Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 30 Learning and Assessment Mechanism and Flying Thousands of Miles

Chapter 30 Learning and Assessment Mechanism and Flying Thousands of Miles
"But of course they won't be recruited directly now, even you are only reserve members."

Chen Sheng said so.

Although Yong Zhou said that he will recruit many people in the future, he will not recruit casually.

Even the current five members of Yongzhouli are just some outstanding talents specially recruited under the circumstance of a small number of people.

As a probationary member, Mulberry is directly empowered to open up spirituality and send them on the road to the extraordinary.

A salvation organization with an ancient and mysterious personality would naturally not be so sloppy in recruiting members.

Chen Sheng is now thinking about setting up Yongzhou Academy in the future.

Only when the new members pass a series of assessments and studies that Chen Sheng imagined in the academy, such as spiritual power explanation courses, abyss monster courses, basic martial arts, basic common sense theory courses, etc.

Chen Sheng will admit that they are full members of the organization.Issue some badges that symbolize status, and officially give Mulberry to send those students to the extraordinary.

Just as Chen Sheng studies hard in order to become a qualified leader, the members of Everday Future also need to study and assess.

When Chen Sheng cultivated the potential members who he personally pulled into the organization one by one into full-fledged members, it was time for the organization to formally expand and develop.

At that time, the first batch of full-fledged members will be able to teach new members for him exponentially, and a steady stream of members will complete various things for him in the organization.

While Chen Sheng's thinking was spinning rapidly, the four of Russell nodded in a daze.

Indeed, how could it be possible for such an ancient and mysterious organization to let the four of them join with just a single word.

That is to say, when this kind of organization is new, the conditions will be looser, but there will never be a lack of various assessments and studies.

"Leader, this is the list of talents we have listed so far."

John said, pointing to the computer screen next to him.

"Don't worry for now, you will continue to list in the future."

"Now, let's take you to see the world first."

Chen Sheng waved his hand, and a golden key appeared on his open palm.

The key is not big, but there are faint golden light flakes and mist on it, which gives people an unusually mysterious feeling.

"Seeing the world? Has another monster appeared?"

Romero frowned, his expression a little serious.

The last time Chen Sheng said he would take them to see the world, he instantly killed a huge white ape monster in front of them.

He didn't expect that the cracks in the abyss that the leader talked about for a long time before would cause monsters to appear so frequently.

A black spider in the early morning of this morning, and a white ape in the afternoon and evening, is another one coming now?

"No, this time is different."

Russell shook his head, and cast a helpless glance at his friend who was full of muscles.

This time, the leader took out a key that looked mysterious and extraordinary. Obviously, what he said about seeing the world would be related to this key.

"This is the key to the secret realm. After you pass the study and assessment and become full members, I will give it to each of you."

"As for its function..."

Speaking of this, Chen Sheng paused.

Under the curious gazes of the four of Russell, Chen Sheng casually held the key and inserted it into the air next to him.

In the next moment, a part of the spiritual power in his body that was insignificant to Chen Sheng was consumed.

Then, the key filled with golden aura gradually disappeared into countless clouds of smoke, and an oval plane like a water surface floated in the air.

It is four meters high and three meters wide.The thin walls, like water surfaces and mirror surfaces, are inlaid in the frame of the sun pattern outlined by golden energy.

It's not that Chen Sheng can't make it bigger, it's just that this size is enough for now.

Beside Chen Sheng, the four of Russell stared blankly at the oval transparent thin wall that appeared as the key disappeared, their eyes obviously full of curiosity.

They looked at Chen Sheng with longing eyes, their curiosity couldn't be stopped at all.

They have some guesses in their hearts, but they are not so sure.

It wasn't until Chen Sheng stepped out, broke into the thin wall and disappeared directly, that the four of Russell confirmed their thoughts.

This is... space teleportation!
Russell swallowed, and glanced at the three companions beside him.

Needless to say at this moment, the idea of ​​following the leader in his eyes is ready to come out.

"Let's go."

Romero opened his head with a smile, and boldly took a step towards the door of the secret realm.

Ripples appeared on the water-like thin wall, and Romero disappeared directly in front of several people.

Without the slightest hesitation, the remaining three followed Romero.

Russell only felt that in an instant, the scene in front of him had undergone an earth-shaking change.

The environment that had already ushered in the need to turn on the lights in the evening, instantly turned into a sunny house entrance, with a forest nearby.

Obviously, at this moment, I have crossed a spatial distance close to eight time zones in an instant.

The portal behind them didn't disappear.

Russell temporarily ignored the strong feeling of being connected to something in his mind, and instead tried to look at everything around him.

Looking down, you can find that there are factories under construction at the foot of the mountain.At this moment, with level 0 spiritual power, he could vaguely see the yellow-skinned person walking around.

Here, it should be Asia.

In the blink of an eye, he went from America to somewhere in Asia.

Before he could be surprised, the leader in front of them said, "This is the headquarters of Yongzhou, located in Zhonghai City, Huaguo."

"However, the real headquarters is not only here."

"Follow the connection in your mind!"

Chen Sheng said with a smile.

Naturally, he can directly open the portal into the real headquarters in the secret realm.

It was opened in the actual area that counted as part of the headquarters, to show the so-called organizational background and bring a small wave of permanent shock to the four newcomers.

A well-timed pause before the shock will only make the shock more complete, giving people a feeling of wanting to rise before suppressing, just like [open the door, no hell, see you later].

Hearing this, the four of Russell naturally went after the sense of connection in their minds.

Since coming here, the strong sense of connection in their minds has been reminding their spiritual perception, telling them that there is something hidden here.

Just go with that sense of connection in your head, in your spiritual perception...

Thinking of this, Russell's figure has disappeared, and the other three have also disappeared.

Chen Sheng also disappeared in an instant, and came to the headquarters of Yongzhou in the secret realm Cave.

The huge valley and hibiscus trees come into view instantly.

Russell's newly opened spiritual perception was instantly filled with countless things full of spiritual power, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

The vastness and height of the hibiscus tree, the shock of infinite spiritual power...

Stand behind the four of them.

As the owner of all this, Chen Sheng made a low-key and calm voice:

"Welcome to Everlasting."

(End of this chapter)

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