Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 324 The Door to the End of Antares 2

Chapter 324 Antares’ Door to the End

The Milky Way is made up of hundreds of billions of stars, gas and dust and appears as a band of light across the night sky.

At its center is a massive black hole, surrounded by a dense bulge of stars and a swirling stellar disk. The shape of the Milky Way is similar to a flat spinning flying disk, about 10 light-years in diameter and 1000 light-years thick.

Different parts of the Milky Way have different ages and characteristics, reflecting its long and complex history of formation and evolution.

When Chen Sheng's consciousness covered the entire galaxy.

And began drastic rectification at the same time.

In addition to seeing such spectacular scenery.

Chen Sheng at this moment could sense the specific appearance of a large part of the many planets covered by the upgraded [Starry Sky Ancient Road - Zhoutian Star Formation].

Just like many planets in the solar system that have ancient road buildings in the sky.

There are also starry sky ancient road buildings on these planets.

The Stonehenge Circle sits above them.

But other than that, there's nothing special about them.

When Chen Sheng was magically transforming the Milky Way, he just conveniently divided the planets involved in these ancient starry sky roads into restricted areas that game players cannot approach, and conveniently used large-scale transformation formations covering the Milky Way to create some dangerous situations, which would make it impossible for any indigenous civilization. Any chance of getting close to these special planets.

Other than that.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road is the battlefield of the Second World War that has been mentioned many times in the background setting of the ruins.

At this moment, it was also revealed under Chen Sheng's eyes.

There is no need to wait for the ancient starry sky road to be further upgraded and strengthened. Chen Sheng, holding the boundary monument, can directly see Antares, which is 550 light-years away from the earth, at a glance.

Antares is a red supergiant star located in the Milky Way. It is the brightest, most massive, and evolved star among the members of the closest OB association (Scorpius-Centaur), a member of the Scorpius subgroup of the association, which includes thousands of Tens of thousands of stars with an average age of 110 million years are about 170 parsecs (550 light years) away. According to parallax measurements, Antares is approximately 550 light-years (170 parsecs) away from Earth.

In China, Antares is the second star in the center of the Seven Stars of the Eastern Blue Dragon, so it is called Antares, also known as the Great Fire.

In the past, it was used to determine the seasons. "July Fire" means that the big Mars will move westward and the weather will be cold.

Legend has it that as early as ancient times, people were able to judge seasonal changes based on its position in the sky. Antares was the main star during the Shang Dynasty and the fourth brightest star on the ecliptic, so it was sometimes obscured by the moon or Venus. Antares takes its name from the similarity of its color to Mars, and the fact that both travel along the ecliptic and sometimes meet in the constellation Scorpius.

Antares is not only special in traditional culture.

The same is true for Yong Zhou.

In the background setting of the Starry Sky Ancient Road provided by the system.

A huge war once took place here, and it became a battlefield where countless members of Yongzhou fought one after another.

Even the First Emperor also devoted himself to this effort.

It is here that the battle is fought.

Let the Starry Sky Ancient Road plan be put on hold for the time being, and it has become the damaged ruins it is today, no longer what it once was.


Chen Sheng relied on the power level of the seventh level of spiritual power and the liberation and suppression ability of the boundary monument.

Get a glimpse into the secrets of Antares without borrowing the ancient starry sky.

So he couldn't help but check it out immediately.

The entire cosmic space where Antares is located looks very normal.

But Chen Sheng just felt it deeply.

This illusion-like spell shell was directly seen through.

Or it should be said that after noticing Chen Sheng's presence, the illusion here took the initiative to remove the illusion effect on Chen Sheng, as if it recognized him.

Everything outside is just a false illusion, radiating hundreds of millions of years of false brilliance to the vast universe.

In fact, after seeing through this illusion.

Chen Sheng saw the real scene of Antares at this moment.

It was an extremely huge portal standing in the vast space.

Nothing but portals.

This doesn't seem like a battlefield at all.

And that huge portal is just a glance.

Chen Sheng lost the ability to describe it.

The portal in space stands quietly

Its color is like the fragments of a dream; its shape is like ancient symbols; its texture is like heavy history.

This door has been suspended in the depths of space for some time. Its surface is covered with light of various colors, sometimes flickering and sometimes changing, like an ever-changing picture. Its edges were engraved with complex patterns, as if they were some kind of ancient writing or some mysterious code. Its texture exudes a heavy feeling, as if it carries countless time and space, as well as unimaginable secrets.

Behind the portal is a magic circle composed of Taoist rhyme, and its inner atmosphere is consistent with that of most Starry Sky Ancient Road buildings.

But it is not a formation composed of huge stone pillars like most of the ancient starry sky roads.


This is also a node of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

It's just more special than all nodes.

It's just like······

It's like the center of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Just look at it.

Chen Sheng felt that he could vaguely see some kind of extraordinarily advanced existence.

Eighth grade? Level nine?

Or... it's even higher? !

Chen Sheng didn't know the specific level.

What he knew was that this portal was beyond his understanding.

He has obviously reached the seventh level of spiritual power, and in the process of magically transforming the entire galaxy, he has created countless wonders and scenery that are comparable to or even beyond the stars.

In order to fit the game background of the virtual reality game [Spiritual World Yggdrasil].

Chen Sheng carefully created many wonders that were left over from the so-called human Galactic Empire.

There are planet-sized statues, Dyson sphere wreckage, and stellar furnaces everywhere.

And this door was obviously no bigger than an ordinary planet, so it shouldn't have surprised him.

However, it really made him feel a sense of awe.

This kind of awe was suddenly born from the heart.

However, fortunately, Chen Sheng at this moment is a semi-complete body with the boundary monument next to him.

But he was not assimilated by the faint Taoist rhyme lingering on the door.

After pondering for a moment, he woke up.

Looking at this portal.

Chen Sheng felt that there must be some big secret behind it.

after all.

The purpose of a door is to serve as a link between two "worlds".

With a hint of curiosity, the idea of ​​exploration arose in Chen Sheng's mind.

Theoretically speaking.

This should be part of the ruins of Yongzhi - the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

And as the contemporary leader of Yongzhou, he shouldn't have any problems, right?

As he pondered, Chen Sheng was a little unsure.

After all, the mystery of this portal and the Taoist charm surrounding it far surpassed his.

Ask the system tentatively.

The answer I received was: [Internal Security]

But out of caution.

Chen Sheng still summoned Chen Yidian and turned his right hand into a long sword.

Chen Tiya was summoned, and the boundary monument fragments on her body turned into armor covering her whole body.

He summoned the power of the fusang tree to bless his body and increase his strength.

him at the moment.

The left hand holds the boundary monument and the right hand holds the long sword.

Wearing cool armor, the shadow of the hibiscus tree above his head.

This is Chen Sheng's complete state.

It is also the strongest form of power he can currently exert.

Although the system said it was safe, considering that Antares was once a battlefield.

We can't see the battlefield now, maybe it's all behind this portal.

What's inside is still unknown.

It's always a good idea to err on the side of caution.

Think so.

Chen Sheng took one step forward.

Then we came to the location of Antares.

Only after visiting here in person did he realize that this place was far more majestic than what Chen Sheng had perceived with his senses.

Stare directly at the portal. Chen Sheng suddenly felt that even though he was fully armed, he didn't have much sense of security.

Pause for a moment.

Have faith in the system.

Chen Sheng slowly approached the door.

The closer.

The more Chen Sheng can feel that the endless special Tao Yun is changing his way of existence, filling himself with all kinds of knowledge in the mere creation realm.


Chen Sheng understood that this was knowledge related to the other side realm of the eighth level of spiritual power.

It is constantly enriching him.

The eighth level of spiritual power means one step further in breaking through one's own constraints.

Reaching a higher level of being unfettered by the rules of time and space.

Step into the other side of freedom.


The realm of the eighth level of spiritual power is called the other shore realm.

It means that the practitioner has reached the other shore and achieved absolute freedom.

The other side is also the highest realm that most survivors yearn for.

Because there have been very few people in the multi-realm sea who were not born with ninth-level spiritual power since ancient times, most of the powerful ninth-level spiritual powers are ancient people who were born in this realm.

and so.

Named the other side. It also means the realm that countless practitioners yearn for.


Just took a few steps closer to the door.

Chen Sheng had already reached the peak of the seventh level of spiritual power under the rays of the portal's Tao Yun.

Reaching the perfect state in the realm of creation.

With every step he takes, his presence rises.

Until you reach the top at some point.

It seems that jumping out and reaching the other side can be achieved in the next step.

Everything, no obstacles.

This moment.

Chen Sheng stopped.

His right foot, which had already stepped forward but had not yet landed, suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The rising momentum was also interrupted.

Chen Sheng, who was about to break through to the eighth level spiritual power level, stopped at this moment.

Looking at the portal in front of me.

Chen Sheng was silent.

Then he took back his right foot.

The pervasive Taoist rhyme returned to calm at this moment, and Chen Sheng's boiling momentum and state also returned to calm.

Located around a portal in infinite space.

There was only silence.

In the scene of the Antares star system created by the surrounding illusions.

Filled with endless darkness, no sound, no light.

Only the lonely planet rotates in silence, like an eternal dream.

In this silence, I just feel like a speck of dust, floating in the boundless void.

No direction, no purpose, just endless loneliness and insignificance

Instinct told Chen Sheng.

Intuition told Chen Sheng.

We can't go any further now.

In the portal, a message was also sent out at this moment, and appeared in Chen Sheng's mind out of thin air.

[Gate of the End: The Ancient Star Road and the central control area of ​​the Zhoutian Star Formation is also the core. 】

[The war a thousand years ago was to repel the abyss that attacked here, and to ensure the integrity of the Ancient Star Road and Zhoutian Star Formation as much as possible. 】

[Although the Starry Sky Ancient Road has been basically restored, this ultimate weapon against the abyss has not yet been fully restored. Come back when you are desperate. 】

Looking at this somewhat anthropomorphic message.

Feel the weak intellectual reaction revealed by the Gate of Ending itself at this moment.

Chen Sheng nodded and fell into silence.

The Gate of the End sounds murderous.

It seems that the Ancient Star Road and the Zhoutian Star Formation are indeed one of Yong Zhou’s trump cards.

Waiting to come back when there is no other way out obviously shows that the hidden backhand behind this Starry Sky Ancient Road and Zhoutian Xingdou Formation is not a good means without cost.

Or should I say.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road and Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, which has not been fully restored, is not yet the ultimate weapon.

Forcing it is not very effective and may cause some damage.

Not as a last resort.

There is a high probability that Chen Sheng will follow the instructions in this message and not activate it.

He who can resist the temptation to step into the other side of the eighth level of spiritual power can naturally resist such temptation at this moment.


If it really comes to a critical moment.

Chen Sheng will naturally give it a try.

At a critical moment, it is natural to try any means available.


According to the message just sent by the Gate of the End, the direct cause of the battle in the Antarts World War II battlefield was the Abyss' attack here.

So why is the abyss staring here to attack?

Obviously this is because the Ancient Star Road and Zhoutian Star Formation controlled by the Gate of Finality can really be called the so-called ultimate weapon.

It really scares Abyss.

Although the battle is over now, all relevant traces have disappeared.

But Chen Sheng understood.

That war happened, which means that the ancient starry sky road and the Zhoutian Starry Formation controlled by the Gate of Finality are really useful.

Figured this out.

A smile appeared on Chen Sheng's face.

If there is an opportunity to strengthen the secret realm after this, it must be given priority to the Starry Sky Ancient Road and Zhoutian Star Formation.

Recover this ultimate weapon as soon as possible.

Only then can we have enough confidence.

Thinking like this, Chen Sheng glanced at the End Gate in front of him with emotion.

Immediately, countless formations were arranged around the illusion of Antares.

Including but not limited to phantom formation and killing formation.


It will be a forbidden land in the virtual reality game [Spiritual World Yggdrasil].

It is also a forbidden area for all other creatures.

Wait until the critical moment, when the Starry Sky Ancient Road and Zhoutian Starry Formation are needed.

Chen Sheng will return here to activate this final weapon.

But not before that.

Chen Sheng did not intend to activate this final weapon that had not been fully restored for the time being, lest such behavior would damage it.

Even if you are close to the Gate of Finality, you will be continuously strengthened by it to the point where you can control the Ancient Star Road and the Zhoutian Star Formation.

Chen Sheng will also try his best not to be tempted.

As for everything that makes people curious behind the Gate of Ending.

Let’s check it out later.

Chen Sheng will not dry up the lake to fish.

(End of this chapter)

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