Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 29 Crossing the Gate of Space

Chapter 29 Crossing the Gate of Space
Although I could feel the abyss, I couldn't help becoming more nervous.

But Chen Sheng understands that with the spontaneous resistance of the colossus of the material universe itself, it will not encounter a disaster at the cosmic level yet.

Therefore, it is a good strategy to follow the system's guidance and continue to develop the Salvation Organization.

As long as he upgrades the organization, he can continue to increase his spiritual power level.

A level four spiritual power level is enough to become a god in another world, and one can barely sense the existence of the ocean of spiritual rules in this material universe.

Waiting until the fifth and sixth levels in the future... it will only become stronger.

At that time, even if he had to drag the material universe with one hand, Chen Sheng would still dare to hit the abyss and dare not speak.

Even if the will of the abyss makes a move, it's just a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng continued to look at the rest of the rewards after the upgrade.

They are: Secret Realm·Ruins Compilation Opportunity*1, Functional Accessories·Gate to the Secret Realm.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the opportunity to compile the secret realm and ruins. Chen Sheng can compile a secret realm and ruins just like the previous compilation of the secret realm and Dongtian created the Yongzhou headquarters.

Mysteries and ruins can be used as evidence of the existence of the organization, making Yong Zhou, an organization that Chen Shengcai created not long ago, an ancient mysterious salvation organization that has been hidden in history for countless years!
After all, the key evidence that determines the qualitative direction of human history has never been history books, but almost irrefutable archaeological excavations.

Not only can maintain the organization's mysterious and ancient personality, but also gain a lot of organizational experience.Moreover, this secret realm also solves the problem of the abyss crack here, so it does not need to be stationed all the time.

After contemplating for a moment, Chen Sheng satisfactorily looked at another reward—a functional accessory, the Gate of the Secret Realm.

This is undoubtedly a better reward.

For Chen Sheng, this is a strategic function that can greatly expand the organization's strength and heritage.

[Functional Accessories · Gate of Secret Realm: It can be bound to a secret realm as an anchor point. From now on, any official member of the organization can use the key of the secret realm, consume a certain amount of spiritual power material, and open a two-way connection between their location and the secret realm Portal. (The maintenance time of the portal is related to the consumption of spiritual power substances; the key of the secret realm is a derivative of the gate of the secret realm, and a certain amount is generated regularly)]

The portal will undoubtedly anchor the headquarters.

Then, members from all over the world can return to the headquarters in an instant, and opening the portal can also allow people from the headquarters to come to support in an instant.

The strategic significance and importance of this are self-evident.

Yongri will have unprecedented mobility.

For abnormal situations on a global scale, as long as there are basically members distributed all over the world in the future, when support is needed, there is no need for him, the leader, to fly over to stop the abyss monster in a hurry, and he can open the door to call for people at any time.

"System, explain how to count as an official member of the organization."

Chen Sheng continued to ask questions.

[The person who is recognized by the host himself and who has such a symbolic spirituality after taking the hibiscus tree mulberry is a full member. 】

Hearing this, Chen Sheng nodded his head to express his understanding.

Of course, for a qualified and rigorous organization, every member must be registered in the register in the future, and it is not enough for one to be recognized by him.

A perfect personnel management mechanism is undoubtedly beneficial to the organization.

"Then the spiritual substance is..."

Chen Sheng continued to ask, trying to be rigorous.

[Any substance containing spiritual power can stimulate the spiritual power in the body, or use spiritual power substances such as mulberries. 】

After asking all the details he wanted to know, Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

The Gate of the Rift is not only powerful.

And if you want to use the gate of the secret realm in the future, you must go through three standards: have a formal membership in the organization, hold a key to the secret realm, and consume spiritual power substances.

This also ensures that this powerful secret door will not be used by others, and it is a powerful function unique to Yongri.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng returned to Taos Town with a smile.

The rewards after the upgrade basically satisfied Chen Sheng.

The four levels of spiritual power, secret realms, ruins, functional accessories, gates of secret realms, Chen Sheng couldn't find fault with each of them, wishing there were more, the better.


When Chen Sheng returned to the villa in Taos Town, the four of Russell were chatting in front of the computer.

Chen Sheng quietly appeared behind the four of them, without being noticed at all.

With the power of Xihe, he can blend into and turn into sunlight for a short time, and disappearing and appearing silently is the basic method.

Even now that the setting sun has basically set, he can still appear and disappear silently into the moonlight.

After all, moonlight is also the reflection of sunlight. Although it cannot be used to monitor the abyss cracks on the dark hemisphere, it can be used to blend in nearby.

He looked at the four of Russell.

I saw a photo of a middle-aged man being displayed on the computer screen, with a lot of basic information about him recorded beside it.

On the side, the four of Russell began to discuss with each other.

"This is a professor from Cambridge. I met him at an academic seminar before. I think this person has the ability."

Russell pointed to the computer and said.

This is the relevant information he asked John to collect quickly with his hacking ability.

After the leader ordered a task of pulling people into the organization before he left, he immediately recalled the qualified people in his mind.

Both character and ability are indispensable.

This person was the seventh person he recalled who should be okay, so he asked John to call out his information.

"It's not bad, I have the ability. Put it on the candidate list together with the six people you listed before, and wait for the leader to come back to make a decision." Martha nodded at the side, and randomly looked at John who was operating the computer and said, " Call up the information of the person I just mentioned, I think her medical level is still good."

Hearing this, John also immediately dialed up the information.

Martha, Romero, and Russell took advantage of this period to continue talking about the talents they had seen that could be absorbed, and simply sorted them in order of priority. They would report to John to investigate the detailed information later. According to the detailed information The information is discussed again.

Behind the heated discussions, Chen Sheng showed a smile.

The perverted ability derived from the power of Xihe——[The memory of the past is witnessed by the stars], the subconsciousness is activated at this moment.

The information on the life of that person on the computer that was exposed in the sun just now was spread out like a book.

After roughly browsing the life of that Cambridge professor, Chen Sheng nodded.

The experience of being poor and impoverished when he was a child made him understand the people at the bottom better, and made him have a different idea from most people in that democratic country.

He has joined various organizations, and the World Health Organization is also one of his stops as a volunteer. Naturally, Russell knew him at the World Health Organization.

Such a person is indeed a talent with good conduct and ability.

"That professor is not bad."

Chen Sheng suddenly made a sound, causing the busy four people to turn their heads in shock.

When Chen Sheng didn't make a sound, even after becoming level 0 psykers with extraordinary five senses, they didn't notice anything strange.

It was as if there was nothing but air behind him.

But as soon as they heard the voice, they turned around and immediately noticed the leader who was like the sun, shining brightly in their spiritual vision.

The sense of existence as if nothing exists and the dazzling sun, two contradictory and conflicting feelings exist together in Chen Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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