Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 33 The Headquarters Cave is Actually Tanggu

Chapter 33 The Headquarters Cave is Actually Tanggu

"Listen to me carefully."

A smile curled up on the corner of Bai Yu's mouth, and he spoke seriously.

Just about a day ago.

After hearing about Yongri from the leader for the first time in the study, Bai Yu sent a message to his cronies, asking them to go to the major libraries to find out all the information about Yongri, maybe there would be traces of Yongri in those ancient books.

This investigation is bound to take a while. After all, it is never an easy and easy task to read and search for the vast ancient books.

After that, because the leader performed various miracles, Bai Yu completely believed in the existence of Yong Zhou and chose to join.

Originally, she had already forgotten the confidant she sent to the library to investigate ancient books.

But just last night, after the leader flew to the United States, which is eight time zones away, she sent to investigate Yong Zhou's cronies, and brought back periodic reports.

In the quiet study room, Bai Yu quietly flipped through the work results submitted by his subordinates and cronies in the past few days.

Namely 【Investigation about YongZhou】.

The word yongzhou mostly refers to "long day" in the history of Huaguo.

He was ordered to investigate Yongzhou's cronies, but he couldn't figure out the direction for a while, so he first searched for the written records with the word "Yongzhou".

【Yao He in the Tang Dynasty wrote a poem "Send to the Brother Guo Jiong Duangong in the Shan Mansion": "I will sing endlessly in the eternal day, and my throat will be dry and silent."】

["The Shade of Drunken Flowers" by Li Qingzhao in the Song Dynasty: The mist is thick and the clouds are worrying forever, and the auspicious brain disappears (sells) the golden beast.The festive season is Double Ninth Festival again, the jade pillow is in the gauze kitchen, and it is cool in the middle of the night.After Dongli drank the wine at dusk, there was a dark fragrance filling his sleeves.There is no way to lose your soul, the wind is blowing from the west, and people are thinner than yellow flowers. 】

[The poem "April" written by Wen Zhengming in the Ming Dynasty: "If it is to eliminate the eternal day, there will be fragments under the window."]

[Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions" in the Qing Dynasty, Chapter [-]: "One day is scorching summer and it is always day, Shi Yin sits idle in the study, throws books when his hands are tired, and falls asleep a few times." The sound of knocking chess, swallow mud stains the chessboard."]

【"Two Places Book·Xu Guangping": "It is also good for acquaintances to meet each other, and it can also be used to spend eternity."】

When many poems and articles mention the word "Yongri", they don't have any special meaning, and without exception, they are only used to describe the long day.

The first half of the report, which is based on the review of ancient books, is basically the same content, and there is nothing worthy of attention.

But when he saw the second half of the report, Bai Yu couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The confidant didn't know what Baiyu, who only gave him the word Yongzhou to investigate, wanted to investigate, so he simply followed the direction of the sun to find out more.

The beginning of the second half of the report is this sentence: [The so-called eternal day is mostly understood as a long day, and the day is related to the sun. 】

Bai Yu nodded, now she knows that the symbol of Yongri is the pattern of the sun, and there is no problem in investigating and understanding it in the direction of the sun.

[Records in various historical books, whenever the sun is mentioned, it is more or less awe. 】

[This is the sun worship culture. The belief that arises because of the strong sense of the sun itself is inevitable for most civilizations. 】

[The belief in the sun is the most extensive and profound.Kuafu chasing the sun, Hou Yi shooting the sun, Helios riding a fire horse, Surya driving a parade... Countless sun myths have been circulated in various cultures. 】

The second half of the confidant's report focuses on the investigation of the sun worship culture deeply rooted in various civilizations.

Bai Yu squinted her eyes, flipping through a large number of sun myths listed, trying to find some possible commonalities with Yong Zhou.

She didn't have any other thoughts, she just wondered if her own organization, which was a bombardment, was really completely hidden in history.

She vaguely had an idea:
Perhaps, in the history, we can see only a few words of Yong Zhou, a behemoth.


When he read a certain record about the myth of the sun in Huaguo culture, Bai Yu immediately couldn't help but widen his eyes.

["Shan Hai Jing Overseas East Classic": "There is a hibiscus on Tanggu, bathed for ten days, and lived in the water. Nine days lived in the lower branch, and one day lived in the upper branch."】

[In the painted silk paintings unearthed from the Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha, the hibiscus is painted with intricately twisted branches, fist-shaped leaves, smooth lines, and fine depiction. Mineral pigments such as cinnabar, azurite, and stone green are used. The contrast is strong. Colorful. 】

["Ten Continents in the Sea" records: "Fusang, on the east coast of the East China Sea, walks ten thousand miles ashore, and there is a blue sea in the east, wide and narrow, and the East China Sea. Fusang is in the blue sea, with many trees and leaves. Such as mulberry, the elder is thousands of feet long, and the size is more than two thousand girth. The trees grow in pairs from the same root, and they depend on each other, so they are called Fusang."]


This is a certain system of sun worship in Huaguo culture. It is said that there are ten divine birds in the sky that are the sun themselves, perched on a tree called Fusang.

A sun god bird flies up every day, symbolizing the rising and setting of the sun in the world.

The cronies who summed up the sun worship cultures of various countries naturally not only recorded this article, but Bai Yu couldn't move his eyes when he saw this.

Hibiscus tree...

Looking at these records, Bai Yu suddenly had a strong sense of sight.

She thought of the tree in the headquarters cave, that huge mulberry tree that didn't know how tall it was.

picture!It's so similar!
The big tree in the cave of the headquarters also has two thick branches clinging to each other, which is in line with the "Two Continents in the Sea" [Trees grow in pairs from the same root, and they are more dependent on each other, so they are called Fusang. 】Records.

The countless fiery red mulberries on the big tree are also roughly in line with the "Ten Continents in the Sea" [Although the tree is large, its leaves (real) are like mulberries in midsummer, but the mulberries are sparse and red in color. ] records, but the number is much more than the records.

The big tree in the cave of the headquarters, the overall structure of the branches is winding and intricate, and there are leaves in the shape of fists.It is almost exactly the same as the hibiscus tree painted in the painted silk paintings unearthed from the Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha.

Looking at the large water area in Dongtian Headquarters, it is also like the water area of ​​Tanggu in various records: like a blue sea, wide and narrow.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the tree in the cave of the real hammer headquarters is the sacred tree recorded in the myths and legends-the hibiscus tree, and the space in the cave of the headquarters is the legendary Tanggu.

Bai Yu still remembers the day when she just ate mulberries and became a level 0 psyker. She had initially possessed the ability to perceive spirituality and subconsciously activated it.

In front of her is the big tree in the cave of the headquarters and the leader himself.

Then she discovered that in the cave of the headquarters, the spiritual power in his body was as dazzling as the sun in the sky, exuding infinite stalwart power.

A sense of heaviness made her feel like a real oppression.

At the beginning, Bai Yu decisively ended the observation from the new perspective, and only then recovered from the pressure of the two rounds of "big sun".

It vaguely fits with various records, and it is like a big sun in spiritual perception...

Bai Yu felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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