Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 25 Anti-vehicle weapons are excellent for anti-infantry

Chapter 25 Anti-vehicle weapons are excellent for anti-infantry
"A new monster has appeared, stronger than the black spider. It is fighting the army at the moment."

Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes, and explained concisely to the four people around him.

When Russell and the others heard the words, they all subconsciously widened their eyes.

new monsters?

Stronger than the ink spider?

Fight the army?
The four who had captured the key information looked at each other, complex thoughts flashed through their minds.

Russell had seen the power of that black spider with his own eyes, and the others had more or less heard the details from Russell.

Ordinary rifles and rpgs can't break through the ink spider's defense at all, but now there are new and stronger monsters appearing.

Stronger than the ink spider, how terrifying would it be?

Can the army fighting against them withstand such a monster?

"Leader! Do we need us now?"

Russell took two steps forward with a serious face, and asked Chen Sheng.

He will step up if needed.

Now he feels that he has transformed himself after planting spirituality, and he may be able to make some contributions to the organization's fight against the abyss.

"It's only level 0 spiritual power, don't be so inflated."

"However, I can take you to see the world."

Chen Sheng patted Russell's shoulder with a smile, and then used Xi He's power to make them all optically invisible, and then controlled the gravitational force, leading the four people in front of them to fly into the sky.


The M-230E-1 30mm single-barreled chain gun continued to fire for a moment, and countless firepower was released on the white ape monster.

Although it couldn't cause substantial damage, this round of LW-30 high-explosive/armor-piercing dual-purpose ammunition still made the white ape monster scream in pain.

I saw the white ape monster who had been protecting the front door with its thick arms roared loudly.

Visible sound wave ripples spread.

The next moment, as the Apache helicopter's machine gun ceased fire to save some ammunition, the white ape monster exploded with loud roars.

The ground under its feet was cracked inch by inch, and traces like spider webs spread out on the ground.

Its body size has also expanded and swelled visible to the naked eye, and its thick muscles make people feel a strong sense of strength just by looking at it.

A white ape monster with a height of nearly 20 meters, with bulging muscles and white hairs, and a cloud of lavender transparent gas flames appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"It... evolved?"

Major General Chris, who watched the battle remotely through a drone, widened his eyes in surprise.

Before he had time to think deeply, the young major general quickly contacted the Apache helicopter: "Immediately launch all the remaining AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles, and then pull up and flee."

Intuition told him that now is not the time to hold back.

Orders were given quickly.

The pilot who strictly obeyed the order also fired all the remaining AGM-114 Hellfires at once.

These powerful anti-tank missiles, which left a great reputation in the history of war, did not avoid the white ape monster as before.

They all shot straight out, locking onto the white ape monster's limbs and waist under the action of the guidance system.

The AGM-114 Hellfire, which was enough to destroy a tank with just one shot, instantly passed through the air at a speed of 391.7 m/s, and hit a creature itself with perfect precision.

This kind of behavior of attacking living things with anti-vehicle weapons is generally subject to international military courts.

However, I have to admit that any anti-vehicle weapon used for anti-infantry has an excellent effect.

People were hit, and the debris could not be found.

If the white ape monster was hit, it must have been blown to death at least.

Major General Chris thought so, and so did the Apache pilot...

However, this is clearly not the case.

Even if fifteen rounds of AGM-114 Hellfire hit the ground, it did not cause any deep injuries.

Although the continuous explosions produced by the AGM-114 hellfire instantly submerged the white ape monster.

But almost in the next second, the white ape monster with several scorched black burns scattered the explosion cloud with a slap.

It looked a bit embarrassed, but it definitely didn't suffer any deep injuries. The scorched fur and flesh and blood were just minor injuries that couldn't touch the bones.

It roared, and then slapped the lavender gas flames on its body to leave the body, forming a lavender energy bomb and flying towards the Apache helicopter.

Because the white ape monster tried to jump up and grab the helicopter before, the armed helicopter, which had been on alert, reacted immediately.

No matter how powerful this lavender energy bomb is, the driver will never try it himself.

I saw that the pilot skillfully controlled the Apache helicopter and made a classic flight maneuver - Levisman maneuver.

I saw the Apache helicopter climbing rapidly at a large elevation angle close to the vertical ground.After reaching a certain altitude, the entire aircraft changes from up to down, and dives back in the opposite direction.

This rapid ascent, descent, and turning process almost immediately helped the Apache helicopter to throw off the energy bombs following behind.

Directly let this energy bomb hit the ground without stopping the car, and the power of the fifteen rounds of AGM-114 Hellfire was stronger than that just now.

Dusty and loud.

The ground that had been devastated by the aftermath of the AGM-114 Hellfire was turned up again by energy bombs like a plow.

The terrifying power stunned Major General Chris, who was watching the battle from a distance, and also made the driver's obvious role blank.

Although the front section of the fuselage is made of multi-beam stainless steel structure reinforced with plastic steel, and the rear section has a honeycomb structure with plastic steel skin, the overall body can withstand the attack of 12.7mm ammunition and a small amount of 23mm ammunition. A direct hit.

However, it does not mean that this Apache helicopter can withstand the attack of fifteen AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles.

Being hit by an energy bomb that was more powerful than fifteen rounds of AGM-114 Hellfire, the entire helicopter could only turn into fireworks.

"Return to the voyage immediately! The following is ready to meet you."

Major General Chris quickly commanded remotely.

The soul-stirring confrontation that happened at that moment just now made him unable to bear the tension and raised his whole throat.

Seeing the white ape monster in the screen controlling the lavender arrogance around him to rub the energy bombs, he quickly asked the driver to take the opportunity to retreat.

Although the evolved white ape monster is so powerful that an Apache helicopter can't help it.

But at the foot of the mountain, he has commanded his subordinates to prepare for the next battle.

The M1A2SEP main battle tank he brought over was using a 120mm smoothbore barrel to aim at the only way that the monsters and others would chase the helicopter down the mountain.

The large-caliber machine guns on many armored vehicles, as well as the large number of rocket launchers they carried, were all aimed in the same direction.

Next, it is one of the classic tactics of the US army: rich fire coverage.

Boom his mother!

(End of this chapter)

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