Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 31 Hibiscus tree version cross-border signal tower

Chapter 31 Hibiscus tree version cross-border signal tower

Russell felt the shock he received today and received too much information.

In the early morning, he was caught by drug lords, and he met a big spider several times. In the afternoon, he met Chen Sheng, who claimed to be a leader, came to join him, and then became a psychic who could walk on his arm; approaching evening, Mimi Being fooled and lame in a daze, he saw a new white ape monster tyrannizing the military...

And now.

He traveled halfway across the earth through the portal, and instantly appeared in Zhonghai City, Huaguo.Then, by some means, he came to the headquarters of Yongzhou in a different space...

His cpu couldn't turn over for a while, too many things happened in this day.

The three companions around him also reacted similarly to him.

Although Russell had tried his best to overestimate the strength and background of this Yongzhou organization, he still couldn't help feeling ignorant.

This Yongzhou... actually used a different space as his headquarters? !
What kind of handwriting is this? !

He was deeply shocked by the giant tree that was definitely more than a thousand meters in size, and the mulberries that countless leaders had fed them to enlighten their spirituality.

He thought that the new organization he joined would take some time to recover, and the various tasks he would accept in the future would definitely be very difficult.

But looking at the current posture, this Yongzhou is obviously a hidden full-level boss, who can come out and kill randomly at any time.It seems that there is no need for the devotion he imagined, and it seems that just fishing with peace of mind is enough.

"I will put the exit of the gate of the secret realm in this cave, and maintain its existence for a long time."

"You should run around frequently, and go to Taos Town from time to time to check the presence of the four of you as tourists, so as not to be discovered that you have been to Huaguo in a flash. In addition, you should also come to the headquarters from time to time to learn more."

"The learning content includes knowledge of spiritual power, information about monsters in the abyss, fighting, dual proficiency in hot and cold weapons, basic modern common sense, etc."

"After officially passing my assessment in the future, the key to the secret realm will be held by the official members."

Chen Sheng said, looking at the four people in front of him who were still shocked.

Studying hard and making progress every day is always the right path.

Before the education department belonging to Yongzhou was established, these first batch of members were taken by him to study in person.

He not only wants to give these human elites the learning pain that the system imposed on him, but also counts on these guys to finish their studies as soon as possible and become qualified members, and then contribute to the growth of the organization.

In the future, when the Everday Academy is established, he will just be called the principal. These first-generation members will be the teachers of the next generation.

The continuous influx of qualified talents will push Yongday into the fast lane of development.

After hearing that they needed to learn, the four of Russell looked at each other in blank dismay.

Learning is not difficult for human elites like them, but considering that there will definitely be courses related to spiritual power in Yong Zhou's study, this makes them worry about whether they can do it.

"Welcome, everyone."

This sentence means: Welcome everyone.

Bai Yu walked out of the valley, looked at the new members in front of him with a smile on his face, and expressed his welcome to their arrival.

She was originally staying in the building complex under the hibiscus tree, thinking about how to connect the headquarters to the network based on the past few days.

As a result, her spiritual perception suddenly discovered that the sun-like spirituality instantly occupied her entire spiritual perception.

After she knew that it was the leader who came back, she was ready to come out and have a look immediately.

Then, a bunch of new members were discovered, which meant another expansion of the organization.

She is undoubtedly excited about the expansion of the organization again.

Hearing Bai Yu's greeting, the four of them looked over with some doubts.

"This is the first member of the organization, Bai Yu."

Chen Sheng introduced to the four of them.

Hearing this, the four of Russell greeted Bai Yu who came over.

"Leader, I have a problem that I can't solve today, and I need you to decide it."

Bai Yu nodded to the four new members, then looked at Chen Sheng and said.

The headquarter is located in a different space, so naturally it cannot be connected to the Internet, has no signal, cannot enjoy the convenience brought by modern communication and Internet technology, and will not be able to communicate with outside organization members conveniently in the future.

"Don't worry, the hibiscus tree, as the spiritual version of the sun, can strengthen electromagnetic waves and assist them to cross the barrier of different spaces and reach any corner of the earth."

Chen Sheng didn't ask Bai Yu the question, but gave her the answer directly.

As the leader, he couldn't hide everything that happened in the headquarters, he knew what Bai Yu was struggling with.

Without the ability to communicate with the outside world, the future management of the organization will indeed be affected.The headquarters cave, which is like an isolated signal island, will greatly reduce the command efficiency of members of external organizations.

But Chaofan naturally has a supernatural solution.

After finishing speaking, Chen Sheng waved his hand.

A golden light flashed faintly on the hibiscus tree, and then calmness returned.

Seeing this, Bai Yu took out his mobile phone and smiled when he saw the full grid of signals on it.According to what the leader said, even in the headquarters of Yongzhou, she doesn't have to worry about the lack of signal.

Chen Sheng also nodded.The next thing the organization has to do is to launch its own satellite. In addition to monitoring, it can also get rid of the shackles of other people's satellite signals.

After all, the access to the external network cannot be used as a secret communication channel for internal personnel. At present, the Fusangshu signal tower only ensures that the external network can be accessed in the headquarters. There is no signal anymore.

In addition, extraordinary beyond-the-line-of-sight communication methods are also essential. Modern technology can be used, but not all of them.

However, the things these organizations need are already planned, waiting to be gradually developed gradually, and there is no way to become a fat man by eating them all at once.

"Bai Yu, you take them to get acquainted with the current general situation of the headquarters."

"After shopping around, come back here to get some gadgets."

Seeing that the communication matter was partially resolved for the time being, Chen Sheng gave Bai Yu instructions.


Bai Yu tilted her head in doubt.

"Yes, use these two big guys to make some gadgets for you immature new members of the fourth generation of Eternal Day."

As he spoke, Chen Sheng took out the token in his pocket that was engraved with the Eternal Day logo and complex patterns and injected spiritual power into it.

Two behemoths instantly appeared in this Nuoda cave.

One is a huge spider monster with a shiny and reflective metal shell.

The other is a white ape monster that has shriveled and shriveled, but can still see a lot of lumpy muscles.

The black spider and the white ape are both abyssal monsters of the first level of spiritual power, and their strength far surpasses his subordinates.Among them, the white ape was able to reach the threshold of the second level of spiritual power for a short time.

The corpses of these two abyssal monsters are undoubtedly the best materials.

Not only can he make the token with space storage function in his hand, but it can also be used to make many extraordinary items.

You must know that his studies in the previous three months were not in vain.

Using these two monster corpses as materials, you can make some gadgets for the members as standard equipment and benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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