Chapter 26 Is It Scared? !

The range of the M1A2SEP main battle tank has reached an astonishing 8-10 kilometers.

So without waiting until the white ape monster came down to the temporary command post, Major General Chris had already commanded the troops to launch an attack.

A shell capable of destroying a 0.2-meter-thick reinforced concrete wall accurately hit the white ape monster chasing the Apache helicopter all the way down the mountain.

The powerful force made it stagger, and made it even angrier, several jumps continued to draw the distance from the Apache helicopter.

Major General Chris was not surprised by such a result. The previous fifteen rounds of AGM-114 Hellfire did not have much effect.

He didn't expect a single 120mm smoothbore to do anything.

But what if it's more than one shot?

Major General Chris looked serious, commanding the M1A2SEP main battle tank to continue firing shells at the white ape monster.

Direct hits try to penetrate the monsters' armor, air blasts try to kill with covering fragments... under the accumulation of a large number of shells, various attempts are constantly being made.

The white ape monster's footsteps were stopped by shells again and again, and some bleeding wounds were gradually exposed under the attacks again and again.

When the dense coniferous forest at the foot of the front mountain began to fall one by one.

The huge white ape monster crashed into countless trees and appeared directly in everyone's field of vision.

At the moment it emerged, countless lights and heat brought endless metal storms.

A large number of bullets hit the white ape monster like raindrops.

Even the white ape monster, which couldn't be broken, was pushed back by the large number of bullets.

From time to time, the anti-materiel rifle fired a few tricky shots under a few huge roars, making the white ape monster howl in pain.

Before it could react, the M1A2SEP main battle tank put a 120mm smoothbore gun directly into the monster's mouth at a relatively short distance.

The eyes of the white ape monster, which had been unable to be broken, widened. It obviously didn't expect that such a big baby would take advantage of it while crying.

Major General Chris obviously didn't expect that this shot would be so accurate, he excitedly ordered everyone not to stop firing and continue shooting.

A huge roar sounded.

A large amount of dust and clouds obscured the line of sight.

Before Major General Chris and others could react, the huge white ape monster rushed out staring at Yunyan.

Although half of its cheeks were blasted and bloody, revealing deep bone wounds.

But Major General Chris could tell from the remaining half of his face that the white ape monster's anger could not be suppressed at all.

In the next moment, the obviously faster white ape monster came directly to the side of the M1A2SEP main battle tank.

It grabbed the main gun barrel of the M1A2SEP main battle tank, its muscles tensed like a hard rock, and it let out a powerful roar from its mouth.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of tons of tanks were directly lifted by the white ape monster.

The gun barrel, which was the point of force, was overwhelmed and broke in an instant.

The main body of the tank that fell was caught by the white ape monster, and it directly smashed towards the direction of the crowd.

Major General Chris stared at the tank, which was small to the white ape but huge to him, flying over nervously and horrified.

He wanted to run, but he didn't have time to react.

Despair came to my mind.

He regretted that he did not wait for the support from above to attack together, he regretted that he thought that enough firepower could severely damage the white ape, he regretted that his too superficial formation of troops killed everyone...

However, these regrets are useless.

In the mind of Major General Chris, the revolving lantern began to fly.

This life, which is not worth mentioning, circulates in my mind.

In the unjust war, he kept killing for the country to obtain the ownership of those black liquids.

The success of the battles by chance and coincidence made him rise up step by step, becoming a so-called popular officer and a so-called hero of justice.

But he always knew he was an executioner.

In silence, Major General Chris stopped thinking about continuing to move his body.

Just die like this.

There is no need to struggle anymore, it is time to redeem.

However, God obviously didn't want him to die, just when he gave up...

A not-so-tall figure suddenly appeared from behind.

The tank that fell with terror was caught by the man who appeared suddenly.

In just an instant, the falling tank completed the transition from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet.

The huge tank was caught by a person calmly and easily and raised above his head. This huge contrast was enough to leave a deep impression in the hearts of all soldiers.

The tank that was smashing towards it was instantly caught and stopped by the man, but the sound of breaking through the air and the strong wind that followed couldn't stop blowing, blowing the hair ends of many soldiers behind the man.

Major General Chris swallowed, wanting to say something to this obviously unusual person, but he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, he subconsciously looked at the white ape monster.

And this glance immediately stunned Major General Chris.

He can guarantee that he clearly saw the fear in his eyes!

From the eyes of that seemingly invincible white ape monster, Major General Chris saw fear!
He used his experience of participating in countless wars, big and small, to guarantee that this white ape was just afraid!
Such an expression!That look!
Not just fear, but unstoppable despair.

Major General Chris, who was also in despair just now, could feel that countless fears and despairs were about to overflow from the eyes of the white ape.


Would such a monster be afraid?

Major General Chris couldn't help but have such doubts.

If it was really scared, then it must be afraid of this man who suddenly appeared!

Thinking about this, Major General Chris looked at the man who suddenly appeared.

I saw him slowly put down the tank with a broken barrel, and a warm breath spread from his body.

Major General Chris could feel that this warm breath was soothing his tense heart, and made him subconsciously stop his anxious thoughts.

Not only him, but the surrounding soldiers also calmed down, watching all this quietly.

And the white ape monster became even more frightened after this warm breath appeared.

It trembled visibly.

The sound of whimpering and mourning came from the mouth where half of its face was destroyed.

Now, anyone can see its fear.

Chen Sheng didn't say much.

No matter how much fear the abyss monster has, it's just a cover.

They have no feeling!
Chen Sheng will not show mercy, nor will he hold back.

Although the tragic history of Yong Zhou and human beings was compiled by Chen Sheng, the information about the monsters in the abyss was originally based on the information provided by the system.

These monsters deserve no mercy.

If he doesn't show up, and the American army doesn't show up, sooner or later, this monster will look for fresh flesh and blood to eat, trying to satisfy its never-satisfying appetite.

With a wave of Chen Sheng's hand, he used Xi He's power to attract the sun's brilliance, and directly formed a beam of light to shine on the white ape monster.

The screams amplified instantly, and then gradually disappeared.

I saw that after the monster was covered by the beam of light, its skin sizzled as if it had been fried, and it gradually shrank with heat.

Then, it quickly became a scorched outside and tender inside, and could no longer make any sound.

Seeing this, Chris swallowed subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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