Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 316 Bai Ze, work hard to become a leader and deputy!

Chapter 316 Bai Ze, work hard to become a leader and deputy!

Question cheating, understand cheating, and become cheating.

Kun’s mental journey is not difficult to sympathize with.

Anyone who has gone through as much as him will become the same shape.

But luckily.

Now Kun is also a part of Yong Zhou.

Kun watched quietly from the sidelines as he watched Xiao Baize's seemingly unobstructed aura getting higher and higher.

Let’s put aside the feelings of envy, jealousy and hate for now.

Watch this promotion.

It's still somewhat helpful to it.

Kun longed for such help, which he had never received when he was living alone.

Many forces in the sea of ​​multidimensional realms cannot allow people to observe and advance like Yong Zhou every day.

It's like a sponge at the moment.

Absorbing the water of knowledge continuously.


Kun felt that he gradually understood everything.

That has gradually improved part of the understanding, and I was enlightened again at this moment.

It stopped excitedly to comprehend.

After summing up his gains this time, he looked at Xiao Baize, who was still being promoted.

Compared with the path that most living beings take to become true gods, Xiao Baize is a bit special.

Its ascension did not pass through the path of a demigod.

Instead, he naturally transcended the specious realm of demigod and stepped directly towards the realm of true god.

In fact.

This is the most normal path.

The realm of demigods.

It is not a realm in the true sense.

People who become demigods are basically unable to achieve the most important transformation of becoming a true god in one step.

They were only half transformed.

Stuck halfway.

So he became a so-called demigod.

In essence, they are still at the third level of spiritual power, but their strength far exceeds the third level of spiritual power, and is far inferior to that of the fourth level.

This wrong path that most living beings must take when they are promoted, will never be taken by Little Bai Ze in front of him.

To become a true god, you don’t need to pause too much.

It's normal to get it done overnight.

At least that's what Bai Ze thinks.

If Level 3 is not Level 4, will there still be people turning towards Level 3.5?

I thought so for a moment.

Bai Ze opened his eyes.

In those eyes, there was endless wisdom flashing through at this moment.

Level 4 True God! It’s done!

From now on, there is immortality.

Truly making your own mark in the ocean of spiritual rules.

Feel the breath and imprints of the many eternal demigods and above spiritual beings stationed in the ocean of spiritual rules.

Bai Ze deeply felt the power of his own organization.

Three demigods, three fourth-level true gods, two sixth-level spiritual masters, and two seventh-level creation realms.

And myself.

He became the fourth level-4 true god of the organization.

As the youngest member of the organization to achieve the great feat of immortality.

The many imprints left in the ocean of spiritual rules all send kind greetings to it when it is less than one year old.

Feeling everyone’s kindness.

Bai Ze mustered up the courage to seriously send a consciousness communication towards the most majestic mark.

The content in the newsletter is simple.

It is a request to connect to the underlying logic of the world, at least to the solar system.

This is its racial talent.

It can become smarter and almost omniscient after being connected.


Now within the solar system, many powerful auras have formed a tight blockade.

Make it impossible to connect.

Therefore, Bai Ze made a request to the aura that was probably the leader.

next moment.

The young man standing next to Teacher Chen Tiya in the real world of mountains and seas stepped forward.

He reached out and touched Xiao Baize's head.

Followed by.

Bai Ze felt that he could connect to the underlying logic of the world around him.

It understands.

The leader allowed it!

With a hint of excitement, Bai Ze immediately began to connect the underlying logic of the world.

With the assistance of racial talents.

Move towards a higher level of wisdom.

this moment.

It understands and understands the rationale of all things.

It is the auspicious sign that can eliminate all evil spirits in the world.

He has extraordinary wisdom and knowledge, and knows the names of all ghosts and gods and the spells to expel them.

When Kun looked into Bai Ze's eyes, he felt as if he understood everything instantly.

It didn't dare to look directly at it.

Just stood aside silently.

It cannot bear too much knowledge.

And Chen Sheng.

He looked at everything in front of him happily.


Our organization is thriving!

After birth, all the divine beasts that stepped into the fourth level of spiritual power appeared.

However, Xiao Baize's qualifications can be regarded as receiving a lot of benefits from promotion in the Shanhai Realm.

As a world that can accommodate seventh-level spiritual power level creatures, the embryos of these divine beasts bred in the Mountain and Sea Realm are all born with the Holy Spirit.

Has unparalleled potential.

That is a blessing to the world.

Chen Sheng looked at Chen Tiya with a smile and said, "Now, you are not a polished commander."

Bai Ze as a mythical beast.

Naturally, it also falls under the jurisdiction of the Committee for Care of Mythical Beasts.

Chen Tiya is no longer like before, with nothing but the title of president.

"We will complete the registration of mythical beast data into the database as soon as possible these days."

"Then, distribution should begin."

Chen Tiya said so.

Chen Sheng nodded after hearing this.

The distribution of mythical beasts was something that had been thought about early on. After all, it would be a waste of resources to allow these conceived mythical beasts to stay in the mountains and seas all day without going out.

In order to reasonably distribute the newly bred mythical beast pets to the members of the organization, Chen Sheng and many Yongzhou executives.

We have long cooperated with the Mythical Beast Care Committee to formulate a complete set of rules.

First, it is to statistically classify the types and characteristics of mythical beast pets.

This is the prerequisite for all work to be carried out.

Once completed, you can select mythical pets suitable for different roles and functions based on the goals and concepts of the organization. You will also consider factors such as the appearance, abilities, personality, and habits of the mythical pets, as well as their interaction with humans.

Secondly, there is the cultivation and training of mythical beast pets.

The organization will provide professional education and guidance for each mythical pet, allowing them to learn how to cooperate and communicate with humans, how to leverage their strengths and make up for their shortcomings, and how to abide by the organization's rules, regulations and moral principles. Appropriate activities and rest times will also be arranged for each mythical animal pet to keep them healthy and happy.

Finally, there is the distribution and management of mythical beast pets.

The organization will reasonably allocate the mythical beast pet to each member based on the needs and preferences of each member, as well as the characteristics and abilities of the mythical beast pet. An effective supervision and evaluation mechanism will also be established to ensure that each member can get the most suitable mythical animal pet and can establish a good relationship with it. The mythical beast pets belonging to each member will be checked and adjusted regularly to deal with possible changes or problems.

This series of rules is quite complete.

If problems are found during actual execution. There will also be a disciplinary and law enforcement department and the Sage Committee to jointly supervise and revise.

Yong Zhou had made preparations for the allocation of divine beasts this time.

Chen Sheng thought and looked at Kun beside him.

His gaze made Kun straighten his back subconsciously.

"Kun, do you have the confidence to serve as the vice president of the Committee for Caring for Mythical Beasts?"

Chen Sheng said with a smile.

He still remembered the day Kun arrived.

It happened to be the day when his first disciple, Aya, came to him despite endless obstacles.

Kun, the pawn sent by the abyss, chose to bow down without hesitation because he saw Yong Zhou again after a thousand years.

Although he was born in the abyss.

However, Yong Zhou never disliked it. He just said that out of cautious considerations, he could only allow him to join the second recruitment of Chenxi Academy for the time being.

after this.

Kun blew through storms, absorbed radiation, fought desperately against the abyss, and was also used as a means of transportation.

It can be regarded as a great contribution.

Yong Zhou naturally wanted to reward him based on his merits and move its position upwards.

The vice president of the Committee for Care of Mythical Beasts is a perfect fit for him.

The immediate superior is a Creation Dragon God with a peak level of sixth level spiritual power.

Not only powerful, but also inhuman.


Now after hearing the leader's words, Kun couldn't help but flinch a little.

The situation is that the Ten Golden Crows are not under the jurisdiction of the Committee for Care of Mythical Beasts.

Bai Ze is also a mythical beast.

It was taught by President Chen Tiya herself.

And he stepped into the fourth level of spiritual power in front of him.

Undoubtedly the finest inhuman creature.

No matter how you look at it, Bai Ze is more suitable than him.

"Don't worry about that kid."

"I have other plans for it."

Chen Sheng saw Kun's hesitation and explained directly.

Bai Ze was born and raised in the world of mountains and seas. With his powerful strength and special abilities, he is perfect to serve as the steward of the world of mountains and seas.

It can also be regarded as the facade of the Shanhai Realm.


Chen Sheng suddenly wanted Bai Ze to take up a position on a whim.

Hear the words.

Kun was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Since Bai Ze had other plans, he wouldn't refuse.

He is quite interested in this position.


I saw Chen Tiya and Kun chatting.

Chen Sheng picked up Bai Ze and left here slowly.

It is not nonsense that Bai Ze has other uses.

Bai Ze has now become a know-it-all with his instinctive talent when he is not blocked.

It has the same effect as Chen Sheng's previous ability of "Past memories are witnessed by the stars".

It’s not just about being a steward of the world of mountains and seas.

In a sense, he can also be said to be Yong Zhou's housekeeper and Chen Sheng's deputy.

As long as you train them well, you might be able to become a leader and deputy.

It's like Jiang Ziya, the leader of the second generation Yongzhi, and Tiamat, his deputy, are set by the system.


Chen Tiya is one of the most thoughtful creations of Tiamat, the second-generation leader of Everday and the sage of life.

It can be said that it is a small Tiamat that was imitated from Tiamat.

And Bai Ze happens to be Chen Tiya's apprentice.

In a sense, this is the inheritance between Yong Zhou's deputies.

It's as if this is how Bai Ze's destiny should be.

Looking at the small fleshy little horn on his head, Chen Sheng carried it all the way to the floating discussion island of the Sage Committee above the hibiscus tree in the mountains and seas.

Place it on the ground.

The two looked at each other calmly.

Chen Sheng understood that the deputy did not necessarily want this little guy.

His three apprentices, as well as Gosla, who was made by his own hands.

In fact, everyone has the qualifications and qualifications to be a deputy.

And it is even said that Chen Sheng does not necessarily need a deputy now.

No one can keep up with him forever.


Sometimes, it’s just a whim that I can’t control.

Chen Sheng's intuition led him to choose Bai Ze.


Refers to a person who assists the leader or supervisor in completing work tasks in a team or organization. The deputy's role and responsibilities may vary depending on the situation, but generally speaking, a deputy should be able to:

Obedience: Deputies must respect the decisions and instructions of the leader or supervisor, do not interfere or complain beyond their authority, and obey the goals and direction of the team.

Respect: Deputies should communicate with leaders or supervisors honestly, kindly, and politely. They should not slander, provoke, or doubt them, but should respect their personality and opinions.

Responsible: The deputy must complete the tasks within the scope of his or her responsibility conscientiously and responsibly, do not shirk, delay, or muddle through, and provide timely feedback on work progress and problems.

Coordination: Deputies must be good at handling the relationship between superiors and subordinates, convey the intentions and requirements of leaders or supervisors in a timely manner, resolve conflicts and hidden dangers in the team, and maintain the efficient operation of the team.

Staff Officer: The deputy should have innovative thinking and assistive abilities, provide valuable suggestions and opinions when leaders or supervisors need them, and help them make better decisions.

And these.

Bai Ze can do it.

Chen Sheng understood that Bai Ze had this ability and qualification, even though it had just been born.

Of course.

Chen Sheng does not want Bai Ze to be his deputy now, but wants to train him in that direction.

After all, Chen Sheng was just acting on a whim.

It's not that my brain is broken.

In Eternal Day, the deputy's responsibilities will only become more exaggerated.

He can even replace the leader at any time when necessary.

and so.

Chen Sheng is also prepared to train Bai Ze for a while.

Let it take on heavy responsibilities.

"Bai Ze, although you were born not long ago, I have given you permission to connect to the underlying logic of the world."

"You are no stranger to everything about Yongzhou. It can even be said that you are more familiar with it than most people."

"Now I want to ask you, are you interested in becoming my deputy and studying beside me with peace of mind?"

Chen Sheng's tone was extremely serious.

Somehow, he felt that Bai Ze would be very successful.

Jiang Ziya, the leader of the second generation of Yongzhou, is water, and water produces wood.

Jumang, the leader of the three generations of Yongzhou, is wood, and wood makes fire.

Chen Sheng, the leader of the fourth generation of Yongzhi, is fire.

Aquatic wood, wood generates fire, fire generates soil, native gold, gold generates water.

The five elements are interdependent, and everything seems to be destined for inheritance and continuation.

Among the five elements, there are only two attributes that are complementary to each other: earth and metal, and Bai Ze happens to be a mythical beast that is a mixture of earth and metal.

It just makes up for the missing link.

Although Chen Sheng has cut off part of his destiny, his intuition still tells him that Bai Ze may be an important part of Yong Zhou.


Bai Ze transformed into a boy of five or six years old, then lowered his head without hesitation and spoke in a sweet voice.


He was very interested in Chen Sheng's proposal.


Bai Ze believed that he could follow this powerful leader.

It's a great honor!

(End of this chapter)

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