Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 323: Without the leader’s handwriting, no one can leave the border of the galaxy!

Chapter 323: Without the leader’s handwriting, no one can leave the border of the galaxy!

Subtitle: "The Milky Way?" Live gaming field! 》


Shaanxi large-scale survivor base-containment institution-Sunshine Home.

After getting the order from his superiors to recruit Chi You.

Xu Liping took Chi You to make preparations before leaving.

Because we were traveling through the secret realm gate, we didn’t have to worry about the way we traveled.

What Chi You needs to do is to think about saying goodbye before leaving and packing his luggage.

About farewell.

Chi You didn't have many friends, and there wasn't anyone he couldn't let go of.

So Xu Liping quickly accompanied Chi You to finish the work.

After that, he followed Chi You back to Sunshine Home and packed his luggage.


Seeing Chi You's attitude of wanting to take everything with him, Xu Liping was still a little helpless.

People in this era are more or less suffering from hamster disease.

After all, only when you have lost can you learn to cherish.

"There's no need to bring so many irritating perfumes."

Xu Liping looked at Chi You who was packing his luggage, holding his forehead and feeling helpless.

Like most survivors of this era, Chiyou likes to wear perfume.

Not that I like perfume.

Only during the three days of the disaster, the smell of perfume meant a lower chance of being discovered by monsters.

This habit was carried by most of the survivors into the post-disaster era.

Naturally, the pursuit of stimulating perfumes has become a trend.


Chi You paused while stuffing the perfume into his backpack.

Somewhat at a loss, he looked up at Xu Liping.

"Okay, okay, then bring less."

Xu Liping looked at Chi You's innocent eyes and shook his head helplessly.

He understands and respects this habit.

Although Shanhaijie and Chenxi Academy can be said to be one of the safest places in the world.

Sufficient security can completely eliminate the need to maintain this habit of increasing security.


The habits of others are indeed worthy of respect.

In the final analysis, Yong Zhou's protection was still not strong enough.

That’s why most humans have this habit.

Thinking like this, Xu Liping couldn't help but reflect.


Not long after, Chi You, who had finished all his work, followed Xu Liping back to the Yongzhou Base in the large survivor base in Shaanxi, all the way to the special teleportation room on the third underground floor.

Xu Liping took out his secret key.

Skillfully open a door in the air in front of you.

That is the secret door leading directly to the Shanhai Realm Teleportation Square of the headquarters.

Chi You will next go through this portal and transfer from the teleportation square to the permanent secret realm gate of Chenxi Cave to reach the destination - Chenxi College.

Looking at the open door to the secret realm.

Looking at his face reflected on the water mirror-like surface.

Chi You couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Xu, aren't you coming with me?"

There was anticipation in his voice.

But it was hidden deeply by him.

"My mission here is not over yet. When it is over, I will apply to work at your place."

Xu Liping smiled and gave Chi You a negative answer.

He is here to launch a pilot experiment for a disability assistance program.

The plan is currently in full swing.

The preliminary investigation work has been basically completed.

The organization of the development, production, supply, and maintenance services of prosthetics has also been mostly completed.

I really can't get away now.

"Then you should visit me often, Lagou."

Chi You nodded and looked at Xu Liping seriously.

in his eyes.

There are no hidden, obvious expectations.

"Okay, pull the hook."

Xu Liping stretched out his right hand and said without hesitation.

It is natural to visit the child from time to time.

Although you may not be able to live near it permanently, it is still very simple to visit frequently.

During non-task hours.

Yong Zhou is not a devil who restricts personal freedom.

that's it.

Two people, one big and one small.

In front of the door of the secret realm, they stretched out their fingers to pull the hook.


The physical universe - the world membrane.

Chen Sheng stayed here, quietly watching the repaired world film expelling the boundary monuments little by little.

It took several months to leave the original holes in the film of the world.

Now it has finally been repaired bit by bit.

From his personal perspective, this process is naturally a bit long.

The gap created in the physical universe when the Eternal Spear returned was only a tiny bit larger.

But it takes so long.

But from the perspective of the physical universe.

Can a few months be called time?

It was completely fleeting and couldn't be faster.

This repair speed is already accelerating.

The boundary monument as a stopper naturally lost its function at this moment.

There are no holes in the world's membrane, so naturally there is no need for plugs.

As a result, it began to be squeezed out by world films.

Chen Sheng sensed this scene.

So I came to the side and waited for the boundary monument to be completely spit out.


The boundary marker that had been a plug for a long time slowly left the shackles of the world's membrane.

Chen Sheng, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward.

Or should I not say forward.

There is no clear idea of ​​location here.

In short.

Chen Sheng approached the world film and boundary monument.

Then he caught the pulled out boundary monument.

With the boundary monument, his confidence suddenly improved a lot.

The origin of the boundary monument is: Yong Zhou uses [Yuktra Hill] to teleport to the surrounding world, and builds a thing called a boundary monument to form an array to hinder the perception of the abyss, so that every time it locates the real world, it will be slowed down. , hinder, thereby reducing the frequency of abyssal erosion.

And the basic component of this grand boundary monument plan: boundary monuments.

Possessing extraordinary power.

In addition to its indestructible nature, it also possesses the nearly omnipotent power of making wishes.

The most direct manifestation is:

When Chen Sheng holds the boundary monument, he can directly relieve the suppression of the rules of the material universe on him.

Reaching the level where his power level can truly be unleashed. And as a seventh-level spiritual power level...

He has reached the realm of creation...

Every word and deed can be called...creation!

After holding the boundary monument.

Chen Sheng truly felt the feeling of being more powerful than when he held the boundary monument before.

He who once held the boundary monument was only at the fifth level of spiritual power and felt that he could do anything in the solar system.

He is now in the Creation Realm of the seventh level of spiritual power.

Compared to before, there have been earth-shaking changes.

The most direct expression is.

The entire galaxy is enveloped in his thoughts.

From a certain narrow perspective, he is really no different from the Almighty God at this moment.

All it takes is a thought.

All matter in the galaxy is under his control.

This is a level of power that has almost surpassed the imagination of many living beings.

Chen Sheng silently experienced this feeling.

With his perception covering the entire galaxy, he now has a clear view of most situations in the galaxy.

The Milky Way is composed of hundreds of billions of stars, gas, dust and dark matter, showing a spiral disk structure. Its diameter is about 10 to 18 light-years, and the solar system is located in the Orion Arm, about 2.7 light-years from the center of the Milky Way. At the center of the Milky Way is a supermassive black hole, surrounded by many satellite galaxies, such as the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. They are all members of the Local Group of galaxies and part of the Virgo Supercluster.

So far, humans have not discovered any life in the Milky Way.

Only through the Copernican limit concept of astrobiology, it is roughly believed that there are at least 36 intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way that are similar to the Earth, active, and technologically advanced, but have not yet been discovered by the Earth.

In general, the Milky Way in human eyes can be said to be lonely for the time being.

This is the Milky Way in human cognition.

In fact, the real current situation of the Milky Way is much more lively than this.

It can be discovered through Chen Sheng's rough perception.

There may not be many civilizations in the Milky Way, but they can also be said to be hundreds or even thousands.

However, the most technologically advanced among them are not much more advanced than Earth, and most of them are still in an age of ignorance.

As for life, there are so many.

Carbon-based life forms are found on many planets, and thousands are just a few.

Looking at this bustling Milky Way, I also looked at the earthly civilization that is waiting to be developed.

Chen Sheng frowned.

If the human civilization of the earth can occupy the entire galaxy, the earth's civilization at that time can be regarded as a qualitative help to Yongzhi, right?

But this is destined to take a long time.

And although he is almost omnipotent, he still can't make humans directly invincible.

After all, the limit of artificial initiation is the peak of third-level spiritual power level.

All human beings who are at the peak of level three who have been initiated in this way may lose their potential.

The efforts made before upgrading to level three may sometimes become the key to advancing to level three and above.


An interesting idea suddenly came to Chen Sheng's mind.

If I remember correctly.

Is the background of the virtual reality game - [Spirit World·Yuktrassil] the tragic situation left after the human Galactic Empire was invaded by the Abyss?

With Chen Sheng's current ability.

It is not difficult to modify the Milky Way directly according to the [Spiritual World·Yuktrassil].

At that time, through Uggdrasil, people's consciousness in [Spiritual World Yggdrasil] will be slightly connected to the real world, and everything will be done.

Humans on Earth think they are playing a game.


They are controlling clones and killing people in the real galaxy.

Everything is actually real!

[Spiritual World·Yuktrassil] can not only be used as a backup means to preserve human consciousness, but can also be used as a means to secretly and quickly cultivate human civilization.


Chen Sheng immediately followed this idea.

The virtual reality game-[Spiritual World·Yuktrassil] will immediately receive a server update.

And a boundless force enveloped the entire galaxy at this time.

in the galaxy.

Numerous remote star systems are decorated with so-called human exploration base ruins according to the game background.

Cooperate with exploring the cloning cabin in the ruins of the base.

This has become a novice village for human players.

Human beings can be continuously resurrected with the help of high-tech cloning chambers.

This is completely exploring the world through remote VR!

In addition, Chen Sheng directly fabricated various ruins in the galaxy based on the background of [Spiritual World·Yuktrassil] at this moment.

The Milky Way is getting closer and closer to the [spiritual world, Yggdrasil].

The awakened space monsters that were once brought about by the tidal fluctuations of the ocean due to spiritual rules were directly transformed by Chen Sheng into plot monsters using boundless powerful demons, and were placed where they should appear to guide and stimulate the development of human players.

Most corners of the entire galaxy.

They are all filled with large-scale spells arranged by Chen Sheng, which are used to accept changes in every corner of the galaxy and feed them back to Yggdrasil to interact with players in real time.

It is also a huge galaxy control spell that can easily make various modifications to the galaxy that has been modified by Chen Sheng.

Those original indigenous lives and civilizations in the galaxy.

No one is aware of this huge change across the galaxy.

Unknowingly, they have become pawns in the chessboard Chen Sheng has laid out for humans on earth.

Chen Sheng will increase the settings of good and evil in the game to prevent human players from massacres of indigenous civilizations and lives, but he will not prohibit human-operated players from approaching these indigenous civilizations and lives.

After all, this is part of the fun of the game.

Also consider gameplay.

The Novice Village was placed not far from the planets with indigenous life.

In this way, human players who have developed on a desolate planet for a long time will explore a brand new planet of life after leaving the planet.

Welcome to a new game process.

At the same time, the exploration base itself is not allowed to expand except for being equipped with a layer of invincible BUFF.

Human beings have to rely on themselves for everything after they leave the novice village.

The game is extremely playable and realistic.

Those indigenous civilizations with higher technological levels can only be approached in the middle of the game.

Basically all novice villages are not around this kind of place.


Those so-called relics of the human galactic empire that Chen Sheng arranged in the universe.

Relics of advanced technology and spectacular wonders.

It is very likely that the high-tech indigenous civilization will discover it before the players do.

When these civilizations explore around with surprise, they only discover so-called facts that surprise them even more bit by bit.

That is, maybe there really was a human galactic empire in the galaxy.

What they don't know is that all this is just a game played by someone as powerful as a god.

If any civilization is lucky enough to explore the edge of the galaxy.

What they will see is a giant humanoid statue floating in space.

The images of these humanoid statues are taken from various wonderful and outstanding moments in human history. The energy barriers and formations linked between them envelop the entire galaxy.

Ensure that the game area is locked and enclosed.

This is the boundary of the game.

All Chen Sheng's modifications to reality are limited to this.

If any player explores here.

He will receive a cordial greeting from these humanoid statues: Please come back and explore the area ahead later.

If there is an indigenous civilization coming here.

What they will hear is: Without the leader's instructions, they are not allowed to leave the galaxy's borders!

(End of this chapter)

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