Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 286 Everyone’s memories are trapped in that day

Chapter 286 Everyone’s memories are stuck on that day

After opening the public version of Yongzhou's official website, only two lines of large characters came into view.

[Death statistics: Approximately 1,332.5 million people found their bodies and were confirmed to have been killed. About 1.129 billion people cannot find their bodies and are temporarily classified as missing. Approximately more than two billion survivors suffered varying degrees of disability that affected their daily lives due to this disaster. 】

[Public memorial time: to be announced]

Bloody and cold numbers.

Many survivors who don't understand the global situation can't help but breathe.

Before this.

People in various survivor bases are lucky to be alive and have no chance to think about what will happen elsewhere?

What are the overall human toll?

And now.

With professional data endorsed forever, you don’t have to worry about fraud.

Presented directly in front of everyone.

1,332.5 million people were confirmed dead.

That's because the body was found, or body parts that could be identified were found.

In fact.

There are far more casualties than these.

For example, those 1.129 million people are temporarily classified as missing.

But under the disaster like that at the beginning.

What is the difference between missing and being killed?

The exploration teams at various survivor bases searched for survivors for nearly ten days.

Aren’t there still so many people temporarily missing?

In fact, most of these so-called disappearances are just that the body has not been found, or that there are not enough body parts to confirm the identity.

The actual number of victims.

In fact, the number of missing persons must be added.

That's nearly two billion.

All survivors who have experienced disasters know exactly what this data means.

This means that there are almost one-third of the world's human population.

He failed to survive the disaster of water and fire.

Some of them were devoured and chewed up by monsters.

Some of the dead were turned into limbs, minced meat or turned into powder in the aftermath of the battle.

Some were so seriously injured that they would die even if they survived.

Some disappear because of the darkness of human nature.

Even among those who survived, more than two billion people were left with varying degrees of disability.

the impact of this disaster.

It is forever indelible for them.

Every time they recalled the past in their sleep, endless pain would wake them up.

Zhou Ziying looked at the numbers.

Try not to think too much about this.

She understands.

If it weren't for eternal daylight, humankind would have become extinct long ago.

Now this situation is considered good.

The numerous Thousand-Eyed Demon Lords, each capable of destroying everything, were held back by the high-level combat forces of Yongzhou.

In a large number of battles against abyss monsters, the participation of Yongzhi members is always indispensable. They throw their heads and blood in the battle.

In fact.

Zhou Ziying could even vaguely guess it.

Perhaps there are some more powerful and irresistible monsters that are held back by Yong Zhou's top power.

Yong Zhou not only dedicated countless efforts in front of everyone.

I don’t know how many were blocked in the dark.

Zhou Ziying, who knows what Yong Zhou has done in human history, has reason to feel so.

That's how it is forever.

Never deliberately promote yourself.

But he silently saved and protected everything.

A long time passed.

Zhou Ziying breathed a long sigh of relief and turned her gaze to another line of text.

On this current Yongzhou official website.

Not too much information.

There is only an introductory sun pattern background pattern and two lines of text in the center.

The first line of text is the casualty statistics.

The second line is [Public sacrifice time: to be announced].

After Zhou Ziying clicked in, a line of reminder popped up:

[Permission for public sacrifices will not be granted until the detailed statistics of the victims, the restoration of major traffic arteries, and all work necessary to maintain the current order are completed]

Look at this information.

Zhou Ziying's eyes lit up.

As the name suggests, public sacrifice means:

A memorial held by a public group or society to express condolences to the deceased.

There is no doubt that all survivors who experienced that disaster urgently need public sacrifice.

To remember those who have passed away.

Even Zhou Ziying, an orphan, actually wanted to take advantage of the public memorial to mourn Captain Duan Guanghong.

Not to mention those who have relatives in other places.

They are more eager to know the current situation of their relatives and friends.

However, for the sake of maintaining order, apart from symbolically burning a group of corpses in front of the survivors and holding a simple mourning ceremony.

Most survivor bases don't do much more.

All survivors are not allowed to enter or leave the survivor base at will, and are required to work according to their respective work tasks and receive food rations.

The public sacrifice has been delayed in starting.

In other words, even the opportunity to visit relatives and return home is not available to many survivors.

They don't even know the life and death of their relatives.

And now this line of text is published on Yongzhou’s official website.

It was undoubtedly a shot in the arm, giving all the survivors a little more hope.

Everyone understands.

Wait until Yong Zhou decides to start the public sacrifice.

Major survivor bases around the world will most likely follow suit.

Until then.

This disaster may be able to draw an ellipse in the true sense.

This means the disaster is over.

But more follow-up impacts are not yet over.

Thinking like this, Zhou Ziying has more expectations for the announcement of the public memorial time.

Like her, there are survivors in survivor bases around the world.

In addition to being curious, grateful, and believing in Yongzhou, everyone chooses to come to the official website to sign in every day.

There is one more reason.

That is waiting for the time of public sacrifice to be determined.

Thinking like this.

Zhou Ziying closed the Yongzhou official website, which contained only two lines of information.

I opened the survival guarantee app that I had just glanced at briefly without looking at it carefully.

In the process of just taking a cursory look.

She vaguely discovered the interesting aspects of the World Forum interface in the survival guarantee app.

Forum is one of the ancestors of online social networking.

There are many advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest shortcoming is that the forum has very little popularity when it is first established. How to get more people to gather in the forum.

However, this problem has become less of a problem due to the forced popularization of [White Feather Mobile Phone] and because the current entertainment methods of survivors are almost zero.

The amount of traffic in the World Forum is ridiculous.

Correspondingly, all kinds of interesting posts have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

She clicked on the World Forum screen without hesitation.

A lively scene appeared in front of me.

Several hot posts that I had seen before have been refreshed, and some new hot posts have been pushed up.

among them.

The hottest post is: NO.1 "Condolences!" The billions of compatriots who have passed away will forever remain in people’s hearts! 》


NO.2 "Abyss!" The eternal enemy of mankind! 》

NO.3 "What kind of existence is Yongzhou?"    NO.4《Pure white feathers? is God? still? 》

NO.5 "The eternal pain in the hearts of the people in the post-order era!" 》

NO.6 "On the wonders left behind after the shocking war!" 》

These hot posts that I have seen before are still as popular as ever.

Zhou Ziying clicked on the No. 1 most popular post.

This is a document called "Reveal the past, beware of future generations!" Everlasting peace, pray for peace! "The memorial text of ".

The full text mourns the victims, denounces the evil in the abyss, and praises the soldiers who died for protection.

It has also been reminding everyone to remember history.

Although it's in Chinese.

However, with the increasing status of China in this world, many foreign survivors can understand and understand its profound meaning.

After reading the entire article, Zhou Ziying's thoughts, which she had just tried to calm down, couldn't help but fluctuate a little more.


Hatred cannot be forgotten.

History needs to be remembered.

The remaining human beings need to move forward with one part gratitude, one part hatred, one part hope, and seven parts self-improvement.

Think about it.

Zhou Ziying gave a serious thumbs up.

Then she continued browsing.

There is no need to read the posts of NO.2 and NO.3 carefully.

A cursory look reveals this.

The speculations about Yong Zhou here are basically the poster’s own brainstorming based on the various narratives of the survivors.

There are things that are right and there are things that are wrong.

It is also filled with the poster’s inner admiration for the endless sun.

It is full of personal emotions, which makes this summary and objective content somewhat biased.

At least judging from her status as an awakened person under the supervision of Yong Zhou, a lot of the guessed information is different from what she knows.

As for speculation about the abyss.

Instead, it gave an objective summary of the many monsters that appeared in this disaster, without writing too many personal guesses and thoughts like describing Yong Zhou.

But personal emotions are also integrated a lot.

Every word that introduces the monster can be seen with gnashed hatred, and the whole article is full of abuse against the monsters of the abyss.

Obviously, they want to exterminate the Abyss race.

After looking at it for a while, she silently liked it.

Then, Zhou Ziying looked at the hot post ranked No. 4, which was speculation and praise about Chen Yidian.

Given Zhou Ziying's low status in Yongzhi, she knew nothing about Chen Yidian, which was not much different from the enthusiastic crowd in the post.

So she was curious about everyone's opinions.

[The evidence that Your Excellency Chen Yidian is a god]

[First: The pronunciation of Yidian is very similar to the English pronunciation of Eden and Edēn, the two Gardens of Eden, and the Hebrew pronunciation. From this we can boldly speculate that His Excellency Chen Yidian is very likely to be the origin of the so-called Garden of Eden theory. In fact, the entire biblical myth may be part of Yong Zhou's deeds that were recorded by the world. After thousands of years of singing, it became a myth system that has been passed down to this day. Second, the feathers of His Excellency Chen Yidian...]

The poster's views are astonishing.

The whole article is barely reasonable and well-founded.

Boldly connects the world's most famous mythology system with Chen Yidian and Yongzhi.

I have to say this idea is interesting.

It's also very possible.

As far as she knew, Eternal Day was indeed the origin of many human myths.

Those members of Eternal Sun who possess extraordinary powers.

It is indeed easy to leave some amazing deeds in ancient times and then spread them to later generations in the form of myths.

But what surprised Zhou Ziying was that many comments below supported this.

She believed it was because she knew something about Yong Zhou.

And many comments are supporting and believing...

This explains in disguise Yong Zhou’s current status in human hearts.

in the hearts of countless survivors.

Chen Yidian is the angel who saves the world! God!

It is the sustenance and lofty belief of countless survivors who are now confused.

So when someone connects the biblical myth with Chen Yidian.

Biblical mythology, the group with the largest number of believers in the world, did not react excessively, but instead actively embraced the new Lord.

Overthrow all old doctrines.

Put new gods on the altar.

Being able to be related to Chen Yidian and Yongzhi is the glory of biblical mythology.

From now on.

The Garden of Eden refers to the place close to the great Lord Chen Yidian.

Yongri is the legendary paradise!

Biblical mythology has been an exaggerated inheritance of certain deeds of Yongzhi since ancient times.

In the hearts of all survivors today.

The existence of eternal day has replaced the original status of all religious beliefs.

In other words, the status is even more outrageous.

After all, the religion they once believed in would not save them from the monster's bloody mouth in times of crisis.

Realize this.

Zhou Ziying couldn't help but think about what kind of abbreviation would be more appropriate for the contemporary leader of Yongzhou.

Chen Yidian is the leader and messenger of Yongzhou.

It can be said that he is the serious chief archangel.

It is also the sublime that all survivors yearn for.

So what should leaders who refer to words like "Heaven", "Lord", and "God" look like in the mouths of survivors?

ponder for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ziying turned her attention to the No. 5 most popular post: "The eternal pain in the hearts of the people in the post-order era!" 》

The poster described in a simple and in-depth way the new habits that post-disaster survivors have developed through his observations.

Including but not limited to what Zhou Ziying knew before: eating without making any sound. Nor does it emit light in the room at night. Every corner of the windows had to be taped shut with newspaper. Use alcohol and other pungent smells regularly every day to cover the living area. Every bit of food and medicine will never be wasted...

This is what Lin Miao told her.

Otherwise, she, a nerd, wouldn't know so much.

And this kind of habit.

They were all forced to develop and had to do that due to the pressure of survival.

Those who don't are already dead.

Those who survive more or less have this instinct.

In this post No. 5, these new habits are described as: the eternal pain in the hearts of people in the post-order era!


This hurts.

Behind every new subconscious habit is endless death.

After the disaster is over, every time you unconsciously follow a new habit in your daily life is a subconscious memory of the disaster era.

Although people have lived until now.

But the mind is still forced to stay at that painful time because of complex emotions such as fear, shock, sadness, and confusion.

It’s not that I don’t want to come out.

It's just hard...hard...

As long as irritating smelling sprays such as alcohol are still in hand in the daily lives of survivors.

Everyone's memory is still stuck on that day.

Trapped in that desperate moment.

It has been difficult to truly come out for a long time.


Zhou Ziying silently liked this post that touched everyone's heart.

Then like most people.

I left a sentence in the comment area: I’m fine.

In fact, everyone knows what is going on in their hearts.

I want to really come out.

Still need time to kill.

 Thanks to the leader [Concrete] for the reward, we plan to update a total of 10,000 words for the leader within three days starting from tomorrow.

  At the same time, the rules for additional updates are announced: refer to the above, the leader rewards an additional update of 10,000 words, that is, for every reward of 10,000 starting coins, an additional 1,000 words will be added. (The minimum limit is 2,000 words, which is exactly a standard chapter.)

  Because I am really a little bit salty, my requirements for additional updates are a little higher.



(End of this chapter)

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