Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 315: OK, OK, it’s all cheating, right? You’re not pretending anymore, are you?

Chapter 315: OK, OK, it’s all cheating, right? You’re not pretending anymore, are you?

What is a promising road?

It means that the path of life has a clear direction and goal. As long as you work hard, you can realize your ideals and wishes.

This idiom comes from an article in "Xunzi: Self-cultivation". The original text is: "If the road is blocked and long, it will come soon; if you keep walking, you will have a promising future."

Chen Sheng now feels that he is on the right track.

This is not to comfort myself.

Rather, it is an upgrade without any resistance under the system's cheating. It is really hard to help but feel this way.

What little abyss? But a native chicken and a dog.

Abyss, what do you think you are? Do you think you can swallow everything and plunge everything into darkness and fear? Do you think you can stop our progress and make us succumb to your threats and temptations? You are wrong, you couldn't be more wrong!

You are nothing but nothingness, a mass of chaos, a pile of rubbish. You have no life, no soul, no meaning. You can only maintain your existence by devouring the light and power of others. You are a parasite, a vampire, and a coward.

After being a little excited in my mind for a while.

Chen Sheng took a step forward and left Mars.

No one knew he was here.

However, in view of the strengthening of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, a Starry Sky Ancient Road construction site has been added to each planet involved in the Starry Array in the universe, and even added to the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in the solar system. A series of indestructible but useless Starry Sky Ancient Road buildings were created.

Chen Sheng still sent relevant notices to many departments, including Yongzhou's lunar research department, so that they did not need to be surprised by the sudden special situation.


He came to the world of mountains and seas.

At this moment, the world of mountains and seas has been greatly changed, and it is filled with the feeling of a complete world.

The aftertaste of the changes brought about by the strengthening continues.

In a range that rivals or even exceeds the surface area of ​​stars, many prototypes of mythical beasts that should be in an embryonic state are currently running around in every corner of the mountains and seas in a daze.

There are colorful frost flowers floating in the sky. They are made of dew and spirituality. Each flower has a different shape and color. Some are like butterflies, some are like flowers, some are like stars, and some are like flowers. snowflake.

They drifted with the wind and spread to the earth, bringing a colorful and peaceful world to the mountains and seas.

This is the Shanhai Realm itself celebrating its essential promotion.

On the land of the mountains and seas, all kinds of creatures are enjoying this wonderful time. On the mountain, some creatures are picking ripe fruits, some are admiring the red and yellow maple leaves, some are playing with falling frost flowers, and some are preparing food. In the sea, some creatures are swimming in the clear waters, some are exploring strange corals, some are admiring the brilliant schools of fish, and some are enjoying the warm sunshine. Every corner of the world of mountains and seas is full of vitality and vitality, exuding happiness and confidence.


There is peace in the world of mountains and seas.

As long as the abyss cannot discover the world of mountains and seas.

Chen Sheng can indeed move human beings to this beautiful world to live and work in peace and contentment.

However, the two sixth-level spiritual power level monsters that once invaded the mountain and sea world have shown one thing: the mountain and sea world cannot prevent covetousness from the abyss.

In order to save the entire human civilization from destruction and create a better, happier, more equal, freer, more just, more rational, more intelligent, more powerful, more prosperous, more stable, longer and more eternal, infinite, boundless, supreme, incomparable, incomparable, omnipotent and omniscient. A human civilization that knows everything, understands everything, reaches everything, achieves everything, thinks everything, thinks everything, feels everything, loves everything...

Hiding in the realm of mountains and seas is obviously not feasible.

Chen Sheng understood that he should no longer escape, but face the abyss and fight to the death.

He believes that as long as he has the help of the system, the support of the mountains and seas, and the trust of mankind, he will be able to defeat the abyss, save mankind, and create history.

He believed that this was his avenue, his mission, and his dream.

He believes that as long as he does not stop moving forward, does not give up his efforts, and does not lose confidence, his future will be promising, his future will be brilliant, and his future will be unlimited.

He believes that this is what can be expected from the great road.


The necessary back-up skills must still be retained as always.

Ambition is ambition, but of course you still have to prepare for the worst.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng came to the east of the world of mountains and seas that had changed a lot.

Further east in Fuso Valley, we cross the boundless sea.

Now there is a mountain called Dongyue.

It is like a hub between heaven and earth, towering and exuding heavy rules.

This is now the second most important place in the world of mountains and seas after Fuso Valley.

It really condenses many rules in the world of mountains and seas.

At the top of Dongyue Mountain.

Chen Tiya was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, closing her eyes and concentrating at the place closest to the stars in the sky of the mountains and seas.

There was a sound of greatness that seemed to come from the most essential place, faintly emanating from Chen Tiya's body.

around her.

There were countless souls listening to this baptism that was like a sermon.

There are strange halos appearing all over the body.

There are many creatures that look like certain mythical beasts from myths and legends when they were young.

The furry little lion at the front has two fleshy little horns on its head, and its tail looks like a fish fin.

Looking at the bright and intelligent eyes, Chen Sheng understood that this should be Bai Ze.

There is also a little tiger with tiger stripes on its body, human facial features on its face, rudimentary horns on its head, and a faintly forked tail.

Looking at the fierce look in his eyes, Chen Sheng understood that this was Yaozhu.


There are many such little mythical beasts.

They look a bit like legends.

But now that they are still young, they still look cuter.

These little beasts gathered around Chen Tiya, and they all wanted to remember everything Chen Tiya said.

The understanding and qualifications of the little mythical beasts are very good.

Chen Sheng watched this scene quietly.

I have to say that Chen Tiya, the president of the Mythical Beast Care Committee, is quite dedicated.

At this time when great changes occurred in the world of mountains and seas, countless embryos of mythical beasts came into being.

She earnestly baptizes every new creature with the way of vitality, allowing them to gain a certain degree of enlightenment and transformation.

And these are the creatures that were born together with the world, and each of them has extraordinary potential.

It’s just a matter of listening to the sermon.

There are many small mythical beasts that have become the first level of spiritual power.

Xiao Bai Ze, who was listening most seriously in the front row.

At this moment, Tao Yun is constantly flickering on his body, and he is transforming every second.

In a few moments, Xiao Baize had reached the peak of the second-level spiritual power level, then rushed to the third-level spiritual power level without any hindrance, and finally stopped at the peak of the third-level spiritual power level.

As the best little mythical beast.

It attracts everyone's attention.

Chen Tiya's sermon was interrupted, and Chen Sheng also cast an interested look.

Xiaobaize is not stage frightened about this.

Instead, he expressed his doubts in the spiritual language that God clearly understood: "Excuse me, how should I go next?"

Xiao Baize was a little confused.

Difficulties on the road from level one to level three of spiritual power are like nothing in its eyes, and the journey is nothing but unstoppable breakthroughs.

But after reaching the peak of the third level of spiritual power.

It's confused.

The next road seems to be cut off?

In Teacher Chen Tiya's sermon, it seemed that she only mentioned a few reminders about the path after this, such as the unity of soul and body, immortality, and integration into the ocean of spiritual rules.

There isn't any specific method. "After that, it's the road to becoming a god. No one can help you. Others can only tell you the direction, but no one can do anything to encourage you."

"Do you still remember the direction I mentioned? Think about your own path next."

Chen Tiya smiled slightly and raised her voice.

After reaching the peak of the third level of spiritual power, there are demigods who are only half a step away from the fourth level of spiritual power, or true gods who have achieved the fourth level of spiritual power.

You can only rely on yourself in this realm.

High-level beings can't do anything to encourage others' growth or achieve enlightenment.

Even Abyss, at best, could only forcibly fabricate the so-called Thousand-Eyed Demon Lord, a semi-god-level mass-produced killing weapon.

For the forcible creation of true god level, there is nothing the abyss can do.

Hear the words.

Xiao Baize fell into silence.

However, he looked at the encouraging glances of his fellow mythical beasts around him, at the gentle smile of teacher Chen Tiya in front of him, and at the gaze of his unrecognized elder brother beside him.

Xiao Baize slowly closed his eyes. can!


Yes it must be possible!

Xiao Baize believed so firmly that he closed his eyes and experienced the legendary realm.

Use your own wisdom to create your own path.


Academy City - Central Teaching Area - Teaching Building No. 6 - Classroom 402.

As an old senior who joined the second recruitment of Dawn Academy.

At the request of Dawn College, Kun returned to Dawn College to take advanced spiritual application classes. At the same time, he took on the task of teaching a general knowledge class on abyssal monsters to the freshmen recruited for the third time.

Although it is huge.

But you can still change the size freely.

Kun turned into the size of an ordinary house cat and vividly explained information about monsters in the abyss to the freshmen on the podium.

"Generally speaking, monsters in the abyss are chaotic and evil, that is to say, they have no fixed organization and order, they only act based on instinct and desire, and they are full of hostility and cruelty to any life. They also have different shapes, Some are deformed, some are mutated, some are corrupted, some are mixed, and some are incomprehensible. Their powers are also different, some are weak, some are powerful, some are cunning, some are crazy, and some are terrifying."

"Today we introduce one of the most common monsters in the abyss."

"Abyssal Spawn: These are the strangest creatures in the abyss. They are produced by the power of the abyss eroding and changing creatures in other worlds. Their forms are a mixture of the characteristics of the original creatures and the abyss, and some are... Human beings, some are animals, some are plants, some are minerals, some are mechanical, some are magic, etc. Their characters are also a mixture of the characteristics of the original creatures and the abyss, some are loyal, some are traitorous, some are fanatical, some are indifferent, Some are painful, some are happy, etc.”

"The semi-god-level standard weapon Thousand-Eyed Demon Lord that we briefly talked about before is an advanced version of the abyssal alien species. It is a mutation of the basic version of the abyssal alien species..."

Kun's lecture was not long.

It was over soon.

Because this kind of pure memory course is not complicated, in fact, there is no need for a separate course for Yongzhi members who are elites and have monster illustrations.

But considering the importance of the information about the monsters in the abyss.

Occasionally, there are still some courses that explain special abyss monsters.

After finishing his class duties, Kun immediately returned to Dawn Cave from the train station in Academy City, and then went to the Mountain and Sea Realm from the permanent secret realm gate of Dawn Cave.

The whole journey seemed to be in a hurry.

Because it is going to the Mountain and Sea Realm next to report to the president of the Committee for Care of Mythical Beasts under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Some time ago, the superiors transferred it to this department.

Because the study and teaching tasks he had at hand some time ago have not yet been completed, Kun did not have time to prepare the report until today.

So it is still a little uneasy.

After all, I heard that the chief of this new department is a big shot with a sixth level of spiritual power, and he is no less generous than Mr. Chen Yidian.

That's the sixth level of spiritual power.

It had never seen anything of this level when it was shrinking in that resource-poor world thousands of years ago.

Later, when the abyss was a loser, it had never seen an existence of this level among the abyss existences it came into contact with.

I am afraid that only the poisonous dragon that was defeated by the leader of Yongzhi across the infinite multi-dimensional sea could be close to this level.

and so.

Even if a report is filed and approved by the headquarters, it will be reported later.

Even though Yongzhou loves each other and has strict discipline.

Kun was still a little uneasy.

You...won't be steamed, right?


Kun arrived at the realm of mountains and seas.

Just got here.

It felt a strange feeling.

Is that...someone is advancing to the fourth level of spiritual power? !

Kun was a little confused.

It knows that Yongzhou is invincible and that Yongzhou is quickly regaining its former strength.

But it's still a bit exaggerated.

Why is it that every time it comes, someone can advance?

Isn’t it said that promotion to the fourth level of spiritual power is extremely difficult?

Why is it stuck at the peak of the third level of spiritual power for so long, yet Yong Zhou is promoted batch after batch.


Kun looked towards the direction where the breakthrough wave came from, which was exactly the direction President Chen Tiya asked him to report.

ponder for a moment.

Kun decided to go over and take a look.

Not long after, it came to Dongyue.

Not only did he see President Chen Tiya and Leader Chen Sheng, but he also saw the guy who was making a breakthrough.

It was a fluffy little lion with two fleshy little horns on its head and a tail that looked like fish fins.

Kun understands.

This little guy should be the divine beast conceived from the embryo of the divine beast in the world of mountains and seas.

And it should have just been born today.


This newly born guy...

Breaking through the fourth level of spiritual power?

Enter the realm of true God on the day you are born?

Kun couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

It is said in the sea of ​​multidimensional worlds that Kun and his family can have a smooth journey since they are born, and can reach the peak of the third level of spiritual power without any obstacles.

But Kun understood.

The guy in front of me was really born in Rome.

He was born less than a day ago, and now he is about to become a true god.

Okay, okay, it’s all cheating, right? You’re not pretending anymore, are you?

Where can other players have gaming experience? !

Kun felt that his heart was broken for a moment.

But thinking that I am now a member of Yongzhou, and seeing various big guys preaching all day long, I gradually have a clue of a breakthrough.

It suddenly felt.

It’s really good to play Yongzhou!


If you drive with me, it'll be no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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