Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 287 A spectacle? No, it’s devastated!

Chapter 287 A spectacle? No, it’s devastated!

NO.6 "On the wonders left behind after the shocking war!" 》

This title makes Zhou Ziying a little confused at first glance.

But I saw the large high-definition picture in the post and the few introductory texts below it.

Zhou Ziying immediately understood what the so-called spectacle was.

The first "wonder" that comes into view is a set of high-altitude pictures of central Siberia, and pictures of central Siberia from the past placed next to it for comparison.

Under this picture, there is a line of comments from the poster: Sky fire falls from the sky, and the world is reborn in destruction!

Judging from the picture, the original central Siberia.

It has an extremely cold continental climate, strongly cut mountainous terrain, and deep and extensive permafrost.

Such harsh natural conditions can almost be called an extreme and inaccessible area.

But with many natural resources.

This is not a barren land where no one lives.

Central Siberia has a high forest coverage rate (approximately 60%) and a timber stockpile of more than 300 billion cubic meters. It also has a variety of mineral resources and is an important source of coal, iron and many non-ferrous metals. In addition, the rivers here have sufficient water volume, large drops, and rich water resources.

But now.

Central Siberia experienced a shocking war during the Catastrophic Period.

It has completely changed its appearance.

The forest was set on fire and the wood was burned, leaving only charcoal.

The earth was penetrated, and the ore was annihilated and left empty.

The river water was affected, either changed its course or completely evaporated.

Of the 150 million square kilometers of land, half is nothing but scorched earth.

In other words, the words "scorched earth" are too restrained.

That was a situation that was a bit worse than the worst imaginable situations such as lava spreading and nuclear contamination covering the area.

When I was there, I just felt like the whole world around me was being hollowed out and penetrated.

Not only has the original plateau terrain been cut off by more than half of its height.

The entire earth looked like briquettes torn into pieces.

While it was full of holes, it also shattered into pieces when touched.

Before it is effectively rested, this land will most likely not be suitable for human habitation.

It can only be said that fortunately, after human beings have sacrificed so much, they do not lack such a piece of land.

Look at the comments below the picture from survivors from around the world who marvel at this spectacle.

Zhou Ziying's mood was a little complicated.

Such ultimate personal power.

The ultimate power beyond the destructive power of nuclear bombs left behind by the battle between the Eternal Sun strongman and the monsters of the abyss.


At the same time, it also made countless people deeply feel that the world is lucky to have eternal daylight.

Otherwise, it would be really hard for humans to imagine how they could deal with such a terrifying monster on their own.

But unlike everyone else, Zhou Ziying saw more than just spectacles.

This is not a spectacle, perhaps it should be called a devastation.

In this horrific and majestic picture, the tragedy of the survivors cannot be seen simply because most of the survivors can only be wiped out in this situation.

In central Siberia, the geological structure is very complex, with fold belts from different ages.

It took countless years of geological movement, water erosion, wind and sun to finally form a vast plateau mountainous terrain covering 1.5 million square kilometers with an average altitude of over 700 meters.

The forests, water sources, glaciers, minerals, etc. are all accumulated by nature over thousands of years.

But even so much natural accumulation.

When the boundless sky fire fell from the sky, there was no ability to resist.

Easily smoothed out wrinkles, evaporated water sources, burned forests, and penetrated the earth.

Human power is naturally not worth mentioning in the face of such greatness.

They couldn't even leave behind a whole body, not even a trace of their existence.

All that is left is this destroyed [spectacle].

Therefore, Zhou Ziying does not think this is a spectacle.

This is devastation, devastation that cannot be forgotten!

In silence, Zhou Ziying continued to look down.

What came into view were more pictures shared by survivors from around the world.

Although I don’t know how they obtained this information, in short these pictures appeared on the [Baiyu Mobile] World Forum and were not blocked.

Perhaps it is the planning of a global united front.

In order to inspire everyone's hatred for the abyss and inspire everyone's yearning for eternal day.

This can alleviate the anxiety and confusion of the survivors.

Zhou Ziying doesn't care about the source of this information.

Just continue to browse carefully.

She saw a lot.

[Asia - Above the East China Sea, a 10,000-meter-long metal pillar that reaches into the sky and twists like a twist stands in the middle of the sea. 】

[It is like a metal horned dragon soaring into the sky, wanton and arrogant. 】

[It is enough to make everyone who witnesses it marvel at the miracle. 】

Under this picture, there is a line of comments from the poster: The girl penetrated the demon on the East China Sea!

[Australia, many of the peaks from the Bowen Range are in places they shouldn't be. 】

[Looking from a high place, they are dotted across the vast plains, majestic and majestic. 】

Under this picture, there is a line of comments from the poster: The true king carries the mountain to catch up with the sun and suppress the evil spirits!

[Antarctica, a huge, regular circular hole appeared on the vast ice and snow continent. 】

[But the edge of the circular hollow looks like it has existed for thousands of years. 】

[Just like there itself, there has been a hole for a long time due to natural evolution. 】

Under this picture, there is a line of comments from the poster: Come from nothing, go to nothing, everything is empty!

There are many such pictures.

This disaster not only left mankind with too many indelible memories.

Nature as a whole has undoubtedly been hit hard.

Wonders are not just a devastation of humans, but also a devastation of nature.

The massive traces of destruction are enough to remain for thousands of years, warning the world forever.

Zhou Ziying clenched her phone, a light flashing in her eyes.

Maybe, I shouldn’t continue to be a homebody?


It has been twelve days since the disaster ended.

Everything is developing prosperously.

In the city of New York, Talibo Muñoz floated up on the "New Branch of the Hudson River" that ran through a small half of the city of New York, and landed ashore with the help of several fellow travelers.

He was surrounded by ten survivors who came ashore with him in diving suits.

Everyone rubbed their tired muscles and found a place to sit down and rest.

Everyone clutched the luminous bag they brought from the water.

Talibo Munoz is no exception.

He also found a place to sit down.

While looking at the staff sent from the base.

Use special equipment to collect the monster corpses they brought up in special bags one by one and tally the points.

While holding the bag tightly, he waited for the work meal that would be distributed.

They are an exploration team from the nearby New York Survivor Base, made up of many of the base's water-savvy survivors.

Responsible for salvaging the remains and fragments of the monster from the abyss in the Hudson River Basin.

After most of the monster corpses were cleaned up and taken away by Yongzhi members around the world.

In fact, in every corner of the world, there are still some inconspicuous, tiny pieces of monster corpses that have no spiritual response. This number is huge!

Therefore, more people are needed to conduct further collection.

After all, monster corpses are not a good thing.

Easily touched may cause danger. Yesterday, Talibo Munoz saw a survivor who did not pay attention to follow the operating instructions issued by the base and actually directly touched a monster corpse with his hand.

Then it turned into a blackened humanoid monster.

Bloodthirsty and irrational.

He was immediately beaten into pieces by the armed personnel accompanying him around the base.

Therefore, the important and dangerous work of collecting monster corpses is undoubtedly the most rewarding job in many survivor bases.

Theoretically speaking.

Talibo Muñoz usually can't grab the job of searching for monster corpses, which is slightly expanded every day.

After all, although this job is dangerous, it is extremely rewarding.

But starting from the day before yesterday, he had such an opportunity.

It is said that when the disaster occurred in New York City, a certain monster was shot away by the local Yongzhi members.

The corpse rubbed against the ground and smashed many buildings.

The famous Hudson River in New York City was also rerouted.

A "new tributary of the Hudson River" was abruptly carved out on the ground.

After the huge monster corpse was cleaned up.

This "new tributary of the Hudson River" and the original Hudson River were included in the scope of the search because they were suspected of containing a large number of undiscovered monster corpse fragments.

This requires the use of a group of more professional divers.

And Talibo Muñoz is an expert in water properties.

After registration review and simple training.

He joined the exploration team responsible for underwater operations.

The daily task is to go into the water to search for monster corpse fragments, and then calculate the points reward based on the number found.

With enough points, you can survive more comfortably in the survivor base.

Talibo Muñoz always had a high quality of life before the disaster.

But he couldn't stand the life of receiving a fixed amount of food rations every day, barely enough to survive starvation.

Thinking like this.

He looked at the staff who had come to him.

He immediately handed over the bag he was holding tightly in his hand.

"The 20g of monster scales are confirmed to be fragments of the monster's corpse."

"Before you go back, 20 points will be transferred to your ID name."

"You can go to the survivor base mission hall to check it, or you can use the [Baiyu mobile phone] issued today to check it directly online."

The staff took the bag and measured and confirmed it.

Then he turned around and continued working in front of another person.

After handing over the fragments of the monster's corpse, Talibo Munoz stood up and followed those who had handed over the fragments of the monster's corpse, wearing a diving suit and walking towards the dining car not far away.

There is also a collection task in the afternoon.

Everyone chose not to take off their complicated wetsuits.

After finishing the lunch provided by the survivor base, rest for a while and then continue in the water.

Talibo Munoz is no exception.

After he queued up to receive his share of sandwiches, candies and hot coffee.

Then he came to a certain ruins aside with a smile and sat down.

Enjoying a pretty good lunch.

Although what I ate was a simply heated junk sandwich produced by a fast food factory, a cup of instant coffee and two toffees.

But in today's post-order era.

This kind of food is already quite good.

Plus it’s a free meal provided by participating in this salvage job.

It makes people feel even better.

In a way, this is better than some crappy airline meals.

Talibo Muñoz finished his sandwich in several gulps and put away the toffee.

Start sipping the hot coffee slowly.

The fatigue from being underwater just now seems to have eased.

next moment.

A muscular black man with a round waist sat next to Talibo Muñoz holding a coffee cup.

The diving suit on his body was extremely tight with muscles.

"Muñoz, is this going to happen every day?"

"This kind of life is really boring."

The strong black man whispered to Talibo Muñoz.

As he said that, he looked at the several female divers around him and showed a faint obscene smile.

Hearing this, Talibo Munoz took a sip of coffee.

Looking at the many survivors sitting not too far away.

The expression on his face changed from a slight smile to a calm one: "Siani, if you don't want to die, don't talk to me outside about things I don't understand."

Munoz's tone was cold.

There was a hint of murderous intent.

The tall black man called Siani naturally heard it.

He withdrew his obscene gaze and scratched his head angrily.

I want to say something, but I dare not really say it.

He is much bigger than Muñoz, but he is actually a little afraid of Muñoz.

The two of them used to be instructors at a diving training center.

Siani has been Munoz's follower since he was a child.

when disaster strikes.

The two are working at a diving training center, teaching people who are interested in learning to dive.

Because diving requires a lot of physical energy, there are a lot of high-calorie foods in the museum.

In addition, the museum often prepares a large number of irritating drugs for disinfecting water bodies.

As a result, the diving hall has been safe for a long time. There are no monsters approaching, and there is no need to worry about lack of food.

In this process.

Just three days.

The cruel and ruthless Muñoz revealed his nature that he did not show during peacetime.

He directly killed four male students and took three female students as his own.

Siani is not a good guy, and promptly expressed his loyalty to Munoz, who had a gun.

Instead, he became another male who survived, and was rewarded by Muñoz with a female student to play with.

Such days did not last long.

The monsters were all wiped out.

Muñoz immediately realized that official power would be gradually restored.

He doesn't want to play wilderness survival, but wants to join the survivor base.

But he didn't want to be judged by the survivor base for his own affairs.

So he decisively killed all three female students.

After carefully cleaning up most of the murder traces, he took the initiative to go out and meet the exploration team at the New York Survivor Base to avoid his hiding place being found.

that's it.

They infiltrated the survivor base in this chaotic era.

No one knows what the two of them did.

(End of this chapter)

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