Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 34 No one understands Yong Zhou better than you jpg

Chapter 34 No one understands Yong Zhou better than you.jpg
"The characteristics of the lake, valley, and giant tree in Dongtian Headquarters have so many similarities with the hibiscus tree recorded in historical legends. Do you think it's just a coincidence?"

"Perhaps this is the prototype of the legends of Tanggu and Fusang tree."

"The similar records from the outside world should be left by people who have witnessed the real history. Yong Zhou felt that there was no need to delete the modified part, and then it inevitably experienced various magical changes in the circulation."

"In the end, it became the various myths and legends we are familiar with today."

"In short, the prototype of many myths and histories of our human beings may really be Eternal Day."

Bai Yu looked at the four people in front of him who were already deep in thought, and said slowly.

Just now, in order to share her knowledge of the organization's past with the new members, she carefully recounted what she found when she read the records of ancient books yesterday.

This discovery actually made her so excited that she couldn't sleep.

This feeling of discovering the background and buried past behind the organization is really great.

She feels that she has more and more adoration and belief in the organization.

And such a discovery could not help but make the listening audience fall into silence.

The four of Russell were silent because of the shock.

They had no concept of what the organization had been hiding in history before, but now they probably have some concepts.

And Chen Sheng, who could easily hear all the movement in the secret cave, fell into silence in surprise at this moment.

The first member recruited by the family seems to have a very strong ability to make up their own brains.

Whether what he said was right or not, Chen Sheng didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long silence, he decided not to say anything.

Long live the brain supplement, this behavior of self brain supplement to return Amway's new members is simply helping Chen Sheng maintain the ancient mysterious persona of the organization.

His organizational experience on the system panel has grown steadily during Bai Yu's storytelling period.

This is all experience that he didn't need to fool himself, and almost got it for nothing.

So, what else can Chen Sheng say?

Ah, yes, yes, you are right.jpg
Bai Yu is simply his number one Dihua subordinate, the number one self-conscious leek, and it will do no harm to his great cause of fabricating the organization.

According to this posture, he may not need to worry much about the propaganda and ideological work in the organization in the future, and the members will brainwash and brainwash each other.

No one knows Yong Zhou better than them.jpg
Thinking of this, Chen Sheng was satisfied and continued to create suitable extraordinary items for these leeks.

These members are fresh leeks that consciously discover and maintain the organization's ancient and mysterious personalities, and they need to be equipped with some extraordinary equipment to protect them.


Bai Yu's story is not short, but the meaning to be expressed is not complicated.

Yongri is very ancient and has a profound influence on history. Part of the prototype of the myth is Yongri...

Romero didn't understand the myths of the Huaguo cultural circle, and he didn't know what the hibiscus tree was, but he could roughly understand the meaning expressed by Baiyu.

It's over!

Martha and John also nodded, murmuring that the dusty past of the eternal day might indeed be shocking.

Russell, who was good at observation and thinking, frowned and thought deeply.

There are no loopholes in Baiyu's theory. After all, all possible loopholes can be said to be that the myths and legends have undergone various magical changes in the spread, so that they are different from the prototype Yongzhou.

"According to your speculation..."

"There may be other myths and legends that have been influenced by Yongzhou, and the space secrets of those mythological prototypes, as the foundation of the Yongzhou organization, are waiting to be recalled by the leader at any time."

"The headquarters is the hibiscus tree...then the other recalled secret realms will be..."

Speaking of this, Russell paused, his eyes filled with anticipation.

When they were in Taos Town, they actually had a lot of information about Yongri with the leader.

They know that Yongri is the fourth generation at this moment, they know that Yongri often hides his history, and they know that Yongri has been protecting human beings in secret.

Russell still remembers wondering if organizing such thorough and repeated sit-ups would fail to restore his strength in time for a certain fight against the abyss.

At that time, the leader said: "Although we will withdraw from the stage of history after everything is over, it does not mean that we will abandon our hands and wait for death. The various backgrounds of the organization are sealed in a higher-dimensional space. We are always waiting for the awakening and recall of a new generation of leaders."

Russell didn't know that the leader had said the same words to Bai Yu, he only knew that he understood the true meaning of the leader's words now after he came to the cave at the headquarters.

This is one of the foundations of the organization.

Indeed, only such a magnificent and grandeur can be called the foundation of an ancient salvation organization.

And after listening to Bai Yu's speculative speculation, he understood even more.

The secrets sealed by countless organizations will return one after another in appearances similar to those in myths and legends.

No, to be precise, the appearance of those myths and legends is similar to the secret realms that have returned one after another in the future.

How many traces of organizations are there in the myths, legends and historical records of various countries and civilizations?

You may have the opportunity to see them one by one in the future.

Thinking of this, Russell was silent again.

However, hidden under this silence is growing enthusiasm and expectation.

In other words, the five people, including Baiyu himself, were completely honored by Baiyu's brain-filling remarks, and felt a magnificent truth unfolding before their eyes.

Along with it, naturally, there is a high enthusiasm for work, looking forward to the leader's instructions.


Next to the eternal day stone tablet next to the lake.

Chen Sheng, who has never been idle, has already dismembered the two monsters, the black spider and the white ape, and fiddled with these materials by carving spirit patterns.

Just like he used the black spider's carapace to make storage equipment before, he made about ten storage equipment in the same way.

There are not many consumables for this kind of thing, but Chen Sheng doesn't plan to make too many.

Firstly, the black spider's carapace does not have space attributes, so it is not very suitable for making space equipment, so those produced space tokens basically don't have much storage space, just barely enough.

The second reason is that he plans to make most of these carapaces into the most suitable armor-type extraordinary items, which can improve the combat effectiveness of the members of the organization.

Therefore, it is almost enough to make ten for the first batch of members to use, and they will definitely be eliminated iteratively and quickly in the future.

Chen Sheng intends to establish the Everday Education Department, which has courses on the refining of extraordinary items, which is a branch of the big course of knowledge of spiritual power.

At that time, it will naturally take advantage of the opportunity to set up a special refining department to provide convenience for the members of Yongzhou.

As for the translation function, it was also integrated into the token by Chen Sheng, and it was not difficult to engrave the magic formula of spiritual power communication into it.

After all, even after Chen Sheng finished three months of study, he never stopped learning about the endless knowledge of spiritual power, and would close his eyes and focus on making up lessons under the guidance of the system every day.

Now that he is at the fourth level of spiritual power, he has a higher learning efficiency, and his knowledge of refining extraordinary items is much better every day than before.

And finally, the most important thing.

Most of the body materials of the black spider and the white ape were used by Chen Sheng to make it.

(End of this chapter)

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