving eyes.

Sun Hongcheng shuddered for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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